本条目讲述的内容不属于J.K.罗琳的魔法世界。 |
原文页数 | 修改前内容及译文 | 修改后内容及译文 | 说明 |
[英] 17 [美] 16 |
“[...] I’ll be takin’ Sirius his bike back. [...]” | “[...] I best get this bike away. [...]” | 原话与后来小天狼星的故事发展有所不符,因此修改。 |
“[...] 我得去把车还给小天狼星。[...]” | “[...] 我最好把车弄走。[...]” | ||
[英] 56 [美] 72 |
“Dragon liver, seventeen Sickles an ounce, they’re mad…” | “Dragon liver, sixteen Sickles an ounce, they’re mad…” | 由于十七西可合一加隆,因此在日常生活中一般会直接用“一加隆”而非“十七西可”。 |
“龙肝,十七西可一盎司,他们疯了……” | “龙肝,十六西可一盎司,他们疯了……” | ||
[英] 72 [美] 96 |
Harry noticed a shiny silver badge on his chest with the letter P on it. | Harry noticed a red and gold badge on his chest with the letter P on it. | 在《哈利·波特与凤凰社》第九章中,哈利曾在罗恩和赫敏当上级长后见过他们的徽章。文中提到这个徽章是红色和金色的,并且“曾在珀西的胸前看见过一个这样的徽章”。为了使内容保持一致,因此对这里的描写作了修改。 |
哈利发现他的胸前别着一个银光闪闪的字母P。 | 哈利发现他的胸前别着一枚金红色的徽章,上面有一个字母P。 | ||
[英] 87 | Hogwarts, a History | Hogwarts: A History | |
《霍格沃茨,一段校史》 | 《霍格沃茨:一段校史》 | ||
[英] 92 [美] 123 |
“I haven’t eaten in nearly four hundred years,” said the ghost [...] | “I haven’t eaten in nearly five hundred years,” said the ghost [...] | 由于差点没头的尼克在第二年就办了五百岁忌辰晚会,与原本的四百年有矛盾。 |
“我已经有四百年没有吃东西了。”那个幽灵说,[...] | “我已经有五百年没有吃东西了。”那个幽灵说,[...] | ||
[英] 136 [美] 185 |
Harry noticed that she seemed to be speaking particularly to the Slytherin captain, Marcus Flint, a sixth-year. | Harry noticed that she seemed to be speaking particularly to the Slytherin captain, Marcus Flint, a fifth-year. | 马库斯·弗林特在哈利三年级时仍在学校,但在哈利一年级时已经是六年级学生。罗琳曾对此作出解释,表示弗林特留了级,但此处在后来仍进行了修改。 |
哈利注意到,她的这句话,似乎是专门针对斯莱特林队的队长、六年级学生马库斯·弗林特说的。 | 哈利注意到,她的这句话,似乎是专门针对斯莱特林队的队长、五年级学生马库斯·弗林特说的。 | ||
[英] 168 [美] 229 |
Harry, who was looking up “Dittany” in One Hundred Magical Herbs and Fungi [...] | Harry, who was looking up “Dittany” in One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi [...] | 印刷错误,仅存在于英国版中。根据第五章的购物清单,这本书的名字应为《千种神奇药草和蕈类》。 |
哈利只顾埋头在《百种神奇药草和蕈类》里查找“白鲜” | 哈利只顾埋头在《千种神奇药草和蕈类》里查找“白鲜” | ||
[英] 193 [美] 265 |
“[...] yeh get a lot o’ funny folk in the Hog’s Head–that’s the pub down in the village.” | “[...] yeh get a lot o’ funny folk in the Hog’s Head–that’s one of the pubs down in the village.” | 由于霍格莫德存中同时还存在三把扫帚酒吧,因此对原文进行修改,避免产生村里只有一家酒吧的歧义。 |
“[...] 猪头酒吧——就是村里的那个酒吧,总是有一些稀奇古怪的家伙光顾。[...]” | “[...] 猪头酒吧——就是村里的一个酒吧,总是有一些稀奇古怪的家伙光顾。[...]” | ||
[英] 205 [美] 282 |
“Well, Harry, you take the place of that bishop, and Hermione, you go next to him instead of that castle.” | “Well, Harry, you take the place of that bishop, and Hermione, you go there instead of that castle.” | 棋局开始时,主教和城堡并不挨着,骑士会在这两个棋子之间。 |
“好吧,哈利,你就代替那个主教的位置;赫敏,你站在他旁边,代替那个城堡。” | “好吧,哈利,你代替那个主教;赫敏,你去那儿,代替那个城堡。” | ||
[英] 205 [美] 283 |
“[...] I take one step forward and she’ll take me–that leaves you free to checkmate the king, Harry!” | “[...] I make my move and she’ll take me–that leaves you free to checkmate the king, Harry!” | 罗恩当的棋子是骑士,但这个棋子没法只走一格,必须走“日”字,即英文字母大写的“L”形。 |
“[...] 我向前走一步,她就会把我吃掉——你就可以把国王将死了,哈利!” | “[...] 我走一步,她就会把我吃掉——你就可以把国王将死了,哈利!” |
原文页数 | 修改前内容及译文 | 修改后内容及译文 | 说明 |
[英] 32 | ‘And you two,’ she said, glaring at Ron and Fred. | ‘And you two,’ she said, glaring at Ron and George. | 这段话的前面,韦斯莱夫人已经骂过弗雷德,因此这里应为乔治。 |
“还有你们两个。”她瞪着罗恩和弗雷德说。 | “还有你们两个。”她瞪着罗恩和乔治说。 | ||
[英] 78 [美] 99 |
“[...] And a few of you need to read Weekend With A Werewolf more carefully– [...]” | “[...] And a few of you need to read Wanderings With Werewolves more carefully– [...]” | 这个错误只出现在英国版中。原文的书名与前后提到的不同。 |
“[...] 有几个同学要再仔细读读《与狼人共度周末》—— [...]” | “[...] 有几个同学要再仔细读读《与狼人一起流浪》—— [...]” | ||
[英] 88 [美] 115 |
“He’s the only man for the job,” said Hagrid, offering them a plate of treacle fudge [...] | “He’s the only man for the job,” said Hagrid, offering them a plate of treacle toffee [...] | 太妃糖比软糖粘性更强。海格的这种太妃糖显然极具“危险性”。 |
“是惟一的人选,”海格给他们端上一盘乳脂软糖 [...] | “是唯一的人选,”海格给他们端上一盘糖浆太妃糖 [...] | ||
[英] 91 [美] 116 |
Hagrid’s treacle fudge had cemented his jaws together. | Hagrid’s treacle toffee had cemented his jaws together. | |
[...] 海格的乳脂软糖把他的上下牙粘在一起了。 | [...] 海格的糖浆太妃糖把他的上下牙粘在一起了。 | ||
[英] 110 | “Madam Sprout recently managed to procure some Mandrakes. [...]” | “Professor Sprout recently managed to procure some Mandrakes. [...]” | |
“斯普劳特夫人最近弄到了一些曼德拉草。[...]” | “斯普劳特教授最近弄到了一些曼德拉草。[...]” | ||
[英] 190 [美] 257 |
Madam Pomfrey was bending over a fifth-year girl with long, curly hair. | Madam Pomfrey was bending over a sixth-year girl with long, curly hair. | 让佩内洛·克里瓦特的年级和男朋友珀西·韦斯莱相同。 |
庞弗雷夫人正在低身俯视一个留着长长鬈发的五年级学生。 | 庞弗雷女士正在俯身查看一个留着长长鬈发的六年级学生。 | ||
[英] 199 | At the end of the lesson Professor Snape escorted the class to their Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson. | At the end of the lesson Professor Sprout escorted the class to their Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson. | |
下课后,斯内普教授护送同学们去上黑魔法防御术课。 | 下课后,斯普劳特教授护送同学们去上黑魔法防御术课。 | ||
[英] 203 | ‘It’s already heard. Fang!’ | ‘It’s already heard Fang!’ | |
“它已经听见了。牙牙!” | “它已经听见了牙牙!” | ||
[英] 216 | “The crowing of the rooster is fatal,” he read aloud. “Hagrid’s roosters were killed! The heir of Slytherin didn’t want one anywhere near the castle once the Chamber was opened! Spiders flee before it! It all fits!” | “The Basilisk flees only from the crowing of the rooster, which is fatal to it!” he read aloud. “Hagrid’s roosters were killed! The heir of Slytherin didn’t want one anywhere near the castle once the Chamber was opened! Spiders flee before the Basilisk! It all fits!” | - |
“公鸡的叫声对它来说也是致命的!”他大声念道,“海格的公鸡都被杀死了!一旦密室被打开,斯莱特林的继承人决不希望城堡附近有公鸡存在!蜘蛛看到它就会逃跑!啊,每一条都能对得上号!” | “……蛇怪只要听见公鸡的叫声就会仓皇逃命,因为公鸡的叫声对它来说也是致命的!”他大声念道,“海格的公鸡都被杀死了!一旦密室被打开,斯莱特林的继承人绝不希望城堡附近有公鸡存在!蜘蛛看到蛇怪就会逃跑!啊,每一条都能对得上号!” | ||
[英] 220 [美] 297 |
“[...] And the witch who banished the Bandon Banshee had a harelip. I mean, come on–” | “[...] And the witch who banished the Bandon Banshee had a hairy chin. I mean, come on–” | “豁嘴”一词带有贬损的意味,因此进行了修改。 |
“[...] 还有那个驱逐万伦女鬼的巫婆,她是一个豁嘴!我的意思是,你想想看……” | “[...] 还有那个驱逐万伦女鬼的巫婆,她长着一个毛乎乎的下巴!我的意思是,你想想看……” | ||
[英] 239 | [...] all four of them were hitting the wet floor of Moaning Myrtle’s floor [...] | [...] all four of them were hitting the wet floor of Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom [...] | 简体中文版的译本中未出现这一错误。 |
[...] 四个人落在哭泣的桃金娘的地板的潮湿地板上 [...] | [...] 四个人落在哭泣的桃金娘的盥洗室的潮湿地板上 [...] | ||
[英] 245 [美] 332 |
“You can speak Parseltongue, Harry,” said Dumbledore calmly, “because Lord Voldemort — who is the last remaining ancestor of Salazar Slytherin — can speak Parseltongue [...]” | “You can speak Parseltongue, Harry,” said Dumbledore calmly, “because Lord Voldemort — who is the last remaining descendant of Salazar Slytherin — can speak Parseltongue [...]” | 简体中文版的译本中未出现这一错误。 |
“哈利,你会蛇佬腔,”邓布利多平静地说,“是因为伏地魔会蛇佬腔。他是萨拉查·斯莱特林的最后一个祖先。[...]” | “哈利,你会蛇佬腔,”邓布利多平静地说,“是因为伏地魔会蛇佬腔。他是萨拉查·斯莱特林的最后一个继承人。[...]” |
原文页数 | 修改前内容及译文 | 修改后内容及译文 | 说明 |
[英] 7 | a torch in one hand and a large leatherbound book (A History of Magic, by Adalbert Waffling) propped open against the pillow. | a torch in one hand and a large leatherbound book (A History of Magic, by Bathilda Bagshot) propped open against the pillow. | 作者名字错误。简体中文版的译本中未出现这一错误。 |
[...] 一本皮封面的大部头书(阿德贝·沃夫林的《魔法史》)摊开了靠在枕头上。 | 一本皮封面的大部头书(巴希达·巴沙特的《魔法史》)摊开了靠在枕头上。 | ||
[英] 35 | After a while, Stan remembered that Harry had paid for hot chocolate, but poured it all over Harry's pillow when the bus moved abruptly from Anglesea to Aberdeen. | After a while, Stan remembered that Harry had paid for hot chocolate, but poured it all over Harry's pillow when the bus moved abruptly from Anglesey to Aberdeen. | 安格尔西岛的名称“Anglesey”拼写错误。 |
过了一会儿,斯坦想起哈利付过巧克力的钱,但是当这辆汽车突然从阿恩格利西驶往阿伯丁的时候,他把巧克力全洒在了哈利的枕头上。 | 过了一会儿,斯坦想起哈利付了热巧克力的钱,可是汽车突然从安格尔西岛跳到了阿伯丁,斯坦把巧克力都洒在了哈利的枕头上。 | ||
[英] 38 | “[...] Two members of the Accidental Magic Reversal Department were dispatched to Privet Drive a few hours ago. [...]” | “[...] Two members of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad were dispatched to Privet Drive a few hours ago. [...]” | 直到写《哈利·波特与火焰杯》时,罗琳才对英国魔法部的具体架构有了明确的设定。此外,简体中文版的译本中未修改这一错误。 |
“[...] 几个小时前,偶发事件逆转部的两位成员被派到女贞路。[...]” | “[...] 几个小时前,逆转偶发魔法事件小组的两位成员被派到女贞路。[...]” | ||
[英] 38 | “So all that remains,” said Fudge, now buttering himself a second crumpet, “is to decide where you’re going to spend the last two weeks of your holidays [...]” | “So all that remains,” said Fudge, now buttering himself a second crumpet, “is to decide where you’re going to spend the last three weeks of your holidays [...]” | 玛姬姑妈在哈利生日那天到来,并呆了一个星期。因此他在逃离女贞路后,又在破釜酒吧住了三个星期才到学校开学。 |
“那现在剩下的就是,”福吉说,又在给他第二块烤面饼涂黄油,“你剩下的两星期假期在哪里过。[...]” | “现在剩下来的,”福吉说着,自己又拿了第二块烤面饼,抹上黄油,“就是你在哪里度过暑假最后的这三个星期了。[...]” | ||
[英] 41 | [...] and that he was now facing two completely Dursley-free weeks. | [...] and that he was now facing three completely Dursley-free weeks. | |
而且他还有整整两周可以摆脱德思礼一家的好日子。 | 面前是三个星期彻底摆脱德思礼一家的日子。 | ||
[英] 53 | “You know what Harry and Ron are like, wandering off by themselves — they’ve ended up in the Forbidden Forest twice! [...]” | “You know what Harry and Ron are like, wandering off by themselves — they’ve even ended up in the Forbidden Forest! [...]” | 虽然哈利已经进过两次禁林,但罗恩在一年级时并没有和哈利一起关禁闭,因此他之前只在二年级时和哈利去过一次。 |
“你知道哈利和罗恩是怎样的孩子,他们总是自己溜开去玩——他们已经有两次走到禁林里去了![...]” | “你知道哈利和罗恩是个什么德行,他们经常自己到处乱逛——甚至跑到禁林里去![...]” | ||
[英] 53 | “It’s been three weeks now, and no one’s seen hide nor hair of him, [...]” | “It’s been a month now, and no one’s seen hide nor hair of him, [...]” | 纠正小天狼星越狱的时间,确保它早于哈利在小惠金区见到他的时间。 |
“现在已经三个星期了,大家连布莱克的一根头发也没有见到,[...]” | “现在已经有一个月了,还没有一个人看见过他的影子。 [...]” | ||
[英] 298 | They saw Lupin, Ron, and Pettigrew clambering awkwardly out of the hole in the roots. Then came Hermione… then the unconscious Snape, drifting weirdly upwards. Next came Harry and Black. [...] | They saw Lupin, Ron and Pettigrew clambering awkwardly out of the hole in the roots, followed by the unconscious Snape, drifting weirdly upwards. Next came Harry, Hermione and Black. [...] | 纠正《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班囚徒》第20章中众人离开打人柳的顺序。 |
他们看见卢平、罗恩和小矮星彼得从柳树下面的洞里笨拙地钻出来。然后赫敏出来了,然后是失去知觉的斯内普,古怪地向上飘浮着。再后面是哈利和布莱克。[...] | 他们看见卢平、罗恩和小矮星笨拙地从树根间的洞口爬了出来,然后是没有知觉的斯内普,怪诞地飘了上来。再后面是哈利、赫敏和布莱克,[...] | ||
[英] 58 [美] 72 |
[...] Harry and Mr Weasley led the way to the end of the train, [...] | [...] Harry and Ron led the way to the end of the train, [...] | 没有出现在官方的修订列表中,仅在美国版中进行了修改。两人在随后又走出来和韦斯莱夫妇告别,因此和哈利一起进车厢的应该是罗恩。 |
[...] 哈利和韦斯莱先生领头走过一个个拥挤的隔间,[...] | [...] 哈利和罗恩领头走过一个个拥挤的隔间,[...] | ||
[英] 70 [美] 89 |
“[...] He won’t be the first one who collapses.[...] ” | “[...] He won’t be the last one who collapses.[...] ” | 没有出现在官方的修订列表中,仅在美国版中进行了修改。哈利确实是第一个见到摄魂怪后晕倒的。 |
“[...] 他不会是第一个晕倒的人。[...]” | “[...] 他不会是最后一个晕倒的人。[...]” |
原文页数 | 修改前内容及译文 | 修改后内容及译文 | 说明 |
[英] 14 | ‘I could use another wizard,’ said the first voice softly, ‘that is true…’ | ‘I could use another wizard,’ said the second voice softly, ‘that is true…’ | 在本章中,弗兰克听到的“第一个声音”是虫尾巴的声音,而”第二个声音”则是伏地魔的声音。此处应该是伏地魔在说话,但曾被错误地标注为“第一个声音”。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中没有出现这个错误。 |
“我可以使用另外的巫师,”第一个声音轻轻说,“这主意不错……” | “我可以使用另外的巫师,”第二个声音轻轻说,“这主意不错……” | ||
[英] 15 | ‘If?’ whispered the first voice. ‘If? If you follow the plan, Wormtail, [...]’ | ‘If?’ whispered the second voice. ‘If? If you follow the plan, Wormtail, [...]’ | |
“如果?”第一个声音耳语般地说,“如果?如果你按我的计划行事,虫尾巴,[...]” | “如果?”第二个声音耳语般地说,“如果?如果你按我的计划行事,虫尾巴,[...]” | ||
[英] 15 | ‘Liar,’ said the first voice again, the cruel amusement more pronounced than ever. [...] | ‘Liar,’ said the second voice again, the cruel amusement more pronounced than ever. [...] | |
“撒谎,”第一个声音又说,那种冷冰冰的打趣口吻更明显了,[...] | “撒谎,”第二个声音又说,那种冷冰冰的打趣口吻更明显了,[...] | ||
[英] 22 | Privet Drive looked exactly as a respectable suburban street would be expected to look in the early hours of Sunday morning. | Privet Drive looked exactly as a respectable suburban street would be expected to look in the early hours of Saturday morning. | 避免出现连续两天均为星期日的情况。在原文中,罗恩在邀请信中提到魁地奇世界杯决赛是在星期一夜里举行,因此韦斯莱一家人接哈利的时间是星期日,而此处发生在之前的一天,因此应该为星期六。 |
看上去,女贞路完全符合一条令人尊敬的郊区街道在星期天凌晨应该呈现的样子。 | 看上去,女贞路完全符合一条令人尊敬的郊区街道在星期六凌晨应该呈现的样子。 | ||
[英] 82 | ‘Cheers’, said George, taking the slip of parchment Bagman handed him and tucking it away into the front of his robes. | ‘Cheers’, said George, taking the slip of parchment Bagman handed him and tucking it away carefully. | |
“成了。”乔治接过巴格曼递给他的一小条羊皮纸,塞进长袍的前襟里。 | “成了。”乔治接过巴格曼递给他的一小条羊皮纸,小心地塞了起来。 | ||
[英] 120、486、593 | ‘Enervate!’ | ‘Rennervate!’ | 最初的咒语“Enervate”在英文中的意思实际上是“使失去活力”,因此J.K.罗琳在之后将其修改为“Rennervate”。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与火焰杯》和《哈利·波特与“死亡圣器”》起初采用了意思相近的不同译法,可能是因为将其当成了两个不同的咒语。 |
“快快复苏!” | “恢复活力!” | ||
[英] 133 | ‘On Sunday morning, I woke up with my scar hurting again.’ | ‘On Saturday morning, I woke up with my scar hurting again.’ | 避免出现连续两天均为星期日的情况。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中没有出现这个错误。 |
“星期天早晨我醒过来的时候,我的伤疤又疼了。” | “星期六早晨我醒过来的时候,我的伤疤又疼了。” | ||
[英] 144 | Dr. Filibuster’s Fabulous No-Heat, Wet-Start Fireworks | Dr. Filibuster’s Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks | 保证译名的一致性。简体中文版的《哈利·波特》小说中未对译名进行大幅修改。 |
费力拔博士自动点火、见水开花神奇烟火 | 费力拔博士见水开花、自动点火神奇烟火 | ||
[英] 171 | ‘Today’s not bad … outside all morning,’ said Ron, who was running his finger down the Monday column of his timetable, [...] | ‘Today’s not bad … outside all morning,’ said Ron, who was running his finger down his timetable, [...] | 避免出现连续两天均为星期一的情况。 |
“今天倒不错……整个上午都在户外,”罗恩的手指滑过课程表上星期一那一栏,说道,[...] | “今天倒不错……整个上午都在户外,”罗恩的手指滑过课程表,说道,[...] | ||
[英] 185 | [...] they watched Hermione teaching Neville a Scouring Charm to remove the frog guts from under his fingernails. | [...] they watched Hermione teaching Neville a Scouring Charm to remove the toad guts from under his fingernails. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中没有出现这个错误。 |
[...] 这时他们正看着赫敏教纳威念一种除垢咒,可以清除他指甲缝里的青蛙内脏。 | [...] 这时他们正看着赫敏教纳威念一种除垢咒,可以清除他指甲缝里的蟾蜍内脏。 | ||
[英] 487 | [...] he pulled out his wand, and limped off into the Forest. | [...] he raised his wand, and limped off into the Forest. | 穆迪在之前已经把魔杖拿在手中。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中没有出现这个错误。 |
[...] 随即抽出魔杖,瘸着腿钻进了森林。 | [...] 随即举起魔杖,瘸着腿钻进了森林。 | ||
[英] 503 | ‘Dumbledore, come!’ said Crouch angrily. [...] | ‘Dumbledore, come!’ said Fudge angrily. [...] | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中没有出现这个错误。 |
“行了,邓布利多!”克劳奇生气地说,[...] | “行了,邓布利多!”福吉生气地说,[...] | ||
[英] 579 | [...] and Harry knew when he saw it who it would be … he knew, as though he had expected it from the moment when Cedric had appeared from the wand … knew, because the man appearing was the one he’d thought of more than any other tonight … The smoky shadow of a tall man with untidy hair fell to the ground as Bertha had done, straightened up, and looked at him … and Harry, his arms shaking madly now, looked back into the ghostly face of his father. “Your mother’s coming …” he said quietly. “She wants to see you … it will be all right … hold on …” And she came … first her head, then her body… a young woman with long hair, the smoky, shadowy form of Lily Potter blossomed from the end of Voldemort’s wand, fell to the ground, and straightened like her husband. She walked close to Harry, looking down at him, and she spoke in the same distant, echoing voice as the others, but quietly, so that Voldemort, his face now livid with fear as his victims prowled around him, could not hear … |
[...] and Harry knew when he saw it who it would be … he knew, as though he had expected it from the moment when Cedric had appeared from the wand … knew, because the woman appearing was the one he’d thought of more than any other tonight … The smoky shadow of a young woman with long hair fell to the ground as Bertha had done, straightened up, and looked at him … and Harry, his arms shaking madly now, looked back into the ghostly face of his mother. “Your father’s coming …” she said quietly. “He wants to see you … it will be all right … hold on …” And he came … first his head, then his body… tall and untidy-haired like Harry, the smoky, shadowy form of James Potter blossomed from the end of Voldemort’s wand, fell to the ground, and straightened like his wife. He walked close to Harry, looking down at him, and he spoke in the same distant, echoing voice as the others, but quietly, so that Voldemort, his face now livid with fear as his victims prowled around him, could not hear … |
原版正文中莉莉·波特的身影比詹姆·波特出现得晚,而詹姆遇害的时间应早于莉莉遇害的时间。依照闪回咒的原理,詹姆应当在莉莉之后出现。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中没有出现这个错误。 |
[...] 哈利一眼就看出了他是谁……仿佛他从塞德里克冒出来那一刻起就期待着她出现似的……他一眼就看了出来,因为冒出来的是他今晚想得最多的人…… 一个头发蓬乱的高个儿男子的幽灵像伯莎那样落在地上,直起身子注视着他……哈利眼睛望着他父亲的面孔,双臂猛烈地抖动着。 “你妈也来了……”他轻声说,“她想见你……会没事的……顶住……” 她出来了……先是脑袋,然后是身体……一个长头发的年轻女子——莉莉·波特的灵魂从伏地魔的杖尖升起,像她丈夫一样落到地上,直起身子。她走近哈利,低头看着他,用同样遥远、带着回响的声音对他说话,但声音很低,伏地魔听不见——伏地魔看到被他杀害的人在周围走来走去,吓得脸色铁青…… |
[...] 哈利一眼就看出了她是谁……仿佛他从塞德里克冒出来那一刻起就期待着她出现似的……他一眼就看了出来,因为冒出来的是他今晚想得最多的人…… 一个长头发的女子的幽灵像伯莎那样落在地上,直起身子注视着他……哈利眼睛望着他母亲的面孔,双臂猛烈地抖动着。 “你爸也来了……”她轻声说,“他想见你……会没事的……顶住……” 他出来了……先是脑袋,然后是身体……一个头发蓬乱的高个儿男子——詹姆·波特的灵魂从伏地魔的杖尖升起,像他妻子一样落到地上,直起身子。他走近哈利,低头看着他,用同样遥远、带着回响的声音对他说话,但声音很低,伏地魔听不见——伏地魔看到被他杀害的人在周围走来走去,吓得脸色铁青…… | ||
[英] 594 | ‘The Imperius Curse,’ Moody said. [...] | ‘The Imperius Curse,’ Crouch said. [...] | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中没有出现这个错误。 |
“夺魂咒,”穆迪说,[...] | “夺魂咒,”小克劳奇说,[...] | ||
[英] 613 | ‘You’ll forgive me, Dumbledore, but I’ve heard of a curse scar acting as an alarm bell before …’ | ‘You’ll forgive me, Dumbledore, but I’ve never heard of a curse scar acting as an alarm bell before …’ | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中没有出现这个错误。 |
“请原谅,邓布利多,我以前听说魔咒伤疤会像警铃一样……” | “请原谅,邓布利多,我以前从没听说魔咒伤疤会像警铃一样……” |
原文页数 | 修改前内容及译文 | 修改后内容及译文 | 说明 |
[英] 33 | “As if you’d never be happy again,” Harry supplied dully. | “As if you’d never be happy again,” Harry supplied tonelessly. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中没有出现这个修改。 |
“好像你再也不会感到快乐了。”哈利没精打采地替他说道。 | “好像你再也不会感到快乐了。”哈利干巴巴地替他说道。 | ||
[英] 38 | “Murdered my parents, yes,” Harry said dully. | “Murdered my parents, yes,” Harry said. | |
“杀死我爸爸妈妈的人,没错。”哈利干巴巴地说。 | “杀死我爸爸妈妈的人,没错。”哈利说。 | ||
[英] 70 | “Mum’s been in a right state,” said Ron dully. [...] | “Mum’s been in a right state,” said Ron. [...] | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“妈妈一直烦躁不安,”罗恩干巴巴地说,[...] | “妈妈一直烦躁不安,”罗恩说,[...] | ||
[英] 79 | “Sirius,” said Mundungus, who did not appear to have paid any attention to the conversation, but had been closely examining an empty goblet. [...] | “Sirius,” said Mundungus, who did not appear to have paid any attention to the conversation, but had been minutely examining an empty goblet. [...] | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“小天狼星,”蒙顿格斯说话了,他似乎根本没注意他们在说什么,而是在细细地端详一个高脚酒杯,[...] | “小天狼星,”蒙顿格斯说话了,他似乎根本没注意他们在说什么,而是在细细地端详一个高脚酒杯,[...] | ||
[英] 99 | He and George crossed to the door and stood beside it, listening closely. | He and George crossed to the door and stood beside it, listening intently. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
他和乔治走过去站在房门旁,仔细地听着。 | 他和乔治走过去站在房门旁,仔细地听着。 | ||
[英] 103 | “You’re not on here!” said Harry, after scanning the bottom of the tree closely. | “You’re not on here!” said Harry, after scanning the bottom of the tree. | 在使用“scanning”时,“closely”一次就是多余的。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“你不在上面!”哈利看了看家谱最底下一行说道。 | “你不在上面!”哈利看了看家谱最底下一行说道。 | ||
[英] 105 | ‘Oh, yeah, her mother Andromeda was my favourite cousin,’ said Sirius, examining the tapestry closely. [...] | ‘Oh, yeah, her mother Andromeda was my favourite cousin,’ said Sirius, examining the tapestry carefully. [...] | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“哦,是啊,她的母亲安多米达是我最喜欢的堂姐,”小天狼星一边说一边认真地研究家谱图,[...] | “哦,是啊,她的母亲安多米达是我最喜欢的堂姐,”小天狼星一边说一边认真地研究家谱图,[...] | ||
[英] 128 | Dumbledore sat down, put the tips of his long fingers together and surveyed Fudge over them with an expression of polite interest. | Dumbledore sat down, put the tips of his long fingers together and looked at Fudge over them with an expression of polite interest. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
邓布利多坐了下来,长长的手指尖对接在一起,目光从那上面望着福吉,脸上带着彬彬有礼、饶有兴趣的表情。 | 邓布利多坐了下来,长长的手指尖对接在一起,目光从那上面望着福吉,脸上带着彬彬有礼、饶有兴趣的表情。 | ||
[英] 131 | “A Squib, eh?” said Fudge, eyeing her closely. [...] | “A Squib, eh?” said Fudge, eyeing her suspiciously. [...] | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“哑炮,嗯?”福吉怀疑地打量着她,说道,[...] | “哑炮,嗯?”福吉怀疑地打量着她,说道,[...] | ||
[英] 138 | “Those in favour of clearing the witness of all charges?” | “Those in favour of clearing the accused of all charges?” | 哈利是被指控者,不光是目击者。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中没有出现这个错误。 |
“赞成目击不成立的请举手。” | “赞成指控不成立的请举手。” | ||
[英] 151 | Harry hurried across the room, closed the door, then returned slowly to his bed and sank on it, gazing unseeingly at the foot of the wardrobe. | Harry returned slowly to his bed and sank on it, gazing unseeingly at the foot of the wardrobe. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
哈利匆匆走过房间,关上房门,之后慢慢走回到床边,一头倒在床上,两眼失神地望着衣柜的脚。 | 哈利慢慢走回到床边,一头倒在床上,两眼失神地望着衣柜的脚。 | ||
[英] 167 | He wondered dully whether the people now staring and whispering believed the stories. | He wondered bleakly whether the people now staring and whispering believed the stories. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
他郁闷地想,不知这些一边盯着他看、一边交头接耳的人是不是相信了那些谎言。 | 他郁闷地想,不知这些一边盯着他看、一边交头接耳的人是不是相信了那些谎言。 | ||
[英] 176 | “We’d better change,” said Hermione at last, and all of them opened their trunks with difficulty and pulled on their school robes. She and Ron pinned their prefect badges carefully to their chests. | “We’d better change,” said Hermione at last. She and Ron pinned their prefect badges carefully to their chests. | |
“我们得换衣服了。”最后赫敏说道,于是大家手忙脚乱地打开箱子,穿上校袍。她和罗恩仔细地把级长徽章戴在胸前。 | “我们最好换衣服吧。”最后赫敏说道。她和罗恩仔细地把级长徽章戴在胸前。 | ||
[英] 177 | so he allowed himself to be shunted forwards on to the dark rain-washed road outside Hogsmeade Station. | so he allowed himself to be shunted forwards on to the dark rain-washed road outside Hogsmeade station. | “Station”一词改为首字母小写,说明霍格莫德车站并不是一个专有名称。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
他只好由着自己被推向霍格莫德车站外那条被雨水冲刷过的黑乎乎的街道。 | 他只好由着自己被推向霍格莫德车站外那条被雨水冲刷过的黑乎乎的街道。 | ||
[英] 178 | Standing still and quiet in the gathering gloom, the creatures looked eerie and sinister. | Standing still and quiet in the gloom, the creatures looked eerie and sinister. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
这些动物一动不动,静悄悄地站在越来越浓的夜色中,显得怪异而不祥。 | 这些动物一动不动,静悄悄地站在越来越浓的夜色中,显得怪异而不吉利。 | ||
[英] 193 | ‘I’ll tell you what it means,’ said Hermione through gritted teeth. [...] | ‘I’ll tell you what it means,’ said Hermione ominously. [...] | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“我来告诉你是什么意思吧,”赫敏咬着牙说,[...] | “我来告诉你是什么意思吧,”赫敏担心地说,[...] | ||
[英] 194 | ‘See you later,’ he said dully to Ron and Hermione [...] | ‘See you later,’ he said to Ron and Hermione [...] | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“待会儿见。”他干巴巴地对罗恩和赫敏说,[...] | “待会儿见。”他对罗恩和赫敏说,[...] | ||
[英] 207 | Today, they suffered through an hour and a half’s droning on the subject of giant wars. Harry heard just enough within the first ten minutes to appreciate dimly that in another teacher’s hands this subject might have been mildly interesting, but then his brain disengaged, and he spent the remaining hour and twenty minutes playing hangman on a corner of his parchment with Ron, while Hermione shot them filthy looks out of the corner of her eye. | Today, they suffered through three quarters of an hour’s droning on the subject of giant wars. Harry heard just enough within the first ten minutes to appreciate dimly that in another teacher’s hands this subject might have been mildly interesting, but then his brain disengaged, and he spent the remaining thirty-five minutes playing hangman on a corner of his parchment with Ron, while Hermione shot them filthy looks out of the corner of her eye. | 解决魔法史课在上课时长的矛盾之处。 |
今天,他们忍受着宾斯教授拖着腔调地讲述巨人战争的话题,足足忍受了一个半小时。哈利刚听了十分钟,就模模糊糊地意识到如果换了另外一位老师,这个题目大概会比较引人入胜。接着他的大脑就走神了,在剩下来的一小时二十分钟里,他和罗恩一直在他羊皮纸的一角玩刽子手的游戏,赫敏不时用眼角的余光狠狠地瞪他们。 | 今天,他们忍受着宾斯教授拖着腔调地讲述巨人战争的话题,足足忍受了四十五分钟。哈利刚听了十分钟,就模模糊糊地意识到如果换了另外一位老师,这个题目大概会比较引人入胜。接着他的大脑就走神了,在剩下来的三十五分钟里,他和罗恩一直在他羊皮纸的一角玩刽子手的游戏,赫敏不时用眼角的余光狠狠地瞪他们。 | ||
[英] 207 | A fine misty drizzle was falling, so that the people standing in huddles around the edges of the yard looked blurred at the edges. | A fine misty drizzle was falling, so that the people standing in huddles around the yard looked blurred at the edges. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
天上下着蒙蒙细雨,因此,三三两两挤在院子里的人们看上去轮廓有点儿模糊。 | 天上下着蒙蒙细雨,因此,三三两两挤在院子里的人们看上去轮廓有点儿模糊。 | ||
[英] 208 | ‘That’s the bell,’ said Harry dully, [...] | ‘That’s the bell,’ said Harry listlessly, [...] | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“上课铃响了。”哈利无精打采地说,[...] | “上课铃响了。”哈利无精打采地说,[...] | ||
[英] 217 | Professor Umbridge left the blackboard and settled herself in the chair behind the teacher’s desk, observing them all closely with those pouchy toad’s eyes. | Professor Umbridge left the blackboard and settled herself in the chair behind the teacher’s desk, observing them all with those pouchy toad’s eyes. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
乌姆里奇教授离开黑板,在讲台后面的椅子上坐了下来,用那两只眼皮松垂的癞蛤蟆似的眼睛盯着大家。 | 乌姆里奇教授离开黑板,在讲台后面的椅子上坐了下来,用那两只眼皮松垂的癞蛤蟆似的眼睛盯着大家。 | ||
[英] 222 | He took it from her without saying a word, turned on his heel and left the room, not even looking back at Ron and Hermione, slamming the classroom door shut behind him. | He took it from her without saying a word and left the room, not even looking back at Ron and Hermione, slamming the classroom door shut behind him. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
哈利一言不发,从她手里接过羊皮纸,也没有回头看一眼罗恩和赫敏就转身离开了教室,反手把门重重地关上了。 | 哈利一言不发,从她手里接过羊皮纸,也没有回头看一眼罗恩和赫敏就离开了教室,反手把门重重地关上了。 | ||
[英] 223 | Professor McGonagall sat down behind her desk, watching Harry closely. | Professor McGonagall sat down behind her desk, frowning at Harry. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
麦格教授在她的书桌后坐了下来,认真地望着哈利。 | 麦格教授在她的书桌后坐了下来,紧皱眉头望着哈利。 | ||
[英] 225 | Professor McGonagall eyed him closely for a moment, then sniffed, walked around her desk and held open the door for him. | Professor McGonagall eyed him for a moment, then sniffed, walked around her desk and held open the door for him. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
麦格教授打量他片刻,然后从鼻子里哼了一声,绕过桌子,为他打开了房门。 | 麦格教授打量他片刻,然后从鼻子里哼了一声,绕过桌子,为他打开了房门。 | ||
[英] 226 | ‘What I don’t get,’ said Harry through clenched teeth, [...] | ‘What I don’t get,’ said Harry in a shaking voice, [...] | |
“我不明白的是,”哈利放下手里的餐具咬着牙说,[...] | “我不明白的是,”哈利放下手里的餐具,声音颤抖地说,[...] | ||
[英] 231 | She turned on her heel and left. | She left. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
她转身走了。 | 她走了。 | ||
[英] 235 | ‘If he calls Hagrid a moron one more time …’ said Harry through gritted teeth. | ‘If he calls Hagrid a moron one more time …’ snarled Harry. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“如果他再管海格叫傻大个儿……”哈利恶狠狠地说。 | “如果他再管海格叫傻大个儿……”哈利恶狠狠地说。 | ||
[英] 237 | Tired and smelling strongly of dragon dung, Professor Sprout’s preferred type of fertiliser, the Gryffindors trooped back up to the castle an hour and a half later, none of them talking very much; it had been a very long day. | Tired and smelling strongly of dragon dung, Professor Sprout’s preferred type of fertiliser, the Gryffindors trooped back up to the castle, none of them talking very much; it had been a very long day. | 解决草药课在上课时长的矛盾之处。 |
一个半小时后,格兰芬多的同学们一个个精疲力竭,身上散发着浓浓的龙粪味儿——这是斯普劳特教授最喜欢的一种肥料——排着队返回城堡,谁也没有心思多说话。这又是特别累人的一天。 | 格兰芬多的同学们一个个精疲力竭,身上散发着浓浓的火龙粪味儿——这是斯普劳特教授最喜欢的一种肥料——排着队返回城堡,谁也没有心思多说话。这又是特别累人的一天。 | ||
[英] 238 | She turned on her heel and stormed away. | She stormed away. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
她气势汹汹地转身走了。 | 她气势汹汹地走了。 | ||
[英] 247 | Hoping very much that the Keeper wasn’t Ron, he dropped his eyes back to the parchment shining with blood. | Hoping very much that the Keeper wasn’t Ron, he dropped his eyes back to the parchment dotted with blood. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
他垂下目光,重新望着沾满鲜血的羊皮纸,真希望那个守门员不是罗恩。 | 他垂下目光,重新望着血迹斑斑的羊皮纸,真希望那个守门员不是罗恩。 | ||
[英] 247 | The parchment was now dotted with drops of blood from the back of his hand, which was searing with pain. | The parchment was now shining with drops of blood from the back of his hand, which was searing with pain. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
羊皮纸上沾着从他手背上流出的殷红的鲜血,而他的手背疼得像着了火一般。 | 羊皮纸上满是从他手背上流出的殷红的鲜血,而他的手背疼得像着了火一般。 | ||
[英] 256 | [...] then the caretaker turned on his heel and shuffled back towards the door. | [...] then the caretaker turned and shuffled back towards the door. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
[...] 然后管理员一转身,拖着脚朝门口走去。 | [...] 然后管理员一转身,拖着脚朝门口走去。 | ||
[英] 259 | [...] he had not been on his Firebolt for a week … | [...] he had not been on his Firebolt all week … | |
他已经一个星期没有骑他的火弩箭了…… | 他已经几个星期没有骑他的火弩箭了…… | ||
[英] 277 | Snape reached the front of the class and turned on his heel to face them. | Snape reached the front of the class and turned to face them. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
斯内普走到教室前面,转身面朝着同学们。 | 斯内普走到教室前面,转身面朝着同学们。 | ||
[英] 282 | There was a pause. Professor Umbridge surveyed Professor Trelawney. | There was a pause. Professor Umbridge’s eyebrows were still raised. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
一阵静默。乌姆里奇教授审视着特里劳尼教授。 | 一阵静默。乌姆里奇教授的眉毛仍然扬着。 | ||
[英] 283 | ‘You disagree?’ she repeated. | ‘You disagree?’ | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“你不同意?”她重复道。 | “你不同意?” | ||
[英] 283 | Harry saw Malfoy look up eagerly and watch Umbridge and Grubbly-Plank closely. | Harry saw Malfoy look up eagerly. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
哈利看见马尔福急切地抬起头来,仔细盯着乌姆里奇和格拉普兰看。 | 哈利看见马尔福急切地抬起头来。 | ||
[英] 290 | ‘Yeah, she probably would,’ said Harry dully. [...] | ‘Yeah, she probably would,’ said Harry. [...] | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“是啊,她大概会的。”哈利干巴巴地说,[...] | “是啊,她大概会的。”哈利说,[...] | ||
[英] 293 | ‘[...] The whole time you’re sure you know there’s nothing between you and dying except your own [...]’ | ‘[...] The whole time you know there’s nothing between you and dying except your own [...]’ | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“[...] 那些时候,你明知道在你和死亡之间没有任何东西,除了你自己 [...]” | “[...] 那些时候,你明知道在你和死亡之间没有任何东西,除了你自己 [...]” | ||
[英] 302 | [...] three Ravenclaw boys he was pretty sure were called Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner and Terry Boot, Ginny, followed by a tall skinny blond boy with an upturned nose [...] | [...] three Ravenclaw boys he was pretty sure were called Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner and Terry Boot; then Ginny, followed by a tall skinny blond boy with an upturned nose [...] | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行大幅修改。 |
[...] 三个拉文克劳男生,哈利可以肯定他们分别名叫安东尼·戈德斯坦、迈克尔·科纳和泰瑞·布特,还有金妮,后面跟着一个瘦瘦高高、长着一个翘鼻子的黄头发男生,[...] | [...] 三个拉文克劳男生,哈利可以肯定他们叫安东尼·戈德斯坦、迈克尔·科纳和泰瑞·布特,还有金妮,后面跟着一个瘦瘦高高、长着一个翘鼻子的黄头发男生,[...] | ||
[英] 303 | ‘You want to pass your Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. too, though, I bet?’ said Michael Corner who was watching her closely. | ‘You want to pass your Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. too, though, I bet?’ said Michael Corner. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“但是我想,你肯定也需要通过黑魔法防御术课的O.W.L.考试吧?”正看着她的迈克尔·科纳说。 | “但是我想,你肯定也需要通过黑魔法防御术课的O.W.L.考试吧?”迈克尔·科纳说。 | ||
[英] 304 | ‘What makes me say You-Know-Who’s back?’ he repeated, looking Zacharias straight in the face. [...] | ‘What makes me say You-Know-Who’s back?’ he asked, looking Zacharias straight in the face. [...] | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“我为什么要说神秘人回来了?”他直视着扎卡赖斯的脸重复道,[...] | “我为什么要说神秘人回来了?”他直视着扎卡赖斯的脸问道,[...] | ||
[英] 323 | Harry, watching him closely, added a few drops to his potion; [...] | His eyes on Snape, Harry added a few drops to his potion; [...] | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
哈利紧紧盯着他,加了几滴液体,[...] | 哈利紧紧盯着他,加了几滴液体,[...] | ||
[英] 326 | ‘Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge,’ they chanted dully. | ‘Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge,’ they chanted drearily. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“下午好,乌姆里奇教授。”大家拖腔拖调地说。 | “下午好,乌姆里奇教授。”大家拖腔拖调地说。 | ||
[英] 333 | ‘Ravens are harder than frogs,’ said Ron through clenched teeth. | ‘Ravens are harder than frogs,’ said Ron testily. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“乌鸦比青蛙难。”罗恩咬着牙说。 | “乌鸦比青蛙难。”罗恩咬着牙说。 | ||
[英] 337 | ‘Mine haven’t,’ said George, through clenched teeth, [...] | ‘Mine haven’t,’ said George, wincing, [...] | |
“我的还没有,”乔治从牙缝里说,[...] | “我的还没有,”乔治从牙缝里挤出声音说,[...] | ||
[英] 341 | Surveying Dobby more closely, he noticed that the elf was also wearing several scarves and innumerable socks, so that his feet looked far too big for his body. | Looking back at Dobby, he noticed that the elf was also wearing several scarves and innumerable socks, so that his feet looked far too big for his body. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
他仔细一瞧多比,发现这小精灵还围着几条围巾,穿着不知多少双袜子,使他的脚看上去大得不成比例。 | 他仔细一瞧多比,发现这小精灵还围着几条围巾,穿着不知多少双袜子,使他的脚看上去大得不成比例。 | ||
[英] 343 | It was, after all, very late, and he was exhausted and had Snape’s essay to finish | It was, after all, very late, and he was exhausted. | |
时间毕竟太晚,他已精疲力竭,还有斯内普的论文要写。 | 时间毕竟太晚,他已精疲力竭。 | ||
[英] 359 | The team rose, shouldered their brooms and marched in single file out of the changing room and into the dazzling sunlight. [...] | The team rose, shouldered their brooms and marched in single file out of the changing room and into the dazzling sky. [...] | |
队员们站了起来,扛起扫帚,列队走出更衣室,来到炫目的阳光下,[...] | 队员们站了起来,扛起飞天扫帚,列队走出更衣室,来到炫目的天空中,[...] | ||
[英] 361 | Harry could not help himself: abandoning his search for the Snitch, he wheeled around to watch Ron, [...] | Harry could not help himself: abandoning his search for the Snitch, he turned his Firebolt towards Ron, [...] | |
哈利无法控制自己,他顾不上寻找金色飞贼,转身注视着罗恩,[...] | 哈利无法控制自己,他顾不上寻找金色飞贼,掉转火弩箭注视着罗恩,[...] | ||
[英] 366 | Harry and George turned on their heels and marched off the pitch, both panting, neither saying a word to the other. | Harry and George marched off the pitch, both panting, neither saying a word to the other. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
哈利和乔治转身离开了球场,两人都气喘吁吁,一句话也不说。 | 哈利和乔治离开了球场,两人都气喘吁吁,一句话也不说。 | ||
[英] 367 | Harry and George both wheeled round. [...] | Harry and George both spun round. [...] | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
乔治和哈利一齐转过身去,[...] | 乔治和哈利一齐转过身去,[...] | ||
[英] 374 | ‘Oh, yeh did, did yeh?’ said Hagrid, surveying her sternly with the eye that was not hidden by the steak. | ‘Oh, yeh did, did yeh?’ said Hagrid, fixing her sternly with the eye that was not hidden by the steak. | |
“哦,你们猜的,是吗?”海格用没被龙肉遮住的那只眼睛严厉地审视着她。 | “哦,你们猜的,是吗?”海格用没被火龙肉遮住的那只眼睛严厉地盯着她。 | ||
[英] 376 | ‘You knew where you were going?’ Harry repeated. ‘You knew where the giants were?’ | ‘You knew where you were going?’ Harry asked. ‘You knew where the giants were?’ | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“你知道你们要去哪里?”哈利重复道,“你知道巨人在哪儿?” | “你知道你们要去哪里?”哈利问,“你知道巨人在哪儿?” | ||
[英] 376 | There was an odd expression in Hagrid’s unobscured eye as he surveyed Ron; it was almost pitying. | There was an odd expression in Hagrid’s unobscured eye as he squinted at Ron; it was almost pitying. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
海格看着罗恩,那只露在外面的眼睛里有一种近乎怜悯的奇怪表情。 | 海格看着罗恩,那只露在外面的眼睛里有一种近乎怜悯的奇怪表情。 | ||
[英] 387 | ‘For your health,’ repeated Professor Umbridge. | ‘For your health,’ said Professor Umbridge. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“疗养。”乌姆里奇教授重复道。 | “疗养。”乌姆里奇教授说。 | ||
[英] 387 | ‘You’re inspectin’ us?’ Hagrid repeated blankly, looking after her. | ‘You’re inspectin’ us?’ Hagrid echoed blankly, looking after her. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“你要调查我们?”海格望着她的后背茫然地重复道。 | “你要调查我们?”海格望着她的后背茫然地问。 | ||
[英] 393 | It surveyed the class for a few seconds, swishing its long black tail, then bowed its head and began to tear flesh from the dead cow with its pointed fangs. | It looked around at the class for a few seconds, swishing its long black tail, then bowed its head and began to tear flesh from the dead cow with its pointed fangs. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
它朝学生们看了几秒钟,甩了甩长长的黑尾巴,然后低下头开始用尖牙撕咬死牛。 | 它朝学生们看了几秒钟,甩了甩长长的黑尾巴,然后低下头开始用尖牙撕咬死牛。 | ||
[英] 418 | ‘Arthur Weasley, injured, wife and children and Harry Potter coming to stay,’ repeated Phineas in a bored voice. ‘Yes, yes … very well …’ | ‘Arthur Weasley, injured, wife and children and Harry Potter coming to stay,’ recited Phineas in a bored voice. ‘Yes, yes … very well …’ | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“亚瑟·韦斯莱受伤,老婆孩子和哈利·波特要来。”菲尼亚斯懒洋洋地说,“行,行……好吧……” | “亚瑟·韦斯莱受伤,老婆孩子和哈利·波特要来。”菲尼亚斯懒洋洋地说,“行,行……好吧……” | ||
[英] 423 | Kreacher was disappearing the kitchen door to the hall, looking back at them malevolently as he hitched up his loincloth; | Kreacher was disappearing through the door to the hall, looking back at them malevolently as he hitched up his loincloth; | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
克利切消失在前厅门口,拉着缠腰布,恶意地回头看了看他们。 | 克利切消失在前厅门口,拉着缠腰布,恶意地回头看了看他们。 | ||
[英] 428 | Dilys was eyeing the Weasley party closely as though counting them; [...] | Dilys was eyeing the Weasley party as though counting them; [...] | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
戴丽丝在仔细打量着哈利等人,好像在点人数,[...] | 戴丽丝在仔细打量着哈利等人,好像在点人数。[...] | ||
[英] 441 | ‘Dumbledore told me what had happened first thing this morning, but I had to wait for term to end officially before setting off. [...]’ | ‘Dumbledore told me what had happened yesterday morning, but I had to wait for term to end officially before setting off. [...]’ | |
“邓布利多今天一早就告诉我了。可我必须等到学期正式结束才能走。[...]” | “邓布利多昨天早上就告诉我了。可我必须等到学期正式结束才能走。[...]” | ||
[英] 442 | Harry remained quite still as the impact of these words hit him. Then he wheeled round. | Harry remained quite still as the impact of these words hit him. Then he turned on the spot to face her. | |
哈利呆立了一会儿,然后回过味来,急忙转身看着她。 | 哈利呆立了一会儿,然后回过味来,转身看着她。 | ||
[英] 446 | ‘Dobby did, he left the Malfoys’ to give me warnings two years ago. He had to punish himself afterwards, but he still managed it.’ | ‘Dobby did, he left the Malfoys’ to give me warnings three years ago. He had to punish himself afterwards, but he still managed it.’ | |
“多比就是,两年前他离开马尔福家来给我报信。他后来不得不惩罚自己,但他还是出来了。” | “多比就是,三年前他就离开了马尔福家来给我报信。他后来不得不惩罚自己,但他还是出来了。” | ||
[英] 453 | ‘Ah, yes,’ said his grandmother, looking closely at Harry and sticking out a shrivelled, clawlike hand for him to shake. [...] | ‘Ah, yes,’ said his grandmother, peering at Harry and sticking out a shrivelled, clawlike hand for him to shake. [...] | |
“啊,对了,”他奶奶仔细端详着哈利,伸出一只枯干的、鹰爪般的手给他握,[...] | “啊,对了,”他奶奶凝视着哈利,伸出一只枯干的、鹰爪般的手给他握,[...] | ||
[英] 453 | Neville did not look at him, but surveyed his own feet, the colour deepening in his face all the while. | Neville did not look at him, but stared at his own feet, the colour deepening in his face all the while. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
纳威没有看他,只盯着自己的脚,脸上越来越紫。 | 纳威没有看他,只盯着自己的脚,脸上越来越紫。 | ||
[英] 460 | Snape pocketed his wand, turned on his heel and swept back across the kitchen, passing the Weasleys without comment. | Snape pocketed his wand and swept back across the kitchen, passing the Weasleys without comment. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行大幅修改。 |
斯内普把魔杖插进口袋,大步走出厨房,没有理睬韦斯莱等人。 | 斯内普把魔杖插进口袋,大步走出厨房,没有理睬韦斯莱一家人。 | ||
[英] 468 | Snape continued to survey him through narrowed eyes for a moment, then said, ‘Now, Occlumency. As I told you back in your dear godfather’s kitchen, this branch of magic seals the mind against magical intrusion and influence.’ | ‘Now, Occlumency. As I told you back in your dear godfather’s kitchen, this branch of magic seals the mind against magical intrusion and influence.’ | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
斯内普继续眯着眼睛打量了他一会儿,然后说:“好啦,大脑封闭术,在你教父的厨房里我告诉过你,这一门魔法能够防止头脑受到魔法的入侵和影响。” | “好啦,大脑封闭术,在你教父的厨房里我告诉过你,这一门魔法能够防止头脑受到魔法的入侵和影响。” | ||
[英] 472 | ‘I thought not,’ said Snape, watching him closely. ‘You let me get in too far. You lost control.’ | ‘I thought not,’ said Snape contemptuously. ‘You let me get in too far. You lost control.’ | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“我想也是。”斯内普看着他说,“你让我进得太深,你失去了控制。” | “我想也是。”斯内普轻蔑地说,“你让我进得太深,你失去了控制。” | ||
[英] 474 | ‘Because,’ said Harry, watching Snape’s face closely, [...] | ‘Because,’ said Harry, watching Snape closely for a reaction, [...] | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“因为,”哈利紧盯着斯内普,看他有什么反应,[...] | “因为,”哈利紧盯着斯内普,看他有什么反应,[...] | ||
[英] 477 | ‘How do those hats work, then?’ said Hermione, distracted from her homework and watching Fred and George closely. [...] | ‘How do those hats work, then?’ said Hermione, distracted from her homework and watching Fred and George. [...] | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“那帽子是怎么做的?”赫敏也分了神,仔细观察着弗雷德和乔治,[...] | “那帽子是怎么做的?”赫敏也分了神,仔细观察着弗雷德和乔治,[...] | ||
[英] 492 | ‘Remember the first time we played against each other, in the third year?’ she asked him. | ‘Remember the first time we played against each other?’ she asked him. | |
“还记得我们第一次比赛吗,三年级的时候?”她问他。 | “还记得我们第一次比赛吗”她问他。 | ||
[英] 519 | ‘Well, I think we should just try and forget what you saw,’ said Hermione firmly. ‘And you ought to put in a bit more effort on your Occlumency from now on.’ Harry was so angry with her he did not talk to her for the rest of the day, which proved to be another bad one. When people were not discussing the escaped Death Eaters in the corridors, they were laughing at Gryffindor’s abysmal performance in their match against Hufflepuff; the Slytherins were singing ‘Weasley is our King’ so loudly and frequently that by sundown Filch had banned it from the corridors out of sheer irritation. The week did not improve as it progressed. Harry received two more ‘D’s in Potions; he was still on tenterhooks that Hagrid might get the sack; and he couldn’t stop himself dwelling on the dream in which he had been Voldemort – though he didn’t bring it up with Ron and Hermione again; he didn’t want another telling-off from Hermione. He wished very much that he could have talked to Sirius about it, but that was out of the question, so he tried to push the matter to the back of his mind. |
‘Well, I think we should just try and forget what you saw,’ said Hermione firmly. ‘And you ought to put in a bit more effort on your Occlumency from now on.’ The week did not improve as it progressed. Harry received two more ‘D’s in Potions; he was still on tenterhooks that Hagrid might get the sack; and he couldn’t stop himself dwelling on the dream in which he had been Voldemort – though he didn’t bring it up with Ron and Hermione again; he didn’t want another telling-off from Hermione. He wished very much that he could have talked to Sirius about it, but that was out of the question, so he tried to push the matter to the back of his mind. |
删除了一整段。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“我想我们应该设法忘掉你看到的东西,”赫敏坚决地说,“从现在起你要多下工夫练大脑封闭术。” 哈利对她很生气,在这天接下来的时间里有没有再和她说话,结果也过得不怎么样。当大家不在走廊里谈论食死徒越狱的事件时,就会嘲笑格兰芬多在与赫奇帕奇的队比赛时的糟糕表现。斯莱特林的学生不停地高唱“韦斯莱是我们的王”,逼得费尔奇在日落时禁止再在走廊上唱这首歌。 这个星期也没见起色:哈利在魔药课上又得了两个“D”,还在担心海格会被解雇,而且总是不由自主地想到那个梦。可是他没有对罗恩和赫敏提起,因为他不想再听赫敏的训斥。他非常希望能跟小天狼星谈谈,但那是不可能的,他只好努力把这件事推到脑子后面。 |
“我想我们应该设法忘掉你看到的东西,”赫敏坚决地说,“从现在起你要多下工夫练大脑封闭术。” 这个星期也没见起色:哈利在魔药课上又得了两个“D”,还在担心海格会被解雇,而且总是不由自主地想到那个梦。可是他没有对罗恩和赫敏提起,因为他不想再听赫敏的训斥。他非常希望能跟小天狼星谈谈,但那是不可能的,他只好努力把这件事推到脑子后面。 | ||
[英] 533 | Firenze surveyed Harry impassively. | Firenze looked at Harry impassively. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
费伦泽毫无表情地看着哈利。 | 费伦泽毫无表情地看着哈利。 | ||
[英] 533 | When he’d repeated Firenze’s words, Hagrid gazed at him for a moment through his puffy, blackened eyes, apparently taken aback. Then he seemed to pull himself together. | When he’d passed on Firenze’s message, Hagrid gazed at him for a moment through his puffy, blackened eyes, apparently taken aback. Then he seemed to pull himself together. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行大幅修改。 |
他转告了费伦泽的口信以后,海格用青肿的双眼盯了他好一会,显然吃了一惊。接着他似乎想让自己镇定下来。 | 他转告了费伦泽的口信以后,海格用青肿的双眼盯了他好一会儿,显然吃了一惊。接着他似乎想让自己镇定下来。 | ||
[英] 536 | His hands held fast by Harry, the elf tried to kick himself and fell to the floor. | His hands held fast by Harry, Dobby tried to kick himself and sank to his knees. | |
小精灵的双手被哈利紧紧地攥着。他想踢自己,结果跌倒在地板上。 | 多比的双手被哈利紧紧地攥着。他想踢自己,结果双膝跪在了地板上。 | ||
[英] 536 | ‘Dobby let out a howl, and began beating his bare feet hard on the floor | ‘Dobby let out a howl’ | |
多比发出一声哭号,开始用两只光脚使劲敲打地板。 | 多比发出一声哭号。 | ||
[英] 551 | Draco Malfoy had slid out from behind the door, closely followed by Crabbe and Goyle. His pale, pointed face was alight with malice. | Draco Malfoy had slid out from behind the door, followed by Crabbe and Goyle. His pale, pointed face was alight with malice. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行大幅修改。 |
德拉科·马尔福从门背后溜了出来,身后跟着克拉布和高尔。他苍白的尖脸上闪现出恶毒的神色。 | 德拉科·马尔福从门背后溜了出来,身后跟着克拉布和高尔。他苍白的尖脸上闪现出恶毒的神色。 | ||
[英] 551 | ‘It’s only teachers who can dock points from houses, Malfoy’ said Ernie at once. ‘Yeah, we’re prefects, too, remember?’ snarled Ron. ‘I know prefects can’t dock points, Weasel King,’ sneered Malfoy. [...] |
‘You can’t take points from fellow prefects, Malfoy,’ said Ernie at once. ‘I know prefects can’t dock points from each other,’ sneered Malfoy. [...] |
由于在《哈利·波特与密室》中,作为级长的珀西·韦斯莱曾给罗恩扣掉五分,因此与原文出现了矛盾。新的设定是级长不能给其他级长扣分,但可以给普通同学扣分。此外,简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中保留了“鼬王”一词,但英文版中已经删除。 |
“只有老师才能给学院扣分,马尔福。”厄尼马上说。 “对啊,我们也是级长,记得吗?”罗恩厉声说。 “我知道级长不能扣分,韦斯莱王。”马尔福挖苦说。 |
“你不能给级长扣分,马尔福。”厄尼马上说。 “我知道级长不能相互扣分,鼬王。”马尔福挖苦说,[...] | ||
[英] 554 | ‘Well, now,’ she said finally, setting down her quill and surveying him complacently, like a toad about to swallow a particularly juicy fly. ‘What would you like to drink?’ | ‘Well, now,’ she said finally, setting down her quill and looking like a toad about to swallow a particularly juicy fly. ‘What would you like to drink?’ | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“好了,”乌姆里奇终于说,她放下羽毛笔看着他,脸上的表情就像一只癞蛤蟆正打算吞下一只美味多汁的苍蝇,“请问你想喝些什么?” | “好了,”乌姆里奇终于说,她放下羽毛笔,脸上的表情就像一只癞蛤蟆正打算吞下一只美味多汁的苍蝇,“请问你想喝些什么?” | ||
[英] 555 | ‘What’s the matter?’ said Umbridge, who was still watching him closely. ‘Do you want sugar?’ | ‘What’s the matter?’ said Umbridge, who was still watching him. ‘Do you want sugar?’ | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“怎么了?”乌姆里奇说,她还在盯着哈利,“你要加糖吗?” | “怎么了?”乌姆里奇说,她还在盯着哈利,“你要加糖吗?” | ||
[英] 555 | ‘I don’t know where he is,’ Harry repeated. He pretended to drink again. She was watching him very closely. ‘Very well,’ she said, though she looked displeased. ‘In that case, you will kindly tell me the whereabouts of Sirius Black.’ |
‘I don’t know where he is.’ Harry pretended to drink again. ‘Very well,’ said Umbridge, looking displeased. ‘In that case, you will kindly tell me the whereabouts of Sirius Black.’ |
简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“我不知道他在哪儿。”哈利重复道。 他又装着喝茶。她仔细地观察他。 “好极了,”她说,显得不太高兴,“既然如此,要是你能告诉我小天狼星布莱克的下落,那就太好了。” |
“我不知道他在哪儿。” 哈利又装着喝茶。 “好极了,”乌姆里奇说,显得不太高兴,“既然如此,要是你能告诉我小天狼星布莱克的下落,那就太好了。” | ||
[英] 572 | ‘You will not repeat what you saw to anybody!’ Snape bellowed. | ‘You will not tell anybody what you saw!’ Snape bellowed. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中未对译文进行修改。 |
“不准你把看到的事告诉任何人!”斯内普怒吼道。 | “不准你把看到的事告诉任何人!”斯内普怒吼道。 | ||
[英] 575 | ‘What’s the point?’ he said dully. [...] | ‘What’s the point?’ he said. [...] | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“有什么用啊?”他干巴巴地说,[...] | “有什么用啊?”他说,[...] | ||
[英] 577 | ‘Who is it, then?’ asked Ginny, watching him closely. | ‘Who is it, then?’ asked Ginny. | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“那你想跟谁谈?”金妮认真看着他问道。 | “那你想跟谁谈?”金妮问。 | ||
[英] 577 | ‘I wish I could talk to Sirius,’ he muttered. ‘But I know I can’t.’ Ginny continued to watch him thoughtfully. More to give himself something to do than because he really wanted any, Harry unwrapped his Easter egg, broke off a large bit and put it into his mouth. |
‘I wish I could talk to Sirius,’ he muttered. ‘But I know I can’t.’ More to give himself something to do than because he really wanted any, Harry unwrapped his Easter egg, broke off a large bit and put it into his mouth. |
“我希望能跟小天狼星谈谈,”他低声说,“可是我知道这不可能。” 金妮继续若有所思地看着他。哈利拆开复活节彩蛋的包装,掰下一大块巧克力放进嘴里,他其实并不想吃,只是为了让自己有点事情做。 |
“我希望能跟小天狼星谈谈,”他低声说,“可是我知道这不可能。” 哈利拆开复活节彩蛋的包装,掰下一大块巧克力放进嘴里,他其实并不想吃,只是为了让自己有点事情做。 | ||
[英] 577 | ‘Come on,’ said Harry dully. ‘With Umbridge policing the fires and reading all our mail?’ | ‘Come on,’ said Harry hopelessly. ‘With Umbridge policing the fires and reading all our mail?’ | |
“得了,”哈利说,“就在乌姆里奇监视着炉火、查阅我们所有的信件的时候?” | “得了吧,”哈利绝望地说,“有乌姆里奇在那儿监视着炉火,查看我们所有的信件呢!” | ||
[英] 582 | His potion sample lay in pieces on the floor and Snape was surveying him with a look of gloating pleasure. | His potion sample lay in pieces on the floor and Snape was watching him with a look of gloating pleasure. | |
他的魔药样品已经摔碎在地板上,斯内普正带着得意洋洋的表情望着他。 | 他的药剂样品在地板上摔成了碎片,斯内普带着一种幸灾乐祸的表情注视着他。 | ||
[英] 602 | They found seats in the topmost row of the stands. | They found seats in the second topmost row of the stands. | |
他们在看台最高处找到了座位。 | 他们在看台最高处的第二排找到了座位。 | ||
[英] 625 | Well, he thought dully, at least he would be sure of one bit of post that summer. | Well, he thought, at least he would be sure of one bit of post that summer. | |
他闷闷不乐地想,至少自己今年夏天肯定能收到一封邮件了。 | 也好,他想,至少他暑假肯定能收到一封邮件。 | ||
[英] 644 | He wheeled around and strode blindly from the hospital wing into the teeming corridor where he stood, buffeted by the crowd, [...] | He strode blindly from the hospital wing into the teeming corridor where he stood, buffeted by the crowd, [...] | |
他转过身,漫无目的地从医院大步走进拥挤的走廊,站在那里,被人群挤得东倒西歪;[...] | 他漫无目的地走出校医院,走进拥挤的走廊,站在那里,被人群冲得东倒西歪,[...] | ||
[英] 647 | ‘That’s funny,’ said Harry through gritted teeth, [...] | ‘That’s funny,’ said Harry in a trembling voice, [...] | |
“真奇怪,”哈利咬着牙说,[...] | “这就怪了,”哈利用颤抖的声音说,[...] | ||
[英] 648 | Ginny walked in, looking curious, closely followed by Luna, [...] | Ginny walked in, looking curious, followed by Luna, [...] | |
金妮带着好奇的表情走了进来,卢娜紧跟在她身后,[...] | 金妮走了进来,满脸好奇,后面跟着卢娜,[...] | ||
[英] 656 | He kept his face deliberately smooth and blank as footsteps were heard in the corridor outside and Draco Malfoy entered the room, closely followed by Snape. | He kept his face deliberately smooth and blank as footsteps were heard in the corridor outside and Draco Malfoy came back into the room, holding open the door for Snape. | |
走廊里响起了脚步声,德拉科·马尔福走进房间,敞着门等斯内普进来。哈利故意板起面孔露出平静的表情。 | 他努力让自己神色镇静,面无表情,这时门外的走廊上传来脚步声。德拉科·马尔福走进房间,扶着门让斯内普进来。 | ||
[英] 656 | ‘You took my last bottle to interrogate Potter,’ he said, surveying her coolly through his greasy curtains of black hair. [...] | ‘You took my last bottle to interrogate Potter,’ he said, observing her coolly through his greasy curtains of black hair. [...] | |
“上一次你拿走了我最后一瓶审问波特,”他说,一边透过油腻腻的、窗帘似的黑头发冷冷地打量着她,[...] | “你拿走了我的最后一瓶去审问波特,”他说,目光从乌黑油腻的头发间冷冷地端详着她,[...] | ||
[英] 656 | ‘I wish to interrogate him!’ repeated Umbridge angrily, [...] | ‘I wish to interrogate him!’ shouted Umbridge angrily, [...] | 简体中文版的《哈利·波特与凤凰社》直接依照修订后的原文进行翻译。 |
“我想审问他!”乌姆里奇重复道,[...] | “我想审问他!”乌姆里奇气愤地嚷道,[...] | ||
[英] 668 | Devoid of a wand, Harry braced himself to punch, kick, bite or whatever else it took as the hand swooped towards him and knocked a snow-white centaur off his legs. | Wandless, Harry braced himself to punch, kick, bite or whatever else it took as the hand swooped towards him and knocked a snow-white centaur off his legs. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。 |
没有魔杖的哈利准备用拳头猛击、用脚踢、用牙咬或者其他任何方式来抵抗。 | 哈利没有魔杖,只能鼓起勇气拳打脚踢,连抓带咬。 | ||
[英] 670 | Ron came into sight, closely followed by Ginny, Neville and Luna. | Ron came into sight with Ginny, Neville and Luna hurrying along behind him. | |
罗恩出现在视线中,身后紧跟着金妮、纳威和卢娜。 | 罗恩出现了,金妮、纳威和卢娜匆匆跟在他后面。 | ||
[英] 671 | ‘Well, it doesn’t matter, anyway,’ said Harry through gritted teeth, ‘because we still don’t know how to get there –’ | ‘Well, it doesn’t matter, anyway,’ said Harry frustratedly, ‘because we still don’t know how to get there –’ | |
“算了,反正这些都不要紧,”他咬着牙根说,“因为我们还不知道该怎么去那儿呢——” | “唉,反正也没什么关系,”哈利沮丧地说,“因为我们还是不知道怎么去——” | ||
[英] 679 | just as it had in his dream, it swung open and he marched over the threshold, the others at his heels. | just as it had in his dream, it swung open and he marched forwards, leading the others over the threshold. | |
正如在梦中一样,它打开了。他迈过门槛,其他人紧随其后。 | 就像在梦里一样,门开了,他领头大步跨过了门槛。 | ||
[英] 709 | Neville sank to the ground, his legs still jerking and thrashing, and he thrust the prophecy into his pocket. | Neville sank on to the bench above, his legs still jerking and thrashing, and he thrust the prophecy into his pocket. | |
纳威躺在地上爬不起来,双腿仍然在胡乱地抽搐、摆动着,他把预言球塞进了口袋。 | 纳威躺在台阶上爬不起来,双腿仍然在胡乱地抽搐、摆动着,他把预言球塞进了口袋。 | ||
[英] 710 | Dumbledore sped down the steps past Neville and Harry, who had no more thoughts of leaving. Dumbledore was already at the foot of the steps when the Death Eaters nearest realised he was there and yelled to the others. | Dumbledore had already sped past Neville and Harry, who had no more thoughts of leaving, when the Death Eaters nearest realised Dumbledore was there and yelled to the others. | |
邓布利多快步走下石阶,经过纳威和哈利身边,他们俩再也不想离开了。邓布利多走到石阶底部,近旁的食死徒才发现了他,赶紧嚷嚷着告诉别人。 | 邓布利多快步走下石阶,经过纳威和哈利身边,他们俩再也不想离开了。这时近旁的食死徒才发现了他,赶紧嚷嚷着告诉别人。 | ||
[英] 710 | He was jumping down the steps again, pulling out his wand, as Dumbledore, too, turned towards the dais. | He jumped to the ground, pulling out his wand, as Dumbledore, too, turned towards the dais. | |
他再次跳下一级级石阶,一边抽出魔杖,邓布利多也转身看着高台。 | 他跳到地面上,一边抽出魔杖,邓布利多也转身看着高台。 | ||
[英] 711 | ‘He had reached the floor, his breath coming in searing gasps’ | ‘Harry’s breath was coming in searing gasps’ | |
他已经来到石阶底部,急促的呼吸如烧灼一般。 | 哈利急促的呼吸如烧灼一般。 | ||
[英] 711 | But as he reached the ground and sprinted towards the dais, Lupin grabbed Harry around the chest, holding him back. | But as he sprinted towards the dais, Lupin grabbed Harry around the chest, holding him back. | |
但是当他来到石坑冲向台子时,卢平拦腰抱住了他,把他拖了回来。 | 哈利刚拔腿朝高台跑去,卢平一把抱住他,把他拖了回来。 | ||
[英] 721 | Fudge wheeled around and stared at Harry, [...] | Fudge spun round and stared at Harry, [...] | 换成意思相近的表达方式。 |
福吉转过头来盯着哈利,[...] | 福吉猛地转过身盯着哈利,[...] | ||
[英] 721 | ‘He – here?’ said Fudge, goggling at Harry. [...] | ‘He – here?’ said Fudge. [...] | |
“他——在这儿?”福吉问,一边瞪着哈利,[...] | “他——在这儿?”福吉说,[...] | ||
[英] 722 | Dumbledore pulled a watch with twelve hands from his pocket and surveyed it. [...] | Dumbledore pulled a watch with twelve hands from his pocket and glanced at it. [...] | 换成意思相近的表达方式。 |
邓布利多从口袋里掏出一个有十二根指针的手表,看了一眼,[...] | 邓布利多从口袋里掏出一只十二根指针的怀表看了看,[...] | ||
[英] 724 | Phineas Nigellus gave a long yawn, stretching his arms as he surveyed Harry out of shrewd, narrow eyes. | Phineas Nigellus gave a long yawn, stretching his arms as he watched Harry with shrewd, narrow eyes. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。 |
菲尼亚斯·奈杰勒斯一边打着长长的哈欠伸着懒腰,一边用那双狡黠的眯缝眼审视着哈利。 | 菲尼亚斯·奈杰勒斯伸展双臂,打了一个长长的哈欠,一边用犀利的小眼睛打量着哈利。 | ||
[英] 724 | The wizard was surveying him with great interest. | The wizard was eyeing him with great interest. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。 |
那个巫师饶有兴趣地打量着哈利。 | 男巫饶有兴趣地端详着他。 | ||
[英] 725 | He was sure all the portraits around the room were listening closely to every word Dumbledore spoke, wondering where Dumbledore and Harry had been, and why there had been injuries. | He was sure all the portraits around the room were listening eagerly to every word Dumbledore spoke, wondering where Dumbledore and Harry had been, and why there had been injuries. | 换成意思相近的表达方式。 |
他确信这间屋子里的所有肖像都在竖着耳朵倾听邓布利多所讲的每一个字,并且正在纳闷邓布利多与哈利曾经到过什么样的地方,为什么会有人受伤。 | 他相信周围那些肖像都在急切地听着邓布利多说的每个字,并猜想邓布利多和哈利去了哪里,为什么会有人受伤。 | ||
[英] 727 | He turned on his heel and ran to the door, seized the doorknob again and wrenched at it. | He ran to the door, seized the doorknob again and wrenched at it. | |
他猛地一转身跑到门口,再次握住门把手,猛地一扭。 | 他跑到门口,再一次抓住球形把手,使劲拧着。 | ||
[英] 742 | Dumbledore surveyed him for a moment through his glasses. | Dumbledore took a deep breath. | |
邓布利多透过眼睛,打量了他一会儿。 | 邓布利多深深地吸了一口气。 | ||
[英] 753 | ‘Ev’ryone knows yeh’ve bin tellin’ the truth now, Harry,’ said Hagrid softly and unexpectedly. He was watching Harry closely. ‘Tha’s gotta be better, hasn’ it?’ | ‘Ev’ryone knows yeh’ve bin tellin’ the truth now, Harry,’ said Hagrid softly and unexpectedly. ‘Tha’s gotta be better, hasn’ it?’ | |
“现在,每个人都知道你讲的一直都是真话,哈利。”海格出乎意料地柔声说,目不转睛地盯着哈利,“现在的感觉是不是要好一些?” | “现在大家都知道你说的是对的了,哈利。”海格出人意外地轻声说,“那就好多了,是不是?” | ||
[英] 766 | He turned away from Uncle Vernon to survey Harry. | He turned from Uncle Vernon to Harry. | |
他不再答理他了,转身面对着哈利。 | 他把目光从弗农姨父身上转向了哈利。 |
原文页数 | 修改前内容及译文 | 修改后内容及译文 | 说明 |
[英] 99 [美] 103 |
‘Hermione, will you shut up, you’re not the only one who’s nervous!’ barked Ron. ‘And when you’ve got your eleven “Outstanding” O.W.L.s …’ | ‘Hermione, will you shut up, you’re not the only one who’s nervous!’ barked Ron. ‘And when you’ve got your ten “Outstanding” O.W.L.s …’ | 赫敏只学习了十门课程,因此她不可能参加十一门O.W.L.考试 |
“赫敏,你能不能闭嘴,又不是只有你一个人感到紧张!”罗恩吼道,“等你拿到十一个O.W.L‘优秀’……” | “赫敏,你能不能闭嘴,又不是只有你一个人感到紧张!”罗恩吼道,“等你拿到十个O.W.L‘优秀’……” | ||
[英] 101 | ‘Oh, come off it,’ said Ron, striding over to her and whipping her results out of her hand. ‘Yep – ten “Outstandings” and one “Exceeds Expectations” in Defence Against the Dark Arts.’ | ‘Oh, come off it,’ said Ron, striding over to her and whipping her results out of her hand. ‘Yep – nine “Outstandings” and one “Exceeds Expectations” in Defence Against the Dark Arts.’ | |
“哦,得了吧,”罗恩三步并作两步走到她跟前,一把从她手里抢过成绩单,“嘿——十个‘优秀’,一个‘良好’——是黑魔法防御术。” | “哦,得了吧,”罗恩三步并作两步走到她跟前,一把从她手里抢过成绩单,“嘿——九个‘优秀’,一个‘良好’——是黑魔法防御术。” | ||
[英] 212 | They now joined Katie, Demelza and Ginny in the stands to watch the selection of their last team member. | They now joined the spectators in the stands to watch the selection of their last team member. | |
他们俩现在跟凯蒂、德米尔扎和金妮一起坐在看台上,观看哈利挑选他们的最后一名队员。 | 他们俩现在跟观众一起坐在看台上,观看哈利挑选他们的最后一名队员。 | ||
[英] 252 [美] 269 |
It was a small bare room with nothing in it except an old wardrobe and an iron bedstead. | It was a small bare room with nothing in it except an old wardrobe, a wooden chair and an iron bedstead. | 几段之后,邓布利多就“把一把硬邦邦的木头椅子拉到里德尔身”,但在这里的描写中却没有提到。 |
这是一间空荡荡的、没有任何装饰的小屋,只有一个旧衣柜和一张铁床。 | 这是一间空荡荡的、没有任何装饰的小屋,只有一个旧衣柜、一把木椅子和一张铁床。 | ||
[美] 476 | ‘Yeah, I s’pose I’d better,’ said Harry. ‘I don’t reckon I’ll need all of it, not twenty-four hours’ worth, it can’t take all night [...]’ | ‘Yeah, I s’pose I’d better,’ said Harry. ‘I don’t reckon I’ll need all of it, not twelve hours’ worth, it can’t take all night [...]’ | 仅在美国版中出现,这是美国编辑的错误。 |
“嗯,我想最好用一下。”哈利说,“我觉得不需要全用掉,因为要不了二十四个小时,要不了一个通宵…… [...]” | “嗯,我想最好用一下。”哈利说,“我觉得不需要全用掉,因为要不了十二个小时,要不了一个通宵…… [...]” | ||
[美] 591-592 | “He cannot kill you if you are already dead. Come over to the right side, Draco, and we can hide you more completely than you can possibly imagine. What is more, I can send members of the Order to your mother tonight to hide her likewise. Nobody would be surprised that you had died in your attempt to kill me — forgive me, but Lord Voldemort probably expects it. Nor would the Death Eaters be surprised that we had captured and killed your mother — it is what they would do themselves, after all. Your father is safe at the moment in Azkaban…when the time comes, we can protect him too. Come over to the right side, Draco…you are not a killer…” | ‘Come over to the right side, Draco, and we can hide you more completely than you can possibly imagine. What is more, I can send members of the Order to your mother tonight to hide her likewise. Your father is safe at the moment in Azkaban…when the time comes, we can protect him too… come over to the right side, Draco…you are not a killer…’ | 仅在美国版中出现。英国版已经在出版前作出了这个修改,但在美国版中没有。这次修改后,两个版本重新保持一致。 |
“如果你已经死了,那他就没法杀你。站到正确的道路上来吧,德拉科,我们可以把你藏在绝对安全的地方,比你所能想象的还要安全。而且,我今晚就可以派凤凰社的成员去把你母亲也藏起来。如果你在试图杀我的时候死去,每人会感到惊讶的——请原谅,但是伏地魔可能就是这么期待的。我们抓住你母亲再把她杀死的话,食死徒们也不会感到惊讶的——毕竟他们自己就会这么干的。你父亲目前在阿兹卡班还不会有危险……到时候我们也会保护他的。站到正确的道路上来吧,德拉科……你不是一个杀人的人……” | “站到正确的道路上来吧,德拉科,我们可以把你藏在绝对安全的地方,比你所能想象的还要安全。而且,我今晚就可以派凤凰社的成员去把你母亲也藏起来。你父亲目前在阿兹卡班还不会有危险……到时候我们也会保护他的……站到正确的道路上来吧,德拉科……你不是一个杀人的人……” |
- 哈利波特词典 - 文本差异
- Errington, Philip W. J.K. Rowling: A Bibliography 1997-2013. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2015. ISBN 1849669740.