← | 最新消息 | 報喪鴉漢斯歸來 Return of Hans the Augurey 作者:J.K.羅琳 2014年6月9日 |
日本對尼日利亞 | → |
最初發布於Pottermore,作為刊登在《預言家晚報》上的魁地奇世界盃賽報道 |
From the Daily Prophet's Quidditch correspondent in the Patagonian desert, Ginny Potter. | |
列支敦士登的吉祥物今晚已經重新回到他定製的圍欄中,但這一切都是在進行高層磋商之後才完成的。高層消息人士可以證實列支敦士登魔法部部長和MACUSA(美國魔法國會)主席簡單地交換了對漢斯下落的擔憂,而漢斯則在美國戰勝列支敦士登的四分之一決賽後被狂熱的美國球迷綁架。 |
The Liechtenstein mascot is tonight back in his customised pen, but not before negotiations for his return reached the highest levels. Highly placed sources can confirm that the Liechtenstein Minister for Magic and the President of MACUSA (Magical Congress of the United States of America) exchanged terse owls concerning the whereabouts of Hans, who was kidnapped by enthusiastic American fans following their victory over Liechtenstein in the quarter-finals. |
「我們非常高興地告訴大家,這個惡作劇已經通過友好合作的方式解決,」塞繆爾·G·寇豪格主席宣布說,「相信漢斯沒有因為短暫冒險而受到影響。」 |
'We are delighted to report that this prank has ended in a friendly and cooperative fashion,' announced President Samuel G. Quahog, 'and trust that Hans is none the worse for his little adventure.' |
「很高興美國把我們心愛的吉祥物還了回來,」奧托·奧博梅爾部長說道,「神奇動物學家目前正在密切關注漢斯是否出現不良反應。如果有任何發現,我們當然會要求ICWQC立即取消美國隊的世界盃參賽資格。」 |
'We are very pleased that the Americans have returned our beloved mascot,' said Minister Otto Obermeier. 'Magizoologists are currently keeping Hans under close observation for ill effects. If any are discovered we will of course lobby the ICWQC for the USA's immediate disqualification from the World Cup.' |
忙碌的ICWQC官員回應說:「你看,我們得在前晚美國慶祝活動過後,給生活在沙漠周邊的大約2000個麻瓜使用大量記憶咒,這還不算飛機上的。我不是說要讓那些美國人回家。不是那個意思。去給鳥餵點小仙子,讓我一個人呆會。」 |
A harried ICWQC official responded: 'Look, we've had to perform mass Memory Charms on about 2000 Muggles living on the edge of the desert after the American celebrations last night, and don't get me started on the planes. I'm not telling the Americans they're going home. Not doing it. Just feed the bird some fairies and leave me alone.' |
- 報喪鴉漢斯歸來. J.K.羅琳. Pottermore (英語).
- 2014年魁地奇世界盃賽:《預言家日報》報道. J.K.羅琳. Pottermore (英語).