Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

"They were now spending lesson after lesson learning how to look after Flobberworms, which had to be some of the most boring creatures in existence. 'Why would anyone bother looking after them?' said Ron, after yet another hour of poking shredded lettuce down the Flobberworms' slimy throats."
Ron grumbles about caring for the Flobberworms.[src]

Lettuce is a type of green leafy vegetable.[7]


In 1992, Gilderoy Lockhart claimed to his second year Defence Against the Dark Arts class that after he dealt with a particular vampire, it was unable to eat anything but lettuce.[8]

In 1993, after Rubeus Hagrid's disastrous Care of Magical Creatures on Hippogriffs, the students spent hour-after-hour in his classes shoving lettuce down the throats of Flobberworms.[5] Ultimately, the flobberworms died, having been fed too much lettuce.[6]

Lettuce was an essential component of a BLT, a sandwich consisting of bacon, lettuce and tomato.[2][3][4]


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