Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

Epoximise was the incantation of a Transfiguration spell that bonded two objects together, possibly by transforming an object into an adhesive or by conjuring a sticky substance.[1]

The 2579th edition of Transfiguration Today contained a debate on the pros and cons of using this spell.[2]


Epoximise comes from the English word epoxy which is a type of adhesive. The word epoxy itself has origins in Greek.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Epoximise originates from the Harry Potter Trading Card Game, and is labelled as a Transfiguration spell on its card, not a Charm, even though its effects seem to indicate it to be a charm. However, errors have been found with other cards. For example, the Severing Charm is incorrectly labelled as a Transfiguration spell in the card game.


Notes and references[]

See also[]
