Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

A potion-making kit was a small container holding the essentials one would need to brew a potion. The kit contained various potion ingredients, a small cauldron and heat source, a cutting board for preparing ingredients, and various other tools such as a stirring stick.[4] Though not explicitly listed on the first-year supply list, a potion-making kit appeared to be an essential tool for Potions class, and thus all Hogwarts students presumably owned one.


In 1992, while doing his shopping for his second year, Harry Potter purchased a potion kit from Mr Mulpepper's Apothecary for Ginevra Weasley, who would otherwise have been forced to use an old kit that once belonged to her brother Percy and contained several cracked phials. Harry also used the opportunity to purchase himself a new kit. Both kits cost five Sickles at the time.[2]

Harry was running low on spine of lionfish and essence of belladonna for his potion-making kit by the summer of 1994, and thus had Molly Weasley pick him up some during her shopping in Diagon Alley.[5] Harry's potion-making kit was one of the few possessions he kept with him when he permanently left 4 Privet Drive in 1997.[3]

Horace Slughorn also owned a potion-making kit. He used this kit to prepare a Love Potion Antidote for Ronald Weasley on 1 March, 1997, and Harry took a bezoar from this kit later that evening to save Ron from the poisoned mead Slughorn had unknowingly served him.[1]


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