Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

Gomas Barbadensis was a potion ingredient of unknown origin and composition. It was one of three known ingredients in Sleekeazy's Hair Potion, the other two being Asian Dragon Hair and Petroleum Jelly.[1]


Gomas is the plural from of goma, the Spanish word for "gum," as in the type exuded by plants.[2] Barbadensis is a Latin term, meaning "of Barbados,"[3] which is used primarily in taxonomic names for species. This suggests that Gomas Barbadensis may be a plant from Barbados or a blend of Barbadian plant gums.


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Harry Potter Wizard's CollectionLabel Collection book (see this image)
  2. "Goma" on Wiktionary
  3. David Beaulieu, "Aloe Vera Plants," About.com