Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

The Leaky Cauldron bartender was a British witch who worked at the Leaky Cauldron as a bartender.[1]


She helped during Mathilda Grimblehawk's investigation into an escaped magical beast. She lost a golden tooth in the fray and mistakenly hit a portrait of Ulick Gamp with a Confundus Charm. She later donated meat from the larder to help lure the beast into a trap.[1]


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The Leaky Cauldron
Founder Daisy Dodderidge Leakycauldronsym
Owners Tom (formerly) · Hannah Abbott Residents Neville Longbottom
Maids Day maid · Night maid · Young maid Others Bartender · Cleaner · Cook · Male toilet fixer
1 Diagon Alley, England, Great Britain