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Harry Potter Wiki

Stamina Game was the name of a potion of unknown magical effect. It was most likely an experimental mixture or a general brewing exercise. It could be brewed by members of the Potions Club in the Hogwarts greenhouses at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.[1]


The recipe for this potion were as follows:

  1. Add Pumpkin Juice until the potion turns orange.
  2. Add ground unicorn horn until the potion turns green.
  3. Heat until the potion turns purple.
  4. Add one caterpillar to turn the potion pink.
  5. Stir the potion until the potion turns yellow.
  6. Add orange juice until the potion turns blue.
  7. Heat until the potion turns pink.
  8. Add extract of Gurdyroot until the potion turns orange.
  9. Add two pieces of dragon dung to turn the potion green.
  10. Stir until the potion turns purple.
  11. Heat until the potion turns red.
  12. Add the Pumpkin Juice until the potion turns yellow.
  13. Shake and add Salamander blood until the potion turns turquoise.
  14. Add five caterpillars to turn the potion orange.
  15. Heat until the potion turns blue.
  16. Shake and add Flobberworm Mucus until the potion turns yellow.
  17. Add orange juice until the potion turns turquoise.
  18. Add ground unicorn horn until the potion turns blue.
  19. Stir until the potion turns orange.
  20. Shake and add Salamander blood until potion turns yellow.
  21. Add six pieces of dragon dung to turn the potion purple.
  22. Add extract of Gurdyroot until the potion turns red.
  23. Heat until the potion turns green.
  24. Shake and add Flobberworm Mucus until potion turns blue.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

  • This is the only potion that is not given an introduction explaining its effects or nature when the player selects to brew it in the Potions Club.


Notes and references[]

Potions Club
Potions Club HBPG
Harry Potter · Hufflepuff girl · Horace Slughorn (possibly)
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Hogwarts greenhouses