


巫师普通魔法及基础资质测试 (Wizards' Ordinary Magic and Basic Aptitude Test, W.O.M.B.A.T.)是巫师考试管理局设立的一系列测试,包括多个科目。W.O.M.B.A.T.测试不像O.W.L.或者N.E.W.T.会包括实践考试,它只有笔试部分。因此不论是麻瓜还是巫师都可以参加W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,尽管巫师考试管理局不认为有麻瓜能够具备足以通过考试的内部知识。W.O.M.B.A.T.测试可以测试被测试者能否在魔法世界安全、有效地进行生活。W.O.M.B.A.T.测试通常进行25分钟,当然等级越高(例如三级)所花的时间越长——35分钟。魔法部用几天批改全部试卷,并在之后通过猫头鹰将结果证书(通过者)或者信件(未通过者)寄到每个考生手中。





第一部分 - 魔法法律[]

Part One - Magical Law


Which Ministry of Magic department(s) and/or committee(s) would you contact to resolve each of the following dilemmas? (Questions 1-5)

1. 您的邻居在家中私藏了飞毯,他还允许其中一些在他的后花园里乱飞。

a. 威森加摩
b. 国际魔法合作司
c. 禁止滥用麻瓜物品办公室
d. 以上全部
e. 以上都不是

1. Your neighbour is concealing a stash of flying carpets, some of which he is allowing to fly loose around his back garden.

a. Wizengamot
b. Department of International Magical Cooperation
c. Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

2. 您的朋友C拥有一辆被施了魔法的大小轮自行车(老式自行车),可以离地漂浮一英寸,同时时速可以超过100千米。C并没有给这辆车施魔法,也从未骑过。她只是“出于感情上的原因”而留着它,因为它曾经是她祖母的。

a. 魔法交通司
b. 禁止滥用魔法办公室
c. 记忆注销员
d. 禁止滥用麻瓜物品办公室
e. 实验咒语委员会
f. 以上都不是

2. Your friend C possesses a Muggle Penny Farthing (old bicycle) that has been enchanted to skim an inch above the ground, achieving speeds of over 100mph. C did not personally enchant the Penny Farthing, never rides it and merely wishes to keep it 'for sentimental reasons' as it was her grandmother's.

a. Department of Magical Transport
b. Improper Use of Magic Office
c. Obliviators
d. Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office
e. Committee on Experimental Charms
f. None of the above

3. 您十六岁的侄子D朝十七岁的姐姐E施了毒咒。E用昏迷咒还击,但是没有击中D,却打中了一个开汽车的麻瓜,他撞上了灯柱。

a. 魔法事故和灾害司
b. 魔法事故和灾害司记忆注销小组
c. 魔法事故和灾害司、记忆注销小组和禁止滥用魔法办公室
d. 魔法事故和灾害司、记忆注销小组、禁止滥用魔法办公室威森加摩

3. Your sixteen year old nephew, D, has hexed his seventeen-year-old sister, E. E has retaliated with a Stunning Spell that missed D and hit a Muggle motorist, who smashed into a lamppost.

a. Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes
b. Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes and Obliviator Squad
c. Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, Obliviator Squad and Improper Use of Magic Office
d. Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, Obliviator Squad, Improper Use of Magic Office and Wizengamot

4. 您的巫师朋友A和B因为拥有的一块土地发生了争执,月痴兽会有规律地到这里来跳舞。A指控B在夜间用飞来咒收集珍贵的月痴兽粪便,侵犯了A的权益。

a. 禁止滥用魔法办公室
b. 威森加摩
c. 害虫咨询处
d. 禁止滥用魔法办公室威森加摩
e. 禁止滥用魔法办公室害虫咨询处
f. 威森加摩害虫咨询处

4. Your Friends wizard A and wizard B are in dispute over which of them owns a field in which Mooncalfs dance periodically. A accuses B of using nightly a Summoning Charm to collect the precious Mooncalf dung which is rightfully A's.

a. Improper Use of Magic Office
b. Wizengamot
c. Pest Advisory Board
d. Improper Use of Magic Office and Wizengamot
e. Improper Use of Magic Office and Pest Advisory Board
f. Wizengamot and Pest Advisory Board

5. 女巫F给一个麻瓜男性服用了爱情魔药,他和她结了婚。在您去给他们送结婚礼物时,发现她只是把他当成是一个临时丈夫。

a. 傲罗办公室
b. 滥用魔法办公室
c. 记忆注销员
d. 威森加摩
e. 以上全部
f. 以上都不是

5. Witch F fed love potion to a Muggle man, who has married her. When you went around with a wedding gift you discovered that she is using him as an occasional table.

a. Auror Office
b. Misuse of Magic Office
c. Obliviators
d. Wizengamot
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

6. 下列哪一项应当受到威森加摩最严厉的处罚?

a. 由于失忆咒使用水平不佳,伤害了三个麻瓜
b. 由于蝙蝠精咒使用水平不佳,杀死一只鸡
c. 对正在袭击麻瓜鲨鱼使用钻心咒
d. 对麻瓜抢劫犯使用夺魂咒

6. Which of the following should be most SEVERELY punished by the Wizengamot?

a. The injury of three Muggles due to a poorly performed Forgetfulness Charm
b. The death of a chicken due to a poorly aimed Bat-Bogey Hex
c. The use of the Cruciatus Curse on a shark about to attack a Muggle
d. The use of the Imperius Curse on a Muggle mugger

7. 下列哪一项应当受到威森加摩最轻的处罚?

a. 用一根损坏的魔杖意外地让匪徒的母亲长出犄角
b. 为威胁麻瓜使用软腿咒
c. 饲养有毒牙的蒲绒绒
d. 未成年女巫在家中私自使用清洁咒

7. Which of the following should receive the LIGHTEST punishment from the Wizengamot?

a. Horns created accidentally on a culprit's mother, caused by broken wand
b. Jelly-Legs Jinx performed on threatening Muggle
c. Breeding fanged Puffskeins
d. Underage witch performs Cleaning Charms in privacy of own home

8. 下列哪一项需要魔法部许可证?

a. 饲养燕尾狗
b. 出售魔法商品
c. 拥有家养小精灵
d. 幻影显形

8. Which of the following does NOT require a Ministry of Magic license?

a. Crup ownership
b. Sale of magical artefacts
c. House-elf ownership
d. Apparition

9. 在您看来,下列哪项巫师法律最需要进行变更?

a. 监控所有魔法家庭的未成年魔法 (当前不可能)
b. 对妖精持有魔杖的禁令 (应被解除)
c. 对马人人鱼的重新分类 (应考虑他们的想法)
d. 对家养小精灵权益的指导方针 (需强制执行)
e. 对“捉弄麻瓜”进行定义 (需适当宽松)

9. Which of the following wizarding laws, in your view, stands in most urgent need of change?

a. The detection of underage magic in all-magic households (currently impossible)
b. The ban on goblin possession of wands (ought to be lifted)
c. The re-classification of centaurs and merpeople (ought to take their views into account)
d. The guidelines on house-elf welfare (need to be enforced)
e. Definitions of 'Muggle-baiting' (needs to be made less stringent)

第二部分 - 魔法交通[]

Part Two - Magical Transport

10. 一个年轻的母亲要带着她无法忍受无聊的一岁大的双胞胎、她严重晕车的祖母,还有他一直没掌握三“D”法的丈夫一起旅行,您应建议她选择什么旅行方式?

a. 幻影显形
b. 飞天扫帚
c. 飞路粉
d. 骑士公共汽车
e. 门钥匙

10. Which mode of transportation would you advise for a young mother travelling with one-year-old twins with a low boredom threshold, her grandmother, who suffers from severe motion sickness, and her husband, who has never mastered the three ‘D’s?

a. Apparition
b. Broomsticks
c. Floo Powder
d. Knight Bus
e. Portkey

11. 下列非正统的旅行方式中,哪一种最严重地违反了《国际保密法》?

a. 夜骐
b. 神符马拉的巨型马车
c. 鹰头马身有翼兽
d. 会飞的麻瓜车辆(例如汽车、摩托车)
e. 潜水船

11. Which of the following unorthodox means of transportation is considered the most serious breach of the International Statute of Secrecy?

a. Thestrals
b. Abraxan horse-drawn giant carriage
c. Hippogriff
d. Flying Muggle vehicle (eg. car, motorcycle)
e. Underwater ship


Which mode(s) of transportation could you use to reach/enter each of the following wizarding institutions?(Questions 12 - 16)

12. 阿兹卡班

a. 扫帚
b. 扫帚/飞路粉
c. 扫帚/骑士公共汽车
d. 扫帚/飞路粉/骑士公共汽车
e. 扫帚/飞路粉/骑士公共汽车/幻影显形

12. Azkaban

a. Brooms
b. Brooms/Floo Powder
c. Brooms/Knight Bus
d. Brooms/Floo Powder/Knight Bus
e. Brooms/Floo Powder/Knight Bus/Apparition

13. 古灵阁

a. 扫帚
b. 扫帚/飞路粉
c. 扫帚/骑士公共汽车
d. 扫帚/飞路粉/骑士公共汽车
e. 扫帚/飞路粉/骑士公共汽车/幻影显形

13. Gringotts

a. Brooms
b. Brooms/Floo Powder
c. Brooms/Knight Bus
d. Brooms/Floo powder/Knight Bus
e. Brooms/Floo powder/Knight Bus/Apparition

14. 霍格沃茨

a. 扫帚
b. 扫帚/飞路粉
c. 扫帚/骑士公共汽车
d. 扫帚/飞路粉/骑士公共汽车
e. 扫帚/飞路粉/骑士公共汽车/幻影显形

14. Hogwarts

a. Brooms
b. Brooms/Floo Powder
c. Brooms/Knight Bus
d. Brooms/Floo powder/Knight Bus
e. Brooms/Floo powder/Knight Bus/Apparition

15. 魔法部

a. 扫帚
b. 扫帚/飞路粉
c. 扫帚/骑士公共汽车
d. 扫帚/飞路粉/骑士公共汽车
e. 扫帚/飞路粉/骑士公共汽车/幻影显形

15. Ministry of Magic

a. Brooms
b. Brooms/Floo Powder
c. Brooms/Knight Bus
d. Brooms/Floo powder/Knight Bus
e. Brooms/Floo powder/Knight Bus/Apparition

16. 圣芒戈

a. 扫帚
b. 扫帚/飞路粉
c. 扫帚/骑士公共汽车
d. 扫帚/飞路粉/骑士公共汽车
e. 扫帚/飞路粉/骑士公共汽车/幻影显形

16. St. Mungo's

a. Brooms
b. Brooms/Floo Powder
c. Brooms/Knight Bus
d. Brooms/Floo Powder/Knight Bus
e. Brooms/Floo Powder/Knight Bus/Apparition

第三部分 - 日常魔法[]

Part Three - Everyday Magic

17. 在您看来,下列哪一种方式能够给在火弩箭形状的帐篷中举办的飞天扫帚推销员大会提供最佳的安全保障?

a. 赤胆忠心咒
b. 麻瓜驱逐咒
c. 混淆咒
d. 幻身咒
e. 不可标绘的帐篷
f. 失忆咒
g. 三个头的大狗

17. Which of the following would, in your opinion, provide the best security for a convention of broomstick salesmen in a large, Firebolt-shaped marquee?

a. Fidelius Charm
b. Muggle-Repelling Charm
c. Confundus Charm
d. Disillusionment Charm
e. Unplottable marquee
f. Forgetfulness Charm
g. Giant three-headed dog

18. 下列哪项不能应用于烹饪?

a. 阿里奥特树叶
b. 巴波块茎脓水
c. 雏菊的根
d. 火龙血
e. 曼德拉草的叶子
f. 莫特拉鼠触角
g. 希拉克鱼

18. Which of the following should not be used in cooking?

a. Alihotsy leaves
b. Bubotuber pus
c. Daisy roots
d. Dragon blood
e. Mandrake leaves
f. Murtlap tentacles
g. Shrake

19. 下列哪种方式能够有效清除洒出的肉瘤粉

a. 消隐无踪
b. 四分五裂
c. 愈合如初
d. 消失不见
e. 清理一新
f. 旋风扫净
g. 斯科尔夫人牌万能神奇去污剂

19. Which of the following would most effectively clean up a spillage of wart cap powder?

a. Deletrius
b. Diffindo
c. Episkey
d. Evanesco
e. Scourgify
f. Tergeo
g. Mrs. Scower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover

20. 被狐媚子咬后最快捷、最安全的治疗方式是使用

a. 巴波块茎脓水
b. 斑地芒的分泌物
c. 白鲜
d. 不利博士遗忘药膏
e. 莫特拉鼠触角汁
f. 恢复如初
g. 生骨灵
h. 魔法胶带

20. A Doxy bite can be healed most quickly and safely using

a. Bubotuber pus
b. Bundimun secretion
c. Dittany
d. Dr. Ubbly's Oblivious Unction
e. Murtlap essence
f. Reparo
g. Skele-Gro
h. Spello-tape

21. 下列巫师普遍具有的想法中,哪项是真实的?

a. 如果一个没有生命的物体能够独立思考,那么它在制作时一定涉及了黑魔法
b. 在麻瓜面前使用魔法是被禁止的,除非巫师受到了人身伤害的威胁。
c. 在门钥匙到达目的地前松手会导致死亡或者严重伤害。
d. “咒立停”应作为麻瓜按门铃的预防措施。
e. 原地转三圈并故意让一个拇指分体,可以扭转坏运气。

21. Which of the following commonly held wizarding beliefs is actually true?

a. If an inanimate object appears to think for itself, Dark Magic has been involved in its creation
b. The use of magic in front of a Muggle is prohibited unless the witch or wizard is under threat of personal injury
c. Releasing a Portkey before it has arrived will result in death or serious injury.
d. 'Finite Incantatem' should be used as a precaution when a Muggle rings the doorbell.
e. Bad luck can be prevented by turning three times on the spot and deliberately Splinching one's thumbs.

第四部分 - 自然界[]

Part Four - The Natural World

22. 您会从下列小型生物中选择哪种来陪伴您度过危险的旅程?

a. 卜鸟
b. 燕尾狗
c. 土扒貂
d. 猫狸子
e. 莫特拉鼠
f. 嗅嗅
g. 如尼纹蛇

22. Which of the following small creatures would you CHOOSE to accompany you on a perilous journey?

a. Augurey
b. Crup
c. Jarvey
d. Kneazle
e. Murtlap
f. Niffler
g. Runespoor

23. 下列哪项没有被害虫咨询处列为害虫?

a. 斑地芒
b. 毛螃蟹
c. 狐媚子
d. 地精
e. 霍克拉普
f. 刺佬儿
g. 小精灵

23. Which of the Following is NOT listed as a pest by the Pest Advisory Board?

a. Bundimun
b. Chizpurfle
c. Doxy
d. Gnome
e. Horklump
f. Knarl
g. Pixie

24. 表现出了可疑的非犬类行为,它最可能是

a. 一个阿尼马格斯
b. 一个博格特
c. 一只燕尾狗 (或含燕尾狗血统)
d. 一个不祥
e. 被施了夺魂咒
f. 受过魔法训练
g. 一个守护神

24. A dog acting in a suspiciously un-canine manner is most likely to be

a. An Animagus
b. A Boggart
c. A Crup (or part Crup)
d. A Grim
e. Imperiused
f. Magically Trained
g. A Patronus

25. 下列哪种植物没有药用价值、滋补功效或保护价值?

a. 阿里奥特树丛
b. 颠茄精
c. 巴波块茎
d. 疙瘩藤
e. 毒触手
f. 狼毒乌头
g. 打人柳

25. Which of the following plants has NO curative, restorative or protective properties?

a. Alihotsy shrub
b. Belladonna
c. Bubotuber
d. Snargaluff tree
e. Venomous Tentacula
f. Wolfsbane
g. Whomping Willow



第一部分 - 魔法生物[]

Part One - Magical Beings

1. 下列叙述中哪项是正确的?

a. 母夜叉吃小孩
b. 阴尸不能说话
c. 妖精害怕阳光
d. 没有母马人
e. 吸血鬼的咬伤目前可以治愈

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. Hags eat small children
b. Inferi cannot speak
c. Goblins fear sunlight
d. There are no female centaurs
e. Vampire bites are curable nowadays

2. 下列叙述中哪项是错误的?

a. 幽灵在空气和水中都可以移动。
b. 淡水人鱼没有咸水人鱼好战。
c. 狼人的鼻口部比真正的狼短。
d. 没有雄媚娃
e. 母夜叉的脚上有四个脚趾。

2. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a. Ghosts can cause movement of both liquid and gas.
b. Freshwater merpeople are less warlike than salt.
c. The werewolf's snout is shorter than that of the true wolf.
d. There are no male Veela.
e. Hags have four toes on each foot.

3. 下列哪一项被魔法部认为是危险的?

a. 摄魂怪
b. 母夜叉
c. 阴尸
d. 吸血鬼
e. 狼人

3. Which of the following are considered MOST dangerous by the Ministry of Magic?

a. Dementors
b. Hags
c. Inferi
d. Vampires
e. Werewolves

4. 下列哪一项被魔法部认为是超越生死的(从未死,而且不会死)?

a. 摄魂怪
b. 幽灵
c. 阴尸
d. 恶作剧精灵
e. 吸血鬼

4. Which of the following are considered AMORTAL (have never died, and can never die) by the Ministry of Magic?

a. Dementors
b. Ghosts
c. Inferi
d. Poltergeists
e. Vampires

5. 大多数史学家们相信,是什么(仍未解决)问题引发了1612年那场声名狼藉的妖精叛乱?

a. 威森加摩中缺少妖精代表
b. 巫师想把妖精像家养小精灵一样奴役?
c. 巫师拒绝给妖精持有魔杖的权利?
d. 巫师们试图掌控古灵阁银行
e. 巫师杀手亚德力·普兰特制造了一系列妖精凶杀案?

5. Which (still unresolved) issue do most historians believe triggered the infamous goblin rebellion of 1612?

a. Lack of goblin representation on the Wizengamot?
b. Wizard attempts to enslave goblins and use as house-elves?
c. Wizard refusal to grant goblins the right to carry a wand?
d. Attempt of wizards to regain control of Gringotts bank?
e. Series of brutal goblin-slayings by wizard murderer Yardley Platt

6. 下列关于巨人的叙述中哪项是正确的?

a. 巨人部族是母系氏族(女性掌权)
b. 女性巨人通常比男性高大
c. 巨人的视力与人类相比很差
d. 巨人在夜间活动
e. 许多巨人都吃人

6. Which of the following statements on giants is TRUE?

a. Giant clans are matriarchal (females in charge)
b. Female giants are usually larger than males
c. Giants' eyesight is very poor compared with that of humans
d. Giants are nocturnal
e. Many giants are cannibals

7. 下列关于家养小精灵的叙述中哪项是错误的?

a. 家养小精灵的平均预期寿命为200年
b. 家养小精灵对服侍家族的忠诚是最重要的(而非家族成员)
c. 家养小精灵不能被命令自杀
d. 家养小精灵的魔法足以强大到覆盖巫师的法术
e. 家养小精灵很少繁育,除非得到主人许可

7. Which of the following statements on house-elves is FALSE?

a. House-elves have an average life-expectancy of 200 years
b. A house-elf's allegiance is foremost to its house (rather than to the inhabitants of the house)
c. House-elves cannot be ordered to kill themselves
d. House-elf magic is sufficiently powerful to override wizards' enchantments
e. House-elves breed infrequently and then only with their masters' permission

第二部分 - 巫师时事[]

Part Two - Wizarding Current Affairs

8. 在最近的一次魔法部调查中,什么被认定为当前最令巫师关注的社会问题?

a. 魔法部发布的关于伏地魔归来的信息不足
b. 魔法部为抵抗伏地魔采取的行动过少
c. 魔法部对魔法社会投入的保护资源不足
d. 魔法部对伏地魔归来过度反应,这已经是许多年来魔法世界中发生的最棒的事了

8. In a recent Ministry of Magic poll, what was identified as the issue most concerning the wizarding community at the present time?

a. Insufficient information given by the Ministry of Magic regarding the return of Lord Voldemort
b. Insufficient action taken by the Ministry of Magic to fight Lord Voldemort
c. Inadequate Ministry of Magic resources devoted to the protection of the wizarding community
d. Over-reaction of Ministry of Magic to the return of Lord Voldemort, which is the best thing that has happened to the wizarding community in many years

9. 根据《预言家日报》最近的文章,家长们对霍格沃茨魔法学校的哪门课怨声最大(超过100年)?

a. 保护神奇动物
b. 黑魔法防御术
c. 魔法史
d. 麻瓜研究

9. According to a recent article in the Daily Prophet, which subject at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has been complained about by parents more than any other (over 100 year period)?

a. Care of Magical Creatures
b. Defence Against the Dark Arts
c. History of Magic
d. Muggle Studies

10. 有多少比例的巫师认为天气修改咒因其对环境的影响而应被管制?(实验咒语委员会收集的数据)

a. 3%
b. 33%
c. 53%
d. 93%

10. What percentage of wizards and witches believe that Weather-Modifying Charms should be regulated due to their effect upon the environment? (Figures collected by the Committee for Experimental Charms)

a. 3%
b. 33%
c. 53%
d. 93%

11. 圣芒戈魔法伤病医院中的哪种疾病近日引发了广泛的恐慌?(来源:圣芒戈招生处)

a. 夺魂咒造成的疑似脑损伤
b. 目击夜骐造成的疑似死亡
c. 接连发生的疑似狼人咬伤
d. “鼻血牛轧糖”造成的无法控制的流血

11. Which health scare at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries has recently caused widespread panic? (Source: St. Mungo's Admissions Department)

a. Suspected brain damage due to the Imperius Curse
b. Suspected death due to Thestral sightings
c. Spate of suspected werewolf bites
d. Uncontrollable bleeding due to 'Nosebleed Nougat'

12. 18%的巫师希望看到对威森加摩的成员标准进行怎样的修改?(来源:魔法部调查)

a. 平均年龄从87岁向下调
b. 纯血统的血统证明
c. 最长在任三年
d. 妖精代表

12. What change would 18% of wizards like to see to the requirements for membership of the Wizengamot? (source: Ministry of Magic poll)

a. Average age lowered from 87
b. Proof of pure-blood status
c. Maximum of three years in post
d. Goblin representation

第三部分 - 魔法物品[]

Part Three - Magical Objects

13. 假设您已经有一根魔杖,在遇到麻烦时您会考虑哪三件物品?

a. 防麻瓜门把手
b. 飞天扫帚
c. 坩埚
d. 水晶球
e. 伸缩耳
f. 飞路粉
g. 照妖镜
h. 光荣之手
i. 隐形衣
j. 望月镜
k. 全景望远镜
l. 羊皮纸
m. 冥想盆
n. 秘鲁隐身烟雾弹
o. 魔药制作工具包
p. 速记羽毛笔
q. 记忆球
r. 显形橡皮
s. 天平
t. 探密器
u. 窥镜
v. 望远镜
w. 时间转换器
x. 双面镜
y. 巫师无线电联播

13. Assuming that you already have a wand, which THREE of the following would you consider indispensable in case of trouble?

a. Anti-Muggle doorknob
b. Broomstick
c. Cauldron
d. Crystal ball
e. Extendable Ear
f. Floo Powder
g. Foe-Glass
h. Hand of Glory
i. Invisibility Cloak
j. Lunascope
k. Omnioculars
l. Parchment
m. Pensieve
n. Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder
o. Potion-making kit
p. Quick-Quotes Quill
q. Remembrall
r. Revealer
s. Scales
t. Secrecy Sensor
u. Sneakoscope
v. Telescope
w. Time-Turner
x. Two-way mirror
y. Wizarding Wireless Network

第四部分 - 麻瓜研究[]

Part Four - Muggle Studies

14. 下列哪项是唯一的魔法发明,效果尚未完全被麻瓜的聪明才智复制?

a. 会飞的扫帚
b. 斯科尔夫人牌万能神奇去污剂
c. 全景望远镜
d. 恢复如初
e. 免熨长袍

14. Which of the following is the ONLY magical invention whose effect has not yet been duplicated FULLY by Muggle ingenuity?

a. Flying broomstick
b. Mrs. Scower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover
c. Omnioculars
d. "Reparo"
e. Self-ironing robes

15. 下列哪项是唯一的麻瓜发明,无法完全被魔法复制?

a. 飞机
b. 汽车
c. 计算机
d. 电话
e. 电视

15. Which of the following is the ONLY Muggle invention whose effects cannot be duplicated FULLY by magic?

a. Aeroplane
b. Car
c. Computer
d. Telephone
e. Television

16. 下列看法在魔法世界都普遍存在,但只有一项是完全正确的。(根据麻瓜研究学会的最新研究)它是哪项?

a. 麻瓜出身女巫/男巫的孩子比有一个或多个巫师父母的孩子更容易成为哑炮
b. 麻瓜出身女巫/男巫在家谱中通常会有一个巫师祖先,尽管和他/她之间可能相差几代人。
c. 麻瓜出身女巫/男巫与父母至少有一方是巫师的人相比,一般更不易患魔法疾病。
d. 麻瓜出身女巫/男巫与父母至少有一方是巫师的人相比,一般会更慢地显现出魔法能力。
e. 麻瓜出身女巫/男巫有很强的天然节奏感。

16. The following beliefs are all widely held in the wizarding world, but only ONE is actually TRUE. (According to the latest research from the Institute of Muggle Studies) Which is it?

a. Muggle-born witches/wizards are more likely to produce Squib children than those who have one or more wizarding parents.
b. Muggle-born witches/wizards usually have a witch or wizard ancestor somewhere in their family tree, though s/he may be generations back.
c. Muggle-born witches/wizards are generally less prone to certain magical illnesses than those who have one or more wizarding parent.
d. Muggle-born witches/wizards are generally slower to show signs of magic in childhood than those who have one or more wizarding parent.
e. Muggle-born witches/wizards have great natural rhythm.

17. 下列叙述中哪项是错误的?(根据麻瓜研究学会的最新研究)

a. 如果麻瓜有一根魔杖和一本咒语书,那么他们可以实现一些初级魔法。
b. 麻瓜有可能在无意中偶然发现诸如对角巷圣芒戈魔法伤病医院的魔法区域。
c. 麻瓜有可能看到并正确地辨认魔法生物。
d. 即使没有魔法的干预,麻瓜还是有可能在看到魔法生物后否认他们的存在。
e. 麻瓜有可能相信不可能的事。

17. Which of the following statements is FALSE? (According to the latest research from the Institute of Muggle Studies)

a. It is possible for a Muggle to produce elementary magic if they have access to a wand and a book of spells.
b. It is possible for a Muggle to inadvertently stumble upon magically protected areas such as Diagon Alley and St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.
c. It is possible for a Muggle to see and correctly identify magical creatures.
d. It is possible for a Muggle to see and yet deny the existence of magical creatures, even without magical intervention.
e. It is possible for a Muggle to believe in impossibilities.

18. 麻瓜是:

a. 愚昧的
b. 处在危险中的
c. 比巫师低等的
d. 对周围环境不敏感的
e. 有趣的
f. 生活中恼人的事实

18. Muggles are:

a. Ignorant
b. In danger
c. Inferior to wizards
d. Insensitive to their surroundings
e. Interesting
f. Irritating facts of life



第一部分 - 魔法史[]

Part One - Magical History

1. 在您看来,下列哪种原因最有利地促使了1692年国际巫师联合会保密法》的出台?选择一项

a. 麻瓜普遍迫害巫师的孩子
b. 麻瓜们强迫巫师为麻瓜使用魔法的情况增加
c. 麻瓜们强迫巫师教他们魔法的情况增加
d. 焚烧女巫的情况增多
e. 麻瓜被错当成女巫焚烧的情况增多
f. 魔法部代表团未能成功地向麻瓜国王与女王(威廉玛丽)请求麻瓜法律的保护

1. In your opinion, which of the following contributed MOST to the introduction of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy in 1692? Choose ONE.

a. widespread persecution of wizarding children by Muggles
b. escalating attempts by Muggles to force witches and wizards to perform magic for Muggle ends
c. escalating attempts by Muggles to force witches and wizards to teach them magic
d. increasing numbers of witch-burnings
e. increasing numbers of Muggles being burned in mistake for witches
f. failure of Ministry of Magic Delegation to Muggle King and Queen (William and Mary) begging for protection under Muggle law

2. 下列哪个原因不是引发17和18世纪血腥的妖精叛乱的原因?选择一项

a. 妖精国王莱格纳克一世认为戈德里克·格兰芬多偷走了他的宝剑
b. 追捕并拘禁兜售小矮妖金币不可靠的乌戈
c. 由于魔法部派来的巨怪保安未经训练,古灵阁的妖精纳格诺克意外死亡
d. 监禁臭名昭著、暴力的茧子手霍卓德,他曾试图杀死三个巫师
e. 一伙年轻的巫师把妖精激进主义分子邋遢鬼拉拉按进村中池塘
f. 1631年魔法部颁布的法令,禁止除巫师外的所有魔法生物持有魔杖

2. Which of the following did NOT provoke one of the bloody goblin rebellions of the 17th and 18th centuries? Choose ONE.

a. the allegation by goblin king Ragnuk the First that Godric Gryffindor had stolen his sword
b. the pursuit and imprisonment of Ug the Unreliable, who had been peddling Leprechaun gold
c. the accidental death of Nagnok, Gringotts Goblin, at the hands of an untrained security troll sent by the Ministry of Magic
d. the imprisonment of the notoriously violent Hodrod the Horny-Handed, who had attempted to kill three wizards
e. the public ducking in the village pond, by a gang of young wizards, of goblin activist Urg the Unclean
f. The Ministry of Magic Decree of 1631, preventing all magical beings other than wizards carrying a wand.

3. 据您估计,魔法部作出的哪项决定对当今巫师生活的影响最坏

a. 1692年通过的《国际巫师联合会保密法》。
b. 1973年驳回反对家养小精灵奴隶制的抗告案
c. 1980年代早期对巨人的驱逐,使他们全部躲藏起来
d. 1865年让妖精全权控制古灵阁的决定。
e. 1631年魔杖禁令,禁止非人类的魔法生物持有魔杖。

3. Choose the Ministry of Magic decision that, in your estimation, had the MOST DAMAGING effect on present day wizarding life.

a. The creation of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy in 1692.
b. The defeat of the Appeal Against House-Elf Slavery in 1973.
c. The drive into hiding of the surviving giants in the early 1980s.
d. The 1865 decision to leave full control of Gringotts in goblin hands.
e. The Wand Ban of 1631, which forbade Non-Human Magical Beings to carry wands.

4. 在您看来,魔法部作出的哪项决定对当今巫师生活的影像最好

a. 1692年通过的《国际巫师联合会保密法》。
b. 1973年对反对家养小精灵奴隶制的请求的驳回。
c. 1980年代早期对巨人的驱逐,使他们全部躲藏起来
d. 1865年让妖精全权控制古灵阁的决定。
e. 1631年的魔杖禁令,禁止非人类的魔法生物持有魔杖。

4. In your opinion, which of the same Ministry of Magic decisions have had the BEST effect on present day wizarding life?

a. The creation of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy in 1692.
b. The defeat of the Appeal Against House-Elf Slavery in 1973.
c. The drive into hiding of the surviving giants in the early 1980s.
d. The 1865 decision to leave full control of Gringotts in goblin hands.
e. The Wand Ban of 1631, which forbade Non-Human Magical Beings to carry wands.

5. 下列著名的历史学说中哪些已被证明是正确的?选择三项

a. 对角巷最老的建筑是古灵阁,周围的商店围绕它而建。
b. 在晚年时,萨拉查·斯莱特林霍格沃茨的其他创办者和解,返回城堡后逝世。
c. 麻瓜的“玫瑰战争”始于两个巫师邻居因毒牙天竺葵而起的争执。
d. 亨利八世的第二任妻子安妮·博林被麻瓜指控为女巫,但事实上是一个哑炮。
e. 一个由巫师和麻瓜组成的秘密任务小组曾协助盟军取得第二次世界大战的胜利。
f. 禁林起源于马人种群种植与呵护的树林。
g. 1666年伦敦大火并非像麻瓜相信的那样起于普丁巷面包店的火灾,而是在隔壁房间的地下室中有一只普通威尔士绿龙幼崽。
h. 霍格沃茨的分院帽1325年被一群捣乱的学生偷走并替换。真帽子至今仍下落不明。
i. 在1762年的战斗中死去后,妖精反抗者瓦戈特被发现实际上只是一只反叛的家养小精灵。
j. 霍格沃茨的地点和名称都是由罗伊娜·拉文克劳选定的,她梦到一头疣猪带着她来到一个湖边的悬崖上。

5. Which of the following popular historical theories have now been proven to be TRUE? Choose the correct THREE.

a. The oldest building in Diagon Alley is Gringotts Bank; the other shops grew up around it.
b. Towards the end of his life, Salazar Slytherin reconciled with the other Founders of Hogwarts School and returned to the castle to die.
c. The Muggle 'War of the Roses' began as a dispute between wizarding neighbours over a Fanged Geranium.
d. The second wife of King Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, was accused by Muggles of being a witch, but was actually a Squib.
e. A secret task force of Wizards and Muggles helped the Allies to victory in the Second World War.
f. The Forbidden Forest began life as a wood planted and tended by a centaur herd.
g. The Great Fire of London in 1666 was not, as Muggles believe, started by a blaze in a bakery in Pudding Lane, but by a young Welsh Green Dragon kept in the basement of the house next door.
h. The Sorting Hat of Hogwarts was stolen and substituted by a group of delinquent students in 1325. The whereabouts of the real hat remains unknown.
i. Upon his death in battle in 1762, goblin rebel Vargot was discovered to be a renegade house-elf.
j. The location and name of Hogwarts were both chosen by Rowena Ravenclaw, who dreamed that a warty hog was leading her to the cliff by the lake.

6. 找出魔法部部长在他/她任期内对应发生的大事,日期已给出。

6. Match the Minister for Magic with the major upheaval of his/her term in office, dates of which are marked.

6-1. 阿塔米希亚·露芙金 (1798年 - 1811年)
a. 被马人暗杀未遂
b. 哑炮维权游行期间的纯血统暴乱
c. 几名老威森加摩巫师退席抗议部长的任命
d. 坚持否认臭名昭著的黑巫师的存在,黑巫师出现在魔法部后部长被迫辞职。
e. 幽灵在魔法部游行(“抗议漂浮”)
f. 一个晚上,大规模的人违反《国际巫师联合会保密法》
6-1. Artemisia Lufkin (1798 - 1811)
a. Attempted assassination by centaur
b. Pureblood riots during Squib Rights marches
c. Several of the oldest Wizengamot wizards walk out in protest at Minister's appointment
d. Persistent denial of notorious Dark wizard's existence forces Minister's resignation after notorious Dark wizard appears at the Ministry of Magic
e. Ghost demonstrations at the Ministry of Magic ("protest floats")
f. A night of large-scale breaches of the International Wizarding Statute of Secrecy
6-2. 格罗根·斯顿普(1811 - 1819)
a. 被马人暗杀未遂
b. 哑炮维权游行期间的纯血统暴乱
c. 几名老威森加摩巫师退席抗议部长的任命
d. 坚持否认臭名昭著的黑巫师的存在,黑巫师出现在魔法部后部长被迫辞职。
e. 幽灵在魔法部游行(“抗议漂浮”)
f. 一个晚上,大规模的人违反《国际巫师联合会保密法》
6-2. Grogan Stump (1811 - 1819)
a. Attempted assassination by centaur
b. Pureblood riots during Squib Rights marches
c. Several of the oldest Wizengamot wizards walk out in protest at Minister's appointment
d. Persistent denial of notorious Dark wizard's existence forces Minister's resignation after notorious Dark wizard appears at the Ministry of Magic
e. Ghost demonstrations at the Ministry of Magic ("protest floats")
f. A night of large-scale breaches of the International Wizarding Statute of Secrecy
6-3. “喷子”法里斯·斯帕文 (1865 - 1903)
a. 被马人暗杀未遂
b. 哑炮维权游行期间的纯血统暴乱
c. 几名老威森加摩巫师退席抗议部长的任命
d. 坚持否认臭名昭著的黑巫师的存在,黑巫师出现在魔法部后部长被迫辞职。
e. 幽灵在魔法部游行(“抗议漂浮”)
f. 一个晚上,大规模的人违反《国际巫师联合会保密法》
6-3. Faris "Spout-Hole" Spavin (1865 - 1903)
a. Attempted assassination by centaur
b. Pureblood riots during Squib Rights marches
c. Several of the oldest Wizengamot wizards walk out in protest at Minister's appointment
d. Persistent denial of notorious Dark wizard's existence forces Minister's resignation after notorious Dark wizard appears at the Ministry of Magic
e. Ghost demonstrations at the Ministry of Magic ("protest floats")
f. A night of large-scale breaches of the International Wizarding Statute of Secrecy
6-4. 诺比·利奇 (1962 - 1968)
a. 被马人暗杀未遂
b. 哑炮维权游行期间的纯血统暴乱
c. 几名老威森加摩巫师退席抗议部长的任命
d. 坚持否认臭名昭著的黑巫师的存在,黑巫师出现在魔法部后部长被迫辞职。
e. 幽灵在魔法部游行(“抗议漂浮”)
f. 一个晚上,大规模的人违反《国际巫师联合会保密法》
6-4. Nobby Leach (1962 - 1968)
a. Attempted assassination by centaur
b. Pureblood riots during Squib Rights marches
c. Several of the oldest Wizengamot wizards walk out in protest at Minister's appointment
d. Persistent denial of notorious Dark wizard's existence forces Minister's resignation after notorious Dark wizard appears at the Ministry of Magic
e. Ghost demonstrations at the Ministry of Magic ("protest floats")
f. A night of large-scale breaches of the International Wizarding Statute of Secrecy
6-5. 米里森·巴格诺 (1980 - 1990)
a. 被马人暗杀未遂
b. 哑炮维权游行期间的纯血统暴乱
c. 几名老威森加摩巫师退席抗议部长的任命
d. 坚持否认臭名昭著的黑巫师的存在,黑巫师出现在魔法部后部长被迫辞职。
e. 幽灵在魔法部游行(“抗议漂浮”)
f. 一个晚上,大规模的人违反《国际巫师联合会保密法》
6-5. Millicent Bagnold (1980 - 1990)
a. Attempted assassination by centaur
b. Pureblood riots during Squib Rights marches
c. Several of the oldest Wizengamot wizards walk out in protest at Minister's appointment
d. Persistent denial of notorious Dark wizard's existence forces Minister's resignation after notorious Dark wizard appears at the Ministry of Magic
e. Ghost demonstrations at the Ministry of Magic ("protest floats")
f. A night of large-scale breaches of the International Wizarding Statute of Secrecy
6-6. 康奈利·福吉 (1990 - 1996)
a. 被马人暗杀未遂
b. 哑炮维权游行期间的纯血统暴乱
c. 几名老威森加摩巫师退席抗议部长的任命
d. 坚持否认臭名昭著的黑巫师的存在,黑巫师出现在魔法部后部长被迫辞职。
e. 幽灵在魔法部游行(“抗议漂浮”)
f. 一个晚上,大规模的人违反《国际巫师联合会保密法》
6-6. Cornelius Fudge (1990 - 1996)
a. Attempted assassination by centaur
b. Pureblood riots during Squib Rights marches
c. Several of the oldest Wizengamot wizards walk out in protest at Minister's appointment
d. Persistent denial of notorious Dark wizard's existence forces Minister's resignation after notorious Dark wizard appears at the Ministry of Magic
e. Ghost demonstrations at the Ministry of Magic ("protest floats")
f. A night of large-scale breaches of the International Wizarding Statute of Secrecy

第二部分 - 国际巫师界[]

Part Two - International Wizardry

7. 判断下列说法的正误

7. Mark the following statements True or False

7-1. 世界上每一个国家都有巫师。
a. 正确
b. 错误
7-1. There are witches and wizards living in every country in the world.
7-2. 有些国家存在巫师王室家族。
a. 正确
b. 错误
7-2. Some countries have wizard royal families.
7-3. 飞毯贸易在远东以外的地方均被禁止。
a. 正确
b. 错误
7-3. The trade in flying carpets has been banned everywhere except the Far East.
a. 正确
b. 错误
7-4.The world's largest Centre for Alchemical Studies is situated in Egypt.
7-5. 每个国家合法使用魔法的年龄限制不同。
a. 正确
b. 错误
7-5. The age at which magic may be performed legally varies from country to country.
7-6. 国家间幻影显形已被取缔,以防止严重的分体
a. 正确
b. 错误
7-6. Inter-country Apparition has been outlawed due to extreme Splinching.
7-7. 所有有巫师的国家都创办了魔法学校。
a. 正确
b. 错误
7-7. There is a wizarding school in every country where wizards and witches are found.
7-8. 在两个国家间使用门钥匙必须得到两个国家魔法部的批准。
a. 正确
b. 错误
7-8. Portkeys may be arranged between countries only with the consent of both nations' Ministries of Magic.
7-9. 除非猫头鹰已获得授权,否则送信猫头鹰跨越国际边界属于违法。
a. 正确
b. 错误
7-9. It is illegal to send mail-bearing owls across international borders unless the owl has been granted authorisation.
7-10. 最坚决反对《国际巫师联合会保密法》的地区是苏格兰
a. 正确
b. 错误
7-10. The most persistent offender against the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy is Scotland.

第三部分 - 魔法理论[]

Part Three - Magical Theory

8. 下列哪项是正确的?

a. 食物可以凭空变出
b. 所有物品都可以被变形为食物。
c. 食品可以增加、变形、从远处召唤或者进行魔法烹饪。
d. 不可将不可食用的东西变为可食用的东西。
e. 与食物相关的魔法是一些最简单的魔法。

8. Which of the following is CORRECT?

a. Food can be conjured out of thin air.
b. Any object can be transfigured into food.
c. Foodstuffs can be increased, transfigured, summoned from a distance and magically cooked.
d. It is impossible to make the inedible edible.
e. Food-related charms are some of the simplest forms of magic.

9. 下列哪项是不正确的?

a. 阿尼马格斯可以进行一种自我变形。
b. 阿尼马格斯可以对自己使用魔咒。
c. 阿尼马格斯能够使用的魔法既不是变形术也不是魔咒。

9. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

a. An Animagus is able to perform a kind of Self-Transfiguration.
b. An Animagus is able to perform a kind of Self-Charm.
c. An Animagus is able to perform a kind of magic that is NEITHER Transfiguration NOR Charm.

10. 下列哪项是可能的?

a. 不用正确的解药而治愈中毒的受害者
b. 不用正确的破解咒而治愈被诅咒的受害者
c. 在不知道原本样貌的情况下将人或物变形回原样
d. 将动物变形为人类
e. 以上全部
f. 以上都不是

10. Which of the following is/are POSSIBLE?

a. Curing a poisoned victim without the correct antidote
b. Curing a cursed victim without the correct counter-spell
c. Un-transfiguring a person or object without knowing what they were originally
d. Transfiguring animals into humans
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

11. 下列哪个/些是不可能的?

a. 将无生命的对象变形为有生命的对象
b. 将有生命的对象变形为无生命的对象
c. 使无生命的对象消失
d. 使有生命的对象消失
e. 以上全部
f. 以上都不是

11. Which of the following is/are IMPOSSIBLE?

a. Transfiguring inanimate objects into animate objects
b. Transfiguring animate objects into inanimate objects
c. Vanishing inanimate objects
d. Vanishing animate objects
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

第四部分 - 黑魔法[]

Part Four - Dark Magic

12. 您认为下列政策中哪两项会有助于魔法部与黑魔法展开斗争?

a. 销毁全部黑魔法咒语书
b. 在霍格沃茨从一年级起教授不可饶恕咒
c. 禁止销售全部能够用于黑魔法的商品
d. 对于确定的黑魔法犯罪,自动判处阿兹卡班终身监禁
e. 改善魔法部公共新闻处
f. 解除对霍格沃茨黑魔法防御术教师的诅咒
g. 说服大难不死的男孩参加反黑魔法的宣传活动

12. Which TWO of the following policies do you think would best serve the Ministry of Magic in its fight against the Dark Arts?

a. Destroy all Dark Arts spellbooks
b. Unforgivable Curses to be taught from year 1 at Hogwarts
c. Outlaw sale of all goods that can be used in the Dark Arts
d. Automatic life sentences in Azkaban for all convicted of Dark Arts crimes
e. Improve Ministry of Magic Public Information Services
f. Lift jinx on post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts
g. Persuade Boy Who Lived to front anti-Dark Arts publicity campaign

13. 下列哪一项是正确的?

a. 人只有在被黑魔法杀死后才会变为阴尸
b. 大脑封闭术能防止被人附身。
c. 热带气候不知道是否有摄魂怪
d. 诅咒强于毒咒,毒咒强于恶咒
e. 如果狼人满月交配,它们将会生下狼崽而非人类。

13. Which of the following is TRUE?

a. To become an Inferius, a person must have been murdered by Dark Magic.
b. Occlumency can guard against possession.
c. Dementors are unknown in tropical climates.
d. A curse is stronger than a hex, which is stronger than a jinx.
e. If a werewolf mates at the full moon, they will produce a cub rather than a human baby.

14. 下列哪一项是错误的?

a. 守护神的强度根据它们动物形态的不同而不同。
b. 在官方记录中,杀戮咒仅有一个幸存者。
c. 母夜叉只有低级魔法,这一点和巨怪相似。
d. 对钻心咒不存在抵御符咒。
e. 巨人在传统上就与黑魔法有同盟关系。

14. Which of the following is FALSE?

a. Patronuses vary in strength according to which animal's form they take.
b. There is only one documented case of a person surviving the Killing Curse.
c. Hags have only rudimentary magic, similar to that observed in trolls.
d. No defensive spell exists against the Cruciatus Curse.
e. Giants have traditionally allied themselves with the Dark Arts.

15. 指出能够破除下列危险生物、植物或魔药效果的符咒、物质或物品。

15. Match the dangerous being, plant or potion with the spell, substance or object that will conquer it.

15-1. 博格特
a. 乌头
b. 水仙
c. 粪石
d. 巧克力
e. 守护神咒
f. 火
g. 凤凰的眼泪
h. 滑稽滑稽
i. 阳光
j. 意志
k. 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨
l. 艾草
m. 无药可治
15-1. Boggart
a. Aconite
b. Asphodel
c. Bezoar
d. Chocolate
e. The Patronus Charm
f. Fire
g. Phoenix tears
h. Riddikulus
i. Sunlight
j. Will
k. Wingardium Leviosa
l. Wormwood
15-2. 摄魂怪
a. 乌头
b. 水仙
c. 粪石
d. 巧克力
e. 守护神咒
f. 火
g. 凤凰的眼泪
h. 滑稽滑稽
i. 阳光
j. 意志
k. 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨
l. 艾草
m. 无药可治
15-2. Dementor
a. Aconite
b. Asphodel
c. Bezoar
d. Chocolate
e. The Patronus Charm
f. Fire
g. Phoenix tears
h. Riddikulus
i. Sunlight
j. Will
k. Wingardium Leviosa
l. Wormwood
15-3. 魔鬼网
a. 乌头
b. 水仙
c. 粪石
d. 巧克力
e. 守护神咒
f. 火
g. 凤凰的眼泪
h. 滑稽滑稽
i. 阳光
j. 意志
k. 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨
l. 艾草
m. 无药可治
15-3. Devil's Snare
a. Aconite
b. Asphodel
c. Bezoar
d. Chocolate
e. The Patronus Charm
f. Fire
g. Phoenix tears
h. Riddikulus
i. Sunlight
j. Will
k. Wingardium Leviosa
l. Wormwood
15-4. 活地狱汤剂
a. 乌头
b. 水仙
c. 粪石
d. 巧克力
e. 守护神咒
f. 火
g. 凤凰的眼泪
h. 滑稽滑稽
i. 阳光
j. 意志
k. 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨
l. 艾草
m. 无药可治
15-4. Draught of Living Death
a. Aconite
b. Asphodel
c. Bezoar
d. Chocolate
e. The Patronus Charm
f. Fire
g. Phoenix tears
h. Riddikulus
i. Sunlight
j. Will
k. Wingardium Leviosa
l. Wormwood
15-5. 夺魂咒
a. 乌头
b. 水仙
c. 粪石
d. 巧克力
e. 守护神咒
f. 火
g. 凤凰的眼泪
h. 滑稽滑稽
i. 阳光
j. 意志
k. 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨
l. 艾草
m. 无药可治
15-5. Imperius Curse
a. Aconite
b. Asphodel
c. Bezoar
d. Chocolate
e. The Patronus Charm
f. Fire
g. Phoenix tears
h. Riddikulus
i. Sunlight
j. Will
k. Wingardium Leviosa
l. Wormwood
15-6. 阴尸
a. 乌头
b. 水仙
c. 粪石
d. 巧克力
e. 守护神咒
f. 火
g. 凤凰的眼泪
h. 滑稽滑稽
i. 阳光
j. 意志
k. 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨
l. 艾草
m. 无药可治
15-6. Inferi
a. Aconite
b. Asphodel
c. Bezoar
d. Chocolate
e. The Patronus Charm
f. Fire
g. Phoenix tears
h. Riddikulus
i. Sunlight
j. Will
k. Wingardium Leviosa
l. Wormwood
15-7. 狼人
a. 乌头
b. 水仙
c. 粪石
d. 巧克力
e. 守护神咒
f. 火
g. 凤凰的眼泪
h. 滑稽滑稽
i. 阳光
j. 意志
k. 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨
l. 艾草
m. 无药可治
15-7. Werewolf
a. Aconite
b. Asphodel
c. Bezoar
d. Chocolate
e. The Patronus Charm
f. Fire
g. Phoenix tears
h. Riddikulus
i. Sunlight
j. Will
k. Wingardium Leviosa
l. Wormwood



兹证明您已通过一级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have passed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 1 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade1 Outstanding
优秀 Outstanding
Your exemplary powers of deduction and a formidable knowledge of the inner workings of the magical world reveal you to be a witch or wizard of genuine skill and learning. This first examination has barely tested you. We look forward to challenging you to a further and more difficult examination in due course.
兹证明您已通过一级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have passed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 1 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade1 ExceedsExpectations
良好 Exceeds Expectations
做的不错——大部分表现很精彩!我们对您的魔法知识和您对魔法世界的洞察层次印象深刻。我们希望您会尝试我们不久后的下一个、也更困难的考试。 Well done – a most creditable performance! We are impressed by the breadth of your magical knowledge and your level of insight into the wizarding world. We hope that you will attempt our next, and more difficult, examination in due course.
兹证明您已通过一级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have passed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 1 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade1 Acceptable
及格 Acceptable
我们很高兴地告诉您,您已经通过了一级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试。您对魔法世界运作的知识证明了您真正的魔法潜力。我们希望您能够进一步学习,并尝试不久后的二级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试。 We are pleased to tell you that you have passed your Grade 1 W.O.M.B.A.T. Your knowledge of the workings of the wizarding world demonstrates real magical potential. We hope that you will continue to study further and attempt W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 2 in due course.
兹证明您未通过一级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have failed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 1 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade1 Poor
哎呀——我们很遗憾地通知您,您只差一点点就通过了一级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试。这可能是由于超出您控制之外的原因(比如:恶作剧精灵干扰、考试紧张或者羽毛笔发生故障)。请不要沮丧。另一场考试将在不久后进行,您应该再试一次。 Alas – we regret to inform you that you have narrowly failed your Grade 1 W.O.M.B.A.T. This may have been due to factors outside your control (eg: poltergeist intervention, examination nerves or a malfunctioning quill.) Please do not disconsolate. Another examination will present itself in due course, should you wish to try again.
兹证明您未通过一级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have failed W.O.M.B.A.T Grade 1 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade1 Dreadful
很差 Dreadful
我们遗憾地通知您,您没有通过一级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试。我们建议您对课本(哈利·波特1-6)进一步学习。如果您想再试一次,二级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试将在不久后进行。 We are sorry to inform you that you have failed your Grade 1 W.O.M.B.A.T. A little further study of the textbooks (Harry Potters 1- 6) is recommended. Should you wish to try again, a grade 2 W.O.M.B.A.T. will present itself in due course.
兹证明您未通过一级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have failed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 1 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade1 Troll
极差 Troll
您要不然是因为超出您控制之外的原因放弃了测试(比如:地震、恶作剧精灵袭击),要么您是一个巨怪,在这种情况下需要祝贺您有使用计算机的能力,并取得O.F.T的成绩(给巨怪的优秀)。 You would appear either to have abandoned the test due to factors outside your control (eg, earthquake, poltergeist attack), or else you are a troll, in which case you are to be congratulated on being able to use a computer and have achieved the grade of O.F.T. (Outstanding for Trolls).


兹证明您已通过二级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have passed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 2 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade2 Outstanding
优秀 Outstanding
您的成功令人赞赏,不少与您一样的男女巫师都没有通过!我们很高兴地通知您,您值得尊敬地以优异的成绩通过了考试。我们真切希望您能参加在不久后进行的W.O.M.B.A.T.第三次,也是最后一次测试。非常出色! You have succeeded admirably where many of your fellow witches and wizards have failed! We are delighted to inform you that you have passed with distinction and honour. We would most earnestly recommend that you proceed to the third, and final, W.O.M.B.A.T. in due course. Very well done indeed!
兹证明您已通过二级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have passed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 2 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade2 ExceedsExpectations
良好 Exceeds Expectations
考官们大多都对您深思熟虑且聪明的回答印象深刻,并且高兴地通知您,您的成绩远高于平均水平。您已经表现出了高水准的魔法知识。我们非常希望您能进一步学习,并最终参加几个月后的第三次,也是最后一次W.O.M.B.A.T.测试。 The examiners are most impressed by your thoughtful and intelligent answers and are pleased to inform you that your marks place you well above the average. You have demonstrated a high standard of magical knowledge. We hope very much that you will pursue your studies, culminating in the third and final W.O.M.B.A.T. in a few months' time.
兹证明您已通过二级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have passed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 2 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade2 Acceptable
及格 Acceptable
您基本达到了考官们的要求,他们高兴地通知您,您已经通过了二级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试。您显然是一个有能力和学问的巫师,我们也希望您能继续学习,并尝试不久后的第三次,也是最后一次W.O.M.B.A.T.测试。 You have comfortably satisfied the requirements of the examiners, who are pleased to inform you that you have passed your Grade 2 W.O.M.B.A.T. You are evidently a witch or wizard of skill and learning and we hope that you will continue your studies and attempt the third, and final, W.O.M.B.A.T. when examination time comes again.
兹证明您未通过二级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have failed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 2 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade2 Poor
我们很抱歉地通知您,您以微小的差距没有通过二级W.O.M.B.A.T.考试。我们希望这不会阻止您尝试不久后的三级测试。再此期间,我们建议您吃巧克力来避免摄魂怪的袭击。 We are sorry to have to inform you that you have failed your Grade 2 W.O.M.B.A.T. by the merest whisker. We hope that this will not dissuade you from attempting Grade 3 in due course. In the meantime, we advise chocolate to stave off a Dementor attack.
兹证明您未通过二级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have failed W.O.M.B.A.T Grade 2 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade2 Dreadful
很差 Dreadful
我们遗憾地通知您,您没有通过二级W.O.M.B.A.T.考试。我们建议您进一步学习课本(哈利·波特1-6)并服用一个疗程的专注胶囊。我们希望这种失望不会阻止您尝试不久后的三级测试。 We regret to say that you have failed your Grade 2 W.O.M.B.A.T. We would advise a little further study of the textbooks (Harry Potters 1 – 6) and a course of Concentration Capsules. We hope that this disappointment will not dissuade you from attempting Grade 3 W.O.M.B.A.T. in due course.
兹证明您未通过二级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have failed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 2 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade2 Troll
极差 Troll
尽管这是一个很难的考试,但取得零分也是一项了不起的成就。我们不得不得出结论,您要么是在就正规教育的无用性做一份叛逆的声明(也就是说您可能是妖精颠覆集团的成员),要么您就是一直忙着吃试卷,没有注意到问题(也就是说您是个巨怪)。 Although this was a difficult examination, it was quite an achievement for you to score zero. We are forced to conclude that you were either making a rebellious statement about the futility of formal education (in which case you are probably a member of a subversive goblin group), or that you were too busy attempting to eat the examination paper to notice the questions (in which case, you are a troll).


兹证明您已通过三级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have passed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 3 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade3 Outstanding
优秀 Outstanding
您是一个具有非凡天赋与卓识的巫师。只有极少数考生能在三级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试中取得“优秀”成绩。您是否曾考虑过在霍格沃茨魔法学校教书?来自这些高素质人选的申请猫头鹰总是很受欢迎的。衷心祝贺! You are a witch or wizard of extraordinary flair and sagacity. Very few candidates achieve 'Outstanding' at Grade 3 W.O.M.B.A.T. Have you ever considered a teaching post at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Application owls from such highly qualified candidates are always welcome. Heartiest congratulations!
兹证明您已通过三级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have passed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 3 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade3 ExceedsExpectations
良好 Exceeds Expectations
这一优异成绩证明您是一个相当博学的巫师。您已经证明了您是学术精英的一员,而巫师考试管理局对您的考卷印象深刻。魔法部一直在寻找像您这样有才华的新人,并欢迎您的申请猫头鹰。非常出色! This excellent result proves you to be a witch or wizard of considerable learning. You have proven yourself to be part of the academic elite, and the Wizarding Examinations Authority was most impressed by your paper. The Ministry of Magic is always on the lookout for accomplished recruits such as yourself and would welcome your application owl. Very well done indeed!
兹证明您已通过三级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have passed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 3 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade3 Acceptable
及格 Acceptable
您已经通过了最后也是最难的W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,值得高度赞扬。您的许多同伴都没有那么幸运。如果您希望进入任何有名气的巫师企业,您的新资质将会对您非常有利。丽痕书店光轮比赛扫帚公司韦斯莱魔法把戏坊目前都在招聘,并会很高兴受到您的申请猫头鹰。 You have passed the final and most difficult W.O.M.B.A.T and are to be highly commended. Many of your fellow candidates were less fortunate. Your new qualification will stand you in good stead should you wish to join any of our more prestigious wizarding firms. Flourish & Blotts, the Nimbus Broom Company and Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes are all currently recruiting, and would be delighted to receive an application owl.
兹证明您未通过三级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have failed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 3 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade3 Poor
不要气馁。您只是差一点就通过了这次最为严格的考试,在进行一点点学习就一定能够通过。您尽的很大努力应当值得祝贺。我们建议您参加一次夜校填鸭式课程。派一只猫头鹰向快速念咒公司索要关于W.O.M.B.A.T.测试突击复习课程的完整信息。 Do not be disheartened. You have only narrowly failed this most demanding examination, and with a little further study would be sure to pass. You are to be congratulated on a good attempt. We recommend a crammer course of evening classes. Send an owl for full details of the Wallop the Wombat Revision Course, available from the Kwikspell Company.
兹证明您未通过三级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have failed W.O.M.B.A.T Grade 3 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade3 Dreadful
很差 Dreadful
不要太在意您的成绩,因为这是一个非常难的考试。2007年7月21日会有一本新的课本,可以让您进行进一步学习。在此期间安慰一下自己,想想还有好多人得了极差的成绩。 Do not take your grade too much to heart, for this was an extremely difficult examination. A new textbook will be available on July 21st 2007, which will enable more effective study. In the meantime, console yourself with the thought that there were a large number of Trolls.
兹证明您未通过三级W.O.M.B.A.T.测试,成绩为 This is to certify that you have failed W.O.M.B.A.T. Grade 3 and have been awarded the classification of WOMBAT Grade3 Troll
极差 Troll
您取得负分的结果引人注目。考官们对这一成就印象深刻,并且要求亲自对您进行采访,以确认您是个真正的呼噜俱乐部地下党,还是某个有颠覆性的天才。用猫头鹰(最好是活的、没有缺胳膊少腿的、带着信的)给魔法部巫师考试管理局格丝尔达·玛奇班(CDMG、APMO、fdBB)发一封信,以对采访进行安排。 You achieved the remarkable result of having a negative score. The examiners were rather impressed by this achievement, and have asked to interview you in person to ascertain whether you are truly a grunting club-wielder, or some kind of subversive genius. Send an owl (preferably alive, un-mangled and carrying a letter) to Griselda Marchbanks, CDMG, APMO, fdBB, Wizarding Examinations Authority, Ministry of Magic, to arrange an interview.


  • W.O.M.B.A.T.测试是J.K.罗琳的官方网站在2012年改版前提供的一系列测试。由于这里呈现的一部分是“哈利·波特”中的细节,因此从题目中可以挖掘出一些新的信息。
  • 有趣的是,J.K.罗琳的丈夫尼尔·穆雷做第一次W.O.M.B.A.T.测试的题目只得了“合格”的成绩,而妻子在编写测试题时,他也在那间屋子里,并且还能听到她把答案大声地读出来。这让他不敢再做后面两次测试[1]



  1. 参见J.K.罗琳PotterCast采访。