Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

The Ducklifors Jinx (Ducklifors) is a transfiguration jinx that transforms an organism into a duck. Fourth years and above are able to cast the spell, meaning it is likely taught in fourth year Transfiguration class.[1]

Casting and effects

The caster will slash their wand downward to point at the target; a banana-yellow jet of light will shoot from the tip, with what appears to be a duck made entirely of brilliant yellow light soaring in front. When it hits the target, there is a burst of yellow light and when said light fades, the target is in the shape of a duck.[1]


From the English noun "duck", with the -fors suffix attached.

Behind the scenes

The spell is included in the "5 Spell Pack" DLC for LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7.[2]


Notes and references
