Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

Graffiti was art that was written, painted, or drawn on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and within public view.[1]


In the 1992–1993 school year, Ginny Weasley, under the influence of T. M. Riddle's Diary, effectively graffitied the walls of the second-floor corridor outside Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom with messages warning first that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened[2] and later that she had been taken into the Chamber itself.[3]

By August 1995, graffiti was painted on a wall next to the British Ministry of Magic's visitors' entrance (a telephone box) in Whitehall.[4]

During the 1997–1998 school year, while Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was under the control of Lord Voldemort, the restarted Dumbledore's Army (led by Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and Ginny Weasley) defied the school's regime and authority. They sometimes snuck out at night painting graffiti on the walls of the corridors — 'Dumbledore's Army, still recruiting'.[5]


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