Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

"It's traditional to give a wizard a watch when he comes of age."
Molly Weasley to Harry Potter[src]

A pocket watch is a small watch on a chain, intended to be carried in the pocket of a jacket or waistcoat.[8]


Many wizards and witches in the wizarding world often wore pocket watches. In the wizarding world, one was traditionally given a watch when they come of age at seventeen.[7]

There may have been a Transfiguration spell capable of turning a human into a pocket watch. However, given the context where this was mentioned, it may have simply been a sarcastic comment.[9]

Known pocket watches[]

Known wizards and witches known to own, or may own, pocket watches include:

Behind the scenes[]

  • It is not specified what type of watch Harry Potter was given when he turned of age. However, due to the fact that it was dented on the back, it was probably indeed a pocket watch, as the back of a wristwatch is against the wrist when in use. In this case, Ron Weasley also has a pocket watch, as Harry's was "like what Ron got."
  • This may be another example of objects commonly used by Wizardkind not being as modern as objects used by muggles (as with quills, oil lamps, candles, ect.). Though still being made, pocket watches are not been as widely used as in the pre-WWII era. It may also be reflective of the longer lifespan of wizards. Dumbledore, for instance, would have turned 17 when pocket watches were still in style.
  • In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Cedric Diggory is shown wearing a brown wristwatch in some scenes. He wears it on his left arm during the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament, and on his right arm when he and Harry Potter are transported to the Little Hangleton Graveyard mere moments before his murder.
  • On J. K. Rowling's official site, Dumbledore's watch has bright blue lightning like crackles, the face glows turquoise blue and emits a flash of white light.[11]


Notes and references[]
