Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

The Hogwarts Express Railway Authorities was the body that issued the regulations for the Hogwarts Railways. Ticket holders for the Hogwarts Express were subject to the Authorities' rules and regulations.[1]


In February 1989, for Valentine's Day, the Hogwarts Express Railway Authority held an essay-writing competition on the subject of love for Hogwarts students, which was hosted by Millicent Bagnold at Hogsmeade station.[2] Jacob's sibling won this competition.[3]

Behind the scenes[]


Notes and references[]

  1. Harry Potter Film Wizardry - see this image
  2. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, "TICKET TO LOVE" Achievement - Part 1
  3. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, "TICKET TO LOVE" Achievement - Part 4
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