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Hogwarts Great Hall Feast

    There are many people at Hogwarts here are some estimations of how many people are there...

Students at Hogwarts

We know from the Harry Potter Books that there are about 5 - 6 Gryffindor boys in Harry's Year, so we can times that number by 2 to get all the Girls and Boys in Gryffindor house in Harry's Year than we can times this number by 7 to find all the people in Gryffindor House than we can times this by 4 to get all the kids in all the Houses at Hogwarts...

Which comes to these numbers:

Estimation of Kids at Hogwarts
336 with 6 boys in Harry's year in Gryffindor
280 with 5 boys in Harry's year in Gryffindor  

Which would make sense with all Classes being with two houses in them... 

Teachers and Others at Hogwarts

there are 13 classes at Hogwarts:

  1. Divination
  1. Transfiguration
  1. Potions
  1. Charms
  1. Herbology
  1. Care of Magical Creatures
  1. Arithmancy
  1. Astrology
  1. History of Magic
  1. Broom Lessons
  1. Muggle Studies
  1. DADA
  1. Ancient Runes

Which means there are 13 + 2 others Nurse and Headmaster which = 15


There are around either 280 or 336 people at Hogwarts

(Though these numbers do not add up with J. K. Rowlings numbers of about 1000 Kids at Hogwarts)

(Or with the number of students said in Snapes Worst Memory it notes there were over 100 kids doing examinations)
