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Forums: Index > The Wizengamot > Naming policy

I have noticed that we do not have a set uniform naming policy for the naming of characters with the same name. I know we generally have unwritten ways, but they are not uniform to one standard, that I think needs to be written and all articles should follow it according to the policy.

There are many different ways I have seen that we follow.

In some cases, like in the case of James Potter, James Potter is a disambuigition(sp? lol) page, that gives James Potter I and II. Then in cases of Sirius Black, Sirius Black is the page of Sirius Black III, with a youmay to the Disambuigition page. Then in cases like Cygnus Black and Arturus Black, which are characters who have no major role in the series, are Disambuigition pages.

I think the stand policy should be as follows:

When there are two people named the same, as in James Potter, James Potter (Harry's dad) should be named James Potter I and James Potter (harry's son) should be named James Potter II. James Potter would be redirected to James Potter I with an youmay tag to James Potter II.

When there are three or more people with the same name, and one of these are seen majorly in the series, like in the case of Sirius Black, They should be named Sirius Black I, II, and III accordingly, with Sirius Black redirecting to Sirius Black III (As he is more common than I and II) with a youmay tag to the Sirius Black disambuigition page.

When there is two or more people named the same, and none of these people are more common than the other, like in the case of Cygnus Black, a Disambiguition page will be placed at Cygnus Black, and the article should be named Cygnus Black I, II, and III accordingly.

When there are three or more people named the same, and two of them are more common than the third, but not than eachother, a Disambuigition page will be placed at the name page.

Now, as for the naming policy for the use of Maiden and married names, I suggest this:

If a woman is married before the time period of the series has taken place, the husbands name should be taken, unless she had been addressed by her maiden name during the series. As in the case of Lily Evans, she was married and made a potter before the series, but during the series is addressed as an evans, although she died a potter. Also with Molly Weasley, she was married before the series, and was never addressed by Mrs. Prewett, therefore should be named Mrs. Weasley.

If a woman was married after a series, they should go by their maiden name, as they were refered to their maiden during the series.

In the Case of Lily Potter (harry's mom) (Harry's daughter) I think it should follow this:

Since Lily Potter (daughter) is only known as a potter, and not as anything else, she should be Lily Potter. As Lily Potter (mother) is also known as Lily Evans, she should be Lily Evans, as she is the one of the two that can change. ] This policy should work for all people in this situation.

No matter what the actual policy is, I would just like it to be uniform to the whole wiki, and to be written. -- Ratneer Owl Me! 20:45, December 19, 2009 (UTC)

Please see Harry Potter Wiki:Policy#Naming of articles. :) It is written in fact. There is a very lengthy discussion in the past about what to do with naming of articles, not sure where it is at the moment... -- DarkJedi613 (Talk) 00:51, December 20, 2009 (UTC)