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"You 'ave captured my King. And my respect. Zee match ees yours, and so is ze championship trophy!"
— Celine Castillon accepting defeat to Jacob's sibling[src]

Celine Castillon was a witch who attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. She was known for her skill at Wizard's Chess, with her being regarded as the number one student player in the wizarding world in 1988–1989 school year.[1]


Early life[]

Celine attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic as a student. She was also Wizard's Chess's number one student player in the world, and had been playing for many years.[1]

During her time as a student, Celine used to play as a Keeper in the school's Quidditch team.[2]

Chess Competition at London[]

Celine: "Ha! Now zat I have captured your precious Queen... zee end of the game ees nearly upon us!"
Jacob's sibling: "You're right, Celine. The game is almost over... but not for the reason you think it is. Checkmate!"
— Celine losing to Jacob's sibling in the championship[src]

By the 1988–1989 school year, Celine participated in the Walter Aragon Wizard Chess Competition, which was held in Flourish and Blotts in Diagon Alley, London. When Celine entered the shop, all the Hogwarts students participating were starstruck, especially Murphy McNully. Despite his team of himself, Jacob's sibling, Badeea Ali and Tulip Karasu, he doubted they could beat her team. When Jacob's sibling came to face Celine in the final round, Celine's King managed to capture their Queen, with Celine happy at the prospect of winning again. However, they were able to defeat her by capturing her King with a new counter-strategy they had invented with the help of Aberforth Dumbledore. While she was initially shocked to see her "Dragon Variation of the Slytherin Defence" strategy being beaten, she accepted defeat very gracefully, applauding them for beating her and telling them they deserved the winning trophy.[1]

Physical appearance[]

Celine was a girl with long dark blonde hair (with a headband), pale skin and grey eyes. Jacob's sibling expected her to be taller when they first saw her.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Celine was shown to be proud Wizard's Chess player who seemed rather satisfied whenever she thought she would beat her opponent. However upon losing, she showed good sportsmanship by accepting defeat and praising her opponent's talent, saying they had captured her heart.[1]

Magical abilities and skills[]

Wizard's Chess tournament final round HM

Celine Castillon playing chess with Jacob's sibling

  • Wizard's Chess: Celine was an accomplished player of Wizard's Chess, and was known as the "Matagot of Wizard Chess" due to her reputation for being a fearsome beast when she played. She was considered the number one student player in the world at that time.[1]


Celine is a French female first name, coming from the Latin name "Caelīna"; the feminine form of the Roman cognomen Caelīnus, meaning "heavenly".[3]

Castillon is derived from the Anglo-Norman French "castel", meaning castle.[4] This may be a pun on the move of castling in chess.


The Harry Potter Wiki has 6 images related to Celine Castillon.

Notes and references[]
