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"We're his army. Dumbledore's Army... Everyone in this room's been fighting... Everyone in here's proven they're loyal to Dumbledore — loyal to you."
— Neville Longbottom on the D.A.'s loyalty[src]

Dumbledore's Army (also known as the D.A.) was a secret organisation initiated by Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley in 1995. The goal of this organisation was to teach their fellow Hogwarts students proper Defence Against the Dark Arts, as the DADA Professor during the 1995–1996 school year, Dolores Umbridge, refused to teach anything in her classes other than textbook theory.

The D.A. was founded by Ron and Hermione, but led by Harry, who also had the responsibility of teaching its members defensive and martial magic. It was originally founded with twenty-eight members. The group was disbanded during the 1996–1997 school year, following the appointment of Severus Snape as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. However, several members heeded the call and participated in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower at the end of the year.

It was restarted by Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, and Luna Lovegood during the 1997–1998 school year, after Hogwarts fell under the control of Lord Voldemort. They opposed Death Eater professors Alecto and Amycus Carrow, who spread propaganda against Muggles and Muggle-borns and taught the Dark Arts.

Dumbledore's Army played a vital role during the Second Wizarding War. The members of the organisation fought in many important battles, such as the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, and the Battle of Hogwarts. The organisation gained fame after the war, with D.A. members being regarded as heroes and their coins badges of honour.[7]


1995–1996 school year[]


"Harry, don't you see? This... this is exactly why we need you... We need to know what it's really like... facing him... facing V-Voldemort. Well ... think about it. Please?"
Hermione Granger persuading Harry Potter to teach practical defence[src]
Umbridge teaching

Hermione and Harry realising that Umbridge would not teach them practical defence

Shortly after their fifth Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson during their fifth year, it soon became clear to Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger that practical defensive magic would not be taught in the class. Instead, under the stewardship of Dolores Umbridge, a Ministry-approved course of theory only would be taught. Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge was afraid that Albus Dumbledore could use practical lessons to train an army of wizards and witches to oppose him and to try to take over the Ministry. His paranoia stemmed from the fact that he refused to believe that Lord Voldemort had returned. The Ministry claimed that Cedric Diggory's death was a "tragic accident", and refused to admit that Voldemort had murdered him.[8]


Hermione proposing the formation of a practical study group taught by Harry himself

Concerned that they needed defensive magical skills to combat Voldemort and his Death Eaters as well as needing to be able to pass their O.W.L exams, Hermione proposed the formation of a practical study group. This group was to be taught by Harry, as he had more experience than any of them with using actual defensive and offensive magic. This was due to his numerous encounters with Voldemort.[8][9][10][11]

Harry was initially reluctant, but after two weeks of dealing with Umbridge, and her appointment as the first Hogwarts High Inquisitor, he finally agreed. Hermione arranged a meeting at the Hog's Head, during the first Hogsmeade visit of the school year for anyone who wanted to learn. Harry was initially sceptical that anyone would turn up. The Daily Prophet had launched a smear campaign against him, and many of the students considered him to either be a liar or insane.[8]

First meeting[]

"I-I think everybody should write their name down, just so we know who was here. But I also think, that we all ought to agree not to shout about what we're doing. So if you sign, you're agreeing not to tell Umbridge — or anybody else — what we're up to."
Hermione Granger regarding the importance of group membership and secrecy[src]
B5C16M1 First meeting in the Hog's Head

The meeting of students in the Hog's Head that would become known as Dumbledore's Army

In the Hog's Head, Harry was surprised to see a fair number of students from Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw turn up. However, he harboured the suspicion that a few, such as Zacharias Smith, only wanted to hear about the night Cedric Diggory was murdered. After some initial scepticism and his refusal to talk about Cedric, the students started to list Harry's remarkable achievements.

The survival of his parents' murder at Voldemort's hands in their family home and resulting defeat of the dark wizard himself as an infant (which earned Harry his fame from the wizarding community and the title "the Boy Who Lived"), rescue of the Philosopher's Stone from a disembodied Voldemort in his first year, slaying of the Basilisk of Slytherin in the Chamber of Secrets with the Sword of Gryffindor in his second year, vanquishing of the Dementors of Azkaban at the Black Lake with a corporeal stag Patronus Charm in his third year, and winning of the Triwizard Tournament and duel with the resurrected Voldemort within the Little Hangleton graveyard in his fourth year.[8]

OOTP signing DA parchment

Students signing the membership list

The group agreed that secrecy would be vital — if Umbridge found out about them, they would surely be shut down and punished. However, each student signed, some rather reluctantly, a special piece of parchment to show their commitment. Unknown to any of them, Hermione bewitched the parchment to include a jinx. If any student should betray the D.A., then the word "SNEAK" would be written across their face in spots. The meeting broke up with the agreement that sessions were to begin once a suitable location in which to train had been found.[8]

Educational Decree Number 68 (24)

Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four

Unbeknownst to any of the D.A., they were being watched. Mundungus Fletcher, disguised as a witch with a thick black veil, was keeping an eye on Harry for the Order of the Phoenix, while Willy Widdershins informed Umbridge of the meeting in a plea-bargain to avoid punishment for a series of Regurgitating Toilet incidents. Umbridge used the information to implement Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four, which banned all student organisations that were not approved of by the High Inquisitor.[8] Although not revealed at that time, Aberforth Dumbledore also relayed information about the D.A. to the Order, as they were meeting inside his pub.

Initially, Ron thought that a student at the meeting had betrayed them. Hermione pointed out that if they had, she would have known about it due to the jinx she placed on the parchment that they all signed. Despite the ban, Harry assured all the members that the meetings would go ahead once an ideal location was found. They would just need to be careful. Soon, Harry was informed of the Room of Requirement by the house-elf Dobby, who occasionally used it to store the drunken house-elf Winky. After Dobby told Harry, Hermione, and Ron how to summon the Room, the D.A. convened for their first practice session.[8]


"He and the D.A. were resisting her under her very nose, doing the very thing that she and the Ministry most feared, and whenever he was supposed to be reading Wilbert Slinkhard's book during her lessons he dwelled instead on satisfying memories of their most recent meetings, remembering how Neville had successfully disarmed Hermione, how Colin Creevey had mastered the Impediment Jinx after three meetings' hard effort, how Parvati Patil had produced such a good Reductor Curse that she had reduced the table carrying all the Sneakoscopes to dust."
— The success of the group's training[src]
Dumbledore's Army learning Expelliarmus

Harry instructing the D.A. members on the Disarming Charm

During the first session, Cho Chang created the name Defence Association, but Ginny Weasley suggested they make the letters DA stand for a different name, Dumbledore's Army. She thought this was the best way to frighten the Ministry officials, since they were frightened that Dumbledore was creating an army to take over the Ministry. The members agreed upon their group having this name instead of Defence Association. Harry started them off slowly, practising the Disarming Charm. When Zacharias Smith scoffed at its simplicity and wondered about its effectiveness. Harry responded that it was the spell that saved him from Lord Voldemort in the Little Hangleton graveyard.[8]

Dumbledore's Army in circle

The D.A. learning offensive and defensive magic from Harry Potter

Aware that arranging meetings and passing the word about them verbally was not a secure method of communication, Hermione bewitched several coins with a Protean Charm, one for each member of the D.A. When activated by Harry, the numbers on each coin would change to inform the bearer of the time and date of the next meeting. When asked about it, she admitted to getting the idea from the Dark Marks. The class progressed at a fair rate, practising the Impediment Jinx, Reductor Curse, Stunning Spell, and various other hexes and jinxes before temporarily breaking up for Christmas break.[8]

B5C27M1 Harry Teaching Dumbledores Army Patronus Spell

Harry instructing the D.A. on the Patronus Charm

Lessons continued during the early months of 1996, and the mass breakout of imprisoned Death Eaters from Azkaban spurred them on to greater efforts, particularly Neville Longbottom, whose friends learned that three of the escapees had tortured Neville's parents into insanity at the end of the First Wizarding War. The class mastered the Shield Charm, and began to work on the Patronus Charm. The class also welcomed a new member, Seamus Finnigan.[8]

Despite being a Gryffindor in the same year as Harry, the two boys had argued when Harry insulted Seamus' mother for believing the Daily Prophets version of events. However, with the publication of an interview in The Quibbler, many, including Seamus and his mother, came to see the holes in the Ministry's stories, and Seamus willingly apologised to Harry. He then proceeded to join the D.A being led to the room by Dean Thomas, although Seamus only was a member for the very last session when Harry Potter, instead of Neville Longbottom, was still the leader and teacher, because Umbridge finally found out about the organisation during this meeting.[8]

Betrayal and discovery[]

Cho Chang: "Harry, I never dreamed Marietta would tell... She's a lovely person really. She just made a mistake... You know, her mum works for the Ministry, it's really difficult for her —"
Harry Potter: "Ron's dad works at the Ministry too! And in case you haven't noticed, he hasn't got 'sneak' written across his face!"
— Discussion regarding Marietta's betrayal of the D.A.[src]

Shortly before Easter, one D.A. member, Marietta Edgecombe, betrayed them to Umbridge. She was a reluctant member of the D.A., having been brought to the meetings by her friend, Cho Chang. Her mother worked in the Floo Network Office and was helping Umbridge in monitoring the Floo Network at Hogwarts. Afraid that her mother's job was in jeopardy, and not convinced by Harry's interview in The Quibbler, she revealed the location of the D.A.'s meetings to Umbridge. Immediately, the jinx that Hermione had placed on the parchment that each member of the D.A. had signed activated, causing the word "SNEAK" to break out in boils across Marietta's face.[8]


Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad discovering the Room of Requirement

Dobby the house-elf learned of this turn of events and rushed to the Room of Requirement to warn Harry and the D.A., even though the house-elf was under orders not to. Most members escaped, but Harry was caught by Umbridge and several Slytherin students who were members of the Inquisitorial Squad. A search of the room uncovered the parchment that each member of the D.A. had signed, entitled "Dumbledore's Army." Finally having what she considered "proof" that Dumbledore was building an army to challenge the Ministry, Umbridge immediately contacted Cornelius Fudge.[8]

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Dumbledore escaping Ministry of Magic employees after being accused of plotting against the Ministry in his office

During a confrontation with Fudge and Umbridge, Dumbledore took full responsibility for the creation of Dumbledore's Army in order to shield Harry and the students from consequences, arguing that the initial overheard discussions about the creation of such a group had taken place before the relevant Education Decree banning such meetings and they had no evidence that any meetings had taken place between then and that evening.[8]

Kingsley Shacklebolt, an Auror and member of the Order of the Phoenix, used a Memory Charm on Marietta to make her version of events tally with Dumbledore's, exploiting the fact that Marietta had only mentioned the meeting this evening rather than revealing the months of classes that had preceded it. His "confession" led to Fudge attempting to arrest him. Dumbledore escaped with help from his phoenix, Fawkes, resulting in Umbridge being installed as the Headmistress of Hogwarts, though very few considered her position legitimate.[8]

Disruption of authority[]

Dolores Umbridge: "You two are about to learn what happens to wrong-doers in my school."
Fred Weasley: "You know what? I don't think we are. George, I think we've outgrown full-time education... Time to test our talents in the real world, d'you reckon?"
George Weasley: "Definitely."
Fred and George prior to escaping Hogwarts[src]
Dragon firework chasing Umbridge

Fred and George Weasley's fireworks terrifying Umbridge

Members of the D.A., especially Fred and George Weasley, rebelled against the new authority at the school. On one occasion, the twins released enchanted fireworks through the school, which caused chaos, and with which the professors neglected to assist Umbridge. Fred and George took it easy during the Easter holidays, but then took their rebellion to a new level.

They turned a corridor of the school into a swamp to create a diversion for Harry to access the fireplace in Umbridge's office in an attempt to contact Sirius Black, and were cornered by Umbridge and members of the Inquisitorial Squad. In a final act of defiance, the twins summoned their brooms, openly mocked Umbridge's authority and and escaped the school behind to pursue a career in their joke shop, with the money Harry had lent them the year before.[8]

B5C30 Peeves chasing Umbridge

Peeves chasing Umbridge out of Hogwarts with McGonagall's cane

In the aftermath of Fred and George's departure, the student body took up their mantle, releasing dungbombs, using Skiving Snackboxes, and, in the case of Lee Jordan, releasing Nifflers into Umbridge's office. The Inquisitorial Squad also found themselves on the receiving end of the students' rebellion; Cassius Warrington and Pansy Parkinson both reported to the hospital wing after receiving hexes which caused them to sprout horrible skin complaints and antlers, respectively. Even Peeves, who had never taken an order from any student, followed Fred and George's request to "give her hell" from them. Peeves, during the end of the school year, proceeded to chase Umbridge out the castle with Professor McGonagall's cane.

Umbridge overseeing exam

Umbridge overseeing Harry's and other DA member's O.W.L exams

Despite this, the O.W.L. exams went ahead, and members of Dumbledore's Army impressed the examiners during the Defence Against the Dark Arts practical exam, especially Harry, who produced his corporeal Patronus for bonus marks. He imagined Professor Umbridge being sacked, looked her straight in the eye and did his Patronus. Though she looked smug on the outside when Harry finished his O.W.L., she was indeed furious that he had passed his Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.[8]

As for the betrayer Marietta, due to her treason causing the organisation's shutdown, she was deeply despised by almost all other members: Harry, Hermione, and Ron all found insults and criticisms to say against her, though her friend Cho was the only one who stood up for her.[8] She still had scars from the "SNEAK" boils in the next school year.[12]

Battle of the Department of Mysteries[]

Neville Longbottom: "We were all in the DA together. It was all supposed to be about fighting You-Know-Who, wasn't it? And this is the first chance we've had to do something real — or was that all just words to you?"
Harry Potter: "No — of course it wasn't —"
Neville Longbottom: "Then we should come too. We want to help."
— Neville Longbottom and Harry Potter before heading off to the Department of Mysteries[src]
False vision - Voldemort tortures Sirius Black

Harry's false vision of Sirius being tortured in the Department of Mysteries

On 18 June 1996, after receiving a vision of Sirius Black being tortured by Lord Voldemort in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic, Harry vowed to rescue him. However, Hermione pointed out that he needed proof that Sirius was indeed in danger, and convinced him to use the fireplace in Umbridge's office to contact 12 Grimmauld Place. As her fireplace was not being monitored. Harry and Hermione were to break into the office while Ron distracted Umbridge. Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood were to stand guard outside Umbridge's office to ensure that no one caught them. However, during the attempt, Umbridge saw through their ruse and caught them all with the help of the Inquisitorial Squad. Neville attempted to help a captured Ginny, and was apprehended along with them.[8]

Umbridge interrogating Harry

Umbridge captured members of the DA and proceeded to interrogate Harry Potter

Umbridge first attempted to interrogate Harry with the use of Veritaserum, but Professor Snape informed her that he had none left. She then threatened to use the Cruciatus Curse on Harry to make him talk, prompting Hermione to feign a breakdown in order to protect Harry. She pretended to cry and made up a story about the D.A. creating some kind of weapon for Dumbledore.

Umbridge believed her, and Hermione and Harry lured Umbridge out into the Forbidden Forest, where she offended a herd of centaurs and was carried off. With some assistance from Grawp, Harry and Hermione made it back to the castle, where they were reunited with Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Luna. They had escaped the Inquisitorial Squad using a combination of the spells Harry taught and others, such as: Stunning Spells, Disarming Charms, and the Bat-Bogey Hex, thanks to Ginny Weasley.

The trio Ginny Neville Luna Death Chamber

Ron, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville, and Ginny in the Death Chamber

The six members of the D.A. then flew to London on Thestrals, only to discover that Lord Voldemort had planted the vision in Harry's mind in order to get him to remove his prophecy from the Department of Mysteries. During the subsequent battle, several of the D.A. members suffered injuries until the Order of the Phoenix arrived to rescue them. All the D.A. members survived the battle, and were treated by Madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing upon their return to Hogwarts. However, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny all lost their close friend and, in Harry's case, godfather, Sirius Black. This battle exposed Voldemort's return to the public, and signalled the beginning of open war.

Shortly after the end of term, several Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw members of the D.A. came to the rescue of Harry when he was ambushed on the Hogwarts Express by Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle, cursing them so vociferously that the three were reduced to gigantic slugs. The Hufflepuffs in particular took great pleasure in this act, as a form of retribution for Malfoy's unlawful deduction of house points from them.[8]

1996–1997 school year[]

During the 1996–1997 school year, Dumbledore's Army did not reform since there was no need to learn practical magic secretly, despite the wishes of some members to continue with the meetings — especially Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom, who regularly checked the coins Hermione Granger had made. Severus Snape had taken over as the subject professor, and many of the former D.A. members benefited from their practical experience, finding lessons easier than expected.[12]

Battle of the Astronomy Tower[]

"Harry, if we hadn't had your Felix potion, I think we'd all have been killed, but everything seemed to just miss us —"
— Ginny Weasley regarding the usefulness of Felix Felicis[src]
Dark Mark over Hogwarts 2

The Dark Mark over Hogwarts Castle

Towards the end of the school year on 30 June 1997, Harry had become convinced that Draco Malfoy was a Death Eater, and was planning something. However, he was due to accompany Dumbledore on a trip to recover one of Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes. He asked Hermione and Ron to watch Malfoy and the Room of Requirement, and to gather as many other members of the D.A. as they could. Only Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, and Neville Longbottom (and possibly Ernie later on) answered their call, and they fought alongside the Order of the Phoenix during the Death Eater invasion of the school that ended with the murder of Albus Dumbledore by Severus Snape.[12]

B6C28 Harry and Dumbledore

Dumbledore lying dead at the bottom of the Astronomy Tower

Neville was badly injured during the battle, but survived. None of the other D.A. members were injured because Harry had given Ron, Hermione, and Ginny the rest of his Felix Felicis, making all of the curses just miss the Order and D.A. members. However, one member of the Death Eaters called Gibbon was hit by a rebounding Killing Curse (fired by fellow Death Eater Thorfinn Rowle which was intended for Remus Lupin).[12]

1997–1998 school year[]


"Dumbledore's Army, still recruiting."
— Graffiti found all over Hogwarts during Severus Snape's tenure as Headmaster[src]
Neville on hogwarts express

Neville scorning Death Eaters searching for Harry Potter on the Hogwarts Express

On 1 August 1997, the Ministry of Magic fell under the control of Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Attendance at Hogwarts became mandatory and Muggle-borns were rounded up and imprisoned in Azkaban after biased trials at the hands of the Muggle-Born Registration Commission. The school acquired a new headmaster, Severus Snape, and two new professors: Death Eaters Alecto and Amycus Carrow.

While Harry, Ron, and Hermione went on the run to hunt down and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes, Neville Longbottom revived Dumbledore's Army, alongside Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley. However, it was left deprived of some members; Fred and George left Hogwarts in their seventh year, Lee Jordan and the Gryffindor Chasers Angelina and Alicia graduated from Hogwarts. Dean Thomas, a suspected Muggle-born, was forced to go on the run due to his blood status. Actual Muggle-born members Justin Finch-Fletchley, Colin and Dennis Creevey would also most likely have been forced to do so as well or risk imprisonment in Azkaban.

Neville battered

A battered Neville after receiving brutal punishments for rebelling against the Carrows

The D.A. rebelled against the new authority, which spread venomous propaganda about Muggles and Muggle-borns and taught students the Dark Arts. D.A. members snuck out at night and painted slogans on the walls, and generally defied the authority of the Headmaster and the Carrows. The members would regularly receive punishments in the form of beatings from the professors for their insolence; some were even punished by being used as practice for the Cruciatus Curse by other students, such as Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe.[13]

The D.A. also attempted to help Harry, Hermione, and Ron in any way they could, and were prepared to revolt against the professors when the trio returned. Ginny, Neville, and Luna attempted to steal Godric Gryffindor's Sword from Snape's office early in the year. Presumably, Ginny had learned that Dumbledore had left it to Harry in his will and since it would be important to whatever Harry had to face, and resolved to do anything she could to help him. The three D.A. members were caught, however, and sentenced to detention in the Forbidden Forest with Rubeus Hagrid.[13]


Luna captured by Death Eaters and held at Malfoy Manor

Slowly, the movement died down, however, when Luna was taken by the Death Eaters after Christmas, 1997 to hold her father as ransom over his articles in The Quibbler, and Ginny never returned from the Easter holidays because her family had to go into hiding following the escape of Harry, Ron, and Hermione from Malfoy Manor. However, during this same escape, the trio, with the help of Dobby the House-elf, rescued Luna Lovegood, Garrick Ollivander and former member Dean Thomas and the organisation learned of this when Luna managed to send them a message about her rescue through her old D. A. coin.[13]

Finally, when Michael Corner was tortured by Alecto and Amycus Carrow for trying to free a first year boy from imprisonment, Neville realised he could no longer ask the students to risk their lives for the D.A. He scaled back the D. A.'s actions against the administration.[13] Despite these setbacks, they were able to recruit new members such as Maisy Reynolds, Cormac McLaggen, Leanne, and Romilda Vane.[14]


D.A. members welcoming Harry back on 1 May 1998

Several weeks before the Battle of Hogwarts, the Carrows came for Neville, since he had been identified as the ringleader. Originally, they had planned to hold his grandmother hostage to keep him in line, but when she escaped and went on the run herself, Neville became a target. Escaping from them, Neville came upon the Room of Requirement, and it turned itself into the ideal hiding place, including a tunnel linking it to the Hog's Head in Hogsmeade. Aberforth Dumbledore, owner of the Hog's Head, assisted Neville by sending food to him to allow him to survive.

Eventually, more members of the DA started to turn up in the Room, hiding from the school authorities, and the Room accommodated them by growing larger and even adding a female bathroom when girls began showing up. Eventually, representatives from Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw (the three Houses whose students made up the faction) called the Room home.[13]

Battle of Hogwarts[]

Main article: Battle of Hogwarts
"I'll join you when hell freezes over! Dumbledore's Army!"
Neville Longbottom denying Voldemort's offer[src]
DA 1998

Harry informing the D.A. that they are searching for a Horcrux

When Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger returned to Hogwarts on 1 May to find one of Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes, Neville took this as a sign that they had returned to fight for the school and used the D.A. coins to summon members who had left Hogwarts or had already graduated. It had not been Harry's intention to engage in a battle, but Lord Voldemort was on his way with his army, and Harry needed time in the school to search for the Horcrux.

DA members on the Wooden Bridge DHF2

The D.A. blowing up the Wooden Bridge to stop Snatchers from invading the castle

As more D.A. members, former Hogwarts students, supported by members of the Order of the Phoenix, teachers of Hogwarts, and a few Hogsmeade shopkeepers began arriving to fight the Death Eaters. Harry was persuaded by Ron and Hermione that at this point a battle could not be avoided. Harry himself led an important group against the Death Eaters and, due to being aided by Luna Lovegood and Professor McGonagall, Sprout, Flitwick, and Slughorn, retook the school in a short amount of time.

Harry and Luna defeated the Carrows in Ravenclaw Tower and Professor McGonagall joined them and summoned the other teachers once she learned what Harry was there to do and together they drove Snape from the castle. Dumbledore's Army stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the Order of the Phoenix, the Hogwarts staff, and anyone of age (and some who were not) who wished to fight against the forces of Lord Voldemort.[13]

B7C36M2 Voldemort vanquished

The D.A. and other defenders of Hogwarts witnessing Harry Potter's final defeat of Voldemort

During the battle some members of the D.A. fought on the front lines throughout the school and its grounds, while others fired jinxes and hexes at Death Eaters from tower windows. Some members were wounded during the conflict, while others, such as Fred Weasley, Lavender Brown, and Colin Creevey, were tragically killed defending the school. The survivors then defeated many Death Eaters and watched their enemy Lord Voldemort die at the hands of their leader and teacher Harry Potter.

Alternate reality[]

Main article: Alternate reality

When Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy had their mission to save Cedric Diggory, they completed the prophecy that Delphi wanted to complete. In that world, Lord Voldemort had won the Battle of Hogwarts and Harry Potter is dead, and the rest of the D.A. was killed or captured. In the secret passage to the shrieking shack were two of the last living Dumbledore's army members: Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley.

Rom and Hermione's characters changed completely. Ron had become an awkward, messy, stupid person, and Hermione seemed like a gangster. They were killed by a Dementor's kiss while Snape and Scorpius Malfoy ran away to the lake. Dolores Umbridge then unmasked the secret group and Snape did a Banishing Charm over her.


"But let us not be severe. Harry Potter and his cohorts never claimed to be perfect! And for those who want to know exactly how imperfect they are, my new biography: Dumbledore's Army: The Dark Side of the Demob will be available from Flourish and Blotts on July 31st."
— Rita Skeeter (Daily Prophet, 08 July, 2014)[src]

Following the downfall of Lord Voldemort and the end of the Second Wizarding War, the members of the D.A. held onto their coins, preserving them as badges of honour.[7]

Harry Potter the Auror MA

Harry Potter became an Auror after the war

Also, everyone who participated in the Battle of Hogwarts (including the D.A. members) was given special permission by Minister for Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt to become an Auror, without having to pass the N.E.W.T. if they chose the profession, Harry Potter accepted the offer, as did Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom. However, Ron and Neville were only Aurors temporarily.

After two years of employment at the Auror Office, Ron started work at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes with his brother George. Neville became the Professor of Herbology at Hogwarts. Harry on the other hand advanced to the position of Head Auror at the age of 26, and by 2020 became the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. It is unknown what became of Dumbledore's Army as an organisation following the war.

Dumbledore's Army The Dark Side of the Demob1

Dumbledore's Army: The Dark Side of the Demob

At the 2014 Quidditch World Cup final, members of Dumbledore's Army, including Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott, and Luna Lovegood, were in attendance along with some family members.[15] DA members and their family sat together in a VIP box.

It also most likely that every four years during the Quidditch World Cup, Dumbledore's Army will reunite, socialise, and play with the members' children. Also, by 2014, Rita Skeeter had written a book titled, Dumbledore's Army: The Dark Side of the Demob. This book, according to her description, seemed to focus on their "imperfections".

Members of the D.A.[]

19951998 members
Name House Notes Final status
Harry Potter Gryffindor Co-founder/teacher/leader. Signed member. Duelled Voldemort during the Return of the Dark Lord, fought in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, the Battle of the Seven Potters, the Luchino Caffe Duel, the Infiltration of the Ministry of Magic, the Attack at Godric's Hollow, the Ambush at the Lovegood House, the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, the Break-in of Gringotts Wizarding Bank, and the Battle of Hogwarts. Survived the Battle of Hogwarts and married fellow member Ginny Weasley. Alive
Hermione Granger Co-founder/deputy leader. Came up with the original idea of the group. Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, the Battle of the Seven Potters, the Luchino Caffe Duel, the Infiltration of the Ministry of Magic, the Attack at Godric's Hollow, the Ambush at the Lovegood House, the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, the Break-in of Gringotts Wizarding Bank, and the Battle of Hogwarts. Survived the Battle of Hogwarts married fellow member Ron Weasley.
Ron Weasley Co-founder/deputy leader. Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, the Battle of the Seven Potters, the Luchino Caffe Duel, the Infiltration of the Ministry of Magic, the Ambush at the Lovegood House, the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, the Break-in of Gringotts Wizarding Bank, and the Battle of Hogwarts. Survived the Battle of Hogwarts and married fellow member Hermione Granger.
Alicia Spinnet Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown though it is implied that Alicia survived the Second Wizarding War. Unknown, likely alive
Angelina Johnson Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Survived the Battle of Hogwarts and married fellow member George Weasley. Alive
Dean Thomas Signed member, attended meetings. Involved in the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts.
Colin Creevey Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts; killed in action by Death Eaters. Deceased
Dennis Creevey Signed member, attended meetings. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts and Second Wizarding War unknown. Unknown
Fred Weasley Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of the Seven Potters and the Battle of Hogwarts, where he was killed in an explosion. Deceased
George Weasley Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of the Seven Potters where he was badly wounded, and the Battle of Hogwarts. Survived the Battle of Hogwarts and married fellow member Angelina Johnson. Alive
Ginny Weasley Signed member, attended meetings. Came up with the name "Dumbledore's Army" after Cho Chang suggested the abbreviation "the D.A" when naming the group. Acting leader in 1997-1998. Fought at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, and the Battle of Hogwarts. Survived the Battle of Hogwarts and married Dumbledore's Army leader Harry Potter.
Katie Bell Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at and survived the Battle of Hogwarts.
Lavender Brown Signed member, attended meetings. Assumed to be responsible for it forming a bathroom with washing facilities at the Room of Requirement. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts, attacked and killed by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback. Deceased
Lee Jordan Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at and survived the Battle of Hogwarts. Alive
Neville Longbottom Signed member, attended meetings. Acting leader in 1997-1998. Fought at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, and the Battle of Hogwarts. Survived the Battle of Hogwarts and married fellow member Hannah Abbott.
Parvati Patil Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown though it is implied that Parvati survived the Second Wizarding War. Unknown, likely alive
Nigel Wolpert Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts despite being underage. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown though it is implied that Nigel survived the Second Wizarding War.
Seamus Finnigan Unsigned member, only attended the last meeting, after apologising to Harry. Deputy to Neville, Ginny and Luna in 1997-1998. Fought at and survived the Battle of Hogwarts. Alive
Cormac McLaggen Members of the revived Dumbledore's Army. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts and survived.
Romilda Vane
Unidentified Gryffindor member of Dumbledore's Army (I) Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown. Unknown
Unidentified Gryffindor member of Dumbledore's Army (II) Member of the revived Dumbledore's Army. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown.
Anthony Goldstein Ravenclaw Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown though it is implied that Anthony survived the Second Wizarding War. Unknown, likely alive
Cho Chang Signed member, attended meetings. Suggested the abbreviation "the D.A" when naming the group. Ginny Weasley then suggested it stand for "Dumbledore's Army". Fought at and survived the Battle of Hogwarts. Alive
Luna Lovegood Signed member, attended meetings. Acting deputy leader in 1997. Involved in the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, Fought at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, and the Battle of Hogwarts. Survived the battle of Hogwarts and married Rolf Scamander.
Marietta Edgecombe Signed member, attended meetings. Betrayed the D.A. to Dolores Umbridge.[16] Unknown (likely defected from D.A.)
Michael Corner Signed members, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Michael Corner's status following the climax of the Second Wizarding war is unknown, although it is implied that Michael Corner survived the Second Wizarding War. Unknown, likely alive
Padma Patil Signed members, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Padma Patil survived the Battle of Hogwarts. Alive
Terry Boot Signed members, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. It is implied that Terry Boot survived the Second Wizarding War. Unknown, likely alive
Maisy Reynolds Member of the revived Dumbledore's Army. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts and Second Wizarding War unknown. Unknown
Unidentified Ravenclaw member of Dumbledore's Army (I) Members of the revived Dumbledore's Army. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown.
Unidentified Ravenclaw member of Dumbledore's Army (II)
Unidentified Ravenclaw girl during the Battle of Hogwarts Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown.
Ernie Macmillan Hufflepuff Signed members, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of the Astronomy Tower and the Battle of Hogwarts. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown though it is implied that Ernie survived the Second Wizarding War. Unknown, likely alive
Hannah Abbott Signed members, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of the Astronomy Tower and the Battle of Hogwarts. Hannah Abbott survived the Battle of Hogwarts and married fellow D.A. member Neville Longbottom. Alive
Justin Finch-Fletchley Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown though it is implied that Justin survived the Second Wizarding War Unknown, likely alive
Susan Bones Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown though it is implied that Susan survived the Second Wizarding War.
Leanne Member of the revived Dumbledore's Army. Fought at and survived the Battle of Hogwarts. Alive
Unidentified Hufflepuff member of Dumbledore's Army Signed member, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown. Unknown
Zacharias Smith Signed member, attended meetings. Deserted before the Battle of Hogwarts Unknown (defected)
Luca Caruso Unknown Signed members, attended meetings. Possibly fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown. Unknown
Alice Tolipan
Various unnamed students from Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw Signed members or members of the revived Dumbledore's Army, attended meetings. Fought at the Battle of Hogwarts. Final status following the Battle of Hogwarts unknown.

Spells practised by the D.A.[]

Behind the scenes[]

Dumbledore's™ Army Logomark on Parchment

Logo of the Dumbledore's Army on a piece of parchment

Dumbledore's Army - Owen Davey PM

Dumbledore's army as shown on Pottermore

Dumbledore's Army - OOTP Mary Grandpre

Dumbledore's Army as illustrated by Mary GrandPré

Bombarda Maxima 2

Umbridge uncovering the D.A.'s meeting place in the film

  • The members of the Dumbledore's Army appear to have an increase in late 1997–1998, when Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood attempted to revive the group. Maisy Reynolds, Cormac McLaggen, Leanne, and Romilda Vane are examples of new members.
  • In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix:
    • The parchment signed by everyone has Dumbledore's Army printed at the top, although this name was not chosen until the first training session in the novel.
    • The film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix features members of Dumbledore's Army not included in the novel, named characters being Nigel Wolpert, Luca Caruso and Alice Tolipan. Despite Harry saying that the room was supposed to fit twenty eight people to meet, there is nothing to say that more people could have not fit within the room, given how it was capable of altering itself. Nigel's membership in the film carries over to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, as he is the one who radios the others to inform them of Harry's arrival.
    • Cho Chang "betrayed" the D.A. to Dolores Umbridge rather than her friend Marietta Edgecombe. Harry refused to talk to her after that incident, leading to their breakup. However, Severus Snape later stated that she was unwillingly forced to reveal their activities under the influence of Veritaserum. Although Harry and Cho still did not reconcile their relationship, they at least remained friends.
    • Neville discovers the Room of Requirement instead of Dobby.
    • Dolores Umbridge breaks into the Room of Requirement using the Bombarda Maxima spell. In the book, Harry is warned in advance of this by Dobby and the Inquisitorial Squad rounds up D.A. members as they flee. Draco Malfoy captured Harry with a Trip Jinx and brought him to Umbridge's office.
    • Umbridge claimed to Cornelius Fudge that she was watching the Army for weeks, and that she outright claimed Dumbledore was the one who formed this organisation as a means of an insurrection, using claims of Voldemort's return as a smokescreen, and Harry was an intermediate figurehead. In the novel, Umbridge was unaware of the group's existence until Marietta came to her, and she did not suspect Dumbledore until he "confessed" based on the group's name being revealed.
    • All members of Dumbledore's Army (excluding Cho) are given detention and wrote "I must not break rules" with Umbridge's Blood quill that carved the words into the back of their hands.
    • The jinx Levicorpus is practised in D.A. meetings in the film, as well as in the video game. These depictions cannot be considered canon, as Harry himself did not learn the spell until his sixth year.
  • It is unknown if the group's members keep in touch after the War (other than Ginny and the co-founders, plus Neville and Hannah). It is also unknown if their opinions have changed about traitor Marietta Edgecombe or deserter Zacharias Smith.
  • Because of their parents being Order of the Phoenix members who were attacked by Delphini's parents, Harry and Neville are also considered second generation Order members.


Language Abbreviation
Meaning and its translation
(if not "Dumbledore's Army")
Cho's idea and its translation
(if not "Defence Association")
Afrikaans DS Dompeldorius se Soldate
"Dumbledore's Soldiers"

Changed to Dumbledore se Soldate in books VI and VII

Die Soldate
"The Soldiers"
Bulgarian ВОДА (VODA)


Войнство на Обединения Дъмбълдоров Авангард (Войнството на Дъмбълдор)
"Army of Dumbledore's united vanguard"
Военна Отбранителна Доброволна Асоциация
"Military Defence Voluntary Association"
Catalan E.D. L'Exèrcit d'en Dumbledore
Chinese (Traditional) D.A. 鄧布利多之軍隊 防禦聯盟
Croatian DA Dumbledoreova Armija Društvo za Akciju
"Group for Action"
Czech BA Brumbálova armáda Branná aliance
"Defence Alliance"
Danish DA Dumbledore's Armé Direkte Aktion
"Direct Action"
Dutch SVP Strijders van Perkamentus
"Fighters of Dumbledore"
Stichting Verweer en Protectie
"Foundation Defence and Protection"
Finnish AK Albuksen Kaarti
"Albus' Guard"
Asiallinen Kerho
"Appropiate Club"
French A.D. L'armée de Dumbledore L'Association de défense
German DA Dumbledores Armee
Greek Σ.Ν./Σίγμα-Νι
(Sigma Ni)
Στρατός του Νταμπλντορ Σύνδεσμος Νικηφώρων
"Winner's Club"
Hebrew צ.ד (DA) צבא דמבלדור צוות דפנסיבי
"Defence Team"
Hungarian DS Dumbledore Serege Defenzív Szakkör
"Defensive Study Group"
Icelandic V.D. Varnarlið Dumbledores
"Dumbledore's Defence Team"
Indonesian LD Laskar Dumbledore Latihan Duel
"Duel Training"
Italian ES Esercito di Silente Esercitazioni segrete
"Secret Training"
Malay T.D. Tentera Dumbledore
Norwegian HL Humlesnurr-legionen
"The Dumbledore Legion"
Polish GD Gwardia Dumbledore'a
"Dumbledore's Guards"
Grupa Defensywy
"Defensive Group"
Portuguese (Europe) ED Exército de Dumbledore
Portuguese (Brazil) AD Armada de Dumbledore
"Dumbledore's armed forces"[19]
Romanian AD Armata lui Dumbledore
Russian ОД Отряд Дамблдора
"Dumbledore's troop"

Also may be translated as Армия Дамблдора or Дамблдорова Армия

Serbian DA

(Da "Yes")

Dambldorova armija
Slovenian DA Dumbledorjeva Armada
Spanish ED Ejército de Dumbledore Entidad Defensiva
"Defence entity"
Swedish DA Dumbledores Armé
Thai ก.ด. กองทัพดัมเบิลดอร์
Turkish DO Dumbledore'un Ordusu
Ukrainian ДА Дамболдорова Армія

Also may be translated as Армія Дамблдора

Vietnamese ĐQD Đoàn Quân của Dumbledore
"Dumbledore's Army"
Hiệp hội quốc phòng"National Defence Association"


The Harry Potter Wiki has 216 images related to Dumbledore's Army.

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 16 (In The Hog's Head)
  2. It is likely that DA members began forming ways to undermine Snape and the Carrow's regime when they set foot aboard the Hogwarts Express on 1 September.
  3. Harry was elected as the leader, the majority of the members voted in his favour during the first meeting in the Room of Requirement.
  4. Neville was stated as returning leadership back over to Harry Potter, after Harry's return to the school in 1998. Neville, Ginny, and Luna were also stated in Chapter 29 as being the ringleaders of the DA during the Carrow regime at Hogwarts
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 18 (Dumbledore's Army)
  6. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 35 (Beyond the Veil)
  7. 7.0 7.1 Bloomsbury Webchat with J.K. Rowling, 30th July 2007
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  9. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
  10. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  11. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  14. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
  15. [1]
  16. In the film adaptation, Cho Chang unwillingly betrays the D.A.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (video game)
  18. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film)
  19. "Armada" was, prior to the introduction of the term "Exército", used to refer to a country's armed forces. Now, it used mostly to refer to the navy.
Defence Against the Dark Arts (D.A.D.A.)
D.A.D.A. at Hogwarts
Classroom 3C · Classroom 3C backrooms · Temporary Classroom · Hogwarts Turris Magnus · Teacher's Office · Storeroom · Staircase · Storage room · Lesson Cup · Race Cup · Duelling Club · Dumbledore's Army
Isidora Morganach · Dinah Hecat · Arsenius Jigger · Albus Dumbledore · Galatea Merrythought · 1984–1985 professor · 1985–1986 professor · 1986–1987 professor · 1987–1988 professor · Patricia Rakepick · 1989–1990 professor · First 1990–1991 professor · Olivia Green · Quirinus Quirrell · Gilderoy Lockhart · Remus Lupin · Bartemius Crouch Junior (as Alastor Moody) · Dolores Umbridge · Severus Snape · Amycus Carrow (as Dark Arts teacher) · Unidentified professor · Brindlemore
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection · Advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts · Break with a Banshee · Gadding with Ghouls · Holidays with Hags · Travels with Trolls · Voyages with Vampires · Wanderings with Werewolves · Year with the Yeti · The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts · Defensive Magical Theory · Dark Arts Defence – Basics for Beginners · Confronting the Faceless · Defence Against the Dark Arts
Spells studied at Hogwarts under D.A.D.A.
Aqua Eructo · Boggart-Banishing Spell (Riddikulus) · Bombarda Maxima · Cave inimicum · Concealment Charms · Counter-curses · Counter-jinxes · Cruciatus Curse (Crucio) · Curse of the Bogies (Mucus ad Nauseam) · Cursed barrier spell · Densaugeo · Deprimo Spell (Deprimo) · Disarming Charm (Expelliarmus) · Ear-Shrivelling Curse · Everte Statum · Freezing Spell (Glacius) · Full Body-Bind Curse (Petrificus Totalus) · Fumos Duo · Green Sparks · Hex-Breaker· Hex-deflection · Hex Zapper · Homorphus Charm · Human-presence-revealing Spell (Homenum Revelio) · Impediment Jinx (Impedimenta) · Imperius Curse (Imperio) · Imperturbable Charm · Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra) · Knockback Jinx (Flipendo) · Lacarnum Inflamari · Langlock · Levitation Spell (Levioso) · Limbo Mist anticharm · Nonverbal spells · Patronus Charm (Expecto Patronum) · Pimple Jinx (Furnunculus) · Protective enchantments · Red Sparks (Vermillious) · Reductor Curse (Reducto) · Salvio hexia · Sea Urchin Jinx · Seize and pull charm (Carpe Retractum) · Shield Charm (Protego) · Smokescreen Spell (Fumos) · Snake-Vanishing Spell (Vipera Evanesca) · Softening Charm (Spongify) · Stretching Jinx · Tickling Charm (Rictusempra) · Tongue-Tying Curse (Mimblewimble) · Trip Jinx · Twitchy-Ears Hex · Verdimillious Charm (Verdimillious) · Verdimillious Duo Spell (Verdimillious) · Verdimillious Tria · Vermillious Duo · Vermillious Tria · Wand-Lighting Charm (Lumos)
Creatures studied at Hogwarts under D.A.D.A.
Banshee · Boggart · Chameleon Ghoul · Charmed skeleton · Cornish Pixie · Dementor · Dugbog · Erkling · Flesh-Eating Slug · Ghost · Ghoul · Gnome · Grindylow · Gytrash · Hag · Hinkypunk · Iguana · Imp · Inferius · Kappa · Manticore · Nocturnal beasts · Nogtail · Poltergeist · Red Cap · Snake · Troll · Vampire · Vampire bat · Werewolf · Yeti · Zombie
Dumbledore's Army
Harry Potter · Hermione Granger · Ronald Weasley
Harry Potter · Neville Longbottom · Luna Lovegood · Ginny Weasley
Gryffindor ClearBG2 Gryffindor Katie Bell · Lavender Brown · Colin Creevey · Dennis Creevey · Seamus Finnigan · Angelina Johnson · Lee Jordan · Cormac McLaggen · Parvati Patil · Alicia Spinnet · Dean Thomas · Romilda Vane · Fred Weasley · George Weasley · Nigel Wolpert · Unidentified female · Unidentified female (II)
Dumbledore army
Ravenclaw ClearBG2 Ravenclaw Terry Boot · Cho Chang · Michael Corner · Marietta Edgecombe · Anthony Goldstein · Padma Patil · Maisy Reynolds · Unidentified male · Unidentified male (II) · Unidentified female
Hufflepuff ClearBG2 Hufflepuff Hannah Abbott · Susan Bones · Justin Finch-Fletchley · Ernie Macmillan · Zacharias Smith · Leanne · Unidentified female
Unknown House Luca Caruso · Alice Tolipan
Allies and other affiliations
Order of the Phoenix · Hogwarts staff · Augusta Longbottom · Andromeda Tonks · Ted Tonks · Percy Weasley · Oliver Wood · Grawp · Dobby · Winky · Hogwarts house-elves · Forbidden Forest Centaur colony · Hogwarts Hippogriff herd · Hogwarts Ghosts · Hogwarts students · Hogwarts Thestral herd
Order of the Phoenix
Fawkes WB F2 FawkesIllustration V2 Illust
Albus Dumbledore
Albus Dumbledore · Alastor Moody · Kingsley Shacklebolt
Original Order of of the Phoenix:
Aberforth Dumbledore · Alastor Moody · Alice Longbottom · Arabella Figg · Benjy Fenwick · Caradoc Dearborn · Dedalus Diggle · Dorcas Meadowes · Edgar Bones · Elphias Doge · Emmeline Vance · Fabian Prewett · Frank Longbottom · Gideon Prewett · James Potter · Lily Potter · Marlene McKinnon · Mundungus Fletcher · Peter Pettigrew (defected) · Remus Lupin · Rubeus Hagrid · Severus Snape · Sirius Black · Sturgis Podmore
Reconstituted Order of the Phoenix:
Aberforth Dumbledore · Alastor Moody · Arabella Figg · Arthur Weasley · Bill Weasley · Charles Weasley · Dedalus Diggle · Elphias Doge · Emmeline Vance · Fleur Delacour · Fred Weasley · George Weasley · Harry Potter · Hermione Granger · Hestia Jones · Kingsley Shacklebolt · Minerva McGonagall · Molly Weasley · Mundungus Fletcher · Nymphadora Tonks · Remus Lupin · Ronald Weasley · Rubeus Hagrid · Severus Snape · Sirius Black · Sturgis Podmore
Order of the Phoenix allies:
Andromeda Tonks · Augusta Longbottom · Buckbeak · Dobby · Fawkes · Filius Flitwick · Firenze · Garrick Ollivander · Ginevra Weasley · Grawp · Helena Ravenclaw · Horace Slughorn · Karkus · Kreacher · Lee Jordan · Luna Lovegood · McKinnon family · Mr Westenberg · Mrs Westenberg · Muriel · Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington · Neville Longbottom · Oliver Wood · Olympe Maxime · Rita Skeeter · Patrick Delaney-Podmore · Peeves · Percy Weasley · Pomona Sprout · Poppy Pomfrey · Sybill Trelawney · Ted Tonks · The Fallen Fifty · Westenberg family · Winky · Xenophilius Lovegood
Other affiliations:
Dumbledore's Army · Forbidden Forest Centaur colony · Headless Hunt · Hogwarts Hippogriff herd · Hogwarts house-elves · Hogwarts ghosts · Hogwarts staff · Hogwarts students · Hogwarts Thestral herd · British Ministry of Magic · Giant colony (Under Karkus's control)