Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

"One of my very own wizard chess boards. Consider it a memento of our time together."
— Minerva McGonagall[src]

These Wizard's Chess sets were the personal Wizard's Chess sets of Minerva McGonagall.


Throughout her life McGonagall acquired many Wizard's Chess sets which she would play with.[1]

She acquired two chess sets in or by the 1980s, a blue-grey chess set which she used to play chess against Jacob's sibling as they interviewed her for the Teacher Appreciation Celebration, and a red-white chess set she gave to Jacob's sibling as a gift for producing a great presentation.[1]

By the 1991–1992 school year she had acquired a giant chess set which she animated to play by themselves and sent to guard the Philosopher's Stone in the Underground Chambers.[2] After the Philosopher's Stone was destroyed, the undamaged pieces of the chessboard were stored in the Room of Hidden Things.[3][4]

Known chess sets[]


Notes and references[]
