Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

"Harry extracted his cloak from his trunk with some difficulty, trying not to show Dumbledore the mess within. When he had stuffed it into an inside pocket of his jacket, Dumbledore waved his wand and the trunk, cage, and Hedwig vanished."
— Dumbledore using this spell to transport Harry Potter's belongings[src]

This was a spell (incantation unknown) that vanished objects which then appeared elsewhere.[1]


In Harry's second year this spell was used when McGonagall summoned a plate of sandwiches from the school kitchen into Snape's office. In the summer of 1996, Albus Dumbledore used this spell to transport Harry Potter's school supplies, clothes, and owl to the Burrow, so that they could first journey to Budleigh Babberton to try and recruit Horace Slughorn unhindered.[1] It was also used earlier in the summer when Dumbledore summons a bottle of Madame Rosmerta’s oak matured mead in 4 Privet Drive.


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 3 (Will and Won't)