Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

Butterscotch is a type of confectionery that might also be used in some potions, such as the Dawdle Draught, where it was used to give off an alluring, sweet scent.[2] It was also the prime ingredient in Butterbeer, which tasted like "less-sickly butterscotch".



A bottle of liquefied butterscotch

Butterscotch was kept with other potion ingredients in the Potions Classroom at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.[3]

During the 1986–1987 school year, a Demiguise stole all of the butterscotch in Three Broomsticks Inn, which meant Madam Rosmerta was unable to make Butterbeer.[1]

Lottie Turner mentioned that butterscotch custard was her favourite ingredient for desserts.[4]

In the late 2010s during the Calamity, members of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force used butterscotch heavily in the making of the Dawdle Draught, which helped them deal with traces more effectively.[2]


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