- "Dear Problem Page, I have been having a feud with my brother for many years now, which last week culminated in him sending me a broomstick which has been cursed to whack me around the shins every time I attempt to remove it from the house. Would the Ministry of Magic turn a blind eye if I kidnapped my brother’s children and turned them into blood-sucking ferrets? Yours sincerely, Buckley Cooper."
- — Buckley Cooper's question to the Problem Page of the Daily Prophet.[src]
Buckley Cooper was a wizard who wrote to the Daily Prophet advice page. He had a long-running feud with his brother and wanted to know if the Ministry of Magic would ignore it if he got revenge for the cursed broomstick he had been sent by abducting his brother's children and turning them into vampire ferrets. In his reply, Dempster Wiggleswade warned Cooper not to go through with these actions.[1]
- Daily Prophet Newsletters (First mentioned)