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This office was located on Level 8 of the Ministry of Magic Headquarters and accessed through the Atrium.[1]


This office was a circular, high-ceilinged room overlooking the Atrium, albeit one that from inside of it had the illusion of being located near lush nature on account of the enchanted windows. Its walls was made out of light-grey porcelain tiles, and it also had a small fireplace and a gilded floor lamp. Three small desks had been fitted in between the columns beside the far wall, and the floor was covered by a grey carpet depicting the Ministry logo.[1]


It is unknown what function, if any, this office had under normal circumstances, but during parts of the year, it appeared to have been reserved for the purpose of facilitating the Ministry's student programme; presumably in order to ensure that the assignments given to student interns by their supervisors, which were typically simpler, lower-risk ones than many of those otherwise carried out by the regular staff of whichever division they were assigned to, did not take away from the time spent attending to those that dealt with the overall execution of its daily duties. Over the course of the internship of Jacob's sibling during the 1990–1991 school year, Alastor Moody was known to use it for the handing out of assignments and the evaluation of their performance after each one.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Interestingly, although the player appears to glimpse the interior of the office through the windows of the office in the Atrium, once inside the office itself, the windows show the same sunny, lush outdoors as the All-Purpose Room; suggesting that the glass of the bewitched windows throughout the Ministry of Magic with an actual view on the other side of it are only charmed on one side of the glass.


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 5 (The Ministry of Magic)
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The Atrium
Level 8, British Ministry of Magic
Fountain of magical brethren
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