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Harry Potter Wiki

"Thank you so much, Dobby, for rescuing me from that cellar. It's so unfair that you had to die, when you were so good and so brave. I'll always remember what you did for us. I hope you're happy now."
Luna Lovegood at Dobby's funeral.

Dobby was a house-elf serving the Malfoy family. During Harry Potter's second year at Hogwarts, he tried to warn the boy of the plot to have the Chamber of Secrets opened. The same year, Harry freed Dobby from the Malfoy's. Dobby then went on to work in the Hogwarts kitchens. He went on to save the lives of Harry and his friends Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Mr. Ollivander, and Griphook, though was killed in the process.

Quick Answers

How did Dobby become a free elf? toggle section
Dobby became a free elf in a rather clever way. Harry Potter, realizing that Dobby was enslaved to the Malfoy family, devised a plan to free him. Near the end of Harry's second year at Hogwarts, Lucius Malfoy, Dobby's cruel master, visited the school. Harry seized this opportunity and stuffed Tom Riddle's Diary into one of his socks, which he then handed to Lucius. Lucius, in turn, tossed the sock to Dobby. According to the rules of house-elf servitude, if a master gives their house-elf clothing, the elf is freed. So, when Dobby caught the sock, he was liberated from his servitude to the Malfoys. This is how Dobby became a 'free elf', a phrase that has since become iconic among Harry Potter fans.
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What is the significance of the phrase 'Dobby is a free elf'? toggle section
The phrase 'Dobby is a free elf' holds immense significance in the Harry Potter series. It symbolizes Dobby's liberation from the abusive servitude of the Malfoy family. Dobby was a house-elf, a magical creature bound to serve their masters until they are presented with a piece of clothing, a symbol of freedom. In Dobby's case, Harry Potter cleverly tricked Lucius Malfoy into giving Dobby a sock, thereby unknowingly freeing him. This moment is a turning point in Dobby's life, as he gains his freedom and starts a new chapter, working in the Hogwarts kitchens and aiding Harry and his friends. The phrase also represents Dobby's strong conscience and love for freedom, making it a memorable quote in the series.
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What actions did Dobby take to protect Harry Potter? toggle section
Dobby took several actions to protect Harry. He used a defensive spell to protect Harry from an attack. Dobby also tried to save Harry from danger, even if it meant hurting him. For instance, he once made a rogue bludger chase Harry, hoping that if Harry was hurt badly enough, he would be sent home. This was Dobby's way of trying to save Harry from Lucius Malfoy's plot to open the Chamber of Secrets. In 1998, Dobby even apparated to the Malfoy Manor to rescue Harry and his friends when they were taken hostage. Dobby's actions clearly show his unwavering loyalty and dedication to Harry's safety.
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Personal Description


Dobby was a brave, loyal house-elf, willing to put himself in dangerous situations when he knew it to be the right thing to do. He was also very loyal to the few friends he had. He considered himself to be a good house-elf, though other house elves seemed to find his desires and proclamations of being a free house-elf to be shameful.

Dobby's favorite gift to receive was socks, and he would get confused when he would get two of the same style. He would often give socks as gifts as well.

Physical Description

Dobby was a house-elf, much shorter in stature than humans, standing as high as twelve-year-old Harry's navel. He had large, tennis-ball-like eyes and long, pointed ears. Before he was given freedom, he wore a body-covering tea cozy, and was very fond of socks, even if they did not match each other.


Dobby speaks to himself in 3rd person, "Dobby must punish himself most greviously for coming, sir", and tends to get his verb tenses mixed up ("I has seven now, sir"). Dobby refers to Ron as Harry's "Wheezy."



J.K. Rowling's depiction of Dobby the House-Elf

Malfoy Family House-Elf

Dobby was the resident house-elf of the Malfoy family, serving Lucius Malfoy, his wife Narcissa, and their son Draco. They treated Dobby as a slave, often reminding him to punish himself extra in case he forgot to punish himself for something from the past. Though he always did as he was told, he longed to be free of the Malfoys.

The Chamber of Secrets Plot

"Harry Potter must NOT go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year!"
— Dobby warning Harry Potter that he must NOT go back to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.

Dobby knew of the plan to reopen the Chamber of Secrets during Harry Potter's second year at Hogwarts. Presumably this was because the Malfoys saw Dobby as an insignificant slave and because they knew that house-elves were not able to break the commands of their masters. Dobby went to the Dursley House to warn Harry not to go back to school, though he was unsuccessful. Still, Dobby managed a few visits to Harry, including one visit while Harry was in the hospital wing at the school.

Near the end of the year, Lucius Malfoy came to the school with Dobby to see Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Here, Harry realized that Dobby belonged to the Malfoys, and also tricked Mr. Malfoy into giving the one of his used socks. From this point on, Dobby was a free elf.

Working in the Kitchens

After becoming a free elf, Dobby was hired by Albus Dumbledore to work in the kitchens for a Galleon a week. Hermione Granger was initially indignant at the amount of pay, but Dobby explained that he didn't need much, and the pay was plenty. It was around this time that Hermione formed the organization called S.P.E.W.

When Winky, the house-elf of Barty Crouch Sr was given clothes to be freed of her servitude, she didn't accept it as a reward, as Dobby had, but rather as a punishment and shameful failure. She took up work at Hogwarts as well, but when she became a heavy drinker, Dobby took care of her. For a time, Dobby and Winky were the only ones who would clean the Gryffindor Tower because Hermione had set up garments hidden in messes that would free any elf who cleaned there. This was a delight for Dobby, though, because it allowed him to see Harry Potter and his friends, including Ron Weasley, who he called Harry Potter's "Wheezy."

The Tri-Wizard Tournament

Barty Crouch Jr, disguised as Alastor Moody, tricked Dobby into stealing a helping of gillyweed to give to Harry Potter for the second task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. This allowed Harry to breathe underwater and retrieve Ron Weasley and Gabrielle Delacour from the lake.

Friendship with Aberforth Dumbledore

Dobby continued to work in the kitchens at Hogwarts, but was an outsider among the other elves in the castle. Over the course of his employment at Hogwarts, Dobby gained a close friendship with Aberforth Dumbledore, and spent much time at Aberforth's home in Hogsmeade, getting to and from the school through a secret tunnel.

Rescue at the Malfoy Manor

— Dobby's last words, said to Harry Potter.

One day in May of 1998, Dobby was sent by Aberforth to rescue Harry and his friends from the home of the Malfoys. As he was able to disapparate to and from the Manor, Harry instructed him to first take Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, and Mr. Ollivander from the cellar, then return. He did so, bringing the three to Shell Cottage, the home of Bill Weasley and his wife Fleur Delacour. Dobby then returned in time to take Harry, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger to Shell Cottage, but was stabbed by a knife that Bellatrix Lestrange threw. The knife hit him in the chest.

Funeral of the Free Elf


Dobby's grave at Shell Cottage.

— Epitaph on Dobby's grave marker, written by Harry Potter.

After Dobby died, Harry Potter dug a grave for him between two bushes near Shell Cottage without the use of magic, and was later joined by Ron Weasley and Dean Thomas. Luna Lovegood closed the elf's eyes before Harry placed Dobby into the grave. Luna then gave a short thank-you to Dobby, echoed by Ron, Dean, and Harry, then the elf was buried.

Harry lingered after the elf was buried long enough to write an epitaph on a stone near the grave, which read, "HERE LIES DOBBY, A FREE ELF."


Griphook was positively affected by Harry's display of humility and love for the house-elf, aiding him in his decision to help Harry Potter retrieve a horcrux from Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

Kreacher, Harry Potter's own inherited house-elf, led the house-elves of Hogwarts in the Battle of Hogwarts, moved by Harry's good treatment of house-elves.

