Our favorite wizard's birthday is approaching so we need YOUR help to plan the ultimate birthday bash for him! Pick up a fresh batch of Madam Rosmerta's Butterbeer, some exploding bonbons, and a smushed cake from Hagrid so we can wish Harry a "Happee 34th Birthdae".
Here’s how it works:
1. You must be logged into your Wikia account. Don’t have an account? No problem! Create an account here!
2. Create an original menu with one dish in each of the following categories:
- Main Dishes from Hogwarts
- Desserts
- Drinks
- Favorite Jokeshop Treats (Zonkos, Honeydukes)
- Magical Delights (Potions or Magical Foods)
3. Choose a person and a place for the following:
- "Host" of the Party
- Venue for Party
4. Post your menu in the comments below. The more original the menu, the better!
Here's my example party menu:
- Main Dishes from Hogwarts: Yorkshire Pudding
- Desserts: Treacle Tarts
- Drinks: Butterbeer
- Favorite Jokeshop Treats (Zonkos, Honeydukes): Fizzing Whizbees
- Magical Delights (Potions or Magical Foods): Felix Felicis Potion
- "Host" of the Party: Mrs. Weasley
- Venue for Party: Room of Requirement
5. . We will accept entries until July 21. Wikia staff members will select the most-nominated entries to be part of a poll for each category. We’ll post the voting polls on Recipes Wikia for everyone to vote. Polls will close on July 28. We will post the winning menu that week!