Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

Pukwudgie arrows were deadly, poisonous arrows used by Pukwudgies when they hunted. They would be tipped with the Pukwudgie venom which could kill whoever it was used against.[1]


It is unknown when Pukwudgies began using these arrows, but they were using them by the 17th Century when Isolt Sayre met and befriended a Pukwudgie she named William whilst exploring the United States of America. William later saved Isolt and her family by piercing the heart of a Dark witch named Gormlaith Gaunt with an arrow. The arrows proved to be stronger than Dark Magic, since it reacted lethally with Gormlaith's curses and reduced to nothing but a pile of ash. Even her wand was broken by William's actions, leaving nothing except some of the dragon heartstring core placed in the wood of the wand.[1]

The symbol of Pukwudgie house for Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was a Pukwudgie holding a bow and arrow of which a carving raised it should it wish to accept a student into the house at the Sorting ceremony.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Pukwudgies being highly proficient with a bow and arrow, aside from reflecting their Native American origins, may also be a reference to Elfshot, an ancient European belief that elves could cause invisible injuries with a curse or unseen arrow. Modern diagnoses for such pain may include ailments like rheumatism, arthritis, side stitches or cramps.


Notes and references[]
