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Harry Potter Wiki
"They pinched that Chaser like my Grandma pinches my cheeks: painfully, and likely to leave a mark!"
Murphy McNully commenting on a successful Parkin's Pincer[src]
Parkins Pincer

This move being performed in a game of Quidditch

Parkin's Pincer was a Quidditch tactic named after the original Wigtown Wanderers (the children of Walter Parkin), who were believed to have invented it. During the move, two Chasers would close in on an opposing Chaser, hemming them in. The third Chaser would then fly directly at the trapped Chaser.[1]

During the 1985–1986 school year, Skye Parkin taught this tactic to Jacob's sibling.[2]


Notes and references[]

  1. Quidditch Through the Ages, Chapter 10 (Quidditch Today)
  2. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 2, Quidditch Season 1