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"When they entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom they found Professor Umbridge already seated at the teacher's desk, wearing the fluffy pink cardigan of the night before and the black velvet bow on top of her head. Harry was again reminded forcibly of a large fly perched unwisely on top of an even larger toad."
— A negative impression of Dolores[src]

Dolores Jane Umbridge (b. 26 August[1] 1961 or earlier)[2] was a half-blood[3] witch and a British Ministry of Magic bureaucrat who served as Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic under Ministers Cornelius Fudge, Rufus Scrimgeour, and Pius Thicknesse.

In 1995 by order of the Ministry, she was installed as the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and then later the Hogwarts High Inquisitor and finally Headmistress, after Professor Albus Dumbledore had been fired. In all three of these positions at Hogwarts, she had enormous power over the students, teachers, and the curriculum, which she wielded despotically.[12]

Her time at Hogwarts was characterised by her cruelty and abusive punishments against students. She became well known at the school for her interfering and condescending ways which caused her to be despised by students and teachers alike.[12]

After her suspension from these additional posts and the fall of the Ministry of Magic, Umbridge ran the Muggle-Born Registration Commission and sadistically prosecuted many innocent people.[7] After the Second Wizarding War, she was sentenced to Azkaban for her crimes against Muggle-borns, where she would remain for the rest of her life.[13]


Early life[]

Dolores Umbridge was the first child of a wizard named Orford Umbridge and a Muggle named Ellen Cracknell. Her younger brother was a Squib, but Dolores was a witch. Under her father's influence, she despised her Muggle mother and her Squib brother, considering them inferior to her and her father, and Dolores and her father denounced them. Before Dolores reached 15 years old, Ellen and her son returned to the Muggle world, never to be heard of again.[3]

At some point, she obtained her wand, made from birch and dragon heartstring with an unusually short length of only eight inches.[1] According to Garrick Ollivander, abnormally short wands usually selected those whose moral character was stunted, rather than because they were physically short.[14]

Hogwarts years[]

On turning eleven, Umbridge started attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was Sorted into Slytherin and her head of house was Horace Slughorn.[10] She did not have a good relationship with Slughorn, who considered her to be an "idiotic woman" who he "never liked".[15] She was also never given any position of power (i.e. Prefect, Head Girl) during her studies, which made her feel deprived, and she never truly enjoyed her time as a student at Hogwarts.[3]

Career at the Ministry (?–1998)[]


"...she drafted an anti-werewolf legislation two years ago that makes it almost impossible for [Remus Lupin] to get a job."
Sirius Black discussing Umbridge's anti-werewolf laws[src]
HM Dolores Umbridge

Dolores during her time as Head of the Improper Use of Magic Office in Office 34B

After leaving Hogwarts, Umbridge quickly rose to influential positions in the British Ministry of Magic. She started her political career as an intern in the Improper Use of Magic Office. Before reaching age 30, she became the Head of the Office, evidence of her ruthless tactics under her sweet attitude, which also involved taking credit for other people's work. This set up the beginning of her dubious career as a Ministry employee, one who tyrannised her subordinates while flattering her equals and her superiors.[3]

Dolores Umbridge sign

The sign on the door of Umbridge's Ministry office

Dolores, being very opportunistic and power-hungry, was ashamed of her father, who was a low-level worker in the Department of Magical Maintenance, while she was seeking a professional career. Under her pressure, he retired early and she promised him a small monthly allowance in exchange for quietly leaving the public sight. From that point on she lied about her family, claiming that she was a pure-blood rather than a half-blood. She eventually became Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic and had a place in the Wizengamot.[3]

Whenever she was asked (usually by workmates who did not like her) 'are you related to that Umbridge who used to mop the floors here?', she would smile her sweetest, laugh, and deny any connection, claiming that her deceased father had been a distinguished member of the Wizengamot. Nasty things tended to happen to people who asked about Orford, or anything about which she did not like talking, and people who wanted to remain on her good side pretended to believe her version of her ancestry.[3]

Throughout her career, Dolores tried to garner affections of one of her superiors in order to advance her status and security, with no particular desire on which superior it would be, as long as he would be a powerful husband. However, while those who got to know her valued her hard work and ambition, they found it difficult to like her on a personal level. Indeed, when she got intoxicated from a glass of sweet sherry, Dolores was prone to spout views behind closed doors that included suggestions of the treatment the non-magical community deserved which shocked even those of anti-Muggle ideologies. As such, Dolores never succeeded in getting married.[3]

1990–1991 school year[]

Shortly before the 1990–1991 school year, Dolores was informed that Albus Dumbledore (the then-headmaster of Hogwarts) had arranged a Ministry of Magic student programme, and she was told she would meet Jacob's sibling.[16]

During the 1990–1991 school year, Dolores entered her office to find Jacob's sibling there. She beckoned for them to leave until she learned their name, to which she smiled and asked them to meet Wilkie Twycross in the All-Purpose Room, which was becoming quite crowded.[16] Later that year, she visited Hogsmeade. While walking to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, she was attacked by a rogue wampus cat. The cat's hypnosis caused her to forget the incident, only remembering the fall. Jacob's sibling later found her at Hogsmeade station covered with scars because of the attack. When she was questioned by them, they came to the conclusion she was indeed attacked by a Wampus cat. But when they told Dolores this, she got angry and didn't believe them because they were a "child".[17]

Later, before the trial of Kazuhiro Shiratori, Umbridge with Amelia Bones and Dumbledore met Jacob's sibling and Merula Snyde outside the Courtroom Ten, where she ordered Merula to go to St Mungo's when she supposedly had Scrofungulus for treatment. Afterwards, she told Jacob's sibling she wanted to meet with them in her office to discuss court procedures and ettiquette.[18]

Dolores Umbridge looking confused HM714

Umbridge while talking to Jacob's sibling in her office

In her office, she offered Jacob's sibling foul-tasting tea that was laced with Veritaserum, which they either drank or denied. Their brother Jacob was tricked into drinking her spiked tea, which caused him to blurt out uncomfortable truths during the trial to their sibling and Corey Hayden, which eventually wore off after the trio stood outside the courtroom following a faked Doxy presence, as they didn't want to give statements during the trial under the potion. They commented how nasty and conniving Umbridge was after this and went back into the trial.[19]

Umbridge's hatred towards "half-breeds" led her to draft a piece of anti-werewolf legislation in 1993, which made it nearly impossible for werewolves, such as Remus Lupin, to find work.[20] This act also made it easier for Lord Voldemort to recruit werewolves to his cause, preying on their treatment by the Ministry. In 1994, she also campaigned that the Merpeople be rounded up and tagged, though this idea was scrapped due to it being too ludicrous to be put into effect.[21]

Attack in Little Whinging[]

"I'm sure I must have misunderstood you, Professor Dumbledore. So silly of me. But it sounded for a teensy moment as though you were suggesting that the Ministry of Magic had ordered an attack on this boy!"
— Umbridge during Harry's hearing[src]
Harry saves Dudley from a Dementor OOTPF

The Dementor attack that Umbridge ordered on Harry Potter

As Senior Under-Secretary to the Minister for Magic in 1995, Umbridge managed to claw her way up to power using Cornelius Fudge's increasing paranoia and insecurities to her advantage.[3] Despite this, Umbridge became frustrated with the Ministry's lack of decisive action on dealing with the threat of Harry Potter revealing to the world that Voldemort was back. The Ministry believed that efforts to discredit him through the press would prove insufficient to squash the threat.

When this campaign to discredit him did not work, Umbridge decided to take matters into her own hands. She secretly ordered two Dementors to attack Harry. Both possible outcomes would work in the Ministry's favour: Harry would either be subjected to the Dementor's Kiss or would be forced to conjure a Patronus to fend them off, which would give them an excuse to expel him and possibly imprison him or simply tarnish his image by forever identifying him as a criminal who could not use magic.

Umbridge hearing

Umbridge at Harry Potter's disciplinary hearing as a member of the Wizengamot

Umbridge, along with Fudge and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement's leader Amelia Bones, served as interrogators on the Wizengamot Court at Harry's hearing. Umbridge did not speak much at the hearing, but she did remark on Dumbledore's assertion that the Dementors were ordered there, claiming that Dumbledore's airing of the possibility that a Ministry official had ordered an attack on Harry was ridiculous, which most likely was an attempt to cover for the fact that she was the one who did so. Owing to the fairness of Madam Bones and a majority ruling of the court, Harry was found innocent. Only Fudge, Umbridge, and roughly a half-dozen of the court voted for conviction. Harry was cleared of all charges, much to Umbridge's anger and disappointment.[12]

Becoming a Hogwarts professor[]

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance...There again, progress for progress's sake must be discouraged, for our tried and tested traditions often require no tinkering... Let us move forward, then, into a new era of openness, effectiveness, and accountability, intent on preserving what ought to be preserved, perfecting what needs to be perfected, and pruning wherever we find practices that ought to be prohibited."
— Umbridge rudely interrupting Albus Dumbledore's start-of-term speech[src]

In 1995, Umbridge was placed at Hogwarts as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, by order of the Ministry of Magic, under the terms of Educational Decree Number Twenty-Two, without Albus Dumbledore's consent. Her placement was to limit the learning of martial magic and allow the Ministry to monitor the activities at Hogwarts.[22] The Minister did this because of an unfounded fear that Dumbledore was trying to upturn his position as the Minister and was also afraid that Dumbledore was using the students as a means of overthrowing the Ministry.

Umbridge speech

Dolores Umbridge interrupting Albus Dumbledore with a speech of her own during the Start-of-Term Feast

Having been denied any position of power and responsibility during her time as a student, Umbridge saw this return to school as a golden opportunity to wield power over those who had not (as she saw it) given her her due.[3] During the Start-of Term Feast she gave a despairingly dull speech that Hermione Granger summed up as "the Ministry is interfering at Hogwarts". The start of her speech began when she rudely interrupted Dumbledore with a cough, scandalising the entire staff roster, and insulted the students by speaking to them condescendingly as though they were five-year old children.

McGonagall Snape Umbridge Feast

Umbridge at the staff table with the other Hogwarts professors

She essentially stated that progress in Defence Against the Dark Arts was going to be limited, but none of the students (aside from Hermione) were able to comprehend her dull speech and simply wandered off into their own discussions, while Umbridge ignorantly continued. Her rudeness and subliminal speech led many teachers to scorn her, as none except Dumbledore bowed back to her when she paused to bow at the staff. Upon finishing, she received very scattered and unenthusiastic applause, as most students lost track of her speech altogether, and the teachers barely clapped once or twice before stopping, showing their low regard for Umbridge. However, Argus Filch was the one staff to genuinely applaud at the end.[12]

First DADA lesson[]

"Well now, your teaching in this subject has been rather disrupted and fragmented, hasn't it? The constant changing of teachers, many of whom do not seem to have followed any Ministry-approved curriculum, has unfortunately resulted in your being far below the standard we would expect to see in your O.W.L. year. You will be pleased to know, however, that these problems are now to be rectified. We will be following a carefully structured, theory-centred, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic this year. Copy down the following, please."
— Umbridge justifying her biased and ineffective curriculum of her subject[src]
Umbridge teaching

Umbridge teaching her DADA class purely defensive theory

She taught according to a politically restricted Ministry-approved curriculum. This curriculum entailed learning strictly the theory of Defence Against the Dark Arts, with no practical applications. Umbridge taught exclusively from a simplistic book: Defensive Magical Theory, by Wilbert Slinkhard, which seemed, based on the chapter headings, to concern itself with negotiation and appeasement, rather than actual defence against the Dark Arts. By teaching basic defensive theory as opposed to real spells that would prepare her students for the outside world, she and the Ministry hoped to decrease the chance that Dumbledore could form a wizard army of students to overthrow the Ministry.

Dolores proved to be ineffective as an educator. She had no teaching background and had trouble maintaining the class's attention. Because of these shortcomings she ordered her students to simply read from the book during class, denied them the rights to ask questions, and sat back behind her desk to simply observe.[12]

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Umbridge's pink and prim office as a professor

Most students were concerned and felt they would be left defenceless against the Dark Arts, since the book was useless, and even if Voldemort was indeed dead and gone there were plenty of other dangerous things in the world to defend against. Some spoke out openly in class, such as: Hermione, Ron, Harry, Dean Thomas, and Parvati Patil, but were immediately silenced or punished by Umbridge. Harry was the most outspoken, which often landed him in trouble.[12]

Detention with Dolores

Harry Potter's tortuous detention with Umbridge

She steadfastly stuck to the Ministry line that Voldemort had not returned and that Harry Potter's claims were only to get attention for himself. When Harry dared to contradict the Ministry of Magic's stance, Umbridge punished him by giving him detention where he was forced to write the phrase "I must not tell lies" repeatedly with a Black Quill; whatever the user wrote with it used their own blood as ink and sliced the words into their flesh, eventually leaving his hand permanently scarred. Owing to her lack of teaching ability, obvious disrespect towards the school and its residents and her unwavering loyalty to Fudge, Umbridge quickly became a heavily disliked person by the overwhelming majority of students and teachers alike.[12]

High Inquisitor[]

"An immediate success, totally revolutionising the teaching of Defence Against the Dark Arts and providing the Minister with on-the ground feedback about what's really happening at Hogwarts."
Percy Weasley's biased and inaccurate regard of Dolores's teaching skills[src]

After working at Hogwarts for a short while and having a discussion with the Minister, Educational Decree Number Twenty-Three increased Umbridge's power and influence in Hogwarts. She was appointed the first-ever "Hogwarts High Inquisitor" and used this position to evaluate, harass, and fire any teachers at Hogwarts deemed unsatisfactory by her or the Ministry.

Umbridge inspecting Flitwick

Umbridge evaluating Filius Flitwick, before measuring his height

Umbridge was rude to many of the teachers she evaluated, especially those with close ties to Professor Dumbledore and those she considered unfit to teach, such as Sybill Trelawney. She even measured Flitwick's height with measuring tape. He was displeased and very offended by this disrespect. Some teachers refused to allow themselves to be intimidated, however; when inspecting Professor Minerva McGonagall's Transfiguration class, Umbridge tried to harass Minerva with interruptions and false coughing, but Minerva either ignored them or retorted with scathing remarks.[12]

Umbridge McGonagall confrontation

Umbridge exercising her power, creating and enforcing new school rules

To combat Umbridge's repressive stance of not teaching practical defensive magic, Harry formed a group to teach practical Defence Against the Dark Arts. However, Umbridge, learning that the group was created and afraid that the students would soon start to rebel against her, soon abolished all student groups of three or more members, meaning that students were not allowed to be seen together in a group whose members numbered three or more, or they would be suspected of rule breaking. This also included Quidditch teams. She permitted them to be reformed if they asked for permission, and only if she deemed them to be allowable, which meant that Dumbledore's Army became an illegal organisation.

The Slytherin Quidditch team was immediately given permission to reform, perhaps because Umbridge was from Slytherin House, but she refused to allow the other teams permission under the excuse that she needed time to consider it. Gryffindor at least had to wait an entire month before Professor McGonagall finally intervened and likely went to Professor Dumbledore to force it through.[23] This prompted Umbridge to contact Fudge, who gave her supreme authority over all punishments, sanctions, and removals of privileges regarding students, and the power to alter them as may have been ordered by other staff members. She permanently banned Harry, George, and Fred from playing Quidditch following a brawl with Draco Malfoy, and confiscated their brooms to keep in her office; however, Harry's ban was lifted after Umbridge was suspended from Hogwarts.

Proclamation -27 Poster

Educational Decree Number Twenty-Seven

When Harry gave an interview about Voldemort to The Quibbler, Umbridge then banned possession of the magazine to the point of risking expulsion from Hogwarts, and took away Harry's Hogsmeade privileges as a punishment for giving the interview, accusing him of giving false statements. However, by committing the former, Umbridge only caused the entire school to secretly read and discuss the Quibbler.

These actions were sanctioned by the Ministry of Magic in the form of Educational Decrees, but students merely found ways to circumvent or avoid them, often treating them as a joke. With her new authority, she attempted to dismiss Sybill Trelawney as Professor of Divination; however, she was foiled in her attempt to send Trelawney away from the school, since Albus Dumbledore still had the power to keep Trelawney on school grounds and chose to exercise those powers.[12]

Umbridge sacking Trelawney

Umbridge sacking Trelawney and attempting to remove her from the castle

Umbridge was horrified when Dumbledore replaced Trelawney with a centaur named Firenze; however, she could not prevent Firenze from being given the job, as the Ministry's rules only allowed her to appoint a new teacher if Dumbledore could not find one himself, since the Ministry was counting on Dumbledore being unable to find a new teacher. Umbridge considered Firenze, like all centaurs, as a "filthy half-breed".[12]


"You filthy little beasts would never have dropped Stink Pellets if you'd known I had it in my power to whip you raw, would you, now? Nobody would have thought of throwing Fanged Frisbees down the corridors if I could've strung you up by the ankles in my office, would they? But when Educational Decree Number Twenty-Nine comes in...I'll be allowed to do them things...oh, things are going to be very different around here with her in charge! "
Argus Filch on Umbridge becoming Headmistress of Hogwarts[src]

In early 1996, Umbridge and many other Slytherins found the D.A.'s headquarters in the Room of Requirement, after they were betrayed by Marietta Edgecombe, after Umbridge threatened to make sure Marietta's mother would lose her job at the Ministry. She tried to prosecute Harry and have him thrown out of Hogwarts for forming the Defence Against the Dark Arts club, but Dumbledore took advantage of lack of evidence and the organisation's name to take the blame.

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Umbridge and Fudge being knocked out after confronting Dumbledore about the D.A.

Dumbledore claimed that he had invited the group to attend this meeting and no other such gatherings had taken place in the intervening time, and also the fact that the group was formed before it was made illegal — and he disappeared from Hogwarts, after a minor scuffle with Aurors and the Minister for Magic himself. Umbridge soon after formed the Inquisitorial Squad, made up entirely of Slytherins, which rewarded certain students for reporting on others and sanctioned them to act as enforcement goons.[12]

Dragon firework chasing Umbridge

Fred and George Weasley's fireworks terrify Umbridge

Thanks to the newly passed Educational Decree Number Twenty-Eight, Umbridge replaced Dumbledore as Headmistress. In response, the resentment simmering against her exploded into a full-fledged rebellion and Umbridge soon found herself on the receiving end of innumerable pranks, tricks and incidents designed to make her regret ever daring to set foot in Hogwarts. Many of these were orchestrated by Fred and George Weasley, who led the resistance before Umbridge caught them, though they flew away on their brooms before she could have them whipped. Indeed, Hogwarts Castle itself seemed to join its inhabitants in making her life difficult, with Peeves the poltergeist (at Fred and George's request) spearheading the rebellion.[12]

This included doing things that made her work harder, like bursting out of blackboards, pushing over statues, toppling neatly stacked piles of parchment into fires, and following Umbridge around for hours, blowing raspberries every time she spoke. Umbridge had previously asked Cornelius Fudge to sign an order for the expulsion of Peeves, but if any such order was ever signed, it was clearly unsuccessful at his removal, since it was impossible to kick him out of Hogwarts. Umbridge was also forced to rule as Headmistress from the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor's office, as the Headmaster's Tower refused to recognise her as the legitimate head of the school and sealed itself against her, causing her to throw a "right little tantrum".[12]

The teachers, who disliked Umbridge intensely, did as little as possible to help her in her duties, many going out of their way to make things more difficult for her by requesting her assistance in removing various charms and pranks by claiming that they weren't sure they had the 'authority' to do so. The teachers also lavished favours on Harry in the form of House Points and even sweets, specifically squeaking Sugar Mice from Professor Flitwick, for resisting against her.[24]

Fred george peeves

The Weasley twins telling Peeves to "give her hell from us"

Professor McGonagall, who normally intensely disliked Peeves and his antics, refused to stop him and even gave him advice on how to perform his actions. The only staff member who supported Umbridge whole-heartedly was the caretaker, Argus Filch, who grew to like her methods, as well as being given permission to torture students himself. She later fired Gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid, as he was a half-giant. When attempting to subdue and force Hagrid off the school's grounds with five Ministry of Magic officials, they seriously injured Professor McGonagall who was protesting the force used to wrangle Hagrid, which was so scandalous that, while the event was occurring, an O.W.L. Astronomy test was just near the action and even the instructor objected.[12]

Umbridge worked hard to intercept and monitor all means of communication. She tried to prevent Harry Potter from contacting his godfather Sirius Black. She read all incoming and outgoing student mail, and even Hedwig, Harry Potter's owl, was injured. Even though it was hypothetically suggested that Hedwig was attacked by a Thestral by Professor Grubbly-Plank, a more likely possibility was that Hedwig was injured by Umbridge in an attempt to obtain the letter she carried from Sirius Black.[25]

Skirmish in the Forbidden Forest[]

Dolores Umbridge: "Of course. Of course... very well, then... you two stay ahead of me."
Harry Potter: "Can we have your wand, then, if we're going first?"
Dolores Umbridge: "No, I don't think so, Mr Potter. The Ministry places a rather higher value on my life than yours, I'm afraid."
— Harry and Hermione leading Umbridge into the forest[src]
Umbridge talking to Snape while interrogating Harry Potter

Umbridge asking Snape for Veritaserum in order to interrogate Harry

Soon afterwards, Umbridge caught Harry trying to use the Floo Network in her office while trying to contact Sirius, and he and his friends and fellow D.A. members Hermione Granger, Ron and Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood were held in her office by Inquisitorial Squad members. When Harry refused to tell her what he had been doing, Umbridge first attempted to dose him with Veritaserum, but Professor Snape told her he had no more, as she had squandered it all when interrogating students. She did this on account of not knowing the proper amount to give the students.[12]

Umbridge interrogating Harry

Umbridge threatens Harry with the Cruciatus Curse

She then claimed that the illegal Cruciatus Curse might "loosen his tongue". Hermione, much in shock, protested against it, but Umbridge simply brushed her off and noted that what "Cornelius doesn't know, cannot hurt him." She also revealed that she had given the order to release Dementors on Harry and his cousin Dudley, believing that it was the most effective way to silence what she believed to be false claims about Voldemort's return.[26]

Centaurs Take Dolores OotP

Centaurs dragging Dolores Umbridge away upon being called 'filthy half-breeds' and 'creatures of near-human intelligence'

Desperate, Hermione tricked Umbridge into following her and Harry into the Forbidden Forest in search of an alleged "secret weapon" of the Order of the Phoenix. There, Umbridge was confronted by a herd of centaurs, whom she shamelessly insulted with racial slurs and arrogance. Umbridge then attacked one of the centaurs near her, and as a result, she was captured and taken away by them. Although she remained unharmed, her wand was snapped in half when one of the centaurs stepped on it.[12]

Umbridge was ultimately rescued by Dumbledore, although she was apparently left with a significant fear of centaurs afterwards, reacting violently at even the sound of hoofbeats. How Dumbledore managed to rescue her from the human-hating centaurs without suffering any injury himself remained a mystery, though it is likely that the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest had respect for Albus, based on their salute at his funeral.[12]

Suspension (1996)[]

Hermione Granger: "Madam Pomfrey says she's just in shock."
Ginny Weasley: "Sulking, more like."
— Umbridge's sullen and defeated demeanour in the Hospital Wing, after having been suspended[src]
Umbridge suspended

The Daily Prophet announcing Umbridge's suspension after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries

After Voldemort appeared in the Ministry of Magic and was seen by a number of people, including Cornelius Fudge, Dumbledore was restored as the Headmaster and Umbridge was suspended following allegations of abuse. Umbridge, who had been recovering in the school's hospital wing, attempted to sneak out of the castle on the second-to-last day of term during the evening meal. But fate had her run right into Peeves, who took advantage of his final opportunity to fulfil the request of Fred and George and chased her gleefully from the premises.[12]

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Peeves chasing Umbridge with McGonagall's cane out of Hogwarts Castle for good

Peeves did this while beating her over the head alternately with a walking stick and a sock full of chalk, leading a crowd of delighted students whose teachers made only a few feeble attempts to restrain them. Professor Minerva McGonagall expressed regret at not being able to chase Umbridge herself, because Peeves had borrowed her walking stick and she was not fully recovered.[12]

Second Wizarding War[]

Following the Battle of the Department of Mysteries[]

Return to the Ministry[]
"And then, with a worse jolt of fury, Dolores Umbridge, an unconvincing expression of grief upon her toadlike face, a black velvet bow set atop her iron-coloured curls. At the sight of the centaur Firenze, who was standing like a sentinel near the water's edge, she gave a start and scurried hastily into a seat a good distance away."
— Harry Potter's disgust at seeing Umbridge attend Dumbledore's funeral[src]
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Dumbledore's funeral, which Umbridge attended

Despite all of her actions at Hogwarts, Umbridge later returned to the Ministry, possibly restored as the Senior Undersecretary, and told the new Minister, Rufus Scrimgeour, about Harry's wish to become an Auror, to Harry's anger. In fact, one of the reasons why Harry refused to trust the Ministry of Magic and Scrimgeour was that Umbridge was never sacked and arrested for her actions at Hogwarts.[27]

She was later seen at Albus Dumbledore's funeral at Hogwarts, though she did not speak and was startled by the sight of Firenze. She feigned grief and looked scandalised when Hagrid blew his nose with loud trumpeting noises.[28]

Muggle-Born Registration Commission[]

Alderton: "No, no, I'm half-blood, I tell you! My father was a wizard, he was, look him up, Arkie Alderton, he's a well known broomstick designer, look him up, I tell you — get your hands off me, get your hands off —"
Umbridge: "This is your final warning. If you struggle, you will be subjected to the Dementor's Kiss. Take him away."
— Umbridge's behaviour at the Death Eater-controlled Ministry towards accused Muggle-borns[src]
Fallen Ministry

Four of the most consequential figures of the new regime (left to right): Albert Runcorn, Ministry official; Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister, and Head of the Muggle-Born Registration Commission; Pius Thicknesse, Minister for Magic; and Corban Yaxley, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement

Following Lord Voldemort's takeover of the Ministry of Magic in 1997, Umbridge resumed her post as the Senior Undersecretary and oversaw the registration and persecution of Muggle-born witches and wizards under the Muggle-Born Registration Commission. She conducted trials subjecting innocent Muggle-borns to the presence of Dementors and sending them to Azkaban for supposedly stealing magic from "real" witches and wizards. She also wrote the propaganda booklet Mudbloods and the Dangers They Pose to a Peaceful Pure-Blood Society, which featured a cover including a rose being strangled by green weeds.[7]

Following Alastor Moody's murder at the hands of Death Eaters in the Battle of the Seven Potters, Umbridge somehow took possession of his magical eye. Affixing it to her office door, she could terrorise all Ministry employees with the mere concept that she could observe their every move.[7]


Dolores overseeing Mary Cattermole's trial before the Muggle-Born Registration Commission

At some point, Umbridge received a locket as a bribe from petty thief Mundungus Fletcher.[29] This locket was Salazar Slytherin's Locket, which had once been owned by Merope Gaunt and Hepzibah Smith. Umbridge was unaware that the locket was one of Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes (or belonged to him at all), but she chose to lie about the meaning of the cloisonné S, stating it was a Selwyn family heirloom, a name which she believed would bolster her pure-blood credentials (the family has dark connections; one of the Death Eaters who were summoned by Xenophilius Lovegood was named thus, meaning that Dolores chose the name as it commanded a degree of respect among the supporters of Lord Voldemort's regime).[7]

Mary Cattermole's trial DHF1

Umbridge sadistically interrogating Mary Cattermole

She boasted of this supposed connection to Hermione Granger, who was in the guise of Ministry employee Mafalda Hopkirk, during one of Umbridge's blood purity hearings, of the Muggle-born witch Mary Cattermole. During the meeting, she admonished Cattermole for having greengrocer Muggle parents and interrogated her regarding her wand, falsely claiming that she stole it. She also used her persian cat Patronus to keep the Dementor guards at bay.

DH1 Harry as Albert Runcorn stunning Umbridge

Dolores being stunned by Harry

At that moment after she incredulously lied about her blood status and derided Cattermole, Harry Potter, who was full of rage under his Cloak of Invisibility, attacked Umbridge and Yaxley with the Stunning Spell. Umbridge was stunned, leaving Harry and Hermione free to snatch the locket from around Umbridge's neck and flee the scene. Hermione then created a copy of the locket to leave with Umbridge, so that she did not become suspicious.[7]

Most likely due to her mother being a Muggle and father being a source of embarrassment, Umbridge used the locket to emphasise her wizarding ancestry, to make herself seem more appealing to the new regime by distracting attention from her non-wizarding ancestors. When the locket was in the possession of Harry and his friends, it exerted a malign influence on each of them when they wore it. Due to Umbridge's wicked nature, she had unknowingly enjoyed an "affinity" with the object and so the Horcrux — rather than impart a negative effect on her — strengthened her.[30] Umbridge presumably continued prosecuting Muggle-Borns throughout the next year.

Imprisonment (1998)[]

Daily Prophet-foundable 1

The Daily Prophet announcing Umbridge's imprisonment in Azkaban

After Lord Voldemort's death at Harry Potter's hands and the reformation of the Ministry of Magic by Kingsley Shacklebolt, Umbridge was arrested and tried before the Wizengamot, now purged of all Voldemort loyalists. She attempted to escape from her trial, allying with some Death Eaters (Corban Yaxley, the Carrows, and Walden Macnair), starting the Battle at the Ministry, before being re-captured by Hermione, Harry, and Ron.[31] She was swiftly convicted, her wand was destroyed, and she was given a life sentence in Azkaban for her crimes against Muggle-borns, as not all of them survived.[13]

Alternative timeline[]

Dolores Umbridge: "Scorpius Malfoy. Get out of the lake. Get out of the lake. Right now."
Scorpius Malfoy: "Miss. I need help. Please, Miss."
Dolores Umbridge: "Miss? I'm Professor Umbridge, the headmistress of your school, I'm no Miss."
— Scorpius after arriving into an alternate timeline[src]
Kathryn Meisle as Professor Umbridge Year 6

Umbridge in an alternate reality

23 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, when Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy time-travelled to the Second Task in the Triwizard Tournament in order to save Cedric, they created an alternative world in which Voldemort won in the Battle of Hogwarts. In this world, Umbridge was the Headmistress of Hogwarts. When Scorpius Malfoy emerged from the Great Lake, he was discovered by Umbridge, whom he questioned about Albus Potter. Umbridge was surprised at the question informs him that there has been no Potter at Hogwarts since Harry was killed at The Battle of Hogwarts, much to Scorpius' shock. Dementors then descended upon the two as Umbridge told Scorpius that he was upsetting the Dementors and spoiling "Voldemort Day".[32]

A few days later, Umbridge called Scorpius to her office to discuss his newfound obsession with Harry Potter's death and Cedric Diggory, but Scorpius managed to fool her and subvert her suspicions. She then dismissed him to go to his next class. Later that night after Ron and Hermione had been kissed by Dementors, Umbridge discovered Snape and Scorpius down by the lake. When she demanded to know about Snape's treachery, the latter asked her how long she has known about his true loyalty, to which Umbridge replied she had known for years and regretted not acting upon her suspicions. As she was about to attack the two, Snape used the Banishing Charm to send Umbridge flying backwards, buying Scorpius enough time to escape into the lake before the Dementors consumed his soul to restore the timeline.[32]

Physical description[]

"Dolores Umbridge is said to resemble a 'large, pale toad'."
— Physical description[src]
Dolores Umbridge

Dolores Umbridge

Dolores Umbridge was described to be a short squat woman resembling a large pale toad. She had a broad, flabby face, a wide, slack mouth, and little neck. Her eyes were bulging and pouchy, and in her mousy brown hair she often wore a black velvet bow, which reminded Harry of a fly perched dangerously above a toad, furthering Umbridge's toad-like characteristics.

She spoke with a simpering high-pitched voice that was girlish and breathless, contrary to her appearance (Harry expected a croak) and decorated her office with kittens and other cute pink paraphernalia. Her wide toad-like smile and tendency to speak in a sugary voice that was often described as poisoned honey was a physical exemplification of her cruelty that was barely hidden by her seemingly harmless dress-style. Umbridge's thick stubby fingers were adorned with several gaudy old rings.[12] She also was said to have a big chest, as noted by Harry Potter when he saw Slytherin's locket lying there.[7]

Umbridge was seen wearing various green tweed outfits, usually with a pink fuzzy cardigan on top, giving her greater toad-like qualities. The head-to-toe matching outfits, usually in shades of pink, were worn while she taught and during her duties as High Inquisitor. According to Harry, she looked like someone's maiden aunt, and that her style of dressing would fit someone half her age. During Harry's hearing regarding under-age magic, Umbridge wore the black robes of the Wizengamot with a silver "W" on it.[12]

Also, while she interrogated Muggle-borns, she wore Salazar Slytherin's locket on top of her frilly girlish pink outfits in an attempt to prove her blood purity, claiming that the S stood for the pure-blood Selwyn family.[7] However, since her imprisonment in Azkaban, it is unlikely that she wore any of her old outfits, but instead wore the black and white striped uniform of all prisoners.

Personality and traits[]

Sirius Black: "I know her by reputation and I'm sure she's no Death Eater —"
Harry Potter: "She's foul enough to be one..."
Sirius Black: "Yes, but the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. I know she's a nasty piece of work, though —"
— Harry telling Sirius Black his views on Umbridge[src]
Dolores Umbridge smiling unpleasantly HM732

Dolores Umbridge smiling unpleasantly

Dolores Umbridge was an evil woman, who represented the very worst of political power and the very worst aspects of the Ministry of Magic. She was extremely ruthless, cruel, callous, brutal, corrupt, sadistic, arrogant, intolerant, power-hungry and devoid of any kind of moral or ethical centre. She was apathetic and absolutist, yet also a committed and flexible witch who was dogmatically supportive of the British Ministry of Magic, eagerly obeying the every command of Cornelius Fudge, Rufus Scrimgeour and Pius Thicknesse when in their respective terms of power, in order to gain power for herself. She was even willing to go to Hogwarts for Fudge, in spite of her bad memories there and strong dislike of children (although she also saw it as an opportunity to get back at the school that denied her power when she was a student[3]).

She was depicted using any means to maintain the political power of her bosses, often flaunting the power she in turn obtained during her time in Hogwarts. She committed attempted soul-removal (via the Dementor attack on Harry), solicited bribes, and tortured children to achieve her goals. Her draconian ideals of discipline, such as having victims write lines in their own blood using a Black Quill, which carves the words into the back of the writer's hand, were considered by Harry and Ron to be "sick".[12]

Her fanatical loyalty clouded her judgement and caused her to place a blind faith in authority, believing that it could not possibly be wrong, and even after it was proven wrong she did not change her opinion, as was clearly seen when she was loyal to Fudge over Dumbledore, rather than accepting the truth, and then abandoning Fudge when he was ousted from his office. However, as he was out of the picture, she was flexible enough to turn her loyalty towards Scrimgeour, proving she was more loyal to the cause than its leader and therefore continued to show the authorities her unbreakable devotion. However, when Fudge gave her power, it inflated her sense of self-importance and instilled a sense of ruthlessness, making her seek to exercise complete control over everyone and everything around her.[12] Even as a student, she was resentful that the school did not grant her any position of power and responsibility, and felt that she was deprived of a chance to exercise authority over her peers.[3]

Umbridge: "A wand was taken from you upon your arrival at the Ministry today, Mrs Cattermole. Eight-and-three quarter inches, cherry, unicorn-hair core. Do you recognise that description?"
Marry Cattermole: "T-took? I didn't t-take it from anybody. I b-bought it when I was eleven years old. It — it — it — chose me."
Umbridge: "No, no, I don't think so, Mrs Cattermole. Wands only choose witches or wizards. You are not a witch. I have your responses to the questionnaire that was sent to you here — Mafalda, pass them to me."
— Umbridge's cruel and arbitrary trial for Mary Cattermole[src]

Umbridge's strictness bordered on the ideal representation of the qualities of a totalitarian government. From her perspective, free speech, dissent, diversity and multiple points of view could not be tolerated. She led not by consensus and respect, but rather by fear and intimidation; as the year progressed, she grew more independent of Fudge's will by beginning to use her own available resources in order to make people obey her, even attempting to use the restricted Veritaserum and then the Cruciatus Curse on Harry Potter when he would not give her desired information.[12]

Umbridge was capable and intelligent in regards to bureaucratic administration, as she was high-ranking in the Ministry at a relatively young age, although her general magical knowledge seemed limited. She unreasonably demanded Snape to brew Veritaserum in less than the required month after she squandered an entire bottle on one previous interrogation, although Snape had told her that three drops would suffice. She also could not figure out how the students were suffering from the symptoms of "Umbridge-itis", nor how to remove the Weasleys' Wildfire Whiz-bangs and the Portable Swamp left by Fred and George Weasley, which Flitwick vanished in a matter of seconds.[12]

OOTP HQ still Umbridge in her Hogwarts office

Dolores Umbridge at her desk with her kitten plates

Her cruelty was disguised by her quiet, childish, high-pitched voice (which both took Harry aback and made the hair on his neck stand up straight, as he had expected a croak), as well by decorating her office with paraphernalia related to kittens, chocolate cakes, biscuits, tea, and other cute things to the point of coming across as sickening to her enemies despite her genuine appreciation for such things.[12] Hence her kitten decorations, Umbridge wanted a pet cat, but she doubted she was responsible enough to actually care for real ones, and so maintained her focus on decorations.[3] Her personality was described as being similar to "poisoned honey", and it was said on various occasions that the sweeter her voice was, the more dangerous or infuriated she was.[12]

She also tended to give her signature fake cough, "Hem-Hem", when she wanted someone's attention, rudely interrupting them, as well as usually speaking to people she felt were beneath her in a very condescending tone, as if they were simpletons or very young children, both of which she hated.[12]

Bane: "I asked you who are you, human."
Dolores Umbridge: "I am Dolores Umbridge! Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic and Headmistress and High Inquisitor of Hogwarts!"
Magorian: "You are from the Ministry of Magic?"
Dolores Umbridge: "That's right! So be very careful! By the laws laid down by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, any attack by half-breeds such as yourselves on a human —"
— Umbridge expressing contempt towards centaurs[src]
Umbridge, Harry and Hermione in the Forbidden Forest

Umbridge insulting centaurs while in the Forbidden Forest

For unknown reasons, but most likely because of the Ministry's beliefs, Umbridge was fanatically prejudiced against part-humans (such as werewolves and half-giants), which she called "half-breeds". It was her prejudice that caused her to pass a series of anti-werewolf legislation, which made it almost illegal for those afflicted with lycanthropy to hold jobs. Her prejudice also led her to mistakenly believe that mermaids and centaurs were part-humans, when in fact they were separate species who merely had humanoid traits, and in her haste of prosecuting them she would forgo her usual feigned politeness, and be outright rude. However, after the incident with the Hogwarts centaurs, she developed a phobia of centaurs. An odd derivative from this prejudice was that, despite her hatred of half-breeds, Umbridge did not seem to hate part-goblin Filius Flitwick (most likely due to lack of knowledge of Flitwick's ancestry and his undeniably skilled teaching methods), as Fred Weasley stated that she marked him well on his inspection.[12]

Hermione Granger (as Mafalda Hopkirk): "That's — that's pretty, Dolores."
Umbridge: "What? Oh yes — an old family heirloom, The S stands for Selwyn.... I am related to the Selwyns.... Indeed, there are few pure-blood families to whom I am not related."
— Umbridge incredulously lying about her blood status[src]

Umbridge's prejudices did not stop at perceived part-humans. She was a pure-blood supremacist, a belief stemming from her childhood when her brother was discovered to be a Squib. Hating her mother for being a Muggle, Dolores would blame her for being the cause of her brother's lack of magical powers. After bribing her father to quietly leave public sight, Dolores lied to everyone that she was a pure-blood, believing it would give her social respect and status, later bolstering her credentials by falsely claiming that she was related to the Selwyn family (albeit controlled by Voldemort's Horcrux locket).[3] She was known to spout very uncharitable views on the non-magical community when intoxicated, to the point that even fellow pro-pure-blood coworkers were shocked by her. While sober, Dolores would put up a facade of politeness for Muggle-borns, repressing her prejudice for them to maintain her public image; only when Voldemort took over the Ministry did she unleash her cruelty over them, tormenting them with sham trials and sadistically sending them off to Azkaban.[7]

Her lust for power and social status turned her against her own family, though it is unknown how they treated her and if she had planned to do so. Despising her Muggle mother and Squib brother as second class citizens while ashamed of her lowly janitorial employee of a father, Dolores would never speak of any of them again while shunning her father with a bribe, and went onto inventing her ancestry to make herself seem more noble to the higher ups. Dolores also attempted to seduce her superiors into marriage, not out of love, but for the social elevation and security it would provide, though she was always turned down as her obsession turned off any co-workers she flirted with. Her power-hungry nature was evident even as a child, as she came to despise her time as a student at Hogwarts because she was not given any power of authority, and upon returning as a Ministry-implanted teacher, she saw it as an opportunity to get what she thought was wrongly denied in her youth, heavily flaunting all the titles and power that Fudge granted her.[3]

Dolores Umbridge and Minerva McGonagall arguing OOTPF

Umbridge trying to exert her power over McGonagall

Umbridge was known to rapidly resort to cruel and unusual punishments over perceived slights and take great pleasure in such punishments. Umbridge also liked to showcase her status to anyone who would listen, as she arrogantly told the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest of her many titles,[12] and mounted plaques on her office doors to display these titles. Unaware that she was in possession of Salazar Slytherin's Locket, she falsely claimed it was a family heirloom and proof of her relation to the Selwyn family.[7]

Despite her confidence bordering on arrogance, Umbridge knew she could not do Cornelius Fudge's will at Hogwarts without help, and so enlisted Argus Filch and the Inquisitorial Squad.[12]

Umbridge: "No, not with your quill, you're going to be using a rather special one of mine. Here you are. I want you write 'I must not tell lies'."
Harry Potter: "How many times?"
Umbridge: "Oh, as long as it takes for the message to sink in."
— Dolores Umbridge making Harry use the Blood Quill[src]
Umbridge slap

Umbridge slapping Harry in a fit of anger

She showed a particular hatred for Harry Potter, as she had no qualms about violently punishing Harry during detentions (though it is possible Fudge told her to be harsh on him). During her year as a professor at Hogwarts, she acted as a disciplinarian, insisting the students to greet her loudly and clearly in a monotonous style at the beginning of every class, and answer her questions in the same manner.[12]

Despite (or perhaps because of) her feigned politeness, the other teachers found her extremely infuriating and obnoxious. Umbridge became more openly authoritative and cruel as she gained influence over the school, especially during her time as the High Inquisitor, as seen when she interrupted teachers with her leading questions, passive-aggressive comments, and disruptive note taking. She was especially insulting to Hagrid, whom she knew to be a "half-breed," and was blatantly condescending and rude to him during her inspection of his class. She interrupted Dumbledore during his speech at the Start-of-Term Feast, and delivered a very dull speech while being ignorant of the students' restlessness, to the point that Harry angrily speculated that she would have continued with it even if a full-scale riot broke out under her nose.[12]

"Oh no, no, no. This is your punishment for spreading evil, nasty, attention seeking stories, Mr Potter, and punishments certainly cannot be adjusted to suit the guilty one's convenience. No, you will come here at five o'clock tomorrow, and the next day, and on Friday too, and you will do your detentions as planned. I think it rather a good thing that you are missing something you really want to do. It ought to reinforce the lesson I am trying to teach you."
— Umbridge justifying her cruel punishment on Harry Potter[src]
Blood quill

Harry's hand due to Umbridge's punishments with the Black Quill

There were several signs indicating that Umbridge was impatient and had a short temper. However, she rarely expressed the extent of her anger openly, casually enforcing decrees written and signed by Fudge and handing out torturous punishments with a smile (most notably, forcing Harry to carve "I must not tell lies" into the back of his hand with a Black Quill) rather than openly taking out her hatred of children on the school as a whole.

However, Umbridge's anger occasionally reached the surface when she did not feel things were as they should be, such as when Fred and George Weasley began a rebellion against her during her time as Headmistress, she had very little patience for the twins' antics. When Marietta Edgecombe's memories were secretly modified by Kingsley Shacklebolt and she did not tell the truth about Dumbledore's Army, Umbridge physically shook Marietta very hard, and only stopped when Dumbledore pointed his wand at her. She also had a tantrum when the gargoyle of the Headmaster's office refused to let her in when she became Headmistress, and an outburst against "half-breeds" led her to be carried away by centaurs in the Forbidden Forest.[12]

"Well, it is lovely to be back at Hogwarts, I must say! And to see such happy little faces looking back at me! I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all, and I'm sure we'll be very good friends!"
— Umbridge's condescending and insincere attitude towards children[src]

Umbridge often made hypocritical statements and actions, claiming during the Start-of-Term Feast that she assured the students that they would all be very good friends, she admitted later that she actually hated children, showing she had sacrificed a lot to do Fudge's bidding. Despite claiming to be a "tolerant woman", she frequently attempted to silence those with whom she disagreed. Her hatred of both "half-breeds" and "Mudbloods" demonstrated her intolerance, while her constantly shifting attachment to the currently most powerful showed her opportunism. Despite her incessant claims that telling lies was wrong, she was perfectly willing to lie herself, evidently without shame for it, and for all her claims that the law had to be obeyed she showed no qualms with performing acts of dubious or outright illegality, including the use of Veritaserum and Dark Magic on students, if it would further her personal or political ambitions.[12]

Her style of teaching students was also simply having them read from the textbook, while avoiding any practical lessons and answering students' questions, though she was simply following Fudge's orders on how to change Hogwarts. Indeed, Umbridge enforced his belief that theories were enough for students to get by exams and mastering self-defence, which in many situations proved both of them wrong, though she refused to acknowledge that fact. It is unclear if she ever agreed with it or if she merely had to keep her mouth shut as her opinions were of little consequence compared to the Minister of Magic. Because of her lazy and ineffective methods, Umbridge was a thoroughly incompetent teacher with no ability or experience in the teaching of children, something Minerva McGonagall mocked her for, much to Umbridge's anger.[12]

Despite her wickedness and pure-blood supremacist attitude, Umbridge was repeatedly stated to be no Death Eater, as she never showed support for them until they took over the Ministry in 1997. She was fearful in response to the Azkaban breakout in 1996 and was determined to capture Sirius Black who was, at the time, believed to be a Death Eater.[12] Despite this, she was not above allying with them if it suited her own interests. Once they took over, she allied with them due to sharing many beliefs with them, as well as being given further power within the Ministry. It is also possible that she allied with them out of fear of being targeted as a high ranking Ministry official, but given her sadistic enjoyment in persecuting Muggle-borns for the Muggle-Born Registration Commission, it appears that Umbridge allied with the Death Eaters willingly and freely, given how their ideology and cruelty was extremely similar to hers, along with the power they granted her, which allowed her to carry out her wicked actions on the wizarding world.[7]

Umbridge also understood the importance of Argus Filch's knowledge of the school's geography, and made efforts to befriend him in order to advantage herself, despite his status as a Squib, which many including herself would consider a sign of a second-class citizen in the wizard community. However, she was not above blaming him for her own faults, to the point of irrationality, such as when she stunned one of the Weasleys' Wildfire Whiz-bangs causing it to explode, she called him out not to stun them despite his genetic inability to do so in the first place.[12]

Umbridge also had an unhealthy habit of drinking a small cup of tea with three spoonfuls of sugar, which could have contributed to her gaining weight, and thus in all likelihood she had possessed the habit for a long time.[12]


It is unclear if the locket controlled her completely or partially, as Umbridge took to happily tormenting Muggle-borns under its influence

The time Umbridge spent wearing Voldemort's locket highly exacerbated her nasty qualities, as demonstrated with her sadistic and ruthless persecution of defenceless Muggle-borns, along with her dishonesty regarding her blood status. However, as it was never exactly clear how much influence the locket had on her mind, it may not be fair to judge her entirely for her actions with it on. For instance, her dislike of Muggle-borns increased into base cruelty, tormenting them with sham trials and sadistically sending them off to Azkaban. Her lack of control over her own mind is evidenced by the fact that she had no idea what she was wearing and so falsely claimed it was a family heirloom and proof of her relation to the Selwyn family, showing her extreme arrogance to the point of utter delusion.[7]

Magical abilities and skills[]

Umbridge cat Patronus

Umbridge's Persian cat Patronus

"The Cruciatus Curse might loosen your tongue."
— Dolores threatening Harry Potter with Dark Magic[src]

Although described as an "accomplished witch" at the time when she joined the Ministry of Magic,[33] a statement backed up by her mastery of some rather difficult pieces of magic learned at N.E.W.T.-level, such as nonverbal spell-casting and Apparition, it would seem that on the whole, Dolores Umbridge was never a particularly powerful witch. By the time she became a teacher at Hogwarts, she had no knowledge of the brewing process for Veritaserum and because she needed it (and unwisely squandered a bottle full on one interrogation although she had been told that it was not necessary), it is unlikely that she was a Legilimens. She also could not eliminate the Weasleys' Wildfire Whiz-bangs and their Portable Swamp, feats that other professors easily did (which they refused to at first, just to give Umbridge trouble). She was also unable to remove Marietta Edgecombe's "SNEAK" pimple formation, implying that she may not have been very skilled with counter-jinxes (although it is possible that no counter-jinx existed for Hermione's spell).[12] Her real magical power and knowledge were mainly focused in offensive and defensive magic, particularly of a Darker variety. In fact, her rise through the Ministry ranks were more to her abilities to pander to her superiors while taking credit for other people's efforts and tyrannising her inferiors, rather than any genuine magical talents.[3]

  • Charms: Umbridge was shown to be proficient with charm-work. She could cast charms such as the Blackboard Writing Spell, parchment-sealing spell, Fire-Making Spell, Shield Charm and Stunning Spell successfully and effortlessly.[12][34] She also used a charm to neaten the uniforms of Hogwarts students, much to their irritation.[34] She could perform the highly advanced Patronus Charm even under the influence of Dark Magic; in fact, due to her malice and the locket Horcrux being compatible with one other, her Patronus was strengthened by Voldemort's fragmented soul.[30] It took the form of a Persian cat.[7]
  • Dark Arts: Umbridge was sure of her ability to cast the Cruciatus Curse, which would require the desire to inflict and relish in the harm of the victim, her sadism being a perfect prerequisite.[12] She invented the Black Quill sometime before 1994,[3] a Dark magical torture device that cut the words written with it into the writer's hand, which she utilised heavily for punishing dissident students while she was working at Hogwarts, showing she was skilled with handling Dark artefacts. The fact that she was able to craft such a malicious object capable of inflicting much plain and displeasure upon its victims implies she had a great amount of talent in Dark Magic, as it was even capable of leaving physical scars. Furthermore, she had considerable skill with handling and commanding Dementors, known Dark creatures, as she successfully ordered several Dementors to attack and attempt to murder Harry Potter and Dudley Dursley.[12]

Umbridge conjuring ropes, an advanced form of transfiguration

  • Transfiguration: She was able to effectively conjure ropes at a moment's notice with the Incarcerous Spell,[12] which is an advanced form of Transfiguration, as conjuration can only be performed by those who are proficient in this highly difficult branch of magic. Umbridge was also capable of conjuring glasses and cups of various drinks, which she offered to Harry Potter at one time in her office.[12]
  • Nonverbal magic: She could write on a blackboard, turn out books and burn a paper, all by just raising or pointing her wand. She also offered Harry Potter drinks with Veritaserum in it by just flicking her wand and was capable of casting a non-verbal Stunning Spell.[12] She was also capable of casting a non-verbal spell to separate students (most likely the Revulsion Jinx), which she used to often harass students during her time at Hogwarts.[34]
  • Duelling: Although her skills as a duellist is unknown, she showed no fear in attempting to subdue Albus Dumbledore albeit with Cornelius Fudge, John Dawlish, and Kingsley Shacklebolt (the latter two being Aurors) backing her up, suggesting that she may have had some skill in this field. However, as was easily predictable from the beginning, Dumbledore effortlessly defeated her and all of her ministry compatriots with a single spell far faster before they could even draw their wands against Dumbledore.[12]


Baguette d'Ombrage

Dolores Umbridge's wand

Dolores Umbridge's Enchanted Quill concept art

Her Black Quill

  • First wand: Umbridge owned a wand made of birch and dragon heartstring. It was noted for being unusually short in length, only eight inches.[1] It was snapped in half when a centaur stomped on it in the Forbidden Forest.[12] Garrick Ollivander also noted that wands unusually short in length are often destined for those that have something lacking in character.[14]
  • Frolicsome Feline plates: Dolores owned many ornamental kitten plates which she hung all along the walls of her office at Hogwarts School, as well as her office at the Ministry.[12][7]
  • Black Quill: Umbridge owned at least one Blood Quill which she used as a method of punishment. She had students who displeased her write lines using a blood quill, which Minerva McGonagall considered a "medieval method" of punishment.[12] This quill was her own dark invention.[3]
  • Second wand: After losing her previous wand, Umbridge obtained a replacement of unknown length, wood and core, which she used throughout the remainder of her career in the Ministry.[7] It was likely confiscated when she was incarcerated in Azkaban.
  • Slytherin's Locket: Umbridge accepted the locket from Mundungus Fletcher as a bribe, but did not know that it was one of Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes, nor that it was once Salazar Slytherin's heirloom. She instead used the ornate "S" to falsely claim that it was an heirloom of the Selwyn family, to bolster her pure-blood credentials. It was taken by Harry Potter and replaced with a fake by Hermione Granger.[7] The locket's evil was what increased her magical strength to the point of being able to produce a Patronus, because she was already evil.[30]
  • Higgledy: Umbridge used to own a house-elf named Higgledy. It was presented during her trial following the Second Wizarding War.



Dolores was born a half-blood to wizard Orford Umbridge and muggle Ellen Cracknell, and had a younger brother, who was a squib.[3]

Under the influence of her father, Dolores blamed her mother for being the cause to her brother being born without magical powers as well as looking down on said brother. Coupled with Ellen's flightiness and untidiness, Dolores came to hate both her mother and brother. She considered them to be inferior, and upon reaching 15 years old, she and her father remained in the wizarding world while Ellen took her son and returned to the Muggle world, never seeing each other again.[3]

Although her father was the source of influence on her prejudiced views on blood purity, Dolores found him rather irksome for his unambitious nature as a janitorial worker at the bottom of the social ladder. While climbing the ranks in the Ministry herself, Dolores found her father to be a source of embarrassment and pressured him into an early retirement by disappearing from public sight in exchange for the promise of a small monthly allowance. With her father silently removed from public, Dolores managed to give herself a better public image. Whenever her colleagues (mostly the ones who disliked her) asked if she was related to the Umbridge who used to mop floors, she would use her sweetest smile (which indicates her suppressed rage) to deny all connections and falsely claimed that her deceased father was an esteemed member of the Wizengamot. Nasty things tended to happen to people who asked about Orford or anything else Dolores did not want to talk about, so people who wished to be on her good side would pretend to believe her false heritage. Once Dolores was arrested and sentenced to Azkaban, Orford lost his pittance that his daughter gave him.[3]

Ambitious and prejudiced, Dolores was utterly disgusted with all three of her family members, having no love for any of them, dismissing them, and severing all ties with them due to their low birth and/or poor social statuses, and never again speaking about any of them.[3] She then lied to others about being a pure-blood, seeing herself as such, and even falsely connecting herself to the prestigious Selwyn family to bolster her pure-blood credentials and cover her shameful heritage.[7]

Harry Potter[]

"The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue. What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him. He never knew I ordered Dementors after Potter last summer, but he was delighted to be given the chance to expel him, all the same...."
— Umbridge explaining her hatred of and willingness to torture Harry Potter[src]
OOTP promo front Harry cropped

Harry Potter, her enemy and former student

Dolores Umbridge did everything in her power to make Harry Potter's life as miserable as possible, and thus, the two of them had a mutual loathing for each other. In the summer of 1995, Umbridge sent two Dementors after Harry and his cousin Dudley. This was an attempt to silence him from contradicting the Ministry's official opinion that Voldemort had not returned. Umbridge was one of Harry's jurors when he was summoned to the Ministry for a trial of the underage magic he used to fend off the Dementors, and she wanted him to be convicted, but he was acquitted due to the efforts of Albus Dumbledore and Arabella Figg.

With Dolores Umbridge as his new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Harry found himself hating Umbridge the moment he set his eyes on her, from her fluffy pink cardigan to her high-pitched girlish voice, despite not having an actual reason at the time. He often was outspoken in class and suffered for his inability to control his temper; he served detention several times with her during that year in which he would be forced to write lines with his own blood using a Blood Quill, which magically scarred his hand. Minerva McGonagall was highly critical of Umbridge's methods, and warned Harry not to cross her because he would get into big trouble at school, and, possibly, even with the Ministry. Before Umbridge, Harry thought there would never be a teacher he hated as much as Severus Snape, but found Umbridge to be a strong contender.

"Harry felt a strong urge to swing around and seize her by the throat"
— Harry Potter furious at Umbridge for calling Rubeus Hagrid a "great half-breed oaf"[src]

Using her newly acquired power under the Educational Decrees from the Ministry, she banned all extra-curricular activities and gatherings until they were approved by the High Inquisitor (herself); this meant that the House Quidditch teams were disbanded. Slytherin's team was immediately reinstated while Gryffindor was delayed from reforming for nearly a month after then-captain Angelina Johnson put in the request. As well as making Harry use a quill that would slice open his hand and cause him to write in his own blood, she banned Harry, Fred, and George from playing Quidditch later in the year after they attacked Draco Malfoy (though their bans were all lifted following Umbridge's eventual removal from Hogwarts) for his cruel insults.

Detention dolores

Dolores forcing Harry to write lines with his own blood as ink during a detention

Umbridge monitored all incoming and outgoing mail, and Harry's owl Hedwig was injured on Umbridge's orders. She made it difficult for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to visit Hagrid. When Rita Skeeter published an article in The Quibbler about Harry's past experiences with Voldemort during the Triwizard Tournament, Dolores banned Harry from trips to Hogsmeade. Umbridge nearly used the Cruciatus Curse to get Harry to talk before Hermione intervened and, together with Harry, tricked Umbridge into going into the Forest to show her "Dumbledore's weapon". This resulted in Umbridge being carried off by the centaurs, whom she had attacked first, due to her hatred of half-breeds.

After the Ministry had finally acknowledged Voldemort's return to power, Umbridge was removed from Hogwarts. However, Harry was furious to learn later that year that Umbridge was still working for the Ministry of Magic. The next year Lord Voldemort took over the Ministry. Umbridge showed her respect for Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters by taking part in the hunt for Harry Potter. She branded Harry as "Undesirable No.1," and was given the job of Head of the Muggle-Born Registration Commission. This was a job that involved sadistically sentencing innocent Muggle-borns to Azkaban on the false charge of stealing magic. Harry learned that Umbridge had one of Voldemort's Horcruxes and Mad Eye Moody's magical eye in her possession. During the Infiltration of the Ministry of Magic, Harry saw Umbridge ruthlessly interrogating a poor Muggle-born. Enraged, Harry stunned Umbridge and retrieved the Horcrux. He also took the eye from her office and buried it.

In the alternative reality created by Harry's son, Albus, and his friend, Scorpius Malfoy, it was found that Umbridge seemed delighted in Harry's death in May 1998. The delight of it extended to the point where she wished that he did not rest in peace but in endless despair in the Voldemort-controlled world.

Cornelius Fudge[]

"What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him."
— Umbridge before she attempted to torture Harry Potter with the illegal Cruciatus Curse, showing her view of Fudge[src]
Cornelius Fudge 2

Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, her superior

Umbridge was Cornelius Fudge's right-hand woman, being his Senior-Undersecretary, and he trusted her greatly to place her into Hogwarts to control it. He granted her many powers through Educational Decrees, and full-heartedly agreed with all of her comments and mockeries against Dumbledore and Harry.

Fudge seemed to be ignorant of Umbridge's dark and sadistic nature. In return, Umbridge was loyal to Fudge only because of the power he was offering her, and she felt no true attachments to the misguided man. She was also willing to break the law behind the Minister's back to achieve results such as summoning Dementors in an attempt to expel Harry as well as attempting to use the illegal Cruciatus Curse for interrogation, all the while stating that "what Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him." Umbridge was always an opportunist seeking for power and status, and when Cornelius was succumbing to paranoia in 1995, she took full advantage by stoking the Minister's vanity and fears, feigning sympathy for his anxiety in order to use him for promotions. When Fudge was dismissed, Umbridge stood beside the new Ministers instead, even when it became apparent that the new regime established in 1997 was morally corrupt (which actually fell in line with her true personality).

Ministry of Magic[]

As the Senior Undersecretary of the Minister for Magic, Umbridge was incredibly supportive of the aims of her superiors, Ministers Fudge, Scrimgeour, and Thicknesse. During their respective downfalls, however, Umbridge did not try to stand up for them, meaning that she only served them loyally for the power that she was offered, and felt no true attachments towards any of them. Some of her equals also respected her enough. In fact, Percy Weasley sent a letter to his younger brother, stating that Umbridge was a "truly delightful woman", and that Ron should side with her instead of continuing to associate with Harry. However, others, like Amelia Bones and Arthur Weasley, didn't appear to like her. Furthermore, some lower-ranking employees tended to talk ill of her behind her back, as seen when she was the Head of the Muggle-Born Registration Commission and some pamphlet makers complained about her usage of Alastor Moody's magical eye to monitor them. She mainly keeps up the façade of a respectable official amongst most of her equals and superiors, but she has no trouble tyrannising her subordinates.

During her earlier years, she attempted to charm her superiors for a marriage, in order to raise her status and power, but, while they valued her hard work and ambitions, they knew her enough that they found her very difficult to like and refused to have any affectionate relationship with her. Her advancement in her career included taking credit from other people, which furthered their dislike for her. Some of her coworkers who disliked her tend to ask her if she is related to the Umbridge who used to mop floors at the Ministry, which she took offensively before denying it, and caused some nasty events to happen to such people, thus leading to those who wished to remain on her good side to believe her invented ancestry. After the Ministry was reformed under Kingsley Shacklebolt's guidance, Umbridge was arrested, tried and imprisoned for her crimes against Muggle-borns, as not all the Muggle-borns she sent to Azkaban survived their imprisonment during the Second Wizarding War.

Minerva McGonagall[]

Minerva McGonagall: "He has achieved high marks in all of his Defence against the Dark Arts tests —"
Umbridge: "I'm terribly sorry to have to contradict you, Minerva, but as you will see from my note, Harry has been achieving very poor results in his classes with me —"
Minerva McGonagall: "I should have made my meaning plainer... He has achieved high marks in all Defence Against the Dark Arts tests set by a competent teacher."
— McGonagall arguing with Umbridge in regards to Harry Potter[src]

Minerva McGonagall, her enemy

Minerva McGonagall disliked Dolores Umbridge from the beginning, and their relationship only worsened over time. When the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher began to invade Hogwarts with her Hogwarts High Inquisitor position, she did everything she could in her power to circumvent Umbridge's authority without risking the loss of her job. During Umbridge's inspections of McGonagall's class, Minerva tried for the most part to ignore Dolores. This was difficult, due to Umbridge's constant interruptions of McGonagall using her signature soft, girlish cough of "Hem hem". When forced to acknowledge Umbridge's presence, McGonagall treated her with a cold and harsh demeanour, much to the pleasure of many students.

Although Dolores had the authority to put Minerva on probation or even sack her, Minerva was not afraid to show her disgust and hatred of Dolores to her face. Despite this, she understood that Umbridge had a lot of power and that she was reporting directly to Cornelius Fudge, and so Minerva once warned Harry Potter to tread carefully around Umbridge. Even so, she vehemently vouched for Harry during their Career Advice session, claiming that she would coach him nightly if she had to in order to realise his dream of becoming an Auror, after Umbridge furiously protested that Harry would never become one; during this session, Minerva indirectly claimed Dolores's evaluation as incompetent and would not be taken into consideration. After Umbridge fired Sybill Trelawney from her post as Divination teacher, Minerva even put aside her mild dislike of Sybill to focus even more on her hatred of Dolores.


Dolores and Minerva tensely standing next to each other

Even when Dolores took over Hogwarts, replacing Albus Dumbledore as head of the school, Minerva continued to help undermine Umbridge's reign, preferring to watch her struggle with the chaos that was being caused by the students and Peeves (sometimes with her even helping with it). When Minerva attempted to prevent the attack on Hagrid, Umbridge and her cohorts shot her down with four simultaneous Stunners, severely injuring her, requiring her to be sent to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Dolores was pleased at this, as it meant she had full control of Hogwarts. After Minerva's return to Hogwarts, Minerva did nothing to curb the students' enthusiasm when Peeves chased Dolores from Hogwarts, only lamenting that she could not run after Umbridge herself (because the poltergeist had taken her walking stick to hit Dolores with as he followed her from the school).

Fred and George Weasley[]

Fred Weasley: "We won't be seeing you!"
George Weasley: "Yeah, don't bother to keep in touch."
Fred Weasley: "If anybody fancies buying a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated upstairs, come to number ninety-three Diagon Alley — Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Our new premises!"
George Weasley: "Special discounts to Hogwarts students who swear they're going to use our products to get rid of this old bat!"
Dolores Umbridge: "STOP THEM!"
— Fred and George depart Hogwarts, giving their last sentiments to Umbridge[src]

Fred and George Weasley, her former students whom she particularly despised

Fred and George Weasley hated Umbridge, who was appointed by the Ministry of Magic as the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor in 1995. Umbridge was a sadistic woman who enjoyed punishing and torturing students. Almost every resident of Hogwarts at the time hated Umbridge, but she particularly hated Harry Potter, Fred and George. When George and Harry attacked Draco Malfoy after a Gryffindor — Slytherin Quidditch match, Umbridge kicked them off the team, along with Fred.[12]

"Give her hell from us, Peeves."
— Fred Weasley telling Peeves to cause chaos for Umbridge before departing Hogwarts[src]

Fred and George were students who vehemently opposed Umbridge, and they used their mischief-making skills to undermine her authority. They developed special fireworks and set them off within the castle after Umbridge was appointed Head of Hogwarts. The fireworks took fantastical forms, such as a monstrous light dragon and Catherine wheels. They also created a Portable Swamp, which was commended by Charms Professor Filius Flitwick as a bit of "really good magic", in order to anger Umbridge just before leaving Hogwarts. When she attempted to punish them, Fred and George insulted her in front of the whole school and then fled with their broomsticks, much to her absolute fury, as she ordered her Inquisitorial Squad to apprehend the two, which failed. In response, the twins "strongly suggested" that Peeves "give her hell from us" before flying out of the castle grounds, a departure that would become somewhat of a legend at the school.[12]

Inquisitorial Squad[]

"Excellent, Draco, excellent, oh, very good — fifty points to Slytherin!"
— Umbridge awarding Draco Malfoy house points for having caught Harry Potter escape a Dumbledore's Army's meeting[src]

Umbridge with the Inquisitorial Squad

Some of the Slytherin students as well as the caretaker, Argus Filch, happily supported Umbridge during her reign as the High Inquisitor and later Headmistress of Hogwarts; relating her cruelty and sadism with their own ambitions. In fact, Filch claimed that Umbridge was the best thing to happen to Hogwarts, falling for her ploy to gain his trust by rewarding him with, for example, permission to use torture as a form of punishment.[12]

However, Umbridge was fully aware that she could rely only on herself in the more crucial situations, evidenced in her reaction to Draco Malfoy's greedy facial expression upon hearing of Dumbledore's fabled "secret weapon" from an apparently distraught Hermione Granger. Umbridge, believing Hermione's bluff, then took it upon herself to discover this weapon first-hand rather than send one of her Slytherin cronies to do it for her. Other members of the Inquisitorial Squad were Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Graham Montague, and C. Warrington.[12]

Severus Snape[]

Umbridge: "Now ... how long have you been teaching at Hogwarts?"
Snape: "Fourteen years."
Umbridge: "You applied first for the Defence Against the Dark Arts post, I believe?"
Snape: "Yes."
Umbridge: "But you were unsuccessful?"
Snape: "Obviously."
— Umbridge patronising Snape during her class inspections[src]
Severus Snape Profile

Severus Snape, who disliked Umbridge immensely

The only Slytherin who did not support Dolores Umbridge during her tenure at Hogwarts was the Head of Slytherin House himself, Severus Snape. Like Harry, Snape hated Umbridge from the moment he set eyes on her for taking the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Like his colleagues, he did as little to help her as possible due to seeing her as the spoiled child that she was. Because of this, Snape was the only one who could ignore Umbridge's insults and endure her tantrums. He was, however, not above subtle taunting, as shown when he merely raised an eyebrow after she told him he was on probation or when he pointed out the foolishness in her use of the entire bottle of Veritaserum (which was fake) he gave her when she only needed three drops.

Umbridge, in turn, seemed to enjoy bullying Snape over the fact that Dumbledore always refused him the Defence Against the Dark Arts position, which Snape found to be infuriating, and he barely hid his rage. She was also annoyed with his lack of support for her and accused him of being "deliberately unhelpful". In general, Umbridge seemed to expect more support from Snape due to Lucius Malfoy speaking highly of him to her.

In an alternate reality in which Voldemort won the war and Umbridge became the official Headmistress of Hogwarts, she kept Snape as a teacher at the school. Umbridge claimed that she knew of Snape's true allegiance to the Order of the Phoenix for years, but she did not act on it at the time; it was only when Severus assisted Scorpius Malfoy in defying Voldemort did Umbridge express her regret of not dealing with Snape before. In short, it seems Umbridge kept Snape around for his teaching capabilities while disregarding his loyalty as something that could not bring harm to the new regime until he made an open move. Snape, in turn, had no qualms in blasting Umbridge back when she confronted them.

Horace Slughorn[]

Another Slytherin who never liked Umbridge was her Head of House Horace Slughorn; he did not nominate her to be Prefect nor Head Girl. He did not hesitate to express how he always considered her an "idiotic woman" and admitted that he never liked her in front of Harry, especially after hearing she foolishly called a herd of centaur "filthy half-breeds". Harry, sharing this contemptuous dislike for Umbridge, chuckled at Horace's comment.

Other Hogwarts residents and teachers[]

Sybill Trelawney: "No! NO! This cannot be happening... It cannot... I refuse to accept it!"
Umbridge: "You didn't realise this was coming? Incapable though you are of predicting even tomorrow's weather, you must surely have realised that your pitiful performance during my inspections, and lack of any improvement, would make it inevitable you would be sacked?"
— Dolores Umbridge, soundly callously amused, insulting Trelawney while she sacks her[src]
Umbridge sacks Trelawney 1996

Umbridge sacking Professor Trelawney and attempting to send her away from Hogwarts Castle

During her time as a student, Umbridge never truly enjoyed her time at Hogwarts, and being denied any position of power (i.e. Prefect, Head Girl) made her resent the establishment. Upon being installed by Fudge as a teacher, Umbridge saw it as a golden opportunity to get revenge against the school that did not (as she saw it) give her her due respect.[3]

While at Hogwarts as a staff member, Dolores Umbridge was, overall, a highly unpleasant person to be around. As such, she was highly unpopular to most students and teachers in Hogwarts school. In fact, she was despised or feared by many of the other residents of the grounds, such as the ghosts, paintings, house-elves, and the Forbidden Forest centaurs. She would constantly interrupt teachers, such as Dumbledore during his welcoming speech, with her high-pitched girlish cough of "Hem hem" and speak to students in a condescending tone, as if they were simpletons or her inferiors; her personal speech during the Start-of-Term Feast already left a very negative first impression on the school in general, as most students could not be bothered to listen to the "load of waffle", while the teachers and Hermione Granger deduced the meaning that "the Ministry is interfering at Hogwarts", which displeased them. Dumbledore, being the most cordial of the staff, was the only one to bow back to her during her speech, as none of the other teachers did so, and when she was finished speaking, the students gave very scattered and unenthusiastic applause, while the staff only clapped once or twice before stopping, showing their lack of respect for Umbridge altogether. However, Dumbledore could not do anything about her due to her being appointed by the Ministry, and school life was made infinitely more difficult — for students and staff alike — by her presence.

Umbridge inspecting Snape

Umbridge, as High Inquisitor, inspecting Severus Snape

The students who despised her cruelty started a massive rebellion inspired by Fred and George Weasley after they set off a Portable Swamp and fled the school. The teachers and staff, most of whom despised Umbridge's methods and interfering in their classes, did little to support her, and instead allowed the students to run rampant. Some of them were Filius Flitwick, Pomona Sprout, Poppy Pomfrey, and even Severus Snape. Madam Pomfrey, however, looked after her as she would any other following her rescue from the centaurs.

Umbridge was particularly offensive and prejudiced towards Hagrid, due to his half-giant blood, and to Professor Trelawney, who Umbridge believed was a fraud. Eventually, Umbridge sacked Trelawney and attempted to rudely evict her from the school, only to be foiled by Dumbledore. This also turned even more of the students and staff against her. In fact, the school itself appeared to deny her authority, sealing the Headmaster's office against her. In addition, Umbridge liked to intimidate Snape, despite both of them sharing a dislike of Harry Potter. Unlike Trelawney, who took these horrible comments to heart and was deeply insulted, Snape rarely took any of her tauntings seriously. Besides the staff, the students, and Peeves, the residents of the castle paintings also regarded her and her helpers with general distaste, swearing and making rude hand gestures at her and Cornelius Fudge when they left the Headmaster's office in pursuit of Dumbledore. Dobby was also terrified of her, warning of her approach to Harry in hysterics, and barely able to say her name.

Umbridge: "You're on Probation!"
Severus Snape: "*looks back at her, his eyebrows slightly raised*"
Umbridge: "You are being deliberately unhelpful! I expected better, Lucius Malfoy always speaks most highly of you! Now get out of my office!"
— Umbridge's assessment of Snape after he tells her that he has no more Veritaserum[src]
B5C27M3 Dumbledore's escape

Dumbledore after having incapacitated Umbridge and other Ministry officials

Umbridge especially disliked Albus Dumbledore, as he kept undermining her attempts to wrest control of Hogwarts. She, like Cornelius Fudge, believed that Dumbledore was trying to overthrow the Ministry of Magic and hence usurp the position of Minister for Magic. Of all, she was one of the only individuals who did the feat (and mistake) of angering Dumbledore when she attacked a student in front of him, a thing that even Voldemort himself was not able to do. Umbridge had no respect for Dumbledore, as her sorrowful face she gave at his funeral was unconvincing.

Dumbledore's Army[]

"The purpose of Potter's meeting with these students was to persuade them to join an illegal society, whose aim was to learn spells and curses the Ministry has decided are inappropriate for school-age —"
— Umbridge's condemnation of Dumbledore's Army[src]
Dumbledore's Army

Dumbledore's Army, Hogwarts students who rejected her authority and rebelled against her

Dumbledore's Army was an organisation founded by Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger and led by Harry in order to teach the members Defence Against the Dark Arts, something that Umbridge didn't. Dumbledore's Army was also an organisation founded in order to directly oppose Umbridge and her supporters. When Umbridge found out about the organisation, she utilised the powers of Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four to have them all expelled, but failed due to Dumbledore taking the blame.[12]

"You hag, you evil hag! I know what you're doing, you awful, twisted, vicious —"
— Hermione Granger's hatred of Umbridge[src]

Some of the members were: Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Fred and George Weasley, Ernie Macmillan, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Colin and Dennis Creevey, Michael Corner, Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein, Zacharias Smith, Padma and Parvati Patil and Marietta Edgecombe. All of them, aside from Marietta, disliked Umbridge. For instance, Hermione cited that she was an evil woman trying to dictate the affairs of the entire school, while Ron said she was "sick" in the head.[12]

However, Marietta betrayed the Army to Umbridge because of her parents' loyalty to the Ministry. Although Umbridge feigned kindness in encouraging Marietta to do "the right thing", when Kingsley Shacklebolt secretly modified Marietta's memory, Umbridge was furious with the young girl for being unable to answer her questions. This caused the High Inquisitor to violently shake Marietta until Dumbledore quickly stepped in.

Part-humans and Muggle-borns[]

"Filthy half-breeds! Beasts! Uncontrolled animals!"
— Umbridge insulting a herd of centaurs in fear[src]

Umbridge always had a prejudiced view on those who were part-humans. She used the derogatory term "half-breed" and treated them particularly horribly. This extended to creatures that looked like part-humans, but were in fact a separate breed, such as centaurs, merpeople, and werewolves, as she either mistook them to be human-animal hybrids or simply found their appearances of being partially human revolting. Regardless of her definition of "half-breeds", she was extremely cruel to them, writing an anti-werewolf legislation so they could barely find employment, and campaigning for merpeople to be rounded up and tagged, the latter which was never followed through due to the sheer ridiculousness.

Dolores hagrid

Umbridge's hatred extending to half-giant Hagrid

Her extreme prejudice would cause her to forgo her usual feigned politeness, and be outright rude to such individuals. In particular, Umbridge was horrible to half-giant Rubeus Hagrid, treating him like a dimwitted and violent troll, and ultimately tried to attack him under the cover of darkness. Umbridge was also horrified at the appointment of the new Divination teacher, the centaur Firenze. Her prejudice eventually led her to foolishly insult and anger a herd of centaurs who dragged her away, which led her to develop a phobia towards centaurs.

However, despite her hatred towards half-breeds, Umbridge did not seem to hate part-goblin Filius Flitwick, judging by Fred Weasley's statement that she passed him on his inspection. Although this is most likely a result of Umbridge's lack of knowledge of Flitwick's ancestry. Alternatively, it is possible that Flitwick's all-around competence led to her being unable to find a pretext to mark him down.

One year before she was incarcerated in Azkaban, Umbridge's cruel prejudice extended to Muggle-borns, due to her hypocritical-conformity of the ideology of blood purity. She sadistically interrogated them alongside Yaxley, two prime victims being Alderton and Mary Cattermole. She also published a pamphlet stating the dangers of Muggles and referred to them as "Mudbloods". Her crimes against Muggle-borns led to her imprisonment in Azkaban following the defeat of Voldemort, especially since some of the Muggle-borns she convicted did not survive Azkaban.[3]

Death Eaters[]

Unidentified Death Eater (II)

A masked Death Eater

Although Umbridge was not a Death Eater and had no direct contact with Lord Voldemort, she showed that she was fairly in line with their goals. This was due to Umbridge's callous nature, prejudiced beliefs (both of which were similar to Death Eater behaviour) and her antagonism and disrespect to Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore, whom she tried to hinder or thwart on several occasions. Umbridge seemed to be on friendly terms with Lucius Malfoy, a known Death Eater who had close connections with the Ministry.

In addition, Umbridge was seen working alongside Yaxley, another Death Eater, who was part of the Muggle-Born Registration Commission which Umbridge was in charge of. Umbridge's duties as the head of this commission involved sadistically prosecuting innocent Muggle-borns who were the enemies of the Death Eaters. However, Umbridge was never actually part of Lord Voldemort's ring of Death Eaters, although it appears that with her Mudblood prejudice leaflet, she supported Muggle-born segregation. While Umbridge was never known to have joined Voldemort or to have been aware of his infiltration of the Ministry in 1997, her displayed behaviour suggests that she had no problems with the changes that he introduced. Despite Travers, a Death Eater reported as an escaped prisoner of the Azkaban 1996 mass breakout, Umbridge had no problem working with such known criminals, so long as they were in charge and provided her power.

Upon Voldemort's defeat and the return of peace to the Wizarding community, Umbridge allied herself with several Death Eaters in an attempt to use a Time-Turner to revise history to save Voldemort and his dictatorship, showing her full support of the Death Eaters and their tyrannical rule, along with the power they granted her.

In an alternative reality where Voldemort succeeded in conquering Britain and killing Harry, Dolores was full-heartedly celebrating "Voldemort Day", showing she was aware of the Death Eaters taking over and her full and open support for Lord Voldemort.



  • Dolores is a common Spanish name, although it also occurs as an English name. In Spanish and Latin, "dolores" is also the plural form of "dolor", which means pain. In English, the similar sounding word "Dolorous" means causing or expressing grief and suffering. Dolor is the Danish name of the Cruciatus Curse.
  • Jane is a sweet name for a girl, adding a cruel irony to her nomenclature. Because her middle name is "Jane", J. K. Rowling changed Hermione Granger's middle name (which was also Jane) to "Jean" in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
  • "Umbridge" is a pun on the English "umbrage" meaning "offence" or "insult", indicates that Dolores Umbridge is destined to do only harm and cause only unhappiness. It also symbolises how she is offended by any challenge to her limited world-view and her secretive nature. "Umbrage", which came from the Middle French "ombrage" and ultimately from the Latin "umbra" is a word whose meaning has evolved over time. Originally, "Umbrage" meant "shadow" or "shade", then it evolved to refer to "that which provides shadow or shade", then took on the meaning "semblance" or "suspicion", and eventually to "the suspicion that one has been slighted" and its present meaning.

Behind the scenes[]

DoloresUmbridge WB F5 DoloresUmbridgeCharacterIllustration V4 Illust 080615 Port

Umbridge as seen on Pottermore

DoloresUmbridge WB F5 DoloresUmbridgeCharacterIllustration V1 Illust 080615 Port

Umbridge as seen on Pottermore

Dolores Umbridge game

Dolores Umbridge as she is depicted in the video game adaptation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Umbridge LEGO

Dolores Umbridge as depicted in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7

Umbridge Pop

Dolores Umbridge as a POP! Vinyl

Dolores Umbridge 2007 LEGO minifigure

Dolores as a LEGO minifugre (2007 edition)


Dolores as a LEGO minifigure (2018 edition)

  • Umbridge is portrayed by British actress Imelda Staunton in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and the first part of the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.[35]
  • In the film adaptions, Umbridge's black velvet bow on top of her head was omitted, though curiously Mundungus Fletcher still remarks "bleedin' bow & all!" when he spots an image of Umbridge on a Daily Prophet newspaper in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, despite the bow's absence.
  • Of the seven Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers over the time when the series is set, Umbridge is the only woman to hold the post.
  • It has been noted by many fans, Imelda Staunton and even J. K. Rowling herself that Dolores bears many similarities to the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher, similar to Umbridge, was minister for education, and made many changes that the public disagreed with (though ironically, she was the one to ban the cane in British schools), and was also known for her soft approach when addressing the public, but was also known for being radical, harsh and in some cases extreme with her policies and methods in running the country during her tenure. In the film adaptations, her hairstyle also bears a resemblance to that of Thatcher.
  • The power granted to Umbridge by Fudge to consolidate his political strength and squash his perceived enemies is not unlike the abuse members of the Nixon administration committed during the Watergate Era. In addition, Umbridge's final crimes are the "ethnic cleansing" of Muggle-born wizards, analogous to the Nazi persecutions leading to the Holocaust.
  • Actress Staunton said that she nearly vomited when she had filmed the scene where Umbridge makes Harry write in his own blood during his fifth year. She also said that it was amongst the most "sickening parts she ever filmed".
  • Professor Umbridge is one of the least popular Harry Potter characters in the opinions of the main characters. However, Neville Longbottom has stated that she was significantly less harsh than the Carrows, as she did not directly use dark magic. J. K. Rowling herself has noted that Umbridge is "a nasty piece of work". David Yates also described her as a splice between Doris Day and Freddy Krueger.
  • Despite Professor McGonagall's hatred for Umbridge, they share the same patronus form: a cat. Both of their Patronuses are shown in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
  • Horror novelist Stephen King (a great fan of J. K. Rowling), writing as a book reviewer for the 11 July 2003 Entertainment Weekly, noted that "the success of any fantasy novel depends on a great villain", and called Umbridge the "greatest make-believe villain to come along since Hannibal Lecter".[36]
  • The film adapation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix omits the detail that Umbridge was the person who sent the Dementors to attack Harry, nor does it identify the one who was responsible. It is implied however, that she was the one who sent them to attack Harry when she attempts to use the Cruciatus Curse on Harry later on in the film.
  • In the fifth film adaptation, Umbridge does not say Harry Potter's first name at all. She does use the name "Potter" when saying his surname or calling him "Mr Potter" when addressing Harry and she only 'says' it when her actress Imelda Staunton is in an interview of Disc 2 Special Features.
  • Umbridge may be related to Death Eater Selwyn, as she claimed in Deathly Hallows that she was related to the Selwyn family, though this is a lie to "bolster her own pure-blood credentials", because she has a muggle mother and so is definitely a half-blood.
  • Interestingly enough, when she finds Hermione (disguised as Mafalda Hopkirk), she says "Travers sent you, did he?" Travers is also a Death Eater. Perhaps by coincidence, Travers and Selwyn are the two Death Eaters that attack Harry, Ron, and Hermione when they go to see Xenophilius Lovegood.
  • The only staff member to ever like Umbridge was Argus Filch, who thought she was the best thing to happen to Hogwarts. This was mostly since she gave him powers over students to whip them or hang them by their ankles in exchange for him spying for her.
  • In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, there is a figure of Umbridge balancing on a rope shouting "I really hate children." and "I will have order!" repeatedly in the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes Joke Shop. This is strange as Fred and George Weasley never heard Umbridge quoting such lines. However, a possible explanation is that Umbridge actually said these two lines frequently.
  • According to J. K. Rowling, in early drafts of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Umbridge's first name was Elvira.[37]
  • Despite her hatred towards half-breeds, Umbridge did not seem to hate part-goblin Filius Flitwick, as Fred Weasley stated that she marked him well on his inspection (this may be due to the fact that the goblin blood comes from a distant ancestor). In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix however, she does harass Flitwick by measuring him, as if there were a height requirement.
  • In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Umbridge's Kitten Brooch and Ring were custom-made by Israeli jewellery designer Michal Negrin, who then subsequently made a small collection of pieces with a similar pattern.
  • In the video game adaptation of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, the Expulso spellbook is in her office, squarely in the centre of her desktop. It is not elaborated on why she possessed this item, though it is quite possible that she'd confiscated it. It is also possible that it was actually hers, since her magical power was concentrated in offensive and defensive magic.
  • The influence of the Locket on Umbridge is notably similar to the influence of the Ring of Power on Galadriel, in that both experienced amplified magical power and malice. Both were also being influenced by the rehoused soul of a Dark wizard, more or less (although, unlike Galadriel, Umbridge was already evil).
  • In LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7, Umbridge is seen to have great evasion, as she is capable of performing flips while fighting against centaurs in the episode "A Giant Virtuoso". She also has the habit to change books about offensive use of spells into pink books about cats, much to students' irritation. Also, during Mary Cattermole's judgement in the Wizengamot room, instead of being knocked by Harry Potter at the first time, she and Corban Yaxley fought Harry, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger in the room with a parody of the Reverse Spell. The fight ended after Umbridge was knocked and fell into her judge seat.
  • In the "The Lizzie Bennet Diaries", an Emmy-winning YouTube vlog that is a modern version of Pride and Prejudice, Ashley Clemmets (Lizzie Bennet) used Umbridge as an inspiration to perform Lady Catherine De Bough in several of the episodes throughout the series.
  • Much of her tyrannical rise to power was shown, as she wanted to cast a Cruciatus Curse on Harry, an Unforgivable Curse. It is unknown how much the spell would be painful to Harry, but, when taking into consideration her nature, the spell would be almost as powerful as Bellatrix Lestrange's Cruciatus Curse.
  • Gillian Berrow, a story writer for the television series My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, has stated that Umbridge was a model for the villainous MLP character Starlight Glimmer.
  • In the German audio books, Dolores Umbridge has an Austrian accent.
  • Umbridge's wand is the only wand in the series made of birch. The distinction is more meaningful as Ollivander is described in Pottermore as never using birch as a wand wood. This could be a connection to Krampus, a child-beating demon that uses birch sticks as a weapon or the practice of 'birching', a corporal punishment where a victim is beaten with a birch rod.
  • Dolores Umbridge has some similarities to Ronald Weasley. Both of them were implied to have lonely pre-Hogwarts lives and they felt overshadowed by their family and resented that the school did not grant them any position of power and responsibility. Both of them were loyal to the Ministry of Magic and had a father that worked there; both of their fathers were of low rank (janitor and Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office, respectively), which they were both implied (in both cases without any cemented evidence) to be insecure about. They both wore Slytherin's Locket, which exacerbated their worst traits such as selfishness and selective loyalty. But the difference is that, as Sirius Black once cited, Umbridge's darker traits took over her mind, while Ron chose to turn over a fresh leaf and eventually got the position of power he wanted, choosing to act on the light in him.
  • It seems inconsistent for Harry to notice in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, that Umbridge "obviously did not know how things were done at Hogwarts" as no new teacher had ever interrupted Dumbledore before, implying that she had never been at Hogwarts.[38] Despite that, it was later revealed in Pottermore that she graduated from there.[2]
  • Coincidentally, Dolores Umbridge shares a lot of similarities with Voldemort.
    • Both were blood supremacists.
    • Both were half-bloods but despised their race.
    • Both held negative emotions for their parents.
    • Both held positions of power and were feared by many wizards and witches.
    • Both left permanent scars on Harry Potter.
    • Both had possessed Slytherin's locket at one point.

Author's comments[]


The devil wears pink

"Once, long ago, I took instruction in a certain skill or subject (I am being vague as vague can be, for reasons that are about to become obvious), and in doing so, came into contact with a teacher or instructor whom I disliked intensely on sight.

The woman in question returned my antipathy with interest. Why we took against each other so instantly, heartily and (on my side, at least) irrationally, I honestly cannot say. What sticks in my mind is her pronounced taste for twee accessories. I particularly recall a tiny little plastic bow slide, pale lemon in colour that she wore in her short curly hair. I used to stare at that little slide, which would have been appropriate to a girl of three, as though it was some kind of repellant physical growth. She was quite a stocky woman, and not in the first flush of youth, and her tendency to wear frills where (I felt) frills had no business to be, and to carry undersized handbags, again as though they had been borrowed from a child's dressing-up box, jarred, I felt, with a personality that I found the reverse of sweet, innocent, and ingenuous.

I am always a little wary when talking about these kinds of sources of inspiration, because it is infuriating to hear yourself misinterpreted in ways that can cause other people a great deal of hurt. This woman was NOT 'the real Dolores Umbridge'. She did not look like a toad, she was never sadistic or vicious to me or anyone else, and I never heard her express a single view in common with Umbridge (indeed, I never knew her well enough to know much about her views or preferences, which makes my dislike of her even less justifiable). However, it is true to say that I borrowed from her, then grossly exaggerated, a taste for the sickly sweet and girlish in dress, and it was that tiny little pale lemon plastic bow that I was remembering when I perched the fly-like ornament on Dolores Umbridge's head.

I have noticed more than once in life that a taste for the ineffably twee can go hand-in-hand with a distinctly uncharitable outlook on the world. I once shared an office with a woman who had covered the wall space behind her desk with pictures of fluffy kitties; she was the most bigoted, spiteful champion of the death penalty with whom it has ever been my misfortune to share a kettle. A love of all things saccharine often seems present where there is a lack of real warmth or charity.

So Dolores, who is one of the characters for whom I feel purest dislike, became an amalgam of traits taken from these, and a variety of sources. Her desire to control, to punish and to inflict pain, all in the name of law and order, are, I think, every bit as reprehensible as Lord Voldemort's unvarnished espousal of evil.

Umbridge's names were carefully chosen. 'Dolores' means sorrow, something she undoubtedly inflicts on all around her. 'Umbridge' is a play on 'umbrage' from the British expression 'to take umbrage', meaning offence. Dolores is offended by any challenge to her limited world-view; I felt her surname conveyed the pettiness and rigidity of her character. It is harder to explain 'Jane'; it simply felt rather smug and neat between her other two names."


The Harry Potter Wiki has 254 images related to Dolores Umbridge.

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 "Dolores Umbridge fact file" from Pottermore (archived)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Her Pottermore profile states that she became Head of the Improper Use of Magic Office "before she was thirty"; and she was already the Head during the 1990–1991 school year as seen in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 5 (The Ministry of Magic), making 1961 her latest possible year of birth.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Dolores Umbridge" at Harry Potter (website)
  4. "World Exclusive Interview with J K Rowling," South West News Service, 8 July 2000 - "Hogwarts just serves Britain and Ireland."
  5. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Beyond Hogwarts, Volume 1, Chapter 16 (FIRE AND EYES)
  6. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 11 (The Sorting Hat's New Song) - "She looked, Harry thought, like somebody's maiden aunt: squat, with short, curly, mouse-brown hair in which she had placed a horrible pink Alice band that matched the fluffy pink cardigan she wore over her robes."
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 13 (The Muggle-Born Registration Commission)
  8. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (video game)
  9. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Act Three, Scene Nine
  10. 10.0 10.1 Casual Vacancy Signing Revelation
  11. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Beyond Hogwarts, Volume 1, Chapter 14 (HIGH SOCIETY)
  12. 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.18 12.19 12.20 12.21 12.22 12.23 12.24 12.25 12.26 12.27 12.28 12.29 12.30 12.31 12.32 12.33 12.34 12.35 12.36 12.37 12.38 12.39 12.40 12.41 12.42 12.43 12.44 12.45 12.46 12.47 12.48 12.49 12.50 12.51 12.52 12.53 12.54 12.55 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  13. 13.0 13.1 J.K. Rowling Web Chat
  14. 14.0 14.1 Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Wand Lengths and Flexibility" at Harry Potter (website)
  15. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 4 (Horace Slughorn)
  16. 16.0 16.1 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 5 (The Ministry of Magic)
  17. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 9 (A Beast of a Division)
  18. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 31 (Circle Up)
  19. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 32 (The Wizengamot Trial)
  20. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 14 (Percy and Padfoot) - "'No,' said Sirius, 'but she drafted a bit of anti-werewolf legislation two years ago that makes it almost impossible for him to get a job.'"
  21. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 14 (Percy and Padfoot) - "Apparently she loathes part-humans; she campaigned to have mer-people rounded up and tagged last year too."
  22. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 14 (Percy and Padfoot) - "'What does he think we're doing here, forming some sort of wizard army?' 'That's exactly what he thinks you're doing,' said Sirius, 'or rather, that's exactly what he's afraid Dumbledore's doing — forming his own private army, with which he will be able to take on the Ministry of Magic.'"
  23. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 18 (Dumbledore's Army) - "'Yeah,' said Angelina, beaming. 'I went to McGonagall and I think she might have appealed to Dumbledore — anyway, Umbridge had to give in.'"
  24. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 26 (Seen and Unforeseen)
  25. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 17 (Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four)
  26. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 32 (Out of the Fire) - "He never knew I ordered Dementors after Potter last summer, but he was delighted to be given the chance to expel him, all the same..."
  27. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 16 (A Very Frosty Christmas)
  28. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 30 (The White Tomb)
  29. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 11 (The Bribe)
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 "(Umbridge) is a very nasty piece of work. She has an affinity for this horrible object" - JK, Online Chat script, accessed 30/7/2011
  31. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
  32. 32.0 32.1 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
  33. Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Dolores Umbridge" at Harry Potter (website)
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film)
  35. Heyman: Imelda Staunton to Return as Umbridge for Deathly Hallows
  36. http://www.ew.com/ew/article/review/book/0,6115,462861_5%7C%7C251753%7C0_0_,00.html
  37. As part of a special unlockable extra on J.K. Rowling's official website, there is an early draft of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, where Rowling describes a character very much like Dolores Umbridge, but who is named Elvira. Rowling has admitted that Elvira was her original name.
  38. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 11 (The Sorting Hat's New Song)

Minister for Magic and Support Staff
MinistryOfMagicLogo - Cursed Child
Ministers for Magic:
Ulick Gamp · Damocles Rowle · Perseus Parkinson · Eldritch Diggory · Albert Boot · Basil Flack · Hesphaestus Gore · Maximilian Crowdy · Porteus Knatchbull · Unctuous Osbert · Artemisia Lufkin · Grogan Stump · Josephina Flint · Ottaline Gambol · Rodolphus Lestrange · Hortensia Milliphutt · Evangeline Orpington · Priscilla Dupont · Dugald McPhail · Faris Spavin · Venusia Crickerly · Archer Evermonde · Lorcan McLaird · Hector Fawley · Leonard Spencer-Moon · Wilhelmina Tuft · Ignatius Tuft · Nobby Leach · Eugenia Jenkins · Harold Minchum · Millicent Bagnold · Cornelius Fudge · Rufus Scrimgeour · Pius Thicknesse · Kingsley Shacklebolt · Hermione Granger
Secretary to the Minister:
Faris Spavin's secretary · Ethel
Senior Undersecretary to the Minister:
Dolores Umbridge
Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic:
Percy Weasley
Advisor to the Minister for Magic:
Cornelius Fudge
Special Advisor for Elf Legislation:
Loretta Fieldwake
Quill Control & Rune Translation:
Exotic Symbol Analyst:
Eduardus Limus
Other officials:
Unidentified official · Pius Thicknesse's sycophants · Official murmuring instructions to a quill
Level 10 employees
Wizengamot members
Amelia Bones · Elphias Doge · Albus Dumbledore · Cornelius Fudge · Griselda Marchbanks · Tiberius Ogden · Ralston Potter · Henry Potter · Dolores Umbridge · Two elderly witches · Dumpy, heavily-moustached wizard · Frizzy-haired witch
Council of Magical Law members
Albus Dumbledore · Alastor Moody · Bartemius Crouch Senior · Female juror · Male member · Clerk
Muggle-Born Registration Commission members
Dolores Umbridge · Yaxley · Unidentified two Ministry Guards
Defence Against the Dark Arts (D.A.D.A.)
D.A.D.A. at Hogwarts
Classroom 3C · Classroom 3C backrooms · Temporary Classroom · Hogwarts Turris Magnus · Teacher's Office · Storeroom · Staircase · Storage room · Lesson Cup · Race Cup · Duelling Club · Dumbledore's Army
Isidora Morganach · Dinah Hecat · Arsenius Jigger · Albus Dumbledore · Galatea Merrythought · 1984–1985 professor · 1985–1986 professor · 1986–1987 professor · 1987–1988 professor · Patricia Rakepick · 1989–1990 professor · First 1990–1991 professor · Olivia Green · Quirinus Quirrell · Gilderoy Lockhart · Remus Lupin · Bartemius Crouch Junior (as Alastor Moody) · Dolores Umbridge · Severus Snape · Amycus Carrow (as Dark Arts teacher) · Unidentified professor · Brindlemore
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection · Advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts · Break with a Banshee · Gadding with Ghouls · Holidays with Hags · Travels with Trolls · Voyages with Vampires · Wanderings with Werewolves · Year with the Yeti · The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts · Defensive Magical Theory · Dark Arts Defence – Basics for Beginners · Confronting the Faceless · Defence Against the Dark Arts
Spells studied at Hogwarts under D.A.D.A.
Aqua Eructo · Boggart-Banishing Spell (Riddikulus) · Bombarda Maxima · Cave inimicum · Concealment Charms · Counter-curses · Counter-jinxes · Cruciatus Curse (Crucio) · Curse of the Bogies (Mucus ad Nauseam) · Cursed barrier spell · Densaugeo · Deprimo Spell (Deprimo) · Disarming Charm (Expelliarmus) · Ear-Shrivelling Curse · Everte Statum · Freezing Spell (Glacius) · Full Body-Bind Curse (Petrificus Totalus) · Fumos Duo · Green Sparks · Hex-Breaker· Hex-deflection · Hex Zapper · Homorphus Charm · Human-presence-revealing Spell (Homenum Revelio) · Impediment Jinx (Impedimenta) · Imperius Curse (Imperio) · Imperturbable Charm · Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra) · Knockback Jinx (Flipendo) · Lacarnum Inflamari · Langlock · Levitation Spell (Levioso) · Limbo Mist anticharm · Nonverbal spells · Patronus Charm (Expecto Patronum) · Pimple Jinx (Furnunculus) · Protective enchantments · Red Sparks (Vermillious) · Reductor Curse (Reducto) · Salvio hexia · Sea Urchin Jinx · Seize and pull charm (Carpe Retractum) · Shield Charm (Protego) · Smokescreen Spell (Fumos) · Snake-Vanishing Spell (Vipera Evanesca) · Softening Charm (Spongify) · Stretching Jinx · Tickling Charm (Rictusempra) · Tongue-Tying Curse (Mimblewimble) · Trip Jinx · Twitchy-Ears Hex · Verdimillious Charm (Verdimillious) · Verdimillious Duo Spell (Verdimillious) · Verdimillious Tria · Vermillious Duo · Vermillious Tria · Wand-Lighting Charm (Lumos)
Creatures studied at Hogwarts under D.A.D.A.
Banshee · Boggart · Chameleon Ghoul · Charmed skeleton · Cornish Pixie · Dementor · Dugbog · Erkling · Flesh-Eating Slug · Ghost · Ghoul · Gnome · Grindylow · Gytrash · Hag · Hinkypunk · Iguana · Imp · Inferius · Kappa · Manticore · Nocturnal beasts · Nogtail · Poltergeist · Red Cap · Snake · Troll · Vampire · Vampire bat · Werewolf · Yeti · Zombie
Death Eaters
B4C9M1 Dark Mark PM
Leader: Lord Voldemort
Death Eaters

Avery II · Alecto Carrow · Amycus Carrow · Crabbe · Bartemius Crouch Junior † · Antonin Dolohov · Gibbon † · Goyle · Virgil Fowler's parents † · Gareth Greengrass's brother · Jugson · Barnaby Lee's father · Barnaby Lee's mother · Bellatrix Lestrange † · Rabastan Lestrange · Rodolphus Lestrange · Walden Macnair · Mulciber I · Mulciber II · Nott · Pyrites (possibly) · Augustus Rookwood · Rosier · Evan Rosier † · Felix Rosier's father (possibly) · Thorfinn Rowle · Selwyn · Merula Snyde's father · Merula Snyde's mother · Travers · Mason Tremblay (possibly) · Wilkes † · Corban Yaxley · Unidentified Death Eaters

Death Eater defectors

Regulus Black † · Igor Karkaroff † · Draco Malfoy · Lucius Malfoy · Peter Pettigrew † · Severus Snape

Death Eater allies

Borgin · Vincent Crabbe · John Dawlish · Delphini · Golgomath · Gregory Goyle · Fenrir Greyback · Mafalda Hopkirk · Barnaby Lee's grandmother · Narcissa Malfoy (defected) · Ismelda Murk (unofficially, supposedly) · Nagini · Mr Padgett · Mrs Padgett · Pansy Parkinson · Quirinus Quirrell · Albert Runcorn · Stanley Shunpike (Imperiused) · Scabior · Serpent of Slytherin · Pius Thicknesse (Imperiused) · Yubert Thorne · Dolores Umbridge

Other affiliations

British Ministry of Magic (under Voldemort's control) · Daily Prophet (under Voldemort's control) · Dementors · Draco Malfoy's gang · Kreacher (formerly) · Tom Riddle's gang · Gang of Slytherins · Giants (Golgomath's control) · Inferi · Charmed skeletons · Muggle-Born Registration Commission · Theodore Nott (possibly) · Snatchers · Werewolf army · The Unforgivable

Death Eater establishments

Abandoned nuclear power plant · Borgin and Burkes · British Ministry of Magic Headquarters (under Voldemort's control) · The Cave · Chamber of Secrets · Forbidden Forest · Gaunt Shack · Lee family house · Lestrange Vault · Little Hangleton graveyard · Malfoy Manor · Misty Dell · Riddle House · Snatcher Camp · Spinner's End (Severus Snape's house) · The Abandoned Substation · The Ruins · The Quarry

Hogwarts faculty
Founders Godric Gryffindor · Helga Hufflepuff · Rowena Ravenclaw · Salazar Slytherin
Headteachers Giffard Abbott · Walter Aragon · Phineas Nigellus Black · Elizabeth Burke · Antonia Creaseworthy · Dilys Derwent · Armando Dippet · Albus Dumbledore · Mordicus Egg · Everard · First Headmaster · Niamh Fitzgerald · Dexter Fortescue · Basil Fronsac · Brian Gagwilde · Limebert · Minerva McGonagall · Eupraxia Mole · Edessa Sakndenberg · Brutus Scrimgeour · Phyllida Spore · Severus Snape · Amrose Swott · Quentin Trimble · Dolores Umbridge · Fytherley Undercliffe · Vindictus Viridian · Vulpus · Heliotrope Wilkins · Gimlet-eyed Headmistress · Headmaster (1568) · Headteacher (1792) · Unidentified Headteachers
Deputy Heads Alecto Carrow · Amycus Carrow · Minerva McGonagall · Matilda Weasley
Heads of House Muldoon Cragg · Filius Flitwick · Godric Gryffindor · Gryffindor lady · Gryffindor man (II) · Gryffindor man (III) · Gryffindor man (IV) · Gryffindor Seeker · Helga Hufflepuff · Neville Longbottom · Minerva McGonagall · Valeria Myriadd · Uric Oapley · Podric Piles · Pink-faced Headmaster · Prendergast · Rowena Ravenclaw · Abraham Ronen · Horace Slughorn · Salazar Slytherin · Severus Snape · Pomona Sprout · Tobias Stump
Teaching staff Bartholomew · Bathsheda Babbling · San Bakar · Herbert Beery · Cuthbert Binns · Bexelinda Bornswallow · Brindlemore · Charity Burbage · Herodiana Byrne · Camelia · Alecto Carrow · Amycus Carrow · Bartemius Crouch Junior (disguised as Alastor Moody) · Clodagh Dromgoole · Albus Dumbledore · Archibald Eagleton · Eleazar Fig · Firenze · Filius Flitwick · Fortinbras · Mirabel Garlick · Mirabel Garlick's predecessor · Jakub Gorski · Olivia Green · Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank · Rubeus Hagrid · Dinah Hecat · Rolanda Hooch · Bai Howin · Arsenius Jigger · Igor Karkaroff's Yule Ball partner · Silvanus Kettleburn · Chiyo Kogawa · Gilderoy Lockhart · Neville Longbottom · Remus Lupin · Elspeth MacGillony · Mazoni · Minerva McGonagall · Galatea Merrythought · Isidora Morganach · Mudiwa Onai · Prendergast · Quirinus Quirrell · Percival Rackham · Patricia Rakepick · Abraham Ronen · Charles Rookwood · Concordia Rowle · Luna Scamander · Satyavati Shah · Aesop Sharp · Arif Sikander · Aurora Sinistra · Horace Slughorn · Severus Snape · Pomona Sprout · Swoopstikes · Sybill Trelawney · Trocar · Dolores Umbridge · Septima Vector · Matilda Weasley · Matilda Weasley's predecessor · Unidentified professor · Charms professor (medieval) · Potions professor (16th century) · Holidaying professor (before 1890s) · DADA professor (1984–1985) · DADA professor (1985–1986) · DADA professor (1986–1987) · DADA professor (1987–1988) · DADA professor (1989–1990) · DADA professor (1990–1991) · Muggle Studies professor (1990s) · Music professor · DADA professor (1998–?) · Potions professor (21st century) · Charms professor (?th century)
Hogwarts house-elves Bilm · Boil-ridden house-elf · Cooky · Cosa · Deek · Dobby · Feenky · Filk · Gimkey · Gosby · Krafty · Kreacher · Nonsuch · Pitts · Retch · Ringkull · Rooky · Vekey · Wigby · Winky · Wooby · Unidentified house-elf (I) · Unidentified house-elf (II)
Support staff Phineas Nigellus Black's secretaries · Noreen Blainey · Rancorous Carpe · Argus Filch · Rubeus Hagrid · Rolanda Hooch · Hankerton Humble · Gladwin Moon · Ogg · Irma Pince · Poppy Pomfrey · Apollyon Pringle · Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus · Agnes Scribner · Wainscott · Carriage driver (1890s) · Gamekeeper (1890s) · Unidentified Healers · Librarian (?th century) · Librarian (21st century)
Azkaban concept art
Azkaban's island, North Sea
Non-imprisoned inhabitants
Dementors (two known Dementors) · Ekrizdis · Azkaban Security Officials and Very Important Wizards
Alderton · Arkie Alderton's alleged son · Avery II · Verucca Buckthorn-Snyde · Eustace Burke · Joseph Button-Jones · Jane Court · Crispin Cronk · Delphini · Calvin Farrell · Wilhelmina Farrell · Penelope Fawley's mother · Marvolo Gaunt · Morfin Gaunt · Ginger Witch · Gareth Greengrass's brother · Victor Gridley · Rubeus Hagrid · Theophilus Harlow · Jugson · Igor Karkaroff · Barnaby Lee's father · Barnaby Lee's mother · Xenophilius Lovegood · Elspeth MacGillony · Cassandra Mason · Patricia McManners · Tarquin McTavish · Jeremiah Muldoon · Kaleena Page · Carlotta Pinkstone · Sturgis Podmore · Patricia Rakepick · Kazuhiro Shiratori · Merula Snyde's father · Merula Snyde's mother · Anne Thisbe · Dolores Umbridge · Unidentified Metamorphmagus Dark wizard · Yubert Thorne
Sirius Black · Bartemius Crouch Junior · Antonin Dolohov · Mundungus Fletcher · Bellatrix Lestrange · Rabastan Lestrange · Rodolphus Lestrange · Walden Macnair · Lucius Malfoy · Mulciber II · Nott · Augustus Rookwood · Scabior · Stanley Shunpike · Travers · Unidentified Azkaban escapee · Corban Yaxley
Buried in Azkaban burial ground
Bartemius Crouch Junior's mother · Percival Dumbledore · Morfin Gaunt