"We have to, I'm afraid. It might seem counter-intuitive, but there’s no telling what the consequences would be if Foundables weren't returned to their proper place in time."
A hulking, hump-backed beast from the mountains of Europe, this Graphorn pulled the wagon that bore the Circus Arcanus from town to town and served as an act in the traveling show.
"Ooh, that must be a Graphorn! They're terribly strong beasts. I bet this one was used to pull a wagon or something else horrible."
"The alternative is that it remains trapped in that whirlwind until some Muggle comes across it and violat the Statute of Secrecy — potentially dying in the process."
This Oni was an exhibit in the Circus Arcanus, where visitors admired the Japanese beast's impressive tusks and claws.
"I never thought I'd see an Oni in person. Circus Arcanus must have been an amazing thing to witness... unless you were actually a part of it. Then, not so much."
As the Ringmaster of the Circus Arcanus, Skender presented himself to audiences as charismatic showman. Backstage, however, he treated the show's subjects with cruelty.
"He's a rather unpleasant-seeming fellow, isn't he? Why do I think he was the one who run the whole show..."
"Constance, that House-elf has lived his life already. We don't know what that life entailed. Sending these Foundables back presents a bit of a moral quandary, no doubt.
But we can’t know the ramifications of failing to do so. What if this House-elf had some unsung role in bringing down Grindelwald? Not sending him back could be disastrous."
"It would seem that the latest surge has begun to subside. It’s funny, I hadn't really given much thought to the moral complexities of the Calamity until now.
I think, in some ways, returning things to an unpleasant past — or returning unpleasant things to an unsuspecting past — is the hardest part of being a member of this task force."
This poster, which depicts a Japanese beast known as the Oni, promoted the traveling Circus Arcanus.
"As a llittle girl, I used to adore vintage circus posters. Now that I've finally seen an old-timey circus up close, I think I've lost my desire to go to one."
This clown wandered through the crowds of the Circus Arcanus, entertaining visitors to the traveling show.
"Guh, I hate clowns. They give me the collywobbles. That said, judging from the depressed look on this one's face, I feel a bit bad sending him back to that horrible circus."
I must say, I find it rather incredible that the Calamity seemed to almost be testing our moral fortitude. I wonder what caused that?
There has been a lot of discussion members of the SOS Task Force, and even inside the Ministry. People are agonising over some of the choices we have to make.
I don’t think it’s ever going to feel perfect to return Tom Riddle to Hogwarts right around the time he's learning about Horcruxes, for example... but we have to do it.
Any other choice would be irresponsible at best, and catastrophic at worst."