




中文翻譯 英國版/美國版用語 首次出現頁數
停車場 car park 8
parking lot 3
麵包房 the baker's opposite 9
the bakery 4
這些人 lot 9
bunch 4
絕不 shan't 10
won't 6
她那一群人 her lot 11
her crowd 7
檸檬雪寶 sherbet lemon 13
lemon drop 10
摩托 motorbike 16
motorcycle 14
垃圾桶 dust bin 16
trash can 14
嬰兒帽 bobble hats 19
bonnets 18
旋轉木馬 roundabout 19
carousel 18
爐子 cooker 19
stove 19
拳擊吊球 punch-bag 20
punching bag 20
透明膠帶 sellotape 20
scotch tape 20
媽媽 mummy 21
mommy 21
攝像機 cine-camera 21
video camera 22
磁帶錄像機 video recorder 21
VCR 22
電影院 cinema 22
movies 22
用膠帶粘牢的 sellotaped 23
taped 24
前額上的一綹頭髮 fringe 23
bangs 24
毛衣 jumper 23
sweater 24
小毛球 bobbles 23
puff balls 24
掌上木偶 glove puppet 23
hand puppet 24
垃圾箱 bins 24
trash cans 25
甜菜頭 beetroot 24
beet 25
檸檬冰棍 ice lolly 24
ice pop 26
綜合制中學 comprehensive 29
public school 32
信箱 letter-box 29
mail slot 33
郵件 post 29
mail 33
度假 holidaying 30
vacationing 34
洗手間 toilet 34
bathroom 40
攝像機 video 35
VCR 41
公路 motorway 35
highway 41
緊急掉頭 a sharp turning 35
a sharp turn 41
立體停車場 multi-storey car park 36
multilevel parking garage 43
一包薯片 packet of crisps 37
bag of chips 44
媽媽 mum 42
mom 50
獲准就讀 have a place 42
have been accepted 51
[英] 親愛的鄧不利多先生
[美] 親愛的鄧不利多教授
Dear Mr Dumbledore, 43
Dear Professor Dumbledore, 52
鈔票 notes 52
bills 65
課本 set books 52
course books 66
漢堡專賣店 hamburger bars 53
hamburger restaurants 68
癟胡桃 gummy walnut 54
toothless walnut 68
足球 football 61
soccer 79
明天 next day 67
the next day 89
手推車 trolley 68
cart 90
鼻子牛兒味 bogey-flavoured 78
booger-flavored 104
球鞋 trainers 83
sneakers 110
[英] 現在聽候分配的只剩下三個人了。莉莎·杜平成了雷文克勞的新生。
[美] 現在聽候分配的只剩下三個人了。丁·湯馬斯,一個比榮恩還高的黑人男孩,坐到了哈利這邊葛萊分多的桌子前。莉莎·杜平成了雷文克勞的新生。
three people left to be sorted. ‘Turpin, Lisa’ became a Ravenclaw 91
three people left to be sorted. “Thomas, Dean,” a Black boy even taller than Ron, joined Harry at the Gryffindor table. “Turpin, Lisa” became a Ravenclaw 122
果凍 jelly 93
Jell-O 125
排著長隊 queuing 98
lining up 131
[英] 親愛的哈利:(字跡非常潦草零亂)我知道你星期五下午沒有課,
[美] 親愛的哈利:我知道你星期五下午沒有課,
Dear Harry, (it said in a very untidy scrawl) I know you get Friday afternoons off, 201
Dear Harry, I know you get Friday afternoons off, [使用了手写体] 135
球場 pitch 122
field 164
足球 football 124
soccer ball 167
[英] 親愛的哈利:繞圈球
[美] 棒球
rounders 124
baseball 168
[英] 帶皮的土豆
[美] 烤土豆
jacket potato 127
baked potato 172
重點防範 nobbled 135
clobbered 184
[英] 看台上,丁·湯馬斯大聲嚷道:「把他罰下場,裁判!紅牌!」
[美] 看台上,丁·湯馬斯大聲嚷道:「把他罰下場,裁判!紅牌!」
Down in the stands, Dean Thomas was yelling, ‘Send him off, ref! Red card!’
‘This isn’t football, Dean,’ Ron reminded him. ‘You can’t send people off in Quidditch – and what’s a red card?’
But Hagrid was on Dean’s side.
Down in the stands, Dean Thomas was yelling, “Send him off, ref! Red card!”
“What are you talking about, Dean?” said Ron.
“Red card!” said Dean furiously. “In soccer you get shown the red card and you’re out of the game!”
“But this isn’t soccer, Dean,” Ron reminded him.
Hagrid, however, was on Dean’s side.
[英] 烤麵餅
[美] 英式鬆餅
crumpets 140
English muffins 199
聖誕節快樂 Happy Christmas 147
Merry Christmas 200
sweets 147
candy 201
茶點 a tea of 150
a meal of 204
廢棄不用的 disused 152
unused 207
[英] 賢者之石
[美] 魔法石
Philospher's Stone 161
Sorcerer's Stone 219
更衣室 changing room 165
locker room 225
複習計劃 revision timetables 167
study schedules 228
[英] 《百種神奇草藥及蕈類》
[美] 《一千種神奇藥草與蕈類》
One Hundred Magical Herbs and Fungi 168
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi 229
玩具熊 teddy 175
the teddy 240
晨衣 dressing gown 175
bathrobe 240
複習 revision 179
studying 245
記住那些魔法和咒語 learn charms and spells off by heart 179
learn charms and spells by heart 246
麥教授 Prof. M. McGonagall 181
Professor M. McGonagall [使用了手写体] 247
那只能怪你自己 That’s your lookout 182
That's your problem 249
你到底想做什麼? What are you on about? 193
What are you talking about? 265
糖果店 sweet-shop 214
candy shop 296
馬桶圈 lavatory seat 214
toilet seat 296
這樣就能使他和你父親扯平 that would make him and your father quits 217
that would make him and your father even 300
不可理喻 mad 218
crazy 302
這就是鄧不利多不同凡響的地方 Dumbledore’s barking 219
Dumbledore's off his rocker 302
糖果盒 sweet-boxes 219
candy boxes 303
他們已經直逼學院杯冠軍 They had drawn for the House Cup 221
They had tied for the house cup 306
獲得了全年級第一名 came top of the year 222
had the best grades of the first years 307


中文翻譯 英國版/美國版用語 首次出現頁數
最高級的 top-of-the-range 8
top-of-the-line 3
他兩星期來張口閉口說的都是這件事 He’d been talking of nothing else for a fortnight. 10
He'd been talk ing of nothing else for two weeks. 5
冰淇淋 ice-creams 12
ice cream 10
一大塊烤肉在烤箱裡噝噝作響 A joint of roast pork was sizzling in the oven. 13
A loin of roast pork was sizzling in the oven. 10
要我在這兒多待四個星期,我都覺得受不了 And I thought I was hard-done-by staying here for another four weeks 21
And I thought I had it bad staying here for another four weeks 14
但哈利一片茫然 Harry, however, was completely at sea. 23
Harry, however, was completely lost. 17
九月一日 September the first 17
September first 16
衣櫥 wardrobe 19
closet 17
罐頭湯 tinned soup 22
canned soup 22
「你說得倒好聽。」 ‘Bit rich coming from you.’ 24
“You should talk.” 25
搖下車窗 wound down the window 26
rolled down the window 27
擋風玻璃 windscreen 29
windshield 31
高幫皮靴 wellington boots 29
rubber boots 32
耶誕老人 Father Christmas 33
Santa Claus 36
針織短背心 tank top 38
sweater vest 44
現在是暑假啊 We're on holiday! 39
We're on vacation! 45
閃身鑽了進去,掩上門 he shot inside it and pulled the doors to 42
he shot inside it and pulled the doors closed 50
一家藥店 an apothecary's 45
an apothecary 54
搖搖晃晃的銅天平 wonky brass scales 48
lopsided brass scales 58
[英] 彎彎曲曲的隊伍從門口一直排到書店後面,吉德羅·洛哈就在那裡簽名售書。他們每人抓了一本《與報喪女妖共享休閒時光》,偷偷跑到衛斯理一家和格蘭傑夫婦排隊的地方。
[美] 彎彎曲曲的隊伍從門口一直排到書店後面,吉德羅·洛哈就在那裡簽名售書。他們每人抓了一本《標準咒語,第二級》,偷偷跑到衛斯理一家和格蘭傑夫婦排隊的地方。
A long queue wound right to the back of the shop, where Gilderoy Lockhart was signing his books. They each grabbed a copy of Break with a Banshee, and sneaked up the line to where the rest of the Weasleys were standing with Mr and Mrs Granger. 48
A long line wound right to the back of the shop, where Gilderoy Lockhart was signing his books. They each grabbed a copy of The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 and sneaked up the line to where the rest of the Weasleys were standing with Mr. and Mrs. Granger. 59
[英] 「你在幹什麼?這裡太亂了,我們出去吧。」
[美] 「你在幹什麼?這裡太擠了,我們出去吧。」
‘What are you doing? It’s mad in here, let’s go outside.’ 50
“What are you doing? It’s too crowded in here, let’s go outside.” 61
不過回到破釜酒吧的壁爐旁時,大伙兒已經平靜多了。 But it was a subdued group who headed back to the fireside in the Leaky Cauldron 52
But it was a subdued group that headed back to the fireside in the Leaky Cauldron 63
[英] 雞一叫他們就起床了
[美] 天一亮他們就起床了
They were up at cock-crow 53
They were up at dawn 65
箱子 boot 53
trunk 66
高速公路 motorway 54
highway 66
[英] 「我們被困住了,對吧?我們必須趕回學校,是不是?在真正緊急的情況下,未成年的巫師也可以使用魔法的。那個什麼「限制法令」第十九款還是第幾款有規定……」
[美] 「我們被困住了,對吧?我們必須趕回學校,是不是?在真正緊急的情況下,未成年的巫師也可以使用魔法的。那個什麼「限制法令」第十九款還是第幾款有規定……」
‘We’re stuck, right? And we’ve got to get to school, haven’t we? And even underage wizards are allowed to use magic if it’s a real emergency, section nineteen or something of the Restriction of Thingy …’
Harry’s feeling of panic turned suddenly to excitement.
“We’re stuck, right? And we’ve got to get to school, haven’t we? And even underage wizards are allowed to use magic if it’s a real emergency, section nineteen or something of the Restriction of Thingy —”
“But your mum and dad . . .” said Harry, pushing against the barrier again in the vain hope that it would give way. “How will they get home?”
“They don’t need the car!” said Ron impatiently. “They know how to Apparate! You know, just vanish and reappear at home! They only bother with Floo powder and the car because we’re all underage and we’re not allowed to Apparate yet. . . .”
Harry’s feeling of panic turned suddenly to excitement.
看一眼有沒有人在注意我們。 check no one's watching 56
check that no one's watching 70
[英] 他們一直朝北飛去,隔一段時間就核對一下火車行駛的方向,每次下降都可以看到一幅不同的景象。倫敦很快被遠遠地甩在後面,代替它的是平整的綠色田野,然後是廣闊的紫色沼澤、一座座村莊,村裡的教堂像是小孩子的玩具,接著是一個繁忙的大城市,無數車輛像密密麻麻的彩色螞蟻。
[美] 他們一直朝北飛去,隔一段時間就核對一下火車行駛的方向,每次下降都可以看到一幅不同的景象。倫敦很快被遠遠地甩在後面,代替它的是平整的綠色田野,然後是廣闊的紫色沼澤、一個繁忙的大城市,無數車輛像密密麻麻的彩色螞蟻,接著是一座座村莊,村裡的教堂像是小孩子的玩具。
They made regular checks on the train as they flew further and further north, each dip beneath the clouds showing them a different view. London was soon far behind them, replaced by neat green fields which gave way in turn to wide, purplish moors, villages with tiny toy churches and a great city alive with cars like multi-coloured ants. 57
They made regular checks on the train as they flew farther and farther north, each dip beneath the clouds showing them a different view. London was soon far behind them, replaced by neat green fields that gave way in turn to wide, purplish moors, a great city alive with cars like multicolored ants, villages with tiny toy churches. 72
引擎罩 bonnet 58
hood 73
好樣的 good on you 66
good for you 84
[英] 「為什麼不把我們叫回去呢?」
[美] 「為什麼我們不能上車呢?」
‘Why couldn’t you’ve called us back, eh?’ 66
“Why couldn’t we’ve come in the car, eh?” 84
課程表 timetables 70
course schedules 89
再合算不過了 can't say fairer than that 76
can't do better than that 98
廢物箱 waste bin 79
waste basket 102
枝形吊燈 candelabra 79
iron chandelier 102
全是瘋話 It's mad 89
It's ridiculous 116
乳脂軟糖 treacle toffee 89
treacle fudge 116
花了一個世紀才擦掉那些黏液 Took ages to shift the slime 93
Took ages to get the slime off 121
病懨懨 peaky 94
pale 122
[英] 像噴氣機一樣在空中
[美] 像飛彈一樣在空中
shooting through the air like jump-jets 94
shooting through the air like missiles 123
他感冒了 he's got flu 96
he's got the flu 125
你上廁所,她沖你尖聲哭叫,真是太可怕了 it's awful trying to go to the loo with her wailing at you 101
it's awful trying to have a pee with her wailing at you 133
沒有 hadn't got 111
haven't got 146
瘋子 nutter 111
maniac 146
水箱 cistern 118
tank 156
取出照相機 prised the camera out 135
wrenched the camera out 180
他撬開照相機的後蓋 He prised open the back of the camera. 135
He opened the back of the camera. 180
[英] 兩人同時把魔杖猛地舉過肩膀。石內卜喊道:「去去,武器走!」
[美] 兩人同時把魔杖猛地舉過頭頂,指著對方。石內卜喊道:「去去,武器走!」
Both of them swung their wands up and over their shoulders. Snape cried: ‘Expelliarmus!’ 141
Both of them swung their wands above their heads and pointed them at their opponent; Snape cried: “Expelliarmus!” 190
本學期的最後一節草藥課便被取消了 the last Herbology lesson of term was cancelled 147
the last Herbology lesson of the term was cancelled 197
[英] 他豎起衛斯理太太的賀卡,心頭又湧起一股負疚感
[美] 他讀著衛斯理太太的賀卡,心頭又湧起一股負疚感
He put up her card with a fresh surge of guilt 158
He read her card with a fresh surge of guilt 212
最難做到的 Much the most difficult bit 160
By far the hardest part 214
柜子 cupboard 160
closet 214
[英] 糖漿一般濃稠的
[美] 粘稠的
treacle-thick 161
glutinous 215
[英] 蠢笨
[美] 無知
gormless 167
clueless 223
[英] 飛七的腳步聲漸漸隱去,遠處傳來猛烈的關門聲。
[美] 飛七的腳步聲沿著走廊漸漸隱去,遠處傳來猛烈的關門聲。
His footsteps receded and they heard a distant door slam. 171
His footsteps receded along the out-of-sight corridor and they heard a distant door slam. 229
[英] 看見上面印著倫敦沃克斯霍爾路一個報刊雜誌店[1]的名字
[美] 看見上面印著倫敦沃克斯霍爾路一個量販店的名字
saw the printed name of a newsagent's in Vauxhall Road, London. 173
saw the printed name of a variety store on Vauxhall Road, London. 231
誰叫他去告發海格的 who asked him to grass on Hagrid 185
who asked him to squeal on Hagrid 250
[英] 榮恩咬著嘴唇,然後試探地說:「你上次在夜行巷遇見了海格,是嗎,哈利?」
[美] 「你上次在夜行巷遇見了海格,是嗎,哈利?」
Ron bit his lip, then said tentatively, ‘You met Hagrid down Knockturn Alley, didn’t you, Harry?’ 185
“You met Hagrid down Knockturn Alley, didn’t you, Harry?” 250
學起來很費勁 if he was rubbish at them 187
if he was lousy at them 252
[英] 「可是你看,魯休思,如果鄧不利多不能阻止——」
[美] 「可是你看,馬份,如果鄧不利多不能阻止——」
‘Now look, Lucius, if Dumbledore can’t stop them –’ 195
“See here, Malfoy, if Dumbledore can’t stop them,” 263
接著,大家兩個兩個地排成縱隊離開了教室。哈利、榮恩和丁排在最後 and off they went, crocodile fashion, with Harry, Ron and Dean bringing up the rear 198
and off they marched, with Harry, Ron, and Dean bringing up the rear 267
[英] 緊接著,哈利突然看見了一樣東西,趕忙用整枝的剪刀敲了一下榮恩的手背
[美] 緊接著,哈利突然看見了一樣東西。幾隻大蜘蛛正從玻璃窗對面的地上匆匆爬過,不自然地沿著一條直線移動,就像是沿著最短的路徑趕去參加一場預先安排好的會議。哈利趕忙用整枝的剪刀敲了一下榮恩的手背
A second later, Harry spotted something that made him hit Ron over the hand with his pruning shears. 199
A second later, Harry spotted something. Several large spiders were scuttling over the ground on the other side of the glass, moving in an unnaturally straight line as though taking the shortest route to a prearranged meeting. Harry hit Ron over the hand with his pruning shears. 268
[英] 哈利指著地上幾步以外的地方。幾隻大蜘蛛匆匆爬過地面。
[美] 哈利指了指蜘蛛,朝著陽光眯著眼睛盯著它們看,
Harry was pointing at the ground a few feet away. Several large spiders were scurrying across the earth. 199
Harry pointed out the spiders, following their progress with his eyes screwed up against the sun. 269
[英] 哈利眼看著蜘蛛逃走了。
[美] 哈利眯起眼睛盯住蜘蛛。如果它們繼續沿著固定的路線爬行,那最後會去哪裡就很明顯了。
Harry watched the spiders running away. 199
Harry's eyes narrowed as he focused on the spiders. If they pursued their fixed course, there could be no doubt about where they would end up. 269
[英] 下課後,石內卜教授護送同學們去上黑魔法防禦術課。
[美] 下課後,芽菜教授護送同學們去上黑魔法防禦術課。
At the end of the lesson Professor Snape escorted the class to their Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson. 199
At the end of the lesson Professor Sprout escorted the class to their Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson. 269
顯然,在他看來,在碗櫥里把阿辣哥孵出來就是錯誤。 Evidently, hatching Aragog out in a cupboard wasn't his idea of being innocent. 208
Evidently, hatching Aragog in a cupboard wasn't his idea of being innocent. 281
[英] 接著,他明白了。
[美] 接著,他也明白了。
And then he understood. 209
And then he understood, too. 282
複習 revising 210
studying 284
趕緊閉上眼睛 close your eyes straight away 223
close your eyes right away 302
猴子般 monkey-like 226
monkeyish 307
[英] 瑞斗在狂笑……
[美] 佛地魔在狂笑——
Riddle was laughing … 235
Voldemort was laughing — 318
[英] 「金妮!」榮恩把手從豁口中伸出來,先把金妮拉了過去,「你還活著!我真不敢相信!怎麼回事?」
[美] 「金妮!」榮恩把手從豁口中伸出來,先把金妮拉了過去,「你還活著!我真不敢相信!怎麼回事?怎麼—那是什麼—那隻鳥是從哪兒來的?」
‘Ginny!’ Ron thrust an arm through the gap in the rock to pull her through first. ‘You’re alive! I don’t believe it! What happened?’
He tried to hug her but Ginny held him off, sobbing.
‘But you’re okay, Ginny,’ said Ron, beaming at her. ‘It’s over now, it’s – where did that bird come from?’
“Ginny!” Ron thrust an arm through the gap in the rock to pull her through first. “You’re alive! I don’t believe it! What happened? How — what — where did that bird come from?” 323-324
[英] 「等我們離開這裡以後,我再慢慢向你解釋。」哈利瞟了金妮一眼,說道。
[美] 「等我們離開這裡以後,我再慢慢向你解釋。」哈利說道,他瞟了金妮一眼,她哭得更厲害了。
‘I’ll explain when we get out of here,’ said Harry, with a sideways glance at Ginny. 238
“I’ll explain when we get out of here,” said Harry with a sideways glance at Ginny, who was crying harder than ever. 324
我覺得桃金孃喜歡上你了 I think Myrtle's got fond of you 240
I think Myrtle's grown fond of you 326
[英] 「沒有造成任何持久性的傷害。」鄧不利多說。
[美] 「沒有造成任何持久性的傷害,金妮。」鄧不利多說。
‘There has been no lasting harm done,’ said Dumbledore. 243
“There has been no lasting harm done, Ginny,” said Dumbledore. 330
[英] 馬份一頭衝進房間,差點把哈利撞了個跟頭。多比驚慌失措地跟在後面,彎腰曲背,盯著主人長袍背後的接縫,臉上掛著絕望無助的恐懼。
[美] 馬份一頭衝進房間,差點把哈利撞了個跟頭。多比驚慌失措地跟在後面,彎腰曲背,盯著主人長袍背後的接縫,臉上掛著絕望無助的恐懼。
Mr Malfoy almost knocked Harry over as he swept into the room. Dobby went scurrying in after him, crouching at the hem of his cloak, a look of abject terror on his face.
‘So!’ said Lucius Malfoy, his cold eyes fixed on Dumbledore.
‘You’ve come back. The governors suspended you, but you still saw fit to return to Hogwarts.
Mr. Malfoy almost knocked Harry over as he swept into the room. Dobby went scurrying in after him, crouching at the hem of his cloak, a look of abject terror on his face.
The elf was carrying a stained rag with which he was attempting to finish cleaning Mr. Malfoy's shoes. Apparently Mr. Malfoy had set out in a great hurry, for not only were his shoes half-polished, but his usually sleek hair was disheveled. Ignoring the elf bobbing apologetically around his ankles, he fixed his cold eyes upon Dumbledore.
“So!” he said “You’ve come back. The governors suspended you, but you still saw fit to return to Hogwarts.”


中文翻譯 英國版/美國版用語 首次出現頁數
手電筒 torch 7
flashlight 1
[英] 阿德貝·瓦夫林
[美] 芭蒂達·巴沙特
Adalbert Waffling 7
Bathilda Bagshot 1
趁威農姨父、佩妮阿姨和達力 Whilst Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley 8
While Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley 3
隨之而來的爭吵空前激烈。 The row that had followed had been one of the worst ever. 9
The fight that had followed had been one of the worst ever. 4
給哈利惹了禍 he'd got Harry into trouble 9
he'd gotten Harry into trouble 4
[英] 哈利立刻衝到床邊
[美] 哈利衝到床邊
Harry dashed to the bed at once, 11
Harry dashed to the bed, 7
新聞廣播員 newsreader 18
reporter 16
[英] 哈利不小心踩了她那隻寶貝狗利皮的爪子。
[美] 哈利不小心踩了她那隻寶貝狗利皮的尾巴。
Harry had accidentally trodden on the paw of her favourite dog. 19
Harry had accidentally trodden on the tail of her favorite dog. 18
臉上還點綴著幾顆粉刺 and a fair few pimples 31
and quite a few pimples 34
[英] 哈利又在箱子裡翻找一通,拽出錢袋,把幾個銀幣塞進史坦手裡。
[美] 哈利又在箱子裡翻找一通,拽出錢袋,把幾個金幣塞進史坦手裡。
Harry rummaged once more in his trunk, extracted his money bag and shoved some silver into Stan’s hand. 31
Harry rummaged once more in his trunk, extracted his money bag, and shoved some gold into Stan’s hand. 35
郵箱 letter boxes 32
mailboxes 36
[英] 行人安全島頂端的護柱
[美] 垃圾桶
bollards 35
wastebaskets 41
[英] 「就是嘛,那你還糾纏這件事幹什麼?」夫子輕快地笑著說,
[美] 「就是嘛,那你還糾纏這件事幹什麼?」夫子笑著說,
‘Well then, what’s all the fuss about?’ laughed Fudge airily. 39
“Well then, what’s all the fuss about?” laughed Fudge. 45
[英] 「噢,換了我可不會讀那本書。」書店的店員看看哈利盯著的書,輕描淡寫地說,
[美] 「噢,換了我可不會讀那本書。」經理看看哈利盯著的書,輕描淡寫地說,
‘Oh, I wouldn’t read that if I were you,’ said the assistant lightly, looking to see what Harry was staring at. 45
“Oh, I wouldn’t read that if I were you,” said the manager lightly, looking to see what Harry was staring at. 54
奪門而逃 scarpered 49
scampered 60
追出了商店 haring out of the shop 49
racing out of the shop 60
不想讓他們知道他聽見他們在吵架 not wanting them to know he'd heard them rowing 53
not wanting them to know he'd heard them arguing 65
一排 queue 57
line 71
[英] 哈利和衛斯理先生領頭走過
[美] 哈利和榮恩領頭走過
Harry and Mr Weasley led the way 58
Harry and Ron led the way 72
滾開 ‘Get out of it!’ 62
“Get out of here!” 78
跟大猩猩的一樣 Gorilla arms 63
gorilla-ish arms 80
[英] 他不會是第一個暈倒的人。
[美] 他不會是最後一個暈倒的人。
He won’t be the first one who collapses. 70
He won’t be the last one who collapses. 89
課程表 timetable 71
course schedule 90
還有誰會讓我們準備一本會咬人的書呢 Who else would have set us a biting book 73
Who else would have assigned us a biting book 93
來到車上 down our end of the train 75
down at our end of the train 97
歪歪斜斜的 wonky 81
crooked 105
你需要測試一下你的天目 You need your Inner Eye testing 81
You need your Inner Eye tested 105
這下子我小命完蛋了 I'd better pop my clogs then 85
I'd better kick the bucket then 110
不願意在什麼事情上不行 don't like being rubbish 85
don't like being bad 111
大夾子 bullclips 86
binder clips 112
他們不會開除他吧 They wouldn't sack him 91
They wouldn't fire him 119
誰叫馬份自己不認真聽講 It's Malfoy's problem he wasn't listening 92
It's Malfoy's problem that he wasn't listening 121
葛萊分多已經七年沒有贏過了 Gryffindor haven't won for seven years now. 108
Gryffindor hasn't won for seven years now. 143
呱呱叫的看守手 Kracking Keeper 109
Spanking good Keeper 144
接著 Next moment 120
A moment later 160
我們也已經記熟了 we know it off by heart 142
we know it by heart 191
[英] 「我確實先想到了佛地魔,」哈利坦誠地說,「可是後來我——我想起了那些催狂魔。」
[美] 「我沒想到佛地魔,」哈利坦誠地說,「我——我想起了那些催狂魔。」
‘I did think of Voldemort at first,’ said Harry honestly. ‘But then I — I remembered those dementors.’ 155
“I didn't think of Voldemort,” said Harry honestly. “I — I remembered those dementors.” 155
一個銀色大爆竹 large silver one 169
large silver noisemaker 227
痛快地吃吧 tuck in 169
dig in 228
[英] 爆竹帽子
[美] 派對帽子
cracker hats 170
party hats 230
但還是忍不住生她的氣 but that didn't stop him being angry with her 173
but that didn't stop him from being angry with her 233
我們需要訓練了 Only we need to practice. 188
We need to practice. 254
不然鄧不利多非氣瘋了不可 Dumbledore'd do his nut 189
Dumbledore'd go ballistic 255
他為什麼要跑呢 Why did he scarper 200
Why did he run 270
我也沒有 nor do I 209
neither do I 284
史萊哲林贏了 Slytherin win 217
Slytherin wins 294
為他們鼓掌 clapping them 224
applauding them 304
稍後,弗雷·衛斯理用他的球棒照著福林的後腦勺敲了一下 Next moment, Fred Weasley had chucked his Beater's club at the back of Flint's head 226
A moment later, Fred Weasley chucked his Beater's club at the back of Flint's head 307
由葛萊分多罰球 Penalty to Gryffindor 226
Penalty shot to Gryffindor 307
緊接著又是 Next moment 227
Then again 308
你怎麼能同時坐在兩個考場裡 how you're going to sit two exams at once 232
how you're going to sit for two exams at once 315
我花了那麼多時間為它查資料 I've spent ages reading up stuff for him 232
I've spent ages reading up on stuff for him 316
這是他們參加過的最容易的考試 it was the easiest exam any of them had ever sat 233
it was the easiest exam any of them had ever taken 317
倒數第二場 second from last 234
second to last 318
魔法部部長 Minister for Magic 236
Minister of Magic 342
糊塗 mad 278
insane 379
[英] 「你錯了,」路平說,「我十二年裡並不是天狼星的朋友,但現在是了——讓我解釋……」[美] 「你錯了,」路平說,「我以前並不是天狼星的朋友,但現在是了——讓我解釋……」 “You're wrong,” said Lupin. “I haven't been Sirius's friend for twelve years, but I am now…let me explain…” 253
“You're wrong,” said Lupin. “I haven't been Sirius's friend, but I am now — Let me explain….” 345
[英] 「歪腿替我把訂單送到貓頭鷹郵局。我用了你的名字,但讓他們從古靈閣的711號金庫——我自己的金庫里取出了金子。」
[美] 「歪腿替我把訂單送到貓頭鷹郵局。我用了你的名字,但讓他們從我自己的古靈閣金庫里取出了金子。」
“Crookshanks took the order to the Owl Office for me. I used your name but told them to take the gold from Gringotts vault number seven hundred and eleven — my own.” 315
Crookshanks took the order to the Owl Office for me. I used your name but told them to take the gold from my own Gringotts vault. 433
一口氣喝了一瓶熱奶油啤酒 swallowed a bottle of hot butterbeer in one go 316
swallowed a bottle of hot butterbeer in one gulp 433
[英] 「我還沒說相信你呢。」哈利回道。
[美] 「我還沒說相信你呢。」哈利回道。
“I'm still not saying I believe you,” Harry retorted.
“Then it's time we offered you some proof,” said Black. “You, boy — give me Peter. Now.”
“I'm still not saying I believe you,” he told Lupin.
“Then it's time we offered you some proof,” said Lupin. “You, boy — give me Peter, please. Now.”
同意他周末去霍格莫 hereby give him permission to visit Hogsmeade at weekends 316
hereby give him permission to visit Hogsmeade on weekends 433
看我過得開不開心 check I'm happy 317
check if I'm happy 435


中文翻譯 英國版/美國版用語 首次出現頁數
前門兩邊的大直欞窗 mullioned windows either side of the front door 11
mullioned windows on either side of the front door 6
如果我殺死了—— if I curse 15
if I murder 10
[英] 只要再消除一個障礙
[美] 只要再死一個人
one more obstacle removed. 15
one more death 10
再殺死一個人 One more curse… 16
One more murder… 12
保加利亞隊有維克多·喀浪 Bulgaria have got Viktor Krum 59
Bulgaria has got Viktor Krum 63
我真希望英格蘭隊能夠出線 ‘I wish England had got through. 59
"I wish England had got through, though 63
[英] 「怎麼回事?」哈利急切地問。他暑假裡一直守在水蠟樹街,與魔法世界完全隔絕,想起來真是懊惱透頂。
[美] 「怎麼回事?」哈利急切地問。他暑假裡一直守在水蠟樹街,與魔法世界完全隔絕,想起來真是懊惱透頂。
‘What happened?’ said Harry eagerly, regretting more than ever his isolation from the wizarding world when he was stuck on Privet Drive.
Harry was passionate about Quidditch. He had played as Seeker on the Gryffindor house Quidditch team ever since his first year at Hogwarts and owned a Firebolt, one of the best racing brooms in the world.
‘Went down to Transyvania, three hundred and ninety to ten,’ said Charlie gloomily. ‘Shocking performance. And Wales lost to Uganda, and Scotland were slaughtered by Luxembourg.’
“What happened?” said Harry eagerly, regretting more than ever his isolation from the wizarding world when he was stuck on Privet Drive.
“Went down to Transyvania, three hundred and ninety to ten,” said Charlie gloomily. “Shocking performance. And Wales lost to Uganda, and Scotland was slaughtered by Luxembourg.”
Harry had been on the Gryffindor House Quidditch team ever since his first year at Hogwarts and owned one of the best racing brooms in the world, a Firebolt. Flying came more naturally to Harry than anything else in the magical world, and he played in the position of Seeker on the Gryffindor House team.
[英] 享用布丁(自己家裡做的草莓冰淇淋)
[美] 享用自己家裡做的草莓冰淇淋
they had their pudding (home-made strawberry ice-cream), 60
they had their homemade strawberry ice cream, 63
[英] 哈利知道現影術很難:從一個地方消失,一眨眼又在另一個地方重新出現。
[美] 哈利知道,所謂現影術,就是從一個地方消失,一眨眼又在另一個地方重新出現,但是他從不知道霍格華茲有哪個學生能做到這點,他知道這一定很難。
Harry knew that Apparating was very difficult; it meant disappearing from one place and re-appearing almost instantly in another 63
Harry knew that Apparating meant disappearing from one place and reappearing almost instantly in another, but had never known any Hogwarts student to do it, and understood that it was very difficult. 66
通過考試 got your test 63
passed your test 66
阻止他們採用 prevent them using 98
prevent them from using 108
[英] 護士長
[美] 護士
matron 133
nurse 149
[英] 有「家」、「學校」和「上班」,也有「失蹤」、「醫院」、「監獄」,在普通鐘上十二點的地方,標著「生命危險」。
[美] 有「家」、「學校」和「上班」,也有「路上」、「失蹤」、「醫院」、「監獄」,在普通鐘上十二點的地方,標著「生命危險」。
‘Home’, ‘school’ and ‘work’ were there, but there was also ‘lost’, ‘hospital’, ‘prison’ and, in the position where the number twelve would be on a normal clock, ‘mortal peril’. 135
"Home," "school," and "work" were there, but there was also "traveling," "lost," "hospital," "prison," and, in the position where the number twelve would be on a normal clock, "mortal peril." 151
指著 pointing at 135
pointing to 151
分成兩堆 sorting them into two. 139
sorting them into two piles. 156
非常好 On excellent form 215
In excellent form 244
[英] 布丁
[美] 甜食
puddings 223
desserts 253
在周末 at weekends 228
on weekends 258
她這是什麼毛病? ‘What's she like?’ 231
“What is it with her?” 262
一點鐘 for one o’clock 284
by one o’clock 324
波特和衛斯理能不能使自己的行為年齡相稱呢? Now Potter and Weasley have been kind enough to act their age 336
Now that Potter and Weasley have been kind enough to act their age 385
鋼絲架 brace 353
braces 405
座無虛席 were packed to bursting point 427
were packed to the bursting point 492
哈利波特的秘密傷心史 entitled HARRY POTTER's SECRET HEARTACHE: 444
entitled: Harry Potter’ Secret Heartache 511
不讓石內卜下課後溜走 preventing Snape slipping away at the end of class 450
preventing Snape from slipping away at the end of class 518
二十英尺高 twenty-foot-high 478
twenty feet high 551
障礙咒 Impediment Jinx 499
Impediment Curse 574
[英] 複習
[美] 研究
revision 534
research 615
八十五分 on eighty-five points 539
with eighty-five points 621
並感到有人在扳他的手指,想讓他放開西追的屍體 and he felt fingers trying to prise him from Cedric's limp body 583
and he felt fingers trying to pry him from Cedric's limp body 671
[英] 「請原諒,鄧不利多,我以前聽說魔咒疤痕會像警鈴一樣……」
[美] 「請原諒,鄧不利多,我以前從沒聽說魔咒疤痕會像警鈴一樣……」
“Forgive me, Dumbledore but I've heard of a curse scar acting as an alarm bell before…” 613
“Forgive me, Dumbledore but I've never heard of a curse scar acting as an alarm bell before…” 706
岩皮餅 doughy biscuits 623
doughy cookies 718


中文翻譯 英國版/美國版用語 首次出現頁數
曾經蔥翠欲滴的草地,已變得枯黃——由於旱情,澆水軟管已被禁止使用。 once emerald green lay parched and yellowing - for the use of hosepipes had been banned due to drought. 7
once emerald green lay parched and yellowing; the use of hosepipes had been banned due to drought. 1
最近費格太太在街上一碰到哈利,就要邀請他過去喝茶。 Mrs Figg had recently taken to asking him round for tea whenever she met him in the street. 8
Mrs Figg had recently taken to asking him around for tea whenever she met him in the street. 2
[英] 朝住在對面、正從網眼窗簾後面朝外瞪視的7號太太揮揮手。
[美] 朝正從網眼窗簾後面朝外瞪視的7號太太揮揮手。
waving at Mrs Number Seven opposite, who was glaring from behind her net curtains. 10
waving at Mrs. Number Seven, who was glaring from behind her net curtains. 5
吊球 punchball 15
punching bag 11
亞瑟剛剛 Arthur has just 37
Arthur's just 35
古怪監獄 weirdo prison 38
weirdos’ prison 36
探過身子 bending forwards 40
bending forward 39
快上床去 GO UP TO BED 42
壁腳板 skirting board 59
baseboard 61
[英] 賢者之石
[美] 魔法石
Philosopher's Stone 63
Sorcerer's Stone 65
妙麗看上去快要哭了 whilst Hermione looked on the verge of tears. 64
while Hermione looked on the verge of tears. 66
總算擺脫他了 well shot of him 68
well shut of him 70
哈利從欄杆上探出腦袋 Harry leant further over the banisters. 73
Harry leaned further over the banisters. 76
說時遲那時快 within a split second 80
a split second later 83
那倒真是好東西 ‘That'd come orf, though,’ 80
“That'd come off, though,” 83
吐起來沒完沒了 stopping themselves puking 98
stopping puking 104
吃他的排骨 eating his chop 110
eating his chops 119
翻斗車> skip 115
dumpster 125
以免眼淚流出來 stop his eyes watering 117
stop his eyes from watering 126
每個壁爐前都有幾個人在排隊等著離開 short queues were forming before each fireplace, waiting to depart. 117
short queues of wizards were forming before each fireplace, waiting to depart. 127
他抬頭仔細端詳著那位英俊的巫師的面孔,現在離得近了,哈利覺得他顯得很柔弱,很愚蠢。 He looked up into the handsome wizard's face, but close-to Harry thought he looked rather weak and foolish. 142
He looked up into the handsome wizard’s face, but up close, Harry thought he looked rather weak and foolish. 156
土豆泥 mashed potato 143
mashed potatoes 157
我們正在納悶是誰訂下斯林卡的那本書的 We were just wondering who set the Slinkhard book. 146
We were just wondering who assigned the Slinkhard book. 160
赫夫帕夫的是誰? ‘Who are Hufflepuffs?’ 171
“Who's Hufflepuff?” 188
決策 judgement 193
judgment 213
做一個總是被人盯著看、被人評頭論足的人,實在讓他感到厭倦。 sick of being the person who is stared at and talked about all the time. 196
sick of being the person who was stared at and talked about all the time. 217
[英] 他瘋了
[美] 他是個瘋子
he's mad 197
he's a madman 218
臉色越來越白 was going pale 197
was turner paler 219
布告上寫著第一次到活米村過周末的日期是在十月份 a poster giving the date of the first Hogsmeade weekend, which was to be in October. 201
a poster giving the date of the first Hogsmeade weekend in October. 222
課程表 timetables 203
schedules 225
弗雷和我總算精神頭還不錯 Fred and I managed to keep our peckers up somehow. 205
Fred and I managed to keep our spirits up somehow. 227
我一直認為鄧不利多真是瘋了,居然相信石內卜。 I've always thought Dumbledore was cracked to trust Snape. 212
I've always thought Dumbledore was cracked trusting Snape. 235
取而代之的是「課程目標」 replaced by the ‘Course Aims’. 216
replaced by: Course Aims: 239
「吃一塊餅乾,」她不耐煩地又說了一遍,指著桌上一堆文件上的一隻方格圖案的餅乾盒 ‘Have a biscuit,” she repeated impatiently, indicating a tartan tin lying on top 223
“Have a biscuit,” she repeated impatiently, indicating a tartan tin of cookies lying on top 248
複習 revising 232
reviewing 257
讓我們看看你有沒有吃透這句話,好嗎? Lets see if you've got the message yet, shall we? 247
Let’s see if you’ve gotten the message yet, shall we? 275
糖紙 sweet wrappers 251
candy wrappers 279
一道陽光 ray of sunlight 251
chink of sunlight 279
贊成 approve of 274
approve 307
8月30日 30th August 275
August 30th 307
不然我就不得不叫那些得了『D』的笨蛋關禁閉了。 or I shall have to start handing out detentions to those dunces who get a “D” 277
or I shall have to start handing out detentions to those dunces who get D's 309
「『T』?」妙麗問,顯然嚇了一跳,「比『D』還要低嗎?『T』代表的是什麼呢?」 '"T"?' asked Hermione, looking appalled. 'Even lower than a "D"? What on earth does "T" stand for?' 278
“T?” asked Hermione, looking appalled. “Even lower than a D? What on earth does that stand for?” 311
榮恩也站起身來。 Ron had got to his feet, too. 294
Ron had gotten to his feet too. 328
轉眼間 nanosecond 293
second 328
'And in our first year,' said Neville to the group at large, 'he saved that Philological Stone - '
'Philosopher's,' hissed Hermione.
“And in our first year,” said Neville to the group at large, “he saved that Sorcerous Stone —”
“Sorcerer’s,” hissed Hermione.
秋讚揚他在三巫鬥法大賽中的表現……大家沒有把他當成說謊的怪物 and Cho praising his performance in the Triwizard Tournament - knowing all those people did not think him a lying weirdo 312
and Cho praising his performance in the Triwizard Tournament... The knowledge that all those people did not think him a lying weirdo 350
樓梯融化了,變成一條長長的、光溜溜的石滑梯。 and the steps melted together to make a long, smooth stone slide like a helter-skelter. 314
and the steps melted together to make a long, smooth stone slide. 353
所有的火把亮起 torches burst into flame 400
lamps burst into light 452
像往常一樣做夢似的 looking as dreamy as usual 400
looking dreamy as always 452
蝻鉤是什麼 what Nargles are 400
what Nargles were 453
劉海 fringe 414
bangs 468
[英] 「你好,」她說道,「我們來看亞瑟衛斯理。」
[美] 「你好……我們來看亞瑟衛斯理。」
'Wotcher,' she said, 'we're here to see Arthur Weasley.' 427
“Wotcher... We’re here to see Arthur Weasley.” 483
去不掉的魔咒、用錯的魔咒等 Unliftable jinxes, hexes, incorrectly applied charms, etc. 429
(Unliftable jinxes, hexes, and incorrectly applied charms, etc.) 486
[英] 淋巴真菌炎等
[美] 淋巴真菌炎
scrofunglus, etc. 429
scrofungulus) 486
[英] 茶室/商店
[美] 茶室和商店
我對他說滑雪很棒,因為他老是笑我 I told him skiing's really good because he kept laughing so much. 440
I told him it's really good because he kept laughing so much. 498
只是每翻開一頁,它就會說「今日事,今日畢!」之類的話。 except that every time he opened a page it said aloud things like: ‘Do it today or later you’ll pay!’ 443
except that it said things like “Do it today or later you’ll pay!” every time he opened a page 501
一尺來寬的地方 the foot of space 445
the foot's space 503
哈利很懷疑他是否徵得了主人同意。這部車子也像衛斯理家的老福特安格里亞一樣加了擴大咒 The car, which Harry doubted very much had been taken with the consent of it's owner, had been enlarge with a spell like the Weasley's old Ford Anglia had once been. 447
The car, which Harry doubted very much had been taken with the knowledge or consent of it's owner, had had a similar Enlarging Spell put upon it as the Weasley's old Ford Anglia; 505
[英] 小蜜橘
[美] 胡桃
satsuma 447
walnut 506
一盆植物 pot plant 453
potted plant 512
下層傳來嘔吐聲和可怕的嘩啦聲 there was a retching sound from downstairs, followed by a horrible spattering noise 465
There was more retching from downstairs, followed by a horrible spattering sound. 526
他在下午上課前到圖書館去找榮恩和妙麗時,腳步不知不覺也抬得高了。 he virtually bounced off to the library to pick up Ron and Hermione before their afternoon lessons. 467
he headed off to the library to pick up Ron and Hermione before their afternoon lessons, walking in a rather bouncy way himself. 529
[英] 阿爾傑農·羅克五
[美] 奧古斯都·羅克五
Algernon Rookwood 480
Augustus Rookwood 543
一盆植物 pot plant 482
potted-plant 546
不記得是怎麼摔倒的 with no memory of having got there 523
with no memory of having gotten there 593
魔法部部長 Minister for Magic 537
Minister of Magic 610
站在大門兩旁 positioned either side of the door 538
positioned on either side of the door 610
複習 revision 561
review 636
[英] 天狼星說道:「整整-石化!」石內卜又仰面朝天地倒在地上,僵硬得像塊木板。
[美] 天狼星說道:「榫頭-失準!」石內卜又仰面朝天地倒在地上,僵硬得像塊木板。
but Sirius said, ‘Petrificus Totalus!’ and Snape keeled over again, rigid as a board. 571
but Sirius said, “Locomotor mortis!” and Snape keeled over again at once, rigid as a board. 648
就業指導 Careers Advice 574
Career Advice 651
複習時間表 revision timetables 574
study schedule 651
時間表 timetable 574
schedule 652
複習 revise 576
review 654
[英] 和其他五年級、七年級的同學一起困在屋裡,複習功課,一趟趟地跑圖書館。
[美] 和其他五年級、七年級的同學一起困在屋裡,一趟趟地跑圖書館。
along with the rest of the fifth- and seventh-years, was trapped inside, revising, traipsing back and forth to the library. 576
along with the rest of the fifth- and seventh-years, was trapped inside, traipsing back and forth to the library. 654
複習 revision 579
studying 658
往左一拐,順著架子往前跑 turned left and run along it 601
turned left, and ran along it 682
複習 revising 620
studying 703
複習情況 revision practices 623
study habits 706
理論考試 theory papers 625
theory exams 708
[英] 在暑假
[美] 下個暑假
that summer 625
next summer 709
小屋周圍的人影同時朝麥教授射出至少四個昏迷咒。 The figures around the cabin had shot no fewer than four Stunners at Professor McGonagall. 636
No fewer than four Stunners had shot from the figures around the cabin toward Professor McGonagall. 721
禿福教授喊道,他似乎也把考試忘在了腦後 shouted Professor Tofty, who also seemed to have forgotten the exam completely. 636
shouted Professor Tofty, who seemed to have forgotten the exam completely. 721
她好像是個發光體,周身透出一種詭異的紅光,然後她雙腳離地 she looked luminous and glowed an eerie red, then she lifted 636
she looked luminous, illuminated by an eerie red glow, then was lifted 721
海格吼道,他的聲音清晰地傳到塔樓頂上 bellowed Hagrid; his voice carried clearly to the top of the tower, 636
bellowed Hagrid, his voice carrying clearly to the top of the tower, 722
高達三英尺半的筆記 three-and-a-half-feet-high stack of notes 639
notes stacked three-and-a-half feet high 724
跑向上次檢查哈利魔杖的那位巫師所坐的桌子 past the fountain towards the desk where the watchwizard who had weighed Harry's wand had sat 678
past the fountain towards the desk where the security man who had weighed Harry's wand had sat 769
這是一個狗靈之兆 sure their absence was an ominous sign 678
sure that their absence was an ominous sign 769
奈威轉了個圈 Neville span himself around 709
Neville spun himself around 804
接著,哈利的疤痕爆裂開來,他知道 Then Harry's scar burst open. He knew 719
And then Harry's scar burst open and he knew 815
又一道綠光從佛地魔的魔杖射向鄧不利多,大蛇也發起進攻 another jet of green light flew at Dumbledore from Voldemort's wand and the snake struck 719
another jet of green light had flown at Dumbledore from Voldemort's wand and the snake had struck 815
再次展開活動 once more active 745
active once more 845
是你爸爸的朋友 a mate of your dad 750
your dad's mate 851
學期結束的晚宴 end-of-term leaving feast 755
end-of-term feast 857
期末晚宴 Leaving Feast 756
end-of-term feast 857
另一面在我手裡 I’ve got the other one of the pair. 756
I’ve got the other. 858
塞進霍格華茲校服的 squeezed into Hogwarts uniform 761
squeezed into Hogwarts uniforms 864


中文翻譯 英國版/美國版用語 首次出現頁數
一個遙遠國家 a far-distant country 7
a far distant country 1
那座橋建成還不到十年 The bridge was less than ten years old 7
The bridge was fewer than ten years old 2
有人竟然提出是警方力量不足 And how dared anyone suggest that it was lack of policemen 8
And how dare anyone suggest that it was lack of policemen 2
走到窗戶前 moved over to the windows 8
moved over to the window 2
一幅骯髒的小油畫 a small and dirty oil-painting 9
a small, dirty oil painting 3
大步走了過來,伸出一隻手 striding forwards with his hand outstretched 9
striding forward with his hand outstretched 3
示意他坐到桌子前一把最硬的椅子上 gesturing towards the hardest of the chairs 10
gesturing toward the hardest of the chairs 4
這還不算,後來又有一個自稱是巫師的人從壁爐里跳了出來,跟他握手 though this had been nothing to how he had felt when a self-proclaimed wizard had bounced out of the fireplace and shaken his hand 11
though this had been nothing to how he felt when a self-proclaimed wizard had bounced out of the fireplace and shaken his hand 5
要把我扔出窗外 throw me out of the window 11
throw me out the window 6
首相本來是很惱火的 Prime Minister had rather resented 13
Prime Minister rather resented 8
Fudge had pulled out his wand, conjured two large glasses full of amber liquid out of thin air, pushed one of them into the Prime Minister's hand and drawn up a chair.
Fudge had talked for over an hour
Fudge pulled out his wand, conjured two large glasses full of amber liquid out of thin air, pushed one of them into the Prime Minister's hand and drew up a chair.
Fudge talked for more than an hour
還沒等首相喊一聲 Minister had been able to shout 15
Minister could shout 9
[英] 「上次他就利用了巨人,想把聲勢造得很大。現在,誤報局 [...]」
[美] 「上次他就利用了巨人,想把聲勢造得很大,」他說,「現在,誤報局 [...]」
‘He used giants last time, when he wanted to go for the grand effect. The Office of Misinformation [...]’ 18
“He used giants last time, when he wanted to go for the grand effect," he said. "The Office of Misinformation [...]” 13
[...] 的一支醫療隊正在給他做檢查 A team of healers [...] is examining 23
A team of healers [...] are examining 18
[英] 「唉,那是自然的。她是在一個從裡面鎖住的房間裡被殺害的 [...]」
[美] 「唉,那是自然的,」他說,「她是在一個從裡面鎖住的房間裡被殺害的 [...]」
‘Well, of course they are. Killed in a room that was locked from the inside [...]’ 19
“Well, of course they are,” he said. “Killed in a room that was locked from the inside [...]” 14
不遠的那個角落裡 just round the corner from here 21
just around the corner from here 15
患了牙痛 he had toothache 23
he had a toothache 18
那個叫水仙的女人 woman called Narcissa 26
woman named Narcissa 20
一條名叫紡紗街的街道 street called Spinner's End 27
street named Spinner's End 21
似乎平常沒有人居住 as though it were not usually inhabited 28
as though it was not usually inhabited 22
[英] 賢者之石
[美] 魔法石
Philosopher's Stone 31
Sorcerer's Stone 25
石內卜已經站起身 Snape had got to his feet 37
Snape had gotten to his feet 32
看上去像是戴著 as though it were encased 29
as though it was encased 34
4、與親朋好友商定安全暗號 4. Agree security questions with close friends and family 45
4. Agree on security questions with close friends and family 42
利用變身水 use of Polyjuice Potion 45
use of the Polyjuice Potion 42
突如其來的黑暗 as though the sudden darkness was an 47
as though the sudden darkness were an 44
你的百子蓮 your agapanthuses 48
your agapanthus 46
驚慌失措地迅速對視 scared looks at each other 51
scared looks at one another 48
長絨地毯 shagpile carpet 54
shag carpet 51
變色墨水 Colour-Change Ink 56
color-change ink [没有首字母大写] 54
也就是說,當他成為一個男人 in other words, the moment he becomes a man. 57
in other words, at the moment he becomes a man. 56
跟校長正經交談 proper conversation with his headmaster 59
proper conversation with the headmaster 57
而且還不顧一切地 not to mention doing his best 59
not to mention done his best 57
霍格華茲之外 outside Hogwarts 59
outside of Hogwarts 57
家具一件件跳回了原來的位置 furniture flew back to its original place 66
furniture flew back to it original places 65
Humph 67
Hmpf 66
太短,夠不著 so short that they did not 68
so short they did not 66
[英] 鄧不利多向房間那頭走去。
[美] 鄧不利多大步走過房間。
Dumbledore crossed the room 70
Dumbledore strode from the room 69
[英] 大步走到壁爐前
[美] 朝壁爐走過去
then strode to the fire 70
then crossed to the fire 69
那個連名字都不能提的大魔頭 He Who Must Not Be Named 73
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named 72
看著鄧不利多裹緊了旅行斗篷,哈利拉上了他的夾克衫拉鏈。 watched Dumbledore fastening his travelling cloak and Harry zipping up his jacket 74
watched Dumbledore fasten his travelling cloak and Harry zip up his jacket 73
蜘蛛,它這裡吐一根絲,那裡吐一根絲,在身體周圍結了一張網 spider, spinning a web around him, twitching a thread here and there 75
spider, spinning a web around it, twitching a thread here and there 75
從此以後 from this moment onwards 80
from this moment onward 79
一個聲音緊張地問道,哈利聽出了是衛斯理太太 said a nervous voice that he recognised as Mrs Weasley’s. 81
said a nervous voice he recognized as Mrs. Weasley’s. 81
每個人都處於致命危險中 everybody's in mortal peril 85
everybody's in mortal danger 85
枕頭裡有個硬東西 something hard in the pillow-case 88
something hard inside the pillowcase [没有连字符] 88
故意躲避著彼此的目光 avoiding each other's gaze 91
avoiding one another's gaze 92
陽光灑在他的腿上 sunlight streaming on to his lap 96
sunlight streaming into his lap 97
面面相覷 gazed at each other 96
gazed at one another 98
昨晚的另一段對話 part of the previous night's conversation 98
part of last night's conversation 99
- [O.W.L.成绩单的合格/不合格成绩说明使用驼峰式大小写] 100
[O.W.L.成绩单的合格/不合格成绩说明使用全部大写] 102
- [O.W.L.成绩单的成绩部分,行之间没有线段隔开] 100
[O.W.L.成绩单的成绩部分,行之间有线段隔开] 102
『良好』——是黑魔法防禦術 “Exceeds Expectations” in Defense Against the Dark Arts 101
‘Exceeds Expectations’ at Defense Against the Dark Arts 103
黑魔法防禦術竟然得了「傑出」 ‘Outstanding’ in Defense Against the Dark Arts 101
“Outstanding” at Defense Against the Dark Arts 103
在黑魔法防禦術上拔尖 top in Defense Against the Dark Arts 101
top at Defense Against the Dark Arts 103
[英] 自從一個月前聽了那個預言
[美] 自從幾個星期前聽了那個預言
heard the prophecy a month ago 102
heard the prophecy a few weeks ago 104
護身符:有效抵禦狼人、催狂魔和行屍 Amulets: Effective Against Werewolves, Dementors and Inferi [没有断行,使用意大利体] 108
Effective Against Werewolves, Dementors, and Inferi
[英] 摩金夫人的聲音
[美] 經理摩金夫人的聲音
Madam Malkin said 109
Madam Malkin, the owner, said 112
繼續 further 112
farther 115
給榮恩和哈利裁剪新袍子 fitting of Ron and Harry's new robes 112
fitting of Ron's and Harry's new robes 115
Why Are You Worrying About You-Know-Who?
You SHOULD Be Worrying About
the Constipation Sensation That's Gripping the Nation!
[英] [...] 脖子和腦袋就會挨上一頓打。還有一盒盒羽毛筆 [...]
[美] [...] 脖子和腦袋就會挨上一頓打,還有一盒盒羽毛筆 [...]
around the head and neck; boxes of quills 114
around the head and neck, and boxes of quills 117
[英] 褲子
[美] 三角褲
pairs of pants 114
pairs of briefs 117
可反覆使用的劊子手——拼不出就吊死他! Reusable Hangman – Spell It Or He’ll Swing! 114
到後面來 through to the back 115
through the back 118
「還有我們的誘餌炸彈,剛剛下架,看,」弗雷指著一大堆怪模怪樣、黑色貓頭鷹似的玩意兒,它們看起來就像是隨時準備逃之夭夭。 “And our Decoy Detonators are just walking off the shelves, look,” said Fred, pointing at a number of weird-looking black hooter-type objects that were indeed attempting to scurry out of sight. 116
“And our Decoy Detonators are just walking off the shelves, look,” said Fred, pointing at a number of weird-looking black horn-type objects that were indeed attempting to scurry out of sight. 119
[英] 「管用嗎?」
[美] 「管用嗎?」她問道。
‘Do they work?’ 117
“Do they work?” she asked. 120
放回去 put it all back then 118
put it back then 122
[英] 藏在它下面
[美] 藏在隱身衣下面
under it nowadays 120
under the cloak nowadays 124
[英] 博金眯起眼睛看著她
[美] 博金先生眯起眼睛看著她
Borgin squinted at her 123
Mr. Borgin squinted at her 127
[英] 博金冷冷地說
[美] 博金先生冷冷地說
said Borgin coldly 123
said Mr. Borgin coldly 127
「我會小心別踩著它滑倒的。」哈利微笑著說。 ‘I'll be careful not to slip in it,’ smiled Harry. 126
“I'll be careful not to slip in it.” Harry smiled. 131
「那個東施,她現在變得不修邊幅了。」花兒若有所思地說 ‘She has let 'erself go, zat Tonks,’ mused Fleur 126
“She has let 'erself go, zat Tonks,” Fleur mused 132
如果他想告訴某個人,衛斯理先生是最合適的人選。 if he were to tell anyone, Mr Weasley would be the right person 128
if he was to tell anyone, Mr. Weasley was the right person 133
級長車廂 the prefect carriage 128
the prefects’ carriage 133
再也看不見 lost from view 130
lost to view 136
《謬論家》仍然辦得 The Quibbler still going 131
Quibbler still going 137
[英] 露娜頓時眉開眼笑,把防妖眼鏡往鼻梁上推了推
[美] 露娜頓時眉開眼笑。她把防妖眼鏡往鼻梁上推了推
beamed Luna, and she pushed her Spectrespecs farther up her nose 133
beamed Luna. Then she pushed her Spectrespecs farther up her nose 139
- [斯拉格霍恩的字条用单引号标示,签名为意大利体] 135
[斯拉格霍恩的字条未用引号标示,签名为花式意大利体] 141
好像他會被 as though he were expecting 135
as though he was expecting 142
一大把銀白色的鬍子 great silver moustache 136
great silvery mustache 142
打招呼,哈利和奈威這邊也毫無反應。 greeting, and nor did Harry or Neville 137
greeting, nor did Harry or Neville 143
頭髮粗硬的大塊頭小伙子 a large, wire-haired youth 137
a large, wiry-haired youth 143
似乎哈利是一隻肥墩墩的、美味多汁的鵪鶉 as though he were a particularly large and succulent piece of pheasant 139
as though he was a particularly large and succulent piece of pheasant 145
史拉轟繼續說道,口氣顯得 Slughorn continued, sounding 140
Slughorn said, sounding 147
往上一提然後消失了 whipped upwards out of sight 142
whipped upward out of sight 149
[英] 他的目光在哈利的運動鞋上停留了一下。「我猜,剎比進來時,就是你把門擋住了吧?」
[美] 他的目光在哈利的運動鞋上停留了一下。
His eyes lingered for a moment upon Harry's trainers. ‘That was you blocking the door when Zabini came back in, I suppose?’
He considered Harry for a moment.
‘You didn't hear anything I care about, Potter. [...]’
His eyes lingered for a moment upon Harry's trainers.
“You didn't hear anything I care about, Potter. [...]”
[英] 他肯定在跟他那些史萊哲林的同學們講述他是怎麼教訓哈利波特的
[美] 他肯定在跟克拉、格高爾、剎比和潘西·帕金森講述他是怎麼教訓哈利波特的
he would be recounting his attack on Harry to his fellow Slytherins. 149
he could be recounting his attack on Harry to Crabbe, Goyle, Zabini, and Pansy Parkinson. 156
[英] 特快列車正在駛離站台
[美] 他們正在駛離站台
and the train began 149
and they began 157
[英] 過道里。東施拉開
[美] 過道里。她拉開
corridor. Tonks pulled open 149
corridor. She pulled open 157
[英] 哈利也跟著她
[美] 他也跟著她
Harry followed her 149
He followed her 157
縮了回去 backwards 152
backward 160
露出裡面鋪著石板的寬大門廳 swung open on to the vast flagged entrance hall 154
swung open into the vast flagged entrance hall 162
提到自己的名字時並沒有站起來,只是懶洋洋地抬了抬一隻手 did not stand up his mention of his name, merely raised a hand in lazy 159
did not stand up his mention of his name; he merely raised a hand in lazy 167
自己和他人的安全 your own and each other's safety 160
your own and other's safety 168
他們排隊通過肖像洞口時,榮恩沖一個特別矮小的一年級男生厲聲喝道 Ron snapped at a particularly minuscule first-year as they joined the queue to climb out of the portrait hole 163
Ron snapped at a particularly minuscule first-year boy as they joined the queue to climb out of the portrait hole 171
[英] 一貓腰從妙麗胳膊底下鑽過
[美] 一貓腰從她胳膊底下鑽過
ducked under Hermione's arm 164
ducked under her arm 172
課程表 timetables 165
class schedules 173
Humph 165
Hmph 174
課程表 timetable 166
schedule 174
裡面只有六七個七年級的學生 apart from half a dozen seventh-years 167
apart from a half dozen seventh years 175
低著頭玩起了妙麗從四年級學生那裡沒收來的狼牙飛碟 began playing with the Fanged Frisbee Hermione had taken from the fourth-year. 167
began playing with the Fanged Frisbee Hermione had taken from the fourth-year student. 176
[英] 全班同學的目光又一次
[美] 他們的目光又一次
again, the class watched him 169
again, they watched him 178
上學期葛萊分多魁地奇球隊的一名打擊手 the Beaters on the previous year's Gryffindor Quidditch team 172
the Beaters on last year's Gryffindor Quidditch team 180
懶洋洋地望著他笑 who grinned lazily back 174
who grinned back lazily 183
做了個「噓」的手勢 made a ‘shush’ing gesture 177
made a “shhing” gesture 186
一片寂靜 There was a silence 178
There was silence 188
[英] 「酷酸果。」哈利說。石頭怪獸跳到一旁
[美] 「酷酸果。」哈利說,石頭怪獸跳到一旁
‘Acid Pops,’ said Harry. The gargoyle 185
“Acid Pops,” said Harry, and the gargoyle 196
這個晚上叫他來做什麼 to do with him that evening 186
to do with him this evening 196
[英] 那個惡毒的女人逼你用自己的鮮血寫出的印跡,現在還能看得出來
[美] 你手背上那個惡毒的女人逼你用自己的鮮血寫出的印跡,現在還能看得出來
You can still see the marks where that evil woman made you write with your own blood 207
You can still see the marks on the back of your hand where that evil woman made you write with your own blood 219
第二組是十個女生,哈利從沒碰見過這麼傻的姑娘 The second group comprised ten of the silliest girls Harry had ever encountered 211
The second group was comprised of ten of the silliest girls Harry had ever encountered 224
[英] 寬胸膛、矮個子的三年級同學
[美] 寬胸膛、矮個子的三年級男生
a short but broad-chested third-year who had 212
a short but broad-chested third-year boy who had 225
看著隊員和妙麗,傻呵呵地直笑 grinned around at the team and at Hermione 214
grinned at the team and at Hermione 226
印花的大圍裙 flowery pinny 215
flowery apron 228
課程表 timetables 216
schedules 229
阿辣哥,一隻會說話的巨型蜘蛛,居住在 spider, Aragog, that dwelled 217
spider, Aragog, who dwelled 230
吸盤和螫刺 suckers and stings 217
suckers and stingers 230
夏天我們在魔法部時 when we were there in the summer 218
when we were there last summer 231
[英] 麥拉像是中了混淆咒
[美] 麥拉早上像是中了混淆咒
McLaggen looks like he was Confunded. 219
McLaggen looks like he was Confunded this morning. 232
「[...] 回到床上了!」榮恩笑嘻嘻地說 ‘[...] bed again!’ grinned Ron, 225
“[...] bed again!” Ron grinned, 240
他戴了一頂碩大無比的毛絨帽子,身上是一件帶有配套毛絨領子的大衣 who was wearing an enormous furry hat and overcoat with matching fur collar 229
who was wearing an enormous furry hat and an overcoat with matching fur collar 243
陳列的一個蟑螂串 display of Cockroach Cluster. 229
display of Cockroach Clusters. 244
臉色慢慢漲成了豬肝色 who was turning slowly purple 231
who was slowly turning purple 246
她看著他們進了三根掃帚的門 She watched them through the door of the Three Broomsticks 232
She watched them go through the door of the Three Broomsticks 246
像是要飛起來似的 as though she were about to fly 234
as though she was about to fly 248
使她安靜下來 trying to quieten her 235
trying to quiet her 250
沉入了旋轉的記憶之中 descended back into the swirling mass of memory whence he had come 245
descended back into the swirling mass of memory from when he had come 261
一口就把自己那杯喝得精光 drained her own glass in one. 249
drained her own glass in one gulp. 265
她又看著鄧不利多 She looked at Dumbledore again 251
She looked around at Dumbledore again 268
他的所有財產大概都在那個衣櫃裡 all his worldly possessions must have been in there 255
all his worldly possessions must be in there 272
榮恩正在 Ron, meanwhile, who was 263
Meanwhile, Ron, who was 281
跟麥拉交朋友呢 try getting off with McLaggen 263
try hooking up with McLaggen 282
把碗砸碎了 hit the bowl and it shattered 264
hit the bowl, and shattered it. 282
讓我跟麥拉交朋友 I got off with McLaggen 264
I hooked up with McLaggen 282
跟他們倆坐在一起 sitting there with the pair 264
sitting here with the pair 282
如漆似膠地熱烈親吻著 kissing fiercely as if glued 268
kissing fiercely as though glued 286
哥哥一樣 older-brotherly 271
elder-brotherly 289
一口喝了個精光 drained it in one 274
drained it in one gulp 293
哈利淡淡地笑了笑 Harry smiled vaguely back 275
Harry smiled back vaguely 294
哈利說著,忍不住綻開了笑容 said Harry, now grinning broadly 279
said Harry, grinning broadly 299
一時半會兒清醒不過來 look like surfacing soon 281
look like he would be surfacing soon 301
[英] 卻正好看到肖像洞口合上了
[美] 肖像洞口卻正好合上了
just in time to see the portrait hole closing 281
just as the portrait hole was closing 301
明天上午符咒課前 Charms the following morning 285
Charms next morning 304
不過是書上寫了點字 It's just a book that's been written in! 288
It's just a book that's been written on! 308
她比榮恩更需要 greater than Ron's just then 290
greater than Ron's just now 310
露娜穿著一套鑲著銀色亮片的袍子,這引起一些竊笑 She was wearing a set of spangled silver robes that was attracting a certain amount of giggling from the onlookers 294
She was wearing a set of spangled silver robes that were attracting a certain amount of giggles from the onlookers 314
[英] 戴著眼鏡的小個子男人
[美] 戴著眼鏡、肥胖的小個子男人
was a small, bespectacled man 295
was a small, stout, bespectacled man 315
你沒看見他第一節課交給我的活地獄湯劑呢 You should have seen what he gave me, first lesson, The Draught of Living Death 299
You should have seen what he gave me, first lesson, Draught of Living Death 319
「[...] 我就是想當正氣師。」哈利挑戰地說 ‘[...] that's what I'd like to be,’ said Harry defiantly. 299
“[...] that's what I'd like to do,” said Harry defiantly. 320
從內部搞垮魔法部 working from within to bring down the Ministry of Magic using 299
working to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using 320
[英] 史萊哲林的交誼廳……哈利還是把耳朵
[美] 交誼廳……哈利把耳朵
Slytherin common room ... but Harry pressed his ear 301
Slytherin common room ... Harry pressed his ear 322
依賴克拉和格高爾這樣的助手 reliance on assistants like Crabbe and Goyle 303
reliance in assistants like Crabbe and Goyle 324
看到榮恩把削甘藍的小刀向弗雷擲了過去。弗雷懶洋洋地一揮魔杖,把小刀變成了一架紙飛機 to see Ron throw the sprouts knife at Fred, who turned it into a paper aeroplane with one lazy flick of his wand 306
to see Ron throw the sprout knife at Fred, who had turned it into a paper airplane with one lazy flick of his wand 327
大收音機 large wooden wireless. 309
large wooden wireless set. 330
帶著霉味的包裹,標籤上寫著 moldy-smelling package which came with a label reading 317
moldy-smelling package that came with a label reading 339
打聽了她的名字 checked on her name 320
checked her name 342
在花園裡轉轉,然後派西和我就走 take a turn around the garden and then Percy and I'll be off. 321
take a turn around the garden, and Percy and I'll be off. 343
[英] 昆爵正在注視著他,便假裝對
[美] 昆爵正在注視著他,他便假裝對
Scrimgeour squinting at him, so pretended 322
Scrimgeour squinting at him, so he pretended 344
用眼角餘光看到 out of the corner of his eyes 322
out of the corner of his eye 344
有人會說在把人關進監牢前先查明他是不是食死人是你的義務 others might say its your duty to check people really are Death Eaters before you chuck them in prison 325
others might say its your duty to check that people really are Death Eaters before you chuck them in prison 346
到八月三十一日 before 31st August 331
before the 31st August next 354
現在又來找他幫忙,臉皮真夠厚的 they had a great nerve asking him for help now 331
they had a great deal of nerve asking him for help now 354
好像大猩猩那樣 as though he were a gorilla 332
as though he was a gorilla 355
[英] 把那天符咒課作業
[美] 把今天符咒課作業
object of that day's Charms lesson 333
object of today's Charms lesson 355
鄧不利多雙手扶著盆沿 Dumbledore's hands lay either side of it 333
Dumbledore's hands lay on either side of it 356
難道記憶也會變質嗎? did memories go off? 345
did memories go bad? 368
[英] 哈利立刻認出了瑞斗
[美] 哈利立刻認出了佛地魔
Harry recognized Riddle at once. 346
Harry recognized Voldemort at once. 369
[英] 「[...] 美思教授要退休了嗎?」瑞斗問。
[美] 「[...] 美思教授要退休了嗎?」他問。
‘[...] is it true that Professor Merrythought is retiring?’ Riddle asked. 346
“[...] is it true that Professor Merrythought is retiring?” he asked. 369
[英] 但瑞斗落在後面。
[美] 但佛地魔落在後面。
Riddle, however, stayed behind. 347
Voldemort, however, stayed behind. 370
[英] 哈利既看不見史拉轟也看不見瑞斗了
[美] 哈利既看不見史拉轟也看不見佛地魔了
Harry could not see Slughorn or Riddle at all 347
Harry could not see Slughorn or Voldemort at all 371
[英] 只是瑞斗問了一個問題
[美] 只是佛地魔問了一個問題
except that Riddle had asked a question 347
except that Voldemort had asked a question 371
他看看榮恩 He glanced at Ron 352
He glanced around at Ron 376
「你真有膽量,孩子!」 ‘You've got a nerve, boy!’ 354
“You've got nerve, boy!” 378
[英] 「鄧不利多給你看了那個——那個記憶,」史拉轟說,「是不是?」
[美] 「鄧不利多給你看了那個——那個記憶,是不是?」
‘Dumbledore’s shown you that – that memory,’ said Slughorn. ‘Well? Hasn’t he?’ 356
“Dumbledore’s shown you that — that memory. Well? Hasn’t he?” 379
這次現影術考試 Apparition test in this time 358
Apparition Tests in this time 382
院長們 Heads of House 358
Heads of Houses 382
他慢慢地轉過身去。 Malfoy turned slowly to face the front. 360
Malfoy turned slowly to face the front again. 384
始終把注意力集中在 concentrate continually upon 361
concentrate continuously upon 385
失去了平衡 lost his balance 361
lost balance 385
回葛萊分多塔樓 back to Gryffindor Tower 362
back to the Gryffindor Tower 386
[英] 也是不切實際的,因為要上課
[美] 也是不切實際的,因為哈利要上課
impractical idea; he had lessons 366
impractical idea; Harry had lessons 391
哈利又複述起他已經向鄧不利多、麥、龐芮夫人、妙麗、金妮等人說了好像有一百遍的故事。 Harry retold the story he had already recounted what felt like a hundred times to Dumbledore, to McGonagall, to Madam Pomfrey, to Hermione and to Ginny. 375
Harry retold the story he had already recounted, it felt like a hundred times to Dumbledore, to McGonagall, to Madam Pomfrey, to Hermione, and to Ginny. 400
[英] 「[...] 他那樣的腦子,」海格忠誠地說道
[美] 「[...] 他那樣的腦子,」海格說
‘[...] brain like his,’ said Hagrid staunchly. 379
“[...] brain like his,” said Hagrid. 404
院長 Heads o’ House 380
Heads o’ Houses 406
海格和飛七的高嗓門 Hagrid and Filch's raised voices 381
Hagrid's and Filch's raised voices 406
被吵醒了不大高興 not pleased to be awoken 381
not pleased to be woken 407
他當時在魔藥老師的屋裡 he had been in the Potion master's room at the time 383
he had been in the Potions master's room at the time 408
認為現在哈利經常看到他的訓練 and that now Harry was seeing him play regularly 383
and that now that Harry was seeing him play regularly 409
更衣室 changing room 386
changing rooms 412
淡金色的長髮,奶油啤酒瓶塞做的項鍊 dirty-blonde hair, or the necklace of butterbeer corks 387
dirty-blonde hair, nor the necklace of butterbeer corks 414
你去的時候剛剛趕上比賽 only just arrived in time for the match 391
only just arrive on time for the match 417
還在企圖踢打對方 continued to try to kick and punch each other 393
continued to try and kick and punch each other 420
三人拐進八樓的一條走廊,只有一個很小的女孩在看一幅山怪穿芭蕾舞裙的掛毯 they 396
they turned onto a seventh-floor corridor that was deserted but for a very small girl who had been examining a tapestry of trolls in tutus. 423
在此之前 up to that point 398
up to this point 426
我的教員的事 my staff problems 400
my staffing problems 427
[英] 「我會的,先生,我會搞到它的。」哈利熱切地說。
[美] 「我會的,先生,我會搞到它的。」他熱切地說。
‘I'll do it, sir, I'll get it from him,’ Harry said earnestly 402
“I'll do it, sir, I'll get it from him,” he said earnestly. 431
特別嘉獎 the Special Award for Services to 403
the Award for Special Services to 431
長在銅器皿中的茂盛植物 many flourishing pot plants in brass containers 406
many flourishing potted plants in brass containers 434
她說話時佛地魔的眼睛裡閃爍著紅光 Voldemort's eyes flashed scarlet at her words 409
Voldemort's eyes flashed scarlet at the words 437
落到了紅天鵝絨墊子上 was back on its red velvet cushion 409
was back in its red velvet cushion 437
「我只是奇怪為什麼你——經常被魔法部請教,並且好像兩次被提名為魔法部長的人——」 ‘I merely wondered why you – who is so often asked for advice by the Ministry, and who has twice, I think, been offered the post of Minister –’ 414
“I merely wondered why you — who are so often asked for advice by the Ministry, and who have twice, I think, been offered the post of Minister —” 442
還沒睡覺的都是六年級學生 the only other people still up were fellow sixth-years 419
the only other people awake were fellow sixth years 448
弗雷和喬治的查錯字筆 Fred and George's Spell-Checking ones 421
Fred and George's Spell-Check ones 449
[英] 榮恩把墨水灑到了論文上
[美] 榮恩把墨水灑到了剛寫完的論文上
Ron spilled ink all over his essay 422
Ron spilled ink all over his freshly completed essay 450
[英] 因為《預言家日報》中提到了行屍
[美] 因為報紙中提到了行屍
Because there was something in the Prophet about an Inferius – 430
Because there was something in the paper about an Inferius – 459
請打開書,翻到 open your books at page 430
open your books to page 459
在拿書和整理東西 taking out books and organising its things 430
taking out books and organizing their things 459
似乎只能更加激怒 seemed merely to irritate 432
seemed to merely irritate 461
哈利從包里抽出劫盜地圖 Harry pulled out the Marauder's Map 434
Harry pulled the Marauder's Map 463
祝榮恩和妙麗好運 wished Ron and Hermione luck 434
wished Ron and Hermione both luck 463
細長的斜體字 long, narrow, slanting writing 440
long, narrow, slanted writing 470
得意、興奮或高傲的神氣 smugness, or excitement, or superiority 444
smugness, excitement, or superiority 474
一個半小時後,史拉轟盯著哈利大釜中陽光般金黃的液體拍手叫道 said Slughorn clapping his hands together an hour and a half later, as he stared down into the sunshine yellow contents of Harry's cauldron 444
said Slughorn an hour and a half later, clapping his hands together as he stared down into the sunshine yellow contents of Harry's cauldron 475
[英] 「嗯,我想最好用一下。」哈利說,「我覺得不需要全用掉,因為要不了十二個小時,要不了一個通宵……我只要喝一口,兩三小時應該就夠了。」
[美] 「嗯,我想最好用一下。」哈利說,「我覺得不需要全用掉,因為要不了二十四個小時,要不了一個通宵……我只要喝一口,兩三小時應該就夠了。」[2]
‘Yeah, I s’pose I'd better,’ said Harry. ‘I don't reckon I’ll need all of it, not twelve hours’ worth, it can't take all night…I’ll just take a mouthful. Two or three hours should do it.’ 445
‘Yeah, I s’pose I'd better,’ said Harry. ‘I don't reckon I’ll need all of it, not twenty-four hours’ worth, it can't take all night…I’ll just take a mouthful. Two or three hours should do it.’ 476
微笑著站了起來,充滿自信 got to his feet, smiling, brimful of confidence 446
got to his feet, smiling, brimming with confidence 477
林子裡有八眼巨蛛 there were Acromantula in the Forest 449
there were acromantulas in the forest 480
但如有辦法 but if there were any way 450
but if there was any way 481
那畜生剛死 the beast has only just died 450
the beast only just died 481
遭遇那些八眼巨蛛 face to face with the Acromantula 451
face-to-face with the acromantulas 482
阻止那些巨蛛吃掉海格 stopped them eating Hagrid 451
stopped them from eating Hagrid 482
海格用顫抖的聲音說 said Hagrid in a shaky voice 452
said Hagrid in a shaking voice 483
月亮在樹縫間發出慘澹的光,與海格窗口的燈光混合在一起 The moon was glistening palely through the trees and its rays mingled with the light spilling from Hagrid’s window 452
The moon was glistening palely through the trees now, and its rays mingled with the light spilling from Hagrid's window 483
哈巴狗 Pekinese 454
Pekingese 486
[英] 史拉轟傷感地唱著:
[美] 英雄奧圖被抬回故鄉,
Slughorn sang plaintively:
‘And Odo the hero, they bore him back home
To the place that he'd known as a lad,
They laid him to rest with his hat inside out.
And his wand snapped in two, which was sad.
And Odo the hero, they bore him back home
To the place that he'd known as a lad,
sang Slughorn plaintively.
They laid him to rest with his hat inside out.
And his wand snapped in two, which was sad.
哈利直視著史拉轟的眼睛,身子微微前傾。 Looking Slughorn straight in the eye, Harry leant forward a little 458
Looking Slughorn straight in the eye, Harry leaned forward a little 490
[英] 年輕得多的赫瑞司·史拉轟
[美] 年輕得多的史拉轟
much younger Horace Slughorn 462
much younger Slughorn 494
六七個十多歲的男孩 the half a dozen teenage boys 462
the half-dozen teenage boys 494
保持不死 maintain his immortality 469
maintain their immortality 502
那種變形 transformation he had undergone 469
transformation he has undergone 502
你知道,我多年來想方設法了解 as you now know, I have made it my business for many years to 471
as you now know, for many years I have made it my business to 504
但佛地魔會用 But Lord Voldemort use 471
But would Lord Voldemort use 504
我告訴你的一點 what I have shown you 471
what I have showed you 504
[英] 敗壞亞瑟的名聲,把我趕出霍格華茲,同時除掉一件非常容易惹禍的物證
[美] 敗壞亞瑟的名聲,同時除掉一件非常容易惹禍的魔法物證
discredit Arthur, have me thrown out of Hogwarts and get rid of a highly incriminating object in one stroke 475
discredit Arthur and get rid of a highly incriminating magical object in one stroke 508
如果他此刻暗自慶幸 if he is secretly glad 475
if he is not secretly glad 508
魔力還完好無損 his magical power remain intact 475
his magical powers remain intact 509
他那樣忙於破壞自己的靈魂 but he was in such a hurry to mutilate his own soul 479
but then, he was in such a hurry to mutilate his own soul 511
但哈利從沒見他的球隊飛得像現在這麼好過 and yet Harry had never known his team fly better 486
and yet Harry had never known his team to fly better 520
在圖上經常找不到馬份 he was often unable to locate Malfoy on it 487
he was unable to locate Malfoy on it 521
[英] 儘管哈利正在對進入那間屋子失去希望
[美] 儘管哈利正在對進入萬應室失去希望
Although Harry was losing hope that he would ever succeed in getting inside the Room 487
Although Harry was losing hope that he would ever succeed in getting inside the Room of Requirement 521
什麼也聽不見 He couldn't hear anything. 488
He could not hear anything. 521
飛七出現 lest Filch should turn up 488
lest Filch turn up 521
哈利滑倒了,馬份扭歪了面孔叫道 Harry slipped over as Malfoy, his face contorted, cried 488
Harry slipped as Malfoy, his face contorted, cried 522
被潑過強酸的大柜子 large cupboard which seemed to have had acid thrown at its blistered surface 492
large cupboard that seemed to have had acid thrown at its blistered surface 526
環顧著雜物堆 gazing around at the clutter 493
gazing around at all the clutter 527
擱在藏有那本書的柜子上面 he stood it on the cupboard 493
he stood it on top of the cupboard 527
雖然知道自己不配 however, though he knew he little deserved 496
however, little though he knew he deserved 530-531
他胸中的野獸在勝利地咆哮,哈利看著金妮咧嘴一笑,指了指肖像洞口。 The creature in his chest roaring triumph, Harry grinned down at Ginny and gestured wordlessly out of the portrait hole. 499
The creature in his chest roaring triumph, he grinned down at Ginny and gestured wordlessly out of the portrait hole. 534
不得不花好幾個小時來複習功課 forced to revise for hours 501
forced to study for hours 536
《一千種神奇藥草與蕈類》 One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi 503
A Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi 539
親自到旅館裡來拜訪我 in my room at the inn. 508
in my room. 544
哈利喘著粗氣,像是在搏鬥一樣 Breathing hard as though he were fighting 512
Breathing hard as though he was fighting 548
拿你的隱形斗篷 fetch your Cloak 516
fetch your Invisibility Cloak 551
[英] 「鄧不利多想要什麼?」
[美] 「他想要什麼?」
“What does Dumbledore want?” 516
“What does he want?” 551
[英] 「我沒有多少時間,」哈利喘著氣
[美] 「我得快點了,」哈利喘著氣
‘I haven't got much time,’ Harry panted 516
“I've got to be quick,” Harry panted 551
塞進妙麗手裡 into Hermione's hand 515
into Hermione's hands 552
鑽過肖像洞口 through the portrait hole towards 516
through the portrait hole and toward 553
身後聳立著一座懸崖,陡峭的岩壁直落而下 A towering cliff stood behind, a sheer drop 519
A towering cliff stood behind them, a sheer drop 555
鄧不利多示意哈利走到岩石的邊緣,岩石上有許多可供踩腳的參差不齊的凹縫,通向下面那些在懸崖周圍、半露出海面的巨型卵石。 Dumbledore beckoned Harry to the very edge of the rock, where a series of jagged niches that made footholds led down to boulders that lay half-submerged in water and closer to the cliff. 520
Dumbledore beckoned Harry to the very edge of the rock where a series of jagged niches made footholds leading down to boulders that lay half-submerged in water and closer to the cliff. 556
他用魔杖一指哈利 he pointed his wand at Harry and at once 522
he now pointed his wand at Harry and at once 558
哈利說,他知道這肯定是一個愚蠢的建議,但他雖然嘴上不願意承認,可心裡卻巴不得趕緊離開這個鬼地方。 Harry said, sure that it was a stupid suggestion, but much keener than he was prepared to admit on getting out of this place as soon as possible. 524
Harry said, sure that it was a stupid suggestion. But he was much keener than he was prepared to admit on getting out of this place as soon as possible. 561
似乎有一根看不見的繩索把它拉向了湖中央的那道綠光。 as though an invisible rope were pulling it onwards towards the light in the centre. 528
as though an invisible rope was pulling it onward toward the light in the center. 565
把福來福喜交給榮恩和妙麗 given Ron and Hermione the Felix Felicis 530
given Ron and Hermione Felix Felicis 567
不會願意立即害死 not want immediately to kill 532
not want to immediately kill 569
似乎他正在沉睡 as though he were deeply asleep 534
as though he was deeply asleep 571
鄧不利多默默地喝完了三杯 In silence, Dumbledore drank three gobletfuls of the potion 534
In silence, Dumbledore drank three gobletsful of the potion 571
鄧不利多又一次喝乾了杯里的液體。哈利重新站起來舀了滿滿一杯子 Dumbledore drained the glass; Harry was on his feet once more 536
Dumbledore drained the glass; then Harry was on his feet once more 573
拼命抓住島上光滑潮濕的岩石表面 struggling to cling on to the smooth, soaked surface of the island 538
struggling to cling to the smooth, soaked surface of the island 575
極度蒼白的臉色和精疲力竭的樣子 extreme pallor and his air of exhaustion 540
extreme pallor and by his air of exhaustion 577
在他身後的夜空中飄蕩 flying behind him in the night air 544
flying behind him on the night air 582
掃帚顫抖了一會 broom shudder for a moment when 544
broom shudder when 583
這樣他們才能迅速進入 so that they could enter at speed 544
so they could enter at speed 583
鄧不利多示意他往後退 who gestured to him to retreat 545
who gestured him to retreat 584
你的幾個警衛 some of your guard. 546
some of your guards. 585
「[...] 我記得柜子有兩個呢,是不是?」
‘[...] there is a pair, I take it?’
‘The other's in Borgin and Burkes,’ said Malfoy
“[...] there is a pair I take it?”
“In Borgin and Burkes,” said Malfoy
[英] 「站到正確的道路上來吧,跩哥,我們可以把你藏在絕對安全的地方,比你所能想像的還要安全。而且,我今晚就可以派鳳凰會的成員去把你母親也藏起來。你父親目前在阿茲卡班還不會有危險……到時候我們也會保護他的……站到正確的道路上來吧,跩哥……你不是一個殺人的人……」
[美] 「如果你已經死了,那他就沒法殺你。站到正確的道路上來吧,跩哥,我們可以把你藏在絕對安全的地方,比你所能想像的還要安全。而且,我今晚就可以派鳳凰會的成員去把你母親也藏起來。如果你在試圖殺我的時候死去,每人會感到驚訝的——請原諒,但是佛地魔可能就是這麼期待的。我們抓住你母親再把她殺死的話,食死人們也不會感到驚訝的——畢竟他們自己就會這麼幹的。你父親目前在阿茲卡班還不會有危險……到時候我們也會保護他的。站到正確的道路上來吧,跩哥……你不是一個殺人的人……」[3]
‘Come over to the right side, Draco, and we can hide you more completely than you can possibly imagine. What is more, I can send members of the Order to your mother tonight to hide her likewise. Your father is safe at the moment in Azkaban…when the time comes, we can protect him too… come over to the right side, Draco…you are not a killer…’ 552-553
“He cannot kill you if you are already dead. Come over to the right side, Draco, and we can hide you more completely than you can possibly imagine. What is more, I can send members of the Order to your mother tonight to hide her likewise. Nobody would be surprised that you had died in your attempt to kill me — forgive me, but Lord Voldemort probably expects it. Nor would the Death Eaters be surprised that we had captured and killed your mother — it is what they would do themselves, after all. Your father is safe at the moment in Azkaban…when the time comes, we can protect him too. Come over to the right side, Draco…you are not a killer…” 591-592
他的臉色突然變得和鄧不利多的一樣慘白 he was suddenly as white as Dumbledore 552
he was suddenly white as Dumbledore 591
[英] 「說得對,」灰背說道
[美] 「說得對,」焚銳·灰背說道
‘That's right,’ said Greyback 554
“That's right,” said Fenrir Greyback 593
[英] 焚銳·灰背咧嘴一笑,露出尖尖的牙齒。
[美] 灰背咧嘴一笑,露出尖尖的牙齒。
Fenrir Greyback grinned, showing pointed teeth. 554
Greyback grinned, showing pointed teeth. 593
[英] 他沒有看灰背
[美] 他沒有看焚銳
He was not looking at Greyback; 554
He was not looking at Fenrir; 593
[英] 「我來吧。」灰背惡狠狠地說著
[美] 「我來吧。」焚銳惡狠狠地說著
‘I’ll do it,’ snarled Greyback, 555
“I’ll do it,” snarled Fenrir, 595
[英] 哈利感到灰背倒在他身上
[美] 哈利感到焚銳倒在他身上
Harry felt Greyback collapse against him 558
Harry felt Fenrir collapse against him 598
[英] 哈利拔腿急追,忽有一人抽身朝他撲來,原來是狼人灰背。
[美] 哈利拔腿急追,忽有一人抽身朝他撲來,原來是狼人焚銳。
As Harry plunged after them, one of the fighters detached themself from the fray and flew at him: it was the werewolf, Greyback. 558
As Harry plunged after them, one of the fighters detached themselves from the fray and flew at him: It was the werewolf, Fenrir. 598
[英] 哈利奮力追著
[美] 他奮力追著
Harry launched himself after them 559
He launched himself after them 599
帶血的腳印,說明 bloody footprint which showed 559
bloody footprint that showed 600
食死人兄妹正從大理石樓梯上往下奔逃 brother and sister Death Eaters running down the marble staircase ahead 560
brother and sister running down the marble staircase ahead 600
哈利從被炸爛的盔甲上跳過去 he leapt over the wreckage of armor 560
he leapt the wreckage of armor 600
盔甲被炸爛了 suit of armour which exploded 560
suit of armor that exploded 600
突然鑽出雲層 revealed suddenly from behind clouds 561
revealed suddenly behind clouds 602
頭頂上的什麼地方石內卜大叫著 somewhere above him Snape was 563
somewhere overhead Snape was 603
半小時前 last half an hour 567
last half hour 608
[英] 蹲在他的身旁。
[美] 蹲在他的身旁。當鄧不利多施在他身上的全身束縛咒解開後,他就知道沒有希望了
crouched down beside him.
Harry had known there was no hope from the moment that the Body-Bind Curse Dumbledore had placed upon him lifted
crouched down beside him. He had known there was no hope from the moment that the full Body-Bind Curse Dumbledore had placed upon him lifted 608
掉在地上時彈開的 force with which it had hit the ground 568
force with which it hit the ground 609
[英] 「奈威也在醫院裡,龐芮夫人認為他會完全康復的。孚立維教授也被打昏了,但他沒事,只是有一點虛弱。他堅持要去照顧雷文克勞的學生。[...]」
[美] 「奈威和孚立維教授都受傷了,但龐芮夫人說他們會沒事的。[...]」
‘Neville's in the hospital wing, but Madam Pomfrey thinks he’ll make a full recovery, and Professor Flitwick was knocked out, but he's all right, just a bit shaky. He insisted on going off to look after the Ravenclaws. [...]’ 571
“Neville and Professor Flitwick are both hurt, but Madam Pomfrey says they’ll be all right. [...]” 612
是被那個大塊頭金髮食死人射出的四處亂飛的殺戮咒擊中的 a Killing Curse the huge blond one was firing off everywhere 571
a Killing Curse that huge blond one was firing off everywhere 612
[英] 「[...] 他對於他們的死感到遺憾。」
[美] 「[...] 他對於他們的死感到遺憾。」
‘[...] sorry that they were dead.’
‘And Dumbledore believed that?’
“[...] sorry that they were dead.”
They all stared at him.

“And Dumbledore believed that?”
她看上去不知所措 She looked disorientated 575
She looked disoriented 616
[英] 劫盜地圖在榮恩那兒
[美] 地圖在榮恩那兒
Ron had taken the Marauder's Map 577
Ron had taken the map 619
哈利說,他仿佛看見石內卜順著大理石樓梯往上跑 said Harry, who in his mind's eye was watching Snape running up the marble staircase, 578
said Harry, who was watching Snape running up the marble staircase in his mind's eye, 619-620
但是恰好那個大塊頭食死人的一個魔咒打來 but that huge Death Eater’s jinx just missed me right afterwards 578
but that huge Death Eater’s jinx just missed me right afterward 620
[英] 他一定是溜了,順著樓梯上了塔樓
[美] 他一定是溜了,順著樓梯跑了上去
he must have slipped past, up the stairs to the Tower 578
he must have slipped past, up the stairs 620
醒來後會變得怎樣 might be like when he wakes upward 580
might be like when he awakens 622
[英] 榮恩看起來和哈利一樣驚訝
[美] 榮恩看起來和他一樣驚訝
Ron looked as stunned as Harry felt 581
Ron looked as stunned as he felt 623
由他們來做最後的決定。 who will take the final decision 586
who will make the final decision 629
確實是真的嗎? Is it really true? 588
It is really true? 630
他們在門廳里扯著嗓子吵了一架 they had a shouting match in the Entrance Hall which was resolved 590
they had a shouting match in the entrance hall that was resolved 633
應該做什麼 what he knew it was right to do 591
what he knew was right to do 634
眼睛望著窗外 looking out of the window 594
looking out the window 637
[英] 哈利以前沒有參加過葬禮
[美] 他以前沒有參加過葬禮
Harry had never attended a funeral before 595
He had never attended a funeral before 639
他不知道等葬禮結束後,鄧不利多的死對他來說是不是會更加真實。 He wondered whether Dumbledore’s death would be more real to him once the funeral was over. 595
He wondered whether Dumbledore’s death would be more real to him once it was over. 639
[英] 破釜酒吧的老闆
[美] 倫敦破釜酒吧的老闆
the landlord of the Leaky Cauldron 597
the landlord of the Leaky Cauldron in London 641
但有一些他是知道的 but there were a few that he did 597
but a few he did 641
在明亮的空氣中閃爍著虛幻的光芒。 insubstantially in the gleaming air 598
insubstantially on the gleaming air 641
夫子經過他們身邊朝前排的座位走去 Fudge walked past them towards the front rows 598
Fudge walked past toward the front rows 642
[英] D.A.的所有成員中只有他們倆
[美] D.A.的所有成員中只有奈威和露娜
They alone of all the DA had 598
Neville and Luna alone of the D.A. had 642
終於,全體人員都已落座了 The staff were seated at last 598
The staff was seated at last 642
落在金妮和妙麗的腿上 into both Ginny and Hermione's laps 599
into both Ginny's and Hermione's laps 643
似乎太陽刺得他睜不開眼睛 as though the sunlight was blinding them 602
as though the sunlight were blinding them 646
最喜歡的學生 favourite ever pupil. 604
favorite pupil ever. 648


中文翻譯 英國版/美國版用語 首次出現頁數
巫師決鬥 wizarding duel 24
Wizarding duel 20
那個連名字都不能提的魔頭 He Who Must Not Be Named 24
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named 20
魔法世界 wizarding world's 24
Wizarding world's 20
如此神速 super-fast feat 26
superfast feat 23
霍格華茲城堡里的目擊者 eye witnesses inside Hogwarts Castle 29
eyewitnesses inside Hogwarts castle 27
且讓巫師界自己做出判斷吧 That is for the wizarding community to decide 29
That is for the Wizarding community to decide 28
隔壁鄰居家的割草機又熄火了 The next-door neighbour's lawnmower stalled again. 33
The next-door neighbor's lawn mower stalled again. 33
穿睡衣的惡鬼 The Ghoul in Pyjamas 76
The Ghoul in Pajamas 86
一時間沒有人說話,衛斯理太太用魔法把空盤子收到操作台上,然後端出了蘋果餡餅。 There was a pause in which Mrs Weasley magicked the empty plates on to the side, and served apple tart. 80
There was a pause in which Mrs Weasley magicked the empty plates onto the work surface and served apple tart. 91
「不用這麼著急,洞聽,」 ‘Not so fast, Lugless,’ 116
Not so fast, Your Holeyness,’ 138
儘管她穿著高領的緞袍,但那黑眼睛、高顴骨和挺直的鼻梁令哈利聯想到了印第安人。 Despite the high-necked silk gown she wore, Harry thought of Native Americans as he studied her dark eyes, high cheekbones and straight nose. 178
Harry thought of photos of Native Americans he'd seen as he studied her dark eyes, high cheekbones, and straight nose, formally composed above a high-necked silk gown. 216
從廚房柜子里抓過她的串珠小包 seizing her small, beaded bag from the kitchen dresser. 187
seizing her small, beaded bag from the kitchen sideboard. 228
這無疑也是小教堂許多世紀以來鬼故事不斷的原因 no doubt, for the stories of hauntings that have dogged the little church for many centuries. 261
no doubt, for the stories of hauntings that have dogged the little church beside it for many centuries. 319
她就把兒子放進身後的搖籃里 she dropped her son into the cot behind her 281
she dropped her son into the crib behind her 344
抓著搖籃的圍欄 clutching the bars of his cot 281
clutching the bars of his crib 344
像搖籃里的嬰兒那樣哭泣? cried like the baby in the cot? 283
cried like the baby in the crib? 346
哈利眼前突然閃現出嬰兒床前,自己母親所做的同樣動作。 and Harry had a sudden vision of his mother doing the same thing in front of his cot. 340
and Harry had a sudden vision of his mother doing the same thing in front of his crib. 419
[英] 哈利看到水仙·馬份正在查看他腫起的臉。
[美] 從腫脹的眼皮的縫隙間,哈利看到水仙·馬份正在查看他腫起的臉。
Harry saw Narcissa Malfoy scrutinizing his swollen face. 370
Through his puffy eyelids Harry saw Narcissa Malfoy scrutinizing his swollen face. 456
[英] 垃圾牆開始搖晃,然後倒塌在榮恩所在的隔壁通道里。
[美] 垃圾牆開始搖晃,最上面的三分之一倒塌在榮恩所在的隔壁通道里。
The wall began to totter, then crumbled into the aisle next door where Ron stood. 506
The wall began to totter, then the top third crumbled into the aisle next door where Ron stood. 629
[英] 一種只有催狂魔才能帶來的死寂正重重籠罩著黑夜……
[美] 一種只有催狂魔才能帶來的死寂正重重籠罩著黑夜。弗雷死了,海格肯定奄奄一息或已經斃命……
a silence only Dementors could bring was falling thickly through the night …
‘Come on, Harry!’ said Hermione's voice, from a very long way away, ‘Patronuses, Harry, come on!’
He raised his wand, but a dull hopelessness was spreading through him: Fred was gone, and Hagrid was surely dying or already dead;
a silence only Dementors could bring was falling thickly through the night, and Fred was gone, and Hagrid was surely dying or already dead…
‘Come on, Harry!’ said Hermione's voice, from a very long way away, ‘Patronuses, Harry, come on!’
He raised his wand, but a dull hopelessness was spreading throughout him:


  1. 在簡體中文版的《哈利波特-消失的密室》中採用的翻譯是「報刊經售人」。
  2. 這是美國編輯犯的錯誤,已經在新版中修正。
  3. 英國版已經在出版前作出了這個修改,但在美國版中沒有。新版中已經與英國版保持一致。

