Leticia Somnolens was a Medieval hag known for conspiring against a princess,[1] and apparently served as a source of inspiration for the Muggle fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty.
A spiteful and vicious creature, Somnolens was jealous of the daughter of the local King and tainted a spindle with the Draught of Living Death. She then tricked the young princess into pricking her finger on it, sending her into a deep sleep. Her plan was foiled, however, by a young wizard who smeared his lips with Wiggenweld Potion, and then kissed the princess, curing her and bringing her out of the sleep.[1]
Somnolens’s story, despite being a fact to the wizarding world, appears to be the source of inspiration for the Muggle fairy tale Sleeping Beauty.
Somnolens is a derivation of "somnolence", which means "sleepiness".
External links[]
Wicked fairy (Sleeping Beauty) on Wikipedia
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (video game) (First appearance) (Appears on a Famous Wizard Card)
Notes and references[]