Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

The Moon Frog was a magical creature believed to exist by the Lovegoods, purportedly native to the Moon. A Moon Frog was supposed to look like a glowing frog.[2] A wizard once interviewed for the The Quibbler claimed to have flown to the moon on a Cleansweep Six and brought back a bag of Moon Frogs as proof.[1]


During the 1988–1989 school year, Jacob's sibling, Chiara Lobosca and Barnaby Lee saw what they initially thought was a Moon Frog. However, it turned out to simply be Liz Tuttle's pet frog Sir Ribbithe who was glowing due to having eaten some Glow Bugs. Chiara later returned the lost frog to Liz.[2]

During the 2010s, Professor Luna Scamander went to Diagon Alley to purchase some Moon Frogs, which she believed to have been brought back by a wizard who flew to the moon on a broomstick. She looked for them with a student but didn't find any.[3]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 10 (Luna Lovegood)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, "THE QUIBBLER: FIGHT FOR THE FRONT PAGE" Achievement - Part 4, Side Quest "Read All About It"
  3. Harry Potter: Magic Awakened - Luna's birthday (see this video)