Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

Fawley was the surname of a pure-blood wizarding family, extant in at least the 1920s[2] and 1930s.[3]

The Fawleys were included in the Pure-Blood Directory (published anonymously in Britain, although widely believed to have been authored by Cantankerus Nott), which listed them as one of the twenty-eight truly pure-blood families (the so-called 'Sacred Twenty-Eight').[3]

Known members

Behind the scenes

  • The Fawleys (Aubrey and Julia) are characters in J. K. Rowling's novel The Casual Vacancy. In that novel, they are a rich aristocratic family and the owners of Sweetlove House, an historic manor in the outskirts of Pagford, whose ancestors were responsible for selling the nearby city of Yarvil a piece of Pagford land — one of the catalysts for the plot.


Notes and references
