关于小说 About the Books 作者:J.K.罗琳 |
曾发布于旧版J.K.罗琳的官方网站的常见问题解答 |
你的想法是从哪来的? |
Where do you get your ideas? |
你是从哪弄到的这些名字? |
Where do you get your names? |
谁是拉文克劳学院的院长? |
Who is the head of Ravenclaw House? |
为什么马库斯·弗林特在霍格沃茨多读了一年? |
Why did Marcus Flint do an extra year at Hogwarts? |
在《密室》里,如果金妮死了、汤姆·里德尔逃出日记的话会发生什么? |
In 'Chamber of Secrets', what would have happened if Ginny had died and Tom Riddle had escaped the diary? |
In 'Prisoner of Azkaban', why couldn't the Ministry of Magic have sent Sirius an owl, and then followed it, to find him? | |
在《火焰杯》的结尾,哈利的父母是以什么顺序从魔杖离冒出来的? |
At the end of 'Goblet of Fire', in which order should Harry's parents have come out of the wand? |
哈利在《火焰杯》的结尾是怎么拿回活点地图的? |
How did Harry get the Marauder's Map back at the end of 'Goblet of Fire'? |
为什么哈利在《凤凰社》里才能看到夜骐?他目睹了父母、奇洛和塞德里克的死亡,他不是应该早早就能看到了吗? |
Why could Harry see the Thestrals 'Order of the Phoenix'? Shouldn't he have been able to see them much earlier, because he saw his parents/Quirrell/Cedric die? |
为什么哈利在《凤凰社》里非得忘记小天狼星给他的那面镜子呢? |
Why did Harry have to forget the mirror he had been given by Sirius in 'Order of the Phoenix'? |
哈利在邓布利多的办公室听到的那个预言让我感觉他和伏地魔最后都得死,是这样吗? |
The prophecy Harry hears in Dumbledore's office suggests to me that both he and Voldemort will have to die, is that true? |
你会在第七部之后继续写哈利·波特的书吗? |
Will you write more Harry Potter books after the seventh? |
每本书都会比之前的厚吗? |
Is every book going to be bigger than the previous one? |
第七本书叫什么名字? |
What is the seventh book going to be called? |
能不能出一些哈利·波特的杂志? |
Could there be some Harry Potter magazines produced? |
请问会出一本霍格沃茨的符咒书吗? |
Could there please be a book of Hogwart spells? |
赫敏爱的人是罗恩还是哈利? |
Does Hermione love Ron or Harry? |
级长有权力扣分吗?《密室》里有个级长给格兰芬多扣了分,但后来又提到了级长不能扣分。规定到底是怎样的? |
Can prefects take points or not? A prefect took points from Gryffindor in the Chamber of Secrets, and then there was a reference to prefects not being allowed to dock points. What are the rules? |
如果有的话,马克·伊万斯有什么特别的么? |
What is the significance, if any, of Mark Evans? |
“Hermione”应该怎么读? |
How do you pronounce 'Hermione?' |
邓布利多寄给佩妮姨妈的吼叫信是什么意思?(“记住我最后的”?) |
What did Dumbledore's Howler to Aunt Petunia mean? ('Remember my last'?) |
《哈利·波特与“混血王子”》和《哈利·波特与密室》是以什么样的方式联系到一起的? |
In what way is 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' related to 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets'? |
汤姆·里德尔是混血王子么? |
Is Tom Riddle the Half-Blood Prince? |
为什么魔法世界中的一些人(比如哈利)尽管父母是巫师,仍然被看作是“混血统”? |
Why are some people in the wizarding world (e.g., Harry) called 'half-blood' even though both their parents were magical? |
Will Arthur Weasley be the new Minister for Magic? | |
詹姆被杀死前,他和卢平互换过身体吗? |
Did James and Lupin switch bodies before James was killed? |
你喜欢小天狼星·布莱克吗? |
Do you like Sirius Black? |
如果一个老师是某个学院的院长,我们能否假定他们当年在霍格沃茨时也被分进了那个学院?对于学院的幽灵也是这样么?那斯内普是不是斯莱特林的呢? |
If a teacher is head of a house, can we assume that they were sorted into those houses when they were students at Hogwarts? Is that also true for the house ghosts? So was Snape a Slytherin? |
You said recently that Charlie was two years older than Percy. If that's so, he would have been the Seeker in Harry's first year. Can you clarify his and Bill's ages for us? | |
如果科林的相机是麻瓜照相机,那它是怎么在霍格沃茨里工作的呢(《密室》)? |
How did Colin's camera work inside Hogwarts if it was a Muggle camera ("Chamber of Secrets")? |
为什么弗雷德和乔治之前就没在活点地图上注意到小矮星彼得呢(《阿兹卡班囚徒》)? |
Why didn't Fred and George notice Peter Pettigrew on the Marauder's Map before ("Prisoner of Azkaban")? |
皮皮鬼能嚼口香糖,它作为幽灵是怎么做到的?(差点没头的尼克就没法吃东西) |
Peeves chews gum, how can he when he is a ghost? (Nearly Headless Nick can't eat). |
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你会杀死更多的角色吗? |
Are you going to kill any more characters? |
为什么《火焰杯》里你让小矮妖的金币消失,而哈利没有注意到? |
Why did you make the Leprechaun gold disappear in "Goblet of Fire" and Harry not notice? |
你每天都会写作吗? |
Do you write every day? |
你相信命运么? |
Do you believe in fate? |
How did Fred and George get their names, is it from the twins in "Gone With the Wind", they were both red headed boys? | |
你说过人们不可以在霍格沃茨幻影显形或移形,但多比却可以,这是为什么? |
You say that people cannot Apparate or Disapparate within Hogwarts and yet Dobby manages it, why is this? |
第六本小说里会有“卢平的论文”和“法庭上的洛夫古德”这两章吗? |
Will there be two chapters in the sixth book called 'Lupin's Papers' and 'The Lovegoods in Court'? |
亨利克·易卜生的《野鸭》里的人物海德维格是不是对哈利的猫头鹰的取名产生了影响? |
Did the character Hedvig in Henrik Ibsen's "The Wild Duck" influence the naming of Harry Potter's owl? |
在《魔法石》里,佩妮姨妈说莉莉从霍格沃茨回来的时候,口袋里装着青蛙卵,还把茶杯都变成了老鼠。如果是真的,那莉莉为什么没被开除? |
In "Philosopher's Stone" Aunt Petunia says that Lily came back from Hogwarts with frog spawn in her pockets and turned teacups into rats. If this is true, why wasn't Lily expelled? |
科林·克里维的照相机为什么能用云云? |
Why did Colin Creevey's camera work etc? |
为什么有声读物/其他译文版通常不和英文版同时出版? |
Why haven't the audio/other translations generally come out at the same time as the English edition? |
纳威作为预言可能指代的另一个男孩有什么意义呢? |
What is the significance of Neville being the other boy to whom the prophecy might have referred? |
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戈德里克山谷:是街、是房子、还是树……?[麻瓜网/哈利·波特词典的问题——也有很多书迷来信问过] |
Godric's Hollow: street, house, tree…? [Mugglenet/Lexicon question - also asked a lot in fan mail] |
在你的网站上,你用“劫盗者”来指代詹姆和他的朋友。他们是真的这么叫,还是你借用了书迷的称呼?[麻瓜网/哈利·波特词典的问题] |
On your website, you used the term "marauders" to refer to James and his friends. Were they actually called that or are you just borrowing the fan term? [Mugglenet/Lexicon question] |
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Is Theodore Nott the "stringy" Slytherin mentioned in the Thestral class scene? If he isn't, who is that boy? [Mugglenet/Lexicon question] | |
赫敏魔杖的杖芯是什么?[有很多人问] |
What is the core of Hermione's wand? [asked by vast numbers of people] |
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赫敏来霍格沃茨的时候,她是快十一岁了还是快十二岁了?[也是有很多人问] |
When Hermione arrived at Hogwarts, was she nearly eleven or nearly twelve? [also asked by vast numbers of people] |
英国魔法世界里的年轻人全都去霍格沃茨吗?譬如说,斯坦·桑帕克上过霍格沃茨吗?还是说霍格沃茨只是一所专门招收特别擅长魔法的人的学校,其他人则不经过正规教育就开始工作了?[麻瓜网/哈利·波特词典的问题] |
Do all young people in Britain's Wizarding World go to Hogwarts? For example, did Stan Shunpike attend Hogwarts? Or is Hogwarts a school just for those who are particularly good at magic while others go into trades without formal schooling? [Mugglenet/Lexicon question] |
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你开始写第七本小说了吗? |
Have you started writing book seven yet? |
你喜欢《“混血王子”》么? |
Do you like 'Half-Blood Prince'? |
How did you feel about the POA filmmakers leaving the Marauder's Map's background out of the story? (A Mugglenet/Lexicon question) | |
弗立维是个矮个子的人,还是其他什么生物?(麻瓜网/哈利·波特词典的问题) |
Is Flitwick a short human or is he some other type of being? (A Mugglenet/Lexicon question) |
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出现在著名巫师画片上的内容真的是你写的吗?就这一点而言,那电影里的那些符咒呢?是你发明的,还是斯蒂夫·科洛夫斯发明的?起初为什么要在电影里创造新的咒语?(例如:“火焰熊熊”变成“星火引燃”)(麻瓜网/哈利·波特词典的问题) |
Did you actually write the information that ended up on the Famous Wizard cards? For that matter, what about the spells in the films? Did you invent those or did Steve Kloves? And why were new incantations created for the movie in the first place? (Example: "Incendio" to "Lacarnum Inflamari".) (A Mugglenet/Lexicon question) |
凤凰社的成员是怎么互相通信的呢? |
So how DO the members of the Order of the Phoenix communicate with each other? |
Are all the pure-blood families going to die out? (We've lost the Blacks and the Crouches during the series) | |
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巫师家的小孩在去霍格沃茨之前会接受什么样的教育? |
What education do the children of wizards have before going to Hogwarts? |
尼可·勒梅出现在了《达芬奇密码》里,你是从那本书里借鉴的这个名字吗? |
Nicholas Flamel is in the book 'the Da Vinci Code', did you get his name from there? |
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When the Marauder's Map is insulting Snape, how did Prongs write his insult as he's dead? | |
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We haven't heard the school song since the first book. Did the teachers rebel against it? | |
第四本书里的吐真剂在从疯眼汉穆迪口中了解真相时起到了重要作用。那为什么——比如说——不在同一本书里提到的审讯中使用呢?这样来解决小天狼星·布莱克是否有罪的问题不是更容易吗? |
Veritaserum plays a big part in finding out the truth from Mad-Eye Moody in book four. Why then is it not used for example in the trials mentioned in the same book? It would be much easier in solving problems like whether Sirius Black was guilty or not? |
魂器“Horcrux”的复数形式是不是“Horcri”? |
Is the plural of 'Horcrux' 'Horcri?' |
“死亡圣器”是什么意思? |
What does 'Deathly Hallows' mean? |
您能告诉我们,你考虑的另外两个书名是什么吗? |
Please will you tell us what were the other two titles you considered? |
Are Alecto and Amycus (the two sibling Death Eaters) the Carrows mentioned by Snape in Spinner's End? | |
What houses were Tonks and Myrtle in? | |
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德拉科·马尔福的守护神是什么? |
What is Draco Malfoy's Patronus? |
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我们在第六本书中了解到,梅洛普·冈特在除夕夜蹒跚来到孤儿院,“不到一小时”就生下了汤姆·里德尔。那伏地魔是生于12月31日还是1月1日? |
We learned in book six that Merope Gaunt staggered into the orphanage of New Year's Eve and gave birth to Tom Riddle 'within the hour'. Was Voldemort born on December 31st or January 1st? |
What are the properties of Draco's wand? Can we assume that its wood is hawthorn, as per the chart on your site? | |
《死亡圣器》第35章中,哈利在国王十字车站看到的那个残缺不全的婴儿状生物到底是什么? |
What exactly was the mutilated baby-like creature Harry saw at King's Cross in chapter 35 of 'Hallows'? |
What exactly happened when Voldemort used the Avada Kedavra curse on Harry in the forest? | |
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为什么叫“苏格兰书”? |
Why 'The Scottish Book'? |
如果保密人死了,秘密会怎么样呢? |
What happens to a secret when the Secret-Keeper dies? |
- 常见问题解答:关于小说. J.K.罗琳. J.K.罗琳的官方网站 (英语).